The table below can be found at, but here it includes the rank of the package as computed by the {packageRank} package, as well as a link to the PR to fix the build if it has been opened or if it’s been merged already. In the case of Bioconductor packages, package rank is directly obtained from this csv and the rank is actually the monthly average of unique IP adresses that download the package, so the higher, the better. If a package doesn’t build because one of its dependencies is broken, and if a PR fixing the broken dependency has been opened, then each package that depends upon this dependency gets linked to said PR.

The action generating the website runs each day at midnight. Do check the original on Hydra from time to time though, because I can’t guarantee that all packages do show here. They should, but who knows. If the pull request fixing the package doesn’t follow the naming convention “rPackages.packagename: blab bal” it likely won’t show up here.

This is the table for CRAN packages. The lower the rank, the more popular the package:

This is the table for Bioconductor packages. The rank is what they call the download score which is the average number of distinct IPs that “hit” the package each month for the last 12 months (not counting the current month), so the higher the rank, the more popular that package is:

This table lists PRs to get an easy overview:

Source code:

Rendered last: 2025-03-02 01:41:25.265605