Read data

The scope terms of Humboldt Extension here were populated with | pipe separated values. But they can be individual rows. The script here is to transfrom them into individual rows.


# Get tsv files from Google Drive 
event <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
occ <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
humboldt <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
emof <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
target <- read_tsv("", col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)

# show how target table looks like here

Create target scope for each target taxon and target life stage combination

I am exploring if a humboldt table per target scope combination instead of piping the values makes sense.

record_target <- target %>% 
  # drop these columns because they are not part of humboldt terms
  select(-id, -scientificNameID, -taxonRank, -taxonRemarks) %>%
  # rename the field because this will be added into the humboldt table
  rename(targetTaxonomicScope = scientificName)

humboldt_ratified <- humboldt %>%
  # remove columns that are not needed
  select(-eventDuration, -targetTaxonomicScope, -targetLifestageScope, -excludedLifeStageScope) %>%
  # remove BROKE_WEST row because we do not want to join this record with target
  filter(eventID != "BROKE_WEST") %>%
  left_join(record_target, by = character()) %>%

# this step removes columns that were already excluded in humboldt_ratified table before appending the BROKE_WEST record back to the data frame
broke_west <- humboldt %>% 
  filter(eventID == "BROKE_WEST") %>%
  select(-eventDuration, -targetTaxonomicScope, -targetLifestageScope, -excludedLifeStageScope)

# append humboldt record eventID = BROKE_WEST back to the table
humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>% 
  bind_rows(broke_west) %>%

# show how Humboldt table looks like for a single Event
humboldt_ratified %>% 
  filter(eventID == "BROKE_WEST_RMT_001") %>%
  select(eventID, targetTaxonomicScope, targetLifeStageScope)

Populate is__ and has__ Humboldt terms programmatically

hasMaterialSamples, materialSampleTypes

# Reset these columns
humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>%
  mutate(hasMaterialSamples = FALSE, materialSampleTypes = "") 

# Filter emof table for records with measurementType == "Energy Content Dry Weight", these are the occurrences with stomach content materialSampleTypes
filtered_emof <- emof %>%
  filter(measurementType == "Energy Content Dry Weight" | measurementType == "Energy Content Wet Weight")

# Get the occurrenceID from the filtered emof table
occurrenceIDs <- filtered_emof$occurrenceID

# Join with occ table to get eventID and family
joined_occ <- occ %>%
  filter(occurrenceID %in% filtered_emof$occurrenceID) %>%
  select(eventID, occurrenceID, family, lifeStage)

humboldt_ratified %>% filter(targetTaxonomicScope == "Nototheniidae") %>% select(eventID, targetTaxonomicScope, targetLifeStageScope)

There are Occurrence records which do not have lifeStage information but there is targetLifeStageScope for these taxa, so I do not know how to assign value for hasMaterialSamples and materialSampleTypes. I am leaving these values blank.


humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>% 
    isAbundanceReported = map2_lgl(eventID, targetTaxonomicScope, ~ {
      occurrence <- occ %>%
        filter(eventID == .x)
      # all targets are at taxonRank = family level 
      any(occurrence$family == .y &
      # preference of "all" for all life stages over a list of possible life stages because I do not know whether the list of targetLifeStageScope is a **complete** list of life stages for the taxon
            (.y == "all" | occurrence$lifeStage %in% targetLifeStageScope & !$individualCount)))


Is this only for taxa from targetTaxonomicScope? When to use this field and when to use Occurrence record with occurrenceStatus = absent?


Is this for absentTaxa or dwc:Occurrence record with occurrenceStatus = absent?


true for all Events.


true for all Events.


I felt that it is a little confusing when the value of this term refers to Event level but each row in the Humboldt table was populated at target level scope (with unique combination of targetTaxonomicScope and targetLifeStageScope). hasNonTargetTaxa has to look at all rows within the Humboldt table with the same eventID. The humboldt table seems to conflate target scopes and Event.

# Get unique eventIDs from occ 
occ_eventIDs <- unique(occ$eventID)

humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>%
    hasNonTargetTaxa = map_lgl(eventID, ~{
      if (.x %in% occ_eventIDs) {
        occ_families <- occ %>%
          filter(eventID == .x) %>%
        any(!occ_families %in% targetTaxonomicScope[eventID == .x])
      } else {
        FALSE  # If eventID is not present in occ, return FALSE 

humboldt_ratified %>% 
  filter(hasNonTargetTaxa = TRUE) %>%
  select(eventID, targetTaxonomicScope, targetLifeStageScope, hasNonTargetTaxa)


humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>%
    nonTargetTaxa = map_chr(eventID, ~{
      occ_names <- occ %>%
        filter(eventID == .x) %>%
        # some non target taxa were identified to higher taxa (e.g. Order = Teuthida) hence
        filter(!(family %in% targetTaxonomicScope[eventID == .x]) | %>%
      paste(unique(occ_names), collapse = " | ")

humboldt_ratified %>% 
  filter(hasNonTargetTaxa = TRUE) %>%
  select(eventID, targetTaxonomicScope, targetLifeStageScope, hasNonTargetTaxa, nonTargetTaxa)

Write data

Write humboldt extension to file.

# Convert logical values to character strings
humboldt_ratified <- humboldt_ratified %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.logical), ~ifelse(.x, "true", "false")))

# Write the tibble to a TSV file
file_name <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d"), "_humboldt.txt")
write_tsv(humboldt_ratified, here("output", file_name), na = "")