The Australian Government Records Interoperability Framework (AGRIF, ‘the Framework’) is a system of related semantic ontologies that describe the structure, functions, and activities of the Australian Government, providing sufficient context for the effective use – including but not limited to management – of Australian Government information assets. It complies with the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Ontology Language (OWL2) Recommendation and makes reference to other Recommendations and existing domain ontologies for archival and preservation processes.
IRI | |
Is Defined By | |
Description |
An AGIFT Function is a Function that classifies a Record according to the Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus. |
Super-classes |
Functionc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Access Activity is an Activity where a Record is accessed by an Agent over a period of time. |
Super-classes |
Activityc |
Restrictions |
accessedByop some Agentc triggersop only AccessTriggerc |
IRI | |
Description |
Access Control is the selective restriction of access to a Record or Artefact. |
Super-classes |
Controlc |
Sub-classes |
SecurityClassificationc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Access Trigger is a Trigger that can be initiated when a Record is accessed. |
Super-classes |
Triggerc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
An Activity is something that occurs over a period of time on a Record. |
Restrictions |
hasStatusop only Statusc guidingPolicyop only Policyc endedAtTimedp max 1 startedAtTimedp max 1 wasAssociatedWithop some Agentc requiresSecurityClassificationop only SecurityClassificationc hasLocationop only SpatialLocationc associatedFunctionop only Functionc qualifiedAssociationop some Associationc usedRecordop only Recordc |
Sub-classes |
AccessActivityc MaintainActivityc ShareActivityc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Administrator is a Role that has overall responsibility for the administration and functions of an Information System, but not necessarily for the information stored within. |
Super-classes |
Rolec |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
An Agent is a corporate entity, organisational element or system, or individual responsible for the performance of some Activity or Event, including those on Records. |
Restrictions |
positionInop some Organisationc actsAsop some Rolec hasPermissionop some Permissionc |
Sub-classes |
Organisationc Personc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Artefact is an object that is made by a Person and that is to be preserved. |
Restrictions |
relatedToop only Artefactc requiresSecurityClassificationop only SecurityClassificationc isAffectedByop some Eventc hasLocationop only SpatialLocationc storedInop some IntellectualControlSystemc hasQualityop some PreservationQualityc isChangedByop some InformationSystemc softwareAssignedIDdp some xsd:stringc |
Sub-classes |
DigitalArtefactc PhysicalArtefactc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Artefact Change Event is an Event that results in a new version of an Artefact. |
Super-classes |
Eventc |
Restrictions |
affectsop min 2 Artefactc |
Sub-classes |
ArtefactSendEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Artefact Control Event is an Event that requires a particular level of access to an Artefact. |
Super-classes |
Eventc |
Restrictions |
hasControlop only Controlc |
Sub-classes |
ArtefactShareEventc ArtefactPublishEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Artefact Publish Event is an Event that gives indiscriminate access to an Artefact to a set of Agents. |
Super-classes |
ArtefactControlEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Artefact Send Event is an Event that results in a new version or a set of new versions of an Artefact at a target Agent or a set of target Agents. |
Super-classes |
ArtefactChangeEventc |
Restrictions |
hasSourceAgentop exactly 1 Agentc hasTargetAgentop min 1 Agentc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
An Association is a qualified assignment of responsibility to an Agent in an Activity or Event, indicating that the Agent had a Role in the Activity. |
Restrictions |
associatedRoleop only Rolec hasAgentop only Agentc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Business Owner is the Role that has the managerial control of a Function. |
Super-classes |
Rolec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Classifier is a machine-generated and applied category that a set of Records belong to. |
Restrictions |
associatedFunctionop only Functionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Collection is an aggregation of Artefact items. |
Restrictions |
hasPartop some Artefactc |
Sub-classes |
PhysicalCollectionc LogicalCollectionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Control is a security or access measure that safeguards or restricts access to an asset. |
Sub-classes |
AccessControlc SecurityControlc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Controlled Vocabulary is an Intellectual Control System that provides a way to organize Records that facilitates a later discovery of a Record. |
Super-classes |
IntellectualControlSystemc |
Restrictions |
associatedFunctionop only Functionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Coverage denotes the jurisdictional applicability, or the temporal and/or spatial extent to which a Record is observed. |
Sub-classes |
JurisdictionalCoveragec SpatialCoveragec TemporalCoveragec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Creation Event is an Event that results in the creation of a Record. |
Super-classes |
Eventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Creator is the Agent that has created a Record or Artefact. |
Super-classes |
Rolec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Decision Status is a Status that indicates the approval or disapproval of a Decision Event. |
Super-classes |
Statusc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Digital Artefact is an Artefact that is of a digital nature and stored in an Information System. |
Super-classes |
Artefactc |
Restrictions |
filenamedp some rdfs:Literalc formatdp some rdfs:Literalc filesizedp some xsd:longc storedInop some InformationSystemc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Digital Holding Space is a space that is used or reserved for the storage of a Digital Artefact on a storage medium or virtual storage space. |
Super-classes |
HoldingSpacec |
IRI | |
Description |
The Digital Preservation Policy defines the process of active management by which the National Archives ensures that a digital object will be accessible in the future. |
