Platform Effect Prediction (between single-nucleus and single-cell RNA-seq)


Load in RCTD results on cross-platform normalization

DropViz <- T
iv <- init_RCTD(gene_list_reg = F, get_proportions = DropViz, load_info = F)
if(DropViz) {
  proportions = iv$proportions
  cell_type_info_unnorm <- iv$cell_type_info
puck = iv$puck
iv <- init_RCTD(load_info_renorm = T) #initial variables
if(DropViz) {
  common_cell_types = c("Astrocytes", "Bergmann", "Endothelial", "Fibroblast", "Golgi", "Granule", "MLI1", "MLI2", "Oligodendrocytes", "Polydendrocytes", "Purkinje", "UBCs")
} else {
  common_cell_types <- iv$cell_type_info[[2]]

Compute true and predicted (by RCTD) platform effects

#platform effect analysis
true_proportions <- proportions * 0
true_proportions[common_cell_types] = 1
true_proportions = true_proportions / sum(true_proportions)
gene_means <- as.matrix(cell_type_info_unnorm[[1]][iv$gene_list,]) %*% true_proportions
bulk_vec = rowSums(puck@counts);
total_UMI <- sum(puck@nUMI)
true_platform_effect = log(bulk_vec[iv$gene_list] / total_UMI,2) -log(gene_means,2)

gene_means_unnorm_pred <- as.matrix(cell_type_info_unnorm[[1]][iv$gene_list,]) %*% proportions / sum(proportions)
pred_platform_effect = log(bulk_vec[iv$gene_list] / total_UMI,2) -log(gene_means_unnorm_pred,2)
R2 = cor(true_platform_effect, pred_platform_effect)^2
print(R2) # 0.899
platform_df <- data.frame(estimated_platform_effect = pred_platform_effect,true_platform_effect=true_platform_effect)

sig_pe <- c(sd(pred_platform_effect)*log(2), sd(true_platform_effect)*log(2))
names(sig_pe) <- c('sigma_pe_est','sigma_pe_true')

Density plot of platform effects, and plot of true vs predicted platform effects

R2 = 0.90
p1 <-ggplot(platform_df, aes(x=true_platform_effect)) + geom_density() + theme_classic() + xlab('Log Ratio of Gene Expression by Platform')+ylab('Density of Genes') + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(-5,0,5), limits = c(-8,5)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,.1,.2))
#hist(platform_df$true_platform_effect, breaks =30,xlab = "log2(Platform Effect)", main = "Measured Platform effects between dropviz and 10x")
p2 <- ggplot(platform_df,aes(x=true_platform_effect,y=estimated_platform_effect)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.1, size=0.75) + geom_line(aes(x=true_platform_effect,y=true_platform_effect)) + theme_classic() + xlab('Measured Platform Effect with Known Cell Types') + ylab('Estimated Platform Effect of RCTD with Unknown Cell Types') + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=8),axis.title=element_text(size=9))
ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)