Open Science tools


Isabelle van der Vegt

19 Feb 2019

Today’s tutorial

  • Pre-registrations: why and how
  • Power analysis: how-to
  • Effect size conversions
  • R Markdown how-to

Your final project

  • Answer RQ(s) with dataset you are given
  • Requirements: pre-registration, reproducible code


What is a good/interesting scientific result?

What is a good/interesting scientific result?

  • “significant difference”
  • “x predicts y”
  • “p < 0.05”

The research process

  • Generate hypotheses
  • Design study & collect data
  • Analyse data
  • Interpret data


  • Generate hypotheses → Introduction
  • Design study & collect data → Method
  • Analyse data → Results
  • Interpret data → Discussion

The real research process

QRP 1: HARKing / post-hoc theorizing

  • Design study & collect data
  • Analyse data
  • Generate hypotheses
  • Interpet data → Look, a “good” result!

The real research process

QRP 2: significance chasing/p-hacking

  • Generate hypotheses
  • Design study & collect data
  • Analyse data
  • Collect MORE data
  • Interpret data → Nice, just as expected!

The real research process

QRP 3: selective reporting

  • Generate hypotheses
  • Design study & collect data
  • Analyse data
  • Exclude condition/data not in line with results
  • Interpret data → Wow, an interesting result!

The problem

  • Everyone wants interesting results → QRPs

The solution


Specifying your hypotheses, study design, and analysis plan BEFORE collecting/analysing data.


  • Public, independent record
  • Timestamps
  • Explain deviations from pre-registered plans
  • Distinguish confirmatory and exploratory results in paper

Open Science Framework

  • Open a project
  • Complete pre-registration form (free text or template)
  • Upload additional files
  • Register the project, this ‘freezes’ it
  • Make public or share with specific people
  • Anonymous links


5 minutes: osf

OSF demo

Pre-registration practice in groups: 2-3

  • Make a project titled ‘PSMII practice’
  • Choose ‘registrations’ at the top
  • Click ‘new registration’
  • Choose the OSF pre-registration template

Pre-registration practice in groups: 2-3

You are interested in whether a lone-actor terrorist’s ideology influences the number of hours spent on extremist forums and the number of ideological propaganda files they downloaded. You are using an existing dataset of individuals who have been convicted for terrorism-related offences in the UK.

It includes information on 1) the type of conviction: attack, recruitment, operational support, 2) ideology: far-right, far-left, islamist, 3) forum activity (hours), 4) number of propaganda files found on computer, 5) gender of perpetrator. The sample size is 250.

Think about: analysis type, data exclusions & additional exploratory questions


Power analysis

What is power?

Probability of rejecting H0 when it is actually false.

Example: 0.90 power = 90% chance of significant result when the effect is real. Also: 10% chance of “missing” the real effect.

What happens when power is low?

Decreased likelihood of true positive, increased likelihood of false negative.

See also:

How to calculate power

G*Power demo

Power & ES practice

Your terrorist internet behavior study (N = 250) achieved an effect size of Cohen’s d = 0.29 for far-left and far-right groups and forum activity. Using an effect size converter and G*Power, calculate the power you achieved. Use the statistical test you came up with in the previous exercise.

R Notebooks

R Notebooks

“In every project you have at least one other collaborator; future-you. You don’t want future-you to curse past-you.”
- Hadley Wickham

…You also don’t want us to curse you for your code in your final project

R Notebooks

  • Write text and integrate code
  • Fully reproducible
  • Different outputs: PDF, html, slides, etc.

R Notebook example

R Notebook practice

Generate an R notebook that contains the following elements:

  • A short description of the terrorist internet activity study with a header, bold text, italic text, and a bullet point list
  • A plot of the murder arrests versus urban population using the USArrests dataset (available in R). Document your code!
  • Your favorite meme (as an image)
  • Hint: Google R Markdown cheat sheet