The objectives of this exercise are:
This dataset is based on the data from [1] It is a dataset originally used for testing OBIS ENV-data structure: Original data is here doi:10.4225/15/598d453109182
This dataset is used as a test use case to understand how to map
marine survey data to the Humboldt Extension. The mapping was done
including the use of iri terms, “pretending” that this feature is
available in IPT: Otherwise it’s
very difficult to parse paired pipe separated data
(e.g. eco:targetTaxonomicScope
Tables in this dataset:
table name | description |
event | Event core table with relevant fields from This table contains hierarchical dwc:Event structure. |
occurrence | Occurrence extension table with relevant fields from
Each dwc:Occurrence record has an dwc:eventID that points to
corresponding dwc:Event record in the event table. |
humboldt | The Humboldt Extension table with relevant Humboldt
fields from Each record has an
dwc:eventID that points to corresponding dwc:Event record in the
event table. |
emof | The extended measurment or fact table (eMoF) with
relevant eMoF fields from
Each record has an dwc:eventID that points to corresponding dwc:Event
record in the event table. Optionally, if it is a measurement of an
dwc:Occurrence record, the record also has a dwc:occurrenceID that
points to a record in occurrence table. |
target | Due to the limitation of star schema, the paired
information of eco:targetLifeStageScope, eco:targetTaxonomicScope are
difficult to parse. Hence I created a separate target table
for this purpose. |
Relationships between files are depicted in figure below.
# Get tsv files from Google Drive
event <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
occ <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
humboldt <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
emof <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
target <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
Different tables used in this exercise. emof
table is
not shown. This dataset with Humboldt Extension is available at
datatable(event, class = c("display", "nowrap","hover", "stripe", "order-column"), options = list(pageLength = 5, dom = 'tip'))
datatable(occ, class = c("display", "nowrap","hover", "stripe", "order-column"), options = list(pageLength = 5, dom = 'tip'))
datatable(humboldt, class = c("display", "nowrap","hover", "stripe", "order-column"), options = list(pageLength = 5, dom = 'tip'))
datatable(target, class = c("display", "nowrap","hover", "stripe", "order-column"), options = list(pageLength = 5, dom = 'tip'))
occ_presence_only <- occ %>%
# full_join humboldt to include Event without occurrences
full_join(humboldt, by = "eventID") %>%
select(eventID, scientificName, occurrenceStatus) %>%
unique() %>%
# convert dwc:occurrenceStatus = present to 1, ignore individualCount or multiple occurrence of same taxa with 1 individual
mutate(across(everything(), ~ifelse(. == "present", 1, .)))
# get Occurrences that belongs to target
target_organisms <- occ %>%
select(scientificName, family) %>%
filter(family %in% target$scientificName) %>%
# colour for labels in x-axis: target = blue, by-catch = red
target_colour <- occ_presence_only %>%
select(scientificName) %>%
unique() %>%
mutate(colour = ifelse(scientificName %in% target_organisms$scientificName, "blue", "red")) %>%
arrange(scientificName) # have to sort it based on scientificName and pass the colour to theme() in ggplot
# define custom colour-blind friendly colours ( for occurrenceStatus values
color_1 <- "#0077bb" # present
ggplot(occ_presence_only, aes(scientificName, eventID, fill = factor(occurrenceStatus))) +
geom_tile() +
name = "dwc:occurrenceStatus",
values = color_1,
labels = "present",
# do not fill occurrenceStatus = NA with colours because only scientificName = NA (Event caught nothing) will have occurrenceStatus = NA
na.translate = FALSE
) +
# rotate and right-aligned x-axis label
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=0.95, vjust=0.2, colour = target_colour$colour)) +
labs(title = "Figure 1: dwc:occurrenceStatus of presence only dwc:Occurrences")
Unfilled cells mean that the information of dwc:occurrenceStatus is
not provided in the occurrence
The non-detection of target taxa is inferred using the information of:
For the sake of simplicity, life stages of the target taxa will not be taken into account in this exercise.
event_target_taxon_scope <- humboldt %>% select(eventID, isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported)
unique_target <- occ_presence_only %>% select(scientificName) %>% unique()
# Create combinations of eventID and scientificName of target taxa so that each eventID has EVERY target taxa in the table before occurrenceStatus is populated.
