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Getting to know R

EC 425/525, Lab 1

Edward Rubin

08 April 2019

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Get to know R

  1. Basic features of R
  2. Fun with functions
  3. OLS (canned and custom)
  4. Simulations
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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.

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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

Objects have types/classes.

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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

Objects have types/classes.

  • 1, 2/3, and are numeric.
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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

Objects have types/classes.

  • 1, 2/3, and are numeric.

  • "Hello" and 'cruel world' are both character.

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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

Objects have types/classes.

  • 1, 2/3, and are numeric.

  • "Hello" and 'cruel world' are both character.

  • TRUE, T, FALSE, and F are logical (as is the result of 3 > 2).

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R intro

Object types/classes

As we discussed in class, R revolves around objects, e.g., test <- 123.
Note You can also assign values to objects via =, e.g., test = 123.

Objects have types/classes.

  • 1, 2/3, and are numeric.

  • "Hello" and 'cruel world' are both character.

  • TRUE, T, FALSE, and F are logical (as is the result of 3 > 2).

The class(x) function tells you the class of object x.

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R intro

Object types/classes

#> [1] 1
"Clever/funny example words?"
#> [1] "Clever/funny example words?"
3 < 2
#> [1] FALSE
"Warriors" > "Bucks"
#> [1] TRUE
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R intro

Object types/classes

#> [1] 1
"Clever/funny example words?"
#> [1] "Clever/funny example words?"
3 < 2
#> [1] FALSE
"Warriors" > "Bucks"
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "numeric"
class("Clever/funny example words?")
#> [1] "character"
class(3 < 2)
#> [1] "logical"
class("Warriors" > "Bucks")
#> [1] "logical"
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R intro


In addition to having types/classes, objects have some type of structure.

  • 1:3, c(1, 2), and seq(2, 8, 2) each produce a numeric-class vector.
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R intro


In addition to having types/classes, objects have some type of structure.

  • 1:3, c(1, 2), and seq(2, 8, 2) each produce a numeric-class vector.

  • c("Alright", "already") produces a vector of character class.

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R intro


In addition to having types/classes, objects have some type of structure.

  • 1:3, c(1, 2), and seq(2, 8, 2) each produce a numeric-class vector.

  • c("Alright", "already") produces a vector of character class.

  • c(1, 3, T, "Hello") produces a vector of character class.

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R intro


In addition to having types/classes, objects have some type of structure.

  • 1:3, c(1, 2), and seq(2, 8, 2) each produce a numeric-class vector.

  • c("Alright", "already") produces a vector of character class.

  • c(1, 3, T, "Hello") produces a vector of character class.

  • matrix(data = 1:15, ncol = 5) creates a matrix with class from data.

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R intro


In addition to having types/classes, objects have some type of structure.

  • 1:3, c(1, 2), and seq(2, 8, 2) each produce a numeric-class vector.

  • c("Alright", "already") produces a vector of character class.

  • c(1, 3, T, "Hello") produces a vector of character class.

  • matrix(data = 1:15, ncol = 5) creates a matrix with class from data.

  • data.frame(x = 1:2, y = c("a", "b"), z = T) produces a data.frame with three columns and two rows. The first column (x) is numeric; the second column (y) is character, and the third column (z) is logical.

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R intro

Object types

Our matrix

matrix(data = 1:15, ncol = 5)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] 1 4 7 10 13
#> [2,] 2 5 8 11 14
#> [3,] 3 6 9 12 15
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R intro

Object types

Our matrix

matrix(data = 1:15, ncol = 5)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] 1 4 7 10 13
#> [2,] 2 5 8 11 14
#> [3,] 3 6 9 12 15

Our first data.frame!

data.frame(x = 1:3, y = T)
#> x y
#> 1 1 TRUE
#> 2 2 TRUE
#> 3 3 TRUE
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R intro

Object types

Our matrix

matrix(data = 1:15, ncol = 5)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,] 1 4 7 10 13
#> [2,] 2 5 8 11 14
#> [3,] 3 6 9 12 15

Our first data.frame!

data.frame(x = 1:3, y = T)
#> x y
#> 1 1 TRUE
#> 2 2 TRUE
#> 3 3 TRUE

Notice how R helps 'fill' out the columns when lengths don't match.

