Computational Sociology
Christopher Barrie
But what’s the counterfactual?
And how do we test this?
Despite overall downward trend, social media/Internet has caused more violence than we otherwise would have seen.
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Answers from the literature:
Answers from the literature:
Collective action problems when organizing violence
Aids in monitoring free-riding
Aids tactical coordination
Answers from the literature:
Increased communication aids in formation of group identity
Increased communication aids in maintenance of loyalty
Answers from the literature:
Compare mass media persuasion to decentralized influence
Compare legacy news media to real-time dissemination of videos and images
Answers from the literature:
Answers from the literature:
Information more readily available on extra-institutional forms of political behaviour
Information more readily available on the activities of governments and other actors
Answers from the literature:
We can more easily–and horizontally–coordinate with fellow protestors at once and without need for physical proximity
We can more easily observe what others are doing around us
Answers from the literature:
This week: