Non-parametric tests & Discrete data


Bennett Kleinberg

5 Feb 2019

Probability, Statistics & Modeling II

Lecture 5

Non-paramtric tests & discrete data

What question do you have?


  • What to do if the parametric assumptions violated
  • Non-parametric equivalents
  • Discrete data (chisquare, loglinear model)

Non-parametric tests

Non Parametric tests

Parametric assumptions

  • Independence of errors
  • Homogeneity of variance
  • Normality

Independence of errors

Independence of errors

  • errors (estimated through residuals) should be ‘randomly’ distributed around 0
  • … for all observations
  • rule to investigate this: correlation
    • between residuals and predictor variable(s)

Homegeneity of variance

Also called: homoscedasticity

Homegeneity of variance

Can be tested with:

  • Levene’s Test car:leveneTest(...)
  • Breush Pagan Test lmtest::bptest(...)
  • both have H0 = data is homoscedastic




Normally met when:

  • sample size is considerably large (e.g. n > 50)

Can be tested with:

  • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
  • Shapiro’s Test shapiro.test()
  • both have H0 = data is normally distributed

What to do if these are violated?

Violation of parametric assumptions

Assumption Test Potential fix
Independence of errors Resiudal-predictor plot, correlation Autocorrelation-sensitive methods
Homoscedasticity Levene’s Test, plot Box-Cox transformation
Normality K-S test, Shapiro’s Test Transforming data

Non-paramtric tests: Correlation

Parametric case:

Non-paramtric tests: Correlation

Non-parametric case

Problem: class rank not parametric (e.g. not normally distributed)

Non-paramtric tests: Correlation

Spearman’s correlation test


  • rank the data
  • run correlation on ranked data
cor.test(iq, class_rank, method = 'spearman')
## Warning in cor.test.default(iq, class_rank, method = "spearman"): Cannot
## compute exact p-value with ties
##  Spearman's rank correlation rho
## data:  iq and class_rank
## S = 158810, p-value = 0.6421
## alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
## sample estimates:
##        rho 
## 0.04704638

Non-paramtric tests: T-tests

Parametric case: Independent samples t-test

Non-paramtric tests: T-tests

Parametric case: Independent samples t-test

t.test(males, females)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  males and females
## t = -5.0547, df = 197.52, p-value = 9.796e-07
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -14.496541  -6.359724
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y 
##  98.14252 108.57065

Non-paramtric tests: T-tests

Non-parametric case: Independent samples t-test

Problem: variable “rank” not parametric (e.g. not normally distributed)

Non-paramtric tests: T-tests

Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test


  • rank the data
  • sum the ranks
  • use the smallest rank sum as test statistic
  • assess the significance of the test-statistic
males rank.males. females rank.females.
3 27.5 8 75.5
3 27.5 7 65.0
8 82.0 2 15.5
6 63.0 3 25.5
7 72.5 8 75.5
10 96.0 1 5.5

Wilcoxon rank sum test

wilcox.test(males, females)
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  males and females
## W = 4564.5, p-value = 0.2853
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

For the non-parametric “dependent t-test”, you’d have to use the ‘paired’ argument (same is in the t.test function).

Non-paramtric tests: ANOVA

Non-paramtric tests: ANOVA

The Kruskal-Wallis Test

  • rank the data
  • sum the ranks per group
  • apply Kruskal-Wallis formula to calculate the test-statistic \(H\)
  • test significance of H

Non-paramtric tests: ANOVA

kruskal.test(deprivation ~ area, data = deprivation)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  deprivation by area
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 40.92, df = 3, p-value = 6.8e-09

Discrete data


No anti-virus software Anti-virus software
Hacked 300 250
Not hacked 200 250
  • uni-directionality?
  • bi-directionality?
  • third variable?

Association test

2 by 2 tables

Chi-square test

No anti-virus software Anti-virus software Sum
Hacked 300 250 550
Not hacked 200 250 450
Sum 500 500 1000

Discrete data

Idea of the Chi-square test:

  • Observed values \(O\)
  • Expected values (if there were no association) \(E\)
  • rows: \(i\)
  • columns: \(j\)

\(E_i,_j = (total_i * total_j)/total\)

Expected values

\(E_i,_j = (total_i * total_j)/total\)

No anti-virus software Anti-virus software Sum
Hacked ? ? 550
Not hacked ? ? 450
Sum 500 500 1000

Example: cell [hacked, no anti-virus software] –> cell [1,1]

\(E_i,_j = (total_i * total_j)/total\)

$ = (550 * 500)/1000$

$ = 275$

Expected values
No anti-virus software Anti-virus software Sum
Hacked 275 275 550
Not hacked 225 225 450
Sum 500 500 1000

Calculating the Chi-square value

\(\chi^2 = \sum\frac{(O - E^2)}{E}\)

For cell[2,1]:

\(cell[2,1] = \frac{(200-225)^2}{225} = \frac{-25^2}{225} = \frac{625}{225} = 2.78\)

Calculating the Chi-square value

  • Repeat procedure for all cells
  • Sum the values

\(\chi^2 = 9.701\)

No anti-virus software Anti-virus software
Hacked 300 (275) 250 (275)
Not hacked 200 (225) 250 (225)
  • Null-hypothesis: there is no association between the two factors
  • Alt. hypothesis: there is a significant association

The Chi-square test for 2*2 tables

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  data1
## X-squared = 10.101, df = 1, p-value = 0.001482

Now what?

There is a significant association between being hacked (hacked vs not hacked) and the use of anti-virus software (no anti-virus software vs anit-virus software), X2(1) = 10.10, p = .001.

But where does this association stem from? What drives it?

No anti-virus software Anti-virus software
Hacked 300 250
Not hacked 200 250

Standardized residuals

Interpret as:

  • the number of standard deviations away from zero
  • we know: +/- 2.58 SD = 0.01 and 0.99 percentile
knitr::kable(chisq.test(data1, correct = F)$stdres)
No anti-virus software Anti-virus software
Hacked 3.178209 -3.178209
Not hacked -3.178209 3.178209


No anti-virus software Anti-virus software
Hacked 3.18 (O > E) -3.18 (O < E)
Not hacked -3.18 (O < E) 3.18 (O > E)

From 2-by-2 to r-by-c

Non AV standard AV premium AV
No access 200 250 150
Files stolen 400 300 200
Ransomware 350 150 150

Extension of the 2 by 2 approach

knitr::kable(addmargins(data2, c(1,2)))
Non AV standard AV premium AV Sum
No access 200 250 150 600
Files stolen 400 300 200 900
Ransomware 350 150 150 650
Sum 950 700 500 2150

Same steps:

  • for each cell \(\frac{(O - E^2)}{E}\)
  • sum to obtain \(\chi^2\)
  • assess omnibus significance
  • follow-up interpretation

(O - E)^2/E

Non AV standard AV premium AV
No access 15.99 15.29 0.78
Files stolen 0.01 0.17 0.41
Ransomware 13.73 17.95 0.01

Extension of the 2 by 2 approach

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  data2
## X-squared = 64.344, df = 4, p-value = 3.537e-13

Follow-up tests for the interpretation.

–> What drives the sign. association?

Intepreting the r-by-c extension

knitr::kable(round(chisq.test(data2, correct = F)$stdres, 2))
Non AV standard AV premium AV
No access -6.30 5.61 1.19
Files stolen 0.20 0.65 -0.96
Ransomware 5.94 -6.18 -0.13

Remember: interpretation like z-scores

  • +/- 1.96 –> sign. at p < .05
  • +/- 2.58 –> sign. at p < .05

Non AV standard AV premium AV
No access (O < E) (O > E) (O == E)
Files stolen (O == E) (O == E) (O == E)
Ransomware (O > E) (O < E) (O == E)


The significant association between … was driven by four significant deviations between the observed and expected values.

  • Hackers failed to get access to significantly fewer computers when there was no anti-virus than expected (z = -6.30).
  • Hackers inserted ransomware on computers without anti-virus more often than expected (z = 5.94).
  • Hackers got access to computers with standard anti-virus software more often than expected (z = 5.61).
  • Hackers inserted ransomware on computers with standard anti-virus less often than expected (z = -6.18).

Discrete data

Extension to multi-level models

X by Y by Z cases

  • 2-dimensional arrays
    • 2-by-2 tables
    • r-by-c tables
  • multidimensional arrays
    • X-by-Y-by-Z

X by Y by Z arrays

##                             vandalised yes  no
## area   natural surveillance                   
## urban  yes                             911  44
##        no                              538 456
## suburb yes                               3   2
##        no                               43 279
  • 3 factors
    • vandalised: yes vs no
    • natural surveillance: yes vs no
    • area: urban vs rural

Simple extension of the r*c calculation?

Multilevel discrete data

## , , area = urban
##           natural surveillance
## vandalised       yes        no
##        yes 0.6287095 0.3712905
##        no  0.0880000 0.9120000
## , , area = suburb
##           natural surveillance
## vandalised         yes        no
##        yes 0.065217391 0.9347826
##        no  0.007117438 0.9928826

Idea of multilevel discrete modelling

If the data were independent…

then the expected count = joint prob. * n, where

joint prob. = product of the marginal probabilities

\(\mu_i,_j = n * marginal_i * marginal_j\)

Probability data
No anti-virus software Anti-virus software Sum
Hacked 0.3 0.25 0.55
Not hacked 0.2 0.25 0.45
Sum 0.5 0.50 1.00

Probability data
No anti-virus software Anti-virus software Sum
Hacked 0.3 0.25 0.55
Not hacked 0.2 0.25 0.45
Sum 0.5 0.50 1.00

\(cell[1,2] = 0.50*0.55*1000 = 275\)

\(cell[2,2] = 0.50*0.45*1000 = 225\)

Towards a linear model

Log transformation

\(\mu_i,_j = n * marginal_i * marginal_j\)


\(log(\mu_i,_j) = log(n) + log(marginal_i) + log(marginal_j)\)

Hence: “loglinear” model

The Log-Linear Model

  • GLM with link function for count data
  • count data aptly modelled as a Poisson distrubuted variable

The poisson distribution

The loglinear model

##   vandalised natural.surveillance   area Freq
## 1        yes                  yes  urban  911
## 2         no                  yes  urban   44
## 3        yes                   no  urban  538
## 4         no                   no  urban  456
## 5        yes                  yes suburb    3
## 6         no                  yes suburb    2
## 7        yes                   no suburb   43
## 8         no                   no suburb  279
indep_model = glm(formula = Freq ~ vandalised + natural.surveillance + area
               , data = data3_
               , family = poisson)

The loglinear model

## Call:
## glm(formula = Freq ~ vandalised + natural.surveillance + area, 
##     family = poisson, data = data3_)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8  
##  14.522  -17.683   -7.817    3.426  -12.440   -8.832   -8.436   19.639  
## Coefficients:
##                        Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)             6.29154    0.03667 171.558  < 2e-16 ***
## vandalisedno           -0.64931    0.04415 -14.707  < 2e-16 ***
## natural.surveillanceno  0.31542    0.04244   7.431 1.08e-13 ***
## areasuburb             -1.78511    0.05976 -29.872  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 2851.5  on 7  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1286.0  on 4  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1343.1
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6


  1. Look at the Residual deviance
    • Higher deviance = poorer model fit
    • We can test the H0 of model adequacy
pchisq(1286, 4, lower.tail = F)
## [1] 3.610223e-277

Reject H0 that the model is a good representation.


  1. Look at the fitted values
knitr::kable(cbind(indep_model$data, round(fitted(indep_model), 2)))
vandalised natural.surveillance area Freq round(fitted(indep_model), 2)
yes yes urban 911 539.98
no yes urban 44 282.09
yes no urban 538 740.23
no no urban 456 386.70
yes yes suburb 3 90.60
no yes suburb 2 47.33
yes no suburb 43 124.19
no no suburb 279 64.88


  1. Look at the anit-logged coefficients

Coefficient for “vandalised=no”

## [1] 0.5224061

Odds of a playground being vandalised are 0.52:1, regardless of whether there was natural surveillance and regardless of the area.

The full model

Also called: the saturated model

full_model = glm(formula = Freq ~ vandalised * natural.surveillance * area
               , data = data3_
               , family = poisson)

What do you expect?