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R intro

Object types

R can help you check object's type.

class(matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))
#> [1] "matrix"
is.matrix(matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))
#> [1] TRUE, ncol = 3))
#> [1] FALSE
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R intro

Object types

R can help you check object's type.

class(matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))
#> [1] "matrix"
is.matrix(matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))
#> [1] TRUE, ncol = 3))
#> [1] FALSE
class(data.frame(x = 1:3))
#> [1] "data.frame"
is.matrix(data.frame(x = 1:3))
#> [1] FALSE = 1:3))
#> [1] TRUE
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R intro

Object types/classes

Q What happens when we mix classes, e.g., c(12, "B", F)?

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R intro

Object types/classes

Q What happens when we mix classes, e.g., c(12, "B", F)?

A R applies the class that can apply to all objects.

c(12, "B")
#> [1] "12" "B"
c(12, F)
#> [1] 12 0
c("B", F)
#> [1] "B" "FALSE"
c(12, "B", F)
#> [1] "12" "B" "FALSE"
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R intro

Changing types and classes

Change numbers to characters.

#> [1] "1" "2" "3"

Change logical to numeric.

as.numeric(c(T, F))
#> [1] 1 0

Change vector to matrix.

#> [,1]
#> [1,] 1
#> [2,] 2
#> [3,] 3
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R intro


Straight out of the box, R has a ton of useful features, but it really gets its power from the additional packages (libraries) that users create.

  • Open-source greatness Users find needs and create amazing solutions.

  • Caveat utilitor There are a lot of packages, each with a lot of functions. Mistakes can happen.

  • Open-source greatness2 Again, R is open source: Check the code!

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R intro


Straight out of the box, R has a ton of useful features, but it really gets its power from the additional packages (libraries) that users create.

  • Open-source greatness Users find needs and create amazing solutions.

  • Caveat utilitor There are a lot of packages, each with a lot of functions. Mistakes can happen.

  • Open-source greatness2 Again, R is open source: Check the code!
    (Maybe. Sometimes it's very hard.)

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R intro


Straight out of the box, R has a ton of useful features, but it really gets its power from the additional packages (libraries) that users create.

  • Open-source greatness Users find needs and create amazing solutions.

  • Caveat utilitor There are a lot of packages, each with a lot of functions. Mistakes can happen.

  • Open-source greatness2 Again, R is open source: Check the code!
    (Maybe. Sometimes it's very hard.)

Examples ggplot2 (plotting), dplyr (data work that can link with SQL), sf and raster (geospatial work), lfe (high-dimensional fixed-effect regression), data.table (fast and efficient data work)

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R intro

Installing packages

Once you find a function/package that you need to install, you'll typically install it via install.packages("newAmazingPackage").††

Tool #1: Google.  †† The quotation marks are important.

We'll use the package dplyr throughout the course. Let's install it.

# Install 'dplyr' package
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R intro

Installing packages

Once you find a function/package that you need to install, you'll typically install it via install.packages("newAmazingPackage").††

Tool #1: Google.  †† The quotation marks are important.

We'll use the package dplyr throughout the course. Let's install it.

# Install 'dplyr' package

Aside Notice the comment above the actual code (R uses # for comments).

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R intro

Installing packages

Once you find a function/package that you need to install, you'll typically install it via install.packages("newAmazingPackage").††

Tool #1: Google.  †† The quotation marks are important.

We'll use the package dplyr throughout the course. Let's install it.

# Install 'dplyr' package

Aside Notice the comment above the actual code (R uses # for comments).
While not necessary for R to work, comments are necessary for research.

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R intro

Using packages

Once you install a package, it is on your machine.

You don't need to install it again—though you probably should update them from time to time.

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R intro

Using packages

Once you install a package, it is on your machine.

You don't need to install it again—though you probably should update them from time to time.

To load a package, use the library(package) function, e.g., to load dplyr

Notice library() doesn't need quotation marks. I know...

# Load 'dplyr'
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R intro

Using packages

Once you install a package, it is on your machine.