occ_presence_absence <- crossing(eventID = humboldt$eventID, scientificName = unique_target$scientificName) %>%
# Left join with the occurrence data frame
full_join(occ_presence_only, by = c("eventID", "scientificName")) %>%
right_join(event_target_taxon_scope, by = "eventID") %>%
occurrenceStatus = case_when(
# keep occurrenceStatus as 1 when it is 1 (presence only data)
occurrenceStatus == 1 ~ occurrenceStatus,
# if occurrenceStatus = NA, scientificName is in target AND isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported = TRUE, update occurrenceStatus = 0 (inferred non-detection) & scientificName %in% target_organisms$scientificName & isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported ~ 0,
# else, leave it as NA (cannot infer non-detection when isTaxonomicScopeFullyReported is FALSE)
# colour target = blue, by-catch = red
target_colour <- occ_presence_absence %>%
select(scientificName) %>%
unique() %>%
mutate(colour = ifelse(scientificName %in% target_organisms$scientificName, "blue", "red")) %>%
arrange(scientificName) # have to sort it based on scientificName and pass the colour to theme() in ggplot
# define custom colour-blind friendly colours ( for occurrenceStatus values 1, 0 and NA
color_1 <- "#0077bb" # present, occurrenceStatus = 1
color_0 <- "#ee7733" # absent, occurrenceStatus = 0
color_na <- "#bbbbbb" # NA, occurrenceStatus = NA
ggplot(occ_presence_absence, aes(scientificName, eventID, fill=factor(occurrenceStatus))) +
geom_tile() +
name = "dwc:occurrenceStatus",
values = c(color_0, color_1),
labels = c("absent (inferred non-detection)", "present", "non-detection cannot be inferred"),
na.value = color_na
) +
# rotate and right-aligned x-axis label
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust=0.95, vjust=0.2, colour = target_colour$colour)) +
labs(title = "Figure 2: Inferred non-detection of target taxa using presence-only data")
The dwc:scientificName
in red are dwc:Organism
during the dwc:Event
, but are not within the
(by-catch); the ones in blue are within the
. In other words, in this dataset,
the target
is the thing the researchers intended to catch
using the sampling design. By-catch are not part of the
so its non-detection cannot be
Some of my thoughts and questions
true/false/null if an dwc:Event is not associated with
any dwc:Occurrence?In this dataset, every observations were reported.
is defined as
Every dwc:Organism that was included within the taxonomic scope, and was detected during the dwc:Event, was reported.
I am slightly confused about how to populate
if an dwc:Event is not
associated with dwc:Occurrence. If
is false
then the non-detection of targets cannot be inferred. Hence, I set
to true
In order for users to be able to infer non-detection of target taxa
up to life stage level, values for eco:targetLifeStageScope
and eco:excludedLifeStageScope
MUST be explicit and
specific. All out approach of listing every
single life stage should be used instead of using
for these two fields. Similarly, it should be explicit
when none
is the value instead of leaving the field
This is because users cannot confidently infer non-detection of taxa
to life stages level if there is only
without explicit
(or vice verse) because life
stages are specific to taxa. Different vocabularies can have different
definitions. However, guidance to fill in these two fields when none
should be the value is lacking.
If I understand correctly, Anton does not have a very clear list of species before the expedition. He has some idea (up to family and life stage) of what is expected to be caught with the sampling gear. Hence the target list only have scientific names up to family rank. As everything caught in the survey was identified and reported, the inference of non-detection can only be made for species that belong to the target family.
However, not everything caught is reported in this dataset. Krills are identified and reported by a different group of people in a separate dataset.
Constructing the target list retrospectively will restrict the scope of the target. Consequently, if there are by-catch that are not reported, we cannot confidently make inference of non-detection of originally intended target taxa when the target originally have a wider scope (e.g. family) than the taxa detected (species).
I do not know how to document and distinguish the Event where by-catch were caught but not reported and Event which caught nothing. There is no dwc:Event that caught by catch but not reported in this dataset, but a thought that this might happen.
may affect how inference of
non-detection of target
can be madeThe main target of the sampling gear used in the dwc:Events
in this dataset (which is shared with the krills
dataset) was actually krills (recorded in another
dataset). The gear and sampling design are not the most ideal to
catch the fish, but it can do the job. This means that the gear and
sampling design is not as sensitive to detect fish than to detect the
krills. So looking at this as a whole (everything caught in the
dwc:Event - krill, fish and the rest), the fish (targets in
this dataset) is the by-catch based on the gear used and effort
expanded. However, based on what I understood, the definition of
target means the taxa intended to be detected
based on the sampling design and effort expanded. Hence, the fish are
still the target in this dataset. The others (anything
that is not fish which is the target, and krills which are reported in
another dataset) are the by-catch in this dataset. By-catch is not
listed in the target
table, meaning that they are not part
of eco:targetTaxonomicScope
. My reasoning is the sampling design and
effort expanded were intended to sample these
. Since they are not in
does not apply to the
by-catch and hence we cannot infer their non-detection in all
IF, by-catch is to be included in targets
(e.g. eco:targetTaxonomicScope
can be applied to these
taxa. The definition of target
will then be what the
sampling design and effort expanded CAN detect instead
of what is INTENDED to be sampled.
Each taxon in eco:targetTaxonomicScope
can be associated
with multiple target life stage scope in
. However,
can only be reported at
dwc:Event level instead of per target taxon. Different taxa are often
identified by different people, so there could be different reporting
in eco:targetTaxonomicScope
cannot be fully expressedThe lack of identifiers for dwc:scientificName
may be problematic for homonyms
(or more).
If a target taxon in eco:targetTaxonomicScope
== genus, it means every species of
the genus is targeted. If this was the intent, then an external
identifier should perhaps be provided to point to the taxon concept it
refers to. The concept should perhaps have a version snapshot.
Otherwise, how can one know what species there are under this
genus at the time of the dwc:Event? Can a user infer non-detection of
the target taxa up to species level if only genus of target taxa is
specified in eco:targetTaxonomicScope
? Is this a good
# presence and inferred absence
## [1] 2646
# presence-only - there can be multiple occurrence records of SAME taxon per event because the occurrenceID is needed for individual measurements (e.g. individual length measurement of the fish)
## [1] 389
# percent number of records of presence-only compare to presence-absence
nrow(occ)/nrow(occ_presence_absence) * 100
## [1] 14.70144
We would like to thank Anton Van de Putte for kindly allowing us to use his dataset to test the extension and the time spend in helping us to understand his data.