The full model

knitr::kable(cbind(full_model$data, round(fitted(full_model), 2)))
vandalised natural.surveillance area Freq round(fitted(full_model), 2)
yes yes urban 911 911
no yes urban 44 44
yes no urban 538 538
no no urban 456 456
yes yes suburb 3 3
no yes suburb 2 2
yes no suburb 43 43
no no suburb 279 279

Loglinear model strategy

  • Find a model less complex than the full model
  • … where you cannot reject the H0 of model adequacy

Model selection

## Start:  AIC=65.04
## Freq ~ vandalised * natural.surveillance * area
##                                        Df Deviance    AIC
## - vandalised:natural.surveillance:area  1  0.37399 63.417
## <none>                                     0.00000 65.043
## Step:  AIC=63.42
## Freq ~ vandalised + natural.surveillance + area + vandalised:natural.surveillance + 
##     vandalised:area + natural.surveillance:area
##                                   Df Deviance    AIC
## <none>                                   0.37  63.42
## - natural.surveillance:area        1    92.02 153.06
## - vandalised:area                  1   187.75 248.80
## - vandalised:natural.surveillance  1   497.37 558.41
## Call:  glm(formula = Freq ~ vandalised + natural.surveillance + area + 
##     vandalised:natural.surveillance + vandalised:area + natural.surveillance:area, 
##     family = poisson, data = data3_)
## Coefficients:
##                         (Intercept)                         vandalisedno  
##                              6.8139                              -3.0158  
##              natural.surveillanceno                           areasuburb  
##                             -0.5249                              -5.5283  
## vandalisedno:natural.surveillanceno              vandalisedno:areasuburb  
##                              2.8479                               2.0545  
##   natural.surveillanceno:areasuburb  
##                              2.9860  
## Degrees of Freedom: 7 Total (i.e. Null);  1 Residual
## Null Deviance:       2851 
## Residual Deviance: 0.374     AIC: 63.42

“Best” model

## Call:
## glm(formula = Freq ~ vandalised + natural.surveillance + area + 
##     vandalised:natural.surveillance + vandalised:area + natural.surveillance:area, 
##     family = poisson, data = data3_)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##        1         2         3         4         5         6         7  
##  0.02044  -0.09256  -0.02658   0.02890  -0.33428   0.49134   0.09452  
##        8  
## -0.03690  
## Coefficients:
##                                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                          6.81387    0.03313 205.699  < 2e-16
## vandalisedno                        -3.01575    0.15162 -19.891  < 2e-16
## natural.surveillanceno              -0.52486    0.05428  -9.669  < 2e-16
## areasuburb                          -5.52827    0.45221 -12.225  < 2e-16
## vandalisedno:natural.surveillanceno  2.84789    0.16384  17.382  < 2e-16
## vandalisedno:areasuburb              2.05453    0.17406  11.803  < 2e-16
## natural.surveillanceno:areasuburb    2.98601    0.46468   6.426 1.31e-10
## (Intercept)                         ***
## vandalisedno                        ***
## natural.surveillanceno              ***
## areasuburb                          ***
## vandalisedno:natural.surveillanceno ***
## vandalisedno:areasuburb             ***
## natural.surveillanceno:areasuburb   ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 2851.46098  on 7  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance:    0.37399  on 1  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 63.417
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

“Best” model

Can we reject the H0 of model adequacy?

pchisq(0.37, 1, lower.tail = F)
## [1] 0.5430043


Fitted values of the “best” model

vandalised natural.surveillance area Freq round(fitted(best_model), 2)
yes yes urban 911 910.38
no yes urban 44 44.62
yes no urban 538 538.62
no no urban 456 455.38
yes yes suburb 3 3.62
no yes suburb 2 1.38
yes no suburb 43 42.38
no no suburb 279 279.62

Interpreting the coefficients

##                         (Intercept)                        vandalisedno 
##                           6.8138656                          -3.0157544 
##              natural.surveillanceno                          areasuburb 
##                          -0.5248611                          -5.5282675 
## vandalisedno:natural.surveillanceno             vandalisedno:areasuburb 
##                           2.8478892                           2.0545341 
##   natural.surveillanceno:areasuburb 
##                           2.9860144

Interpreting the coefficients

## [1] 7.806838

Exponentiated interaction ==> OR

Playgrounds that are in the suburb have estimated odds of not being vandalised that is 7.81 times the estimated odds for playgrounds that are in urban areas. This is independent of “natural surveillance”.

  • Log-linear models work in higher dimensions
  • Allow you to model count data of 2+ dimensions

Follow the steps here (



Next week: Reading week

Week 6: Open Science (lecture + tutorial)