You don't need to install it again—though you probably should update them from time to time.

To load a package, use the library(package) function, e.g., to load dplyr

Notice library() doesn't need quotation marks. I know...

# Load 'dplyr'

Now all functions contained in dplyr are available (until you close R).

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R intro

Package management

All of this installing, loading, updating, checking-for-existance-and-then-loading can get old.

As can typing library(pacakge1), library(package2), ...

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R intro

Package management

All of this installing, loading, updating, checking-for-existance-and-then-loading can get old.

As can typing library(pacakge1), library(package2), ...

[Enter] The pacman package... for package management, of course.

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R intro

Package management

All of this installing, loading, updating, checking-for-existance-and-then-loading can get old.

As can typing library(pacakge1), library(package2), ...

[Enter] The pacman package... for package management, of course.

After installing (install.packages("pacman")), you can

  • Install and load packages via p_load(package1, ..., packageN)

  • Update packages via p_update()

The p_load paradigm is especially helpful for collaboarations or projects across multiple machines.

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R intro

Math in R

Basic algebra: scalars a and b

# Addition
a + b
# Subtraction
a - b
# Multiplication
a * b
# Division
a / b
# Mod
a %% b
# Integer division
a %/% b
# Exponents
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R intro

Math in R

Basic algebra: scalars a and b

# Addition
a + b
# Subtraction
a - b
# Multiplication
a * b
# Division
a / b
# Mod
a %% b
# Integer division
a %/% b
# Exponents

Matrix algebra: matrices A and B

# Addition
A + B
# Subtraction
A - B
# Multiplication
A %*% B
# Inverse
# Transpose
# Diagonal
# Dimensions
dim(A); nrow(A); ncol(A)
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R intro


One great feature in R: vectorization.

With vectorization, R automatically applies functions to each element of a vector—no iteration required.

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R intro


# Multiply a scalar by a scalar
3 * 4
#> [1] 12
# Multiply a scalar by a vector
3 * c(4, 5, 6)
#> [1] 12 15 18
# Multiply a vector by a vector
1:3 * c(4, 5, 6)
#> [1] 4 10 18

Vectorization can be confusing.

c(0.5, 0.9) + c(1, 2, 3)
#> [1] 1.5 2.9 3.5

R will send you a warning, but it won't stop you.

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R intro

Statistics in R

Summaries for samples x and y

# Mean
# Median
# Std. dev. and variance
# Min. and max.
# Correlation/covariance
cor(x, y)
cov(x, y)
# Quartiles and mean
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R intro

Statistics in R

Summaries for samples x and y

# Mean
# Median
# Std. dev. and variance
# Min. and max.
# Correlation/covariance
cor(x, y)
cov(x, y)
# Quartiles and mean


# Set the seed
# 4 random draws from N(3,5)
rnorm(n = 4, mean = 3, sd = sqrt(5))
# CDF for N(0,1) at z=1.96
pnorm(q = 1.96, mean = 0, sd = 1)
# Sample 5 draws from x w/ repl.
x = x,
size = 5,
replace = T
# First and last 3
head(x, 3)
tail(x, 3)
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R intro

Indexing vectors

Because vectors are so central to R, being able to index your vectors is important. Note: Vectors have one dimension.

Take the vector x (e.g., x <- c(2, 4, 6, 9)).

  • x[3] will give us the third element of the vector—i.e., 6.
  • x[2:3] will give us the second and third elements—i.e., c(4, 6).
  • x[-1] returns all elements except the firsti.e., c(4, 6, 9).
  • x[2] <- 0 replaces the second element with 0i.e., c(2, 0, 6, 9).
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R intro

Indexing vectors

Because vectors are so central to R, being able to index your vectors is important. Note: Vectors have one dimension.

Take the vector x (e.g., x <- c(2, 4, 6, 9)).

  • x[3] will give us the third element of the vector—i.e., 6.
  • x[2:3] will give us the second and third elements—i.e., c(4, 6).
  • x[-1] returns all elements except the firsti.e., c(4, 6, 9).
  • x[2] <- 0 replaces the second element with 0i.e., c(2, 0, 6, 9).

Lists, e.g., list(1, 2, 3), are similar but use double brackets, e.g., y[[3]].

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R intro

Indexing matrices

Because matrices (and data frames) have two dimensions, we need to index both dimensions.

For matrix A (e.g., A <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))

  • A[3,1] references the element in the 3rd row and 1st column.
  • A[3,] references all elements in the 3rd row (across all columns).
  • A[,1] references all elements in the 1st column (across all rows).
  • A[-2,] returns all elements in A except for the 2nd row.
  • A[2,3] <- 0 replaces the element A[2,3] with zero.
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R intro

Indexing matrices

Because matrices (and data frames) have two dimensions, we need to index both dimensions.

For matrix A (e.g., A <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3))

  • A[3,1] references the element in the 3rd row and 1st column.
  • A[3,] references all elements in the 3rd row (across all columns).
  • A[,1] references all elements in the 1st column (across all rows).
  • A[-2,] returns all elements in A except for the 2nd row.
  • A[2,3] <- 0 replaces the element A[2,3] with zero.

You can also name rows/columns in matrices—and can use these names for referencing.

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R intro


"Special" values

  • Inf is ∞, i.e., 1/0. -Inf is -∞.
  • NA is missing.
  • NaN is not a number.
  • NULL is null.
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R intro


"Special" values

  • Inf is ∞, i.e., 1/0. -Inf is -∞.
  • NA is missing.
  • NaN is not a number.
  • NULL is null.

Standard logical operators

  • == for equality
  • != is not equal.
  • >, >=, <, <=
  • & is and; | is or.
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R intro


"Special" values

  • Inf is ∞, i.e., 1/0. -Inf is -∞.
  • NA is missing.
  • NaN is not a number.
  • NULL is null.

Standard logical operators

  • == for equality
  • != is not equal.
  • >, >=, <, <=
  • & is and; | is or.

R orders by number, lowercase, then uppercase.

# Ordering
1 < "a"
#> [1] TRUE
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R intro


Finally, NA contains no information in R

NA == NA
#> [1] NA
NA != NA
#> [1] NA
NA > 0
#> [1] NA
NA + 0
#> [1] NA
#> [1] TRUE
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R intro


In general, a function takes some arguments, performs some internal tasks, and returns some output.

Typical function in R: some_fun(arg1, arg2, arg3 = 0)

  • For some_fun to run, you must define arg1 and arg2, e.g., some_fun(arg1 = 12, arg2 = -1)

  • Optional arguments If you do not assign a value for arg3, then some_fun defaults to arg3 = 0

    • Omitted: some_fun(arg1 = 12, arg2 = -1)
    • Equivalent: some_fun(arg1 = 12, arg2 = -1, arg3 = 0)
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R intro


Functions in R are flexible.


  • c(arg1, arg2, ... argN) returns a vector of the inputted arguments
    Note c() takes many inputs and returns one output.

  • ls() lists all user-defined objects in the current environment
    Note ls works without any inputs and returns a character vector.

  • rm(obj) removes the object obj from the current environment
    Note rm can take many inputs and returns no output.

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R intro

User-defined functions

R makes it easy to define your own functions.

We'll delve more deeply into this topic soon.

Standard example A function that returns the product of three numbers.

# Our function 'our_product' takes three arguments
our_product <- function(num1, num2, num3) {
# Calculate the product
tmp_product <- num1 * num2 * num3
# Return the answer

You could get away without using return() but that's not recommended.

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R intro

User-defined functions

Our function in action...

our_product(1, 2, 3)
#> [1] 6
our_product(1, 2, NA)
#> [1] NA
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R intro


  1. Using the tools we've covered, generate a dataset (n=50) such that yi=12+1.5xi+εi where xiN(3,7) and εiN(0,1).

  2. Estimate the relationship via OLS using only matrix algebra. Recall ˆβOLS=(XX)1Xy

  3. Harder Write a function that estimates OLS coefficients using matrix algebra. Compare your results with the canned function from R (lm).

  4. Hardest Bring it all together: Use your DGP (1) and function (3) to run a simulation that illustrates the unbiasedness of OLS.

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