Super-classes |
Policyc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Disposal Class is a Policy that defines the sentencing requirements of an item. |
Super-classes |
RecordsAuthorityPolicyc |
Restrictions |
disposalClassNumberdp exactly 1 |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
An Event denotes an instantaneous transition in the world. |
Restrictions |
hasStatusop only Statusc guidingPolicyop only Policyc affectsop some (Artefactc or Recordc) associatedFunctionop only Functionc wasAssociatedWithop some Agentc qualifiedAssociationop some Associationc priorEventop only Eventc triggeredByop only Triggerc |
Sub-classes |
RecordControlEventc ArtefactChangeEventc CreationEventc ArtefactControlEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Form Factor defines and prescribes the size, shape, and other physical specifications of a Physical Artefact that is stored. |
IRI | |
Description |
A Function is a process that is performed routinely to carry out a part of the mandate of an Australian Government Agency. |
Restrictions |
guidingPolicyop only Policyc |
Sub-classes |
AGIFTFunctionc RecordsAuthorityFunctionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Holding Space is a space that is used or reserved for the storage of an Artefact. |
Super-classes |
SpatialLocationc |
Sub-classes |
PhysicalHoldingSpacec DigitalHoldingSpacec |
IRI | |
Description |
An Information Management Policy is a Policy that helps to align information management practices to fulfill the requirements of an information governance framework. An Information Management Policy provides direction and guidance to staff for creating, capturing and managing information to satisfy business, legal and stakeholder requirements, and assigns responsibilities across the agency. |
Super-classes |
Policyc |
Restrictions |
hasDisposalClassop only DisposalClassc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Information System is an organized system for the collection, organization, storage and communication of information, typically Digital Artefacts or Records. |
Sub-classes |
IntellectualControlSystemc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Intellectual Control System is a System that enables Agents to locate and manage information. |
Super-classes |
InformationSystemc |
Restrictions |
guidingPolicyop only Policyc |
Sub-classes |
ControlledVocabularyc Seriesc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Jurisdictional Coverage denotes the jurisdictional applicability of the Record. |
Super-classes |
Coveragec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Logical Collection is an aggregation of Artefact items that are stored within one physical file. |
Super-classes |
Collectionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Maintain Activity is an Activity to maintain a Record over a period of time due to a BusinessFunction or Policy. |
Super-classes |
Activityc |
Restrictions |
hasQualityop some PreservationQualityc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Manifest describes the files involved in the transfer of a Record from an Agency to the National Archives, including details such as the filesize, the destination hierarchy and the file's metadata. |
Restrictions |
checksumdp exactly 1 |
IRI | |
Description |
The Minimum Metadata Set Policy is a Policy that has been developed by the National Archives of Australia to identify metadata properties essential for agency management of information as well as those needed for records which will be transferred to the Archives. It supports the Digital Continuity 2020 principles of interoperable systems and processes and is a practical application of the Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard 2.2 (AGRkMS) to support metadata implementation and information use in agencies. |
Super-classes |
Policyc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
An Organisation is a type of Agent that denotes a social or legal institution such as a government agency, a corporation, society, etc. |
Super-classes |
Agentc |
Restrictions |
associatedFunctionop some Functionc |
Sub-classes |
OrganisationalUnitc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Organisational Unit is a division of labour typically organised around a business function that form part of the Organisation. |
Super-classes |
Organisationc |
Restrictions |
partOfop only Organisationc |
IRI | |
Source | Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard |
Description |
A Permission denotes the Security Clearance of an Agent that determines its access and use rights. |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
A Person is an Agent that denotes a human. |
Super-classes |
Agentc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Physical Artefact is an Artefact that is of physical nature. |
Example |
An example of a Phyiscal Artefact in the context of record keeping is information printed or written on paper. |
Super-classes |
Artefactc |
Restrictions |
hasFormFactorop only FormFactorc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Physical Collection is an aggregation of Artefact items that are stored in separate physical files. |
Super-classes |
Collectionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Physical Holding Space is a Spatial Location that is used or reserved for the storage of a Physical Artefact. |
Super-classes |
HoldingSpacec |
IRI | |
Source | dcterms:Policy |
Description |
A Policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. |
Sub-classes |
InformationManagementPolicyc RecordsAuthorityPolicyc MinimumMetadataSetPolicyc RecordStorageStandardc DigitalPreservationPolicyc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Preservation Quality describes a Quality of an Artefact that supports or threatens the long term preservation of the information that is to be preserved. |
Super-classes |
Qualityc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Quality is an attribute that is intrinsically associated with an entity. |
Sub-classes |
PreservationQualityc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record is information in any format created, received and maintained as evidence by an Organisation or Person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business. A Record may comprise a Digital or Physical Artefact. |
Restrictions |
hasSeriesop only Seriesc hasCoverageop only Coveragec replacesop only Recordc isAffectedByop exactly 1 CreationEventc relatedToop only Recordc qualifiedAssociationop some Associationc hasControlop only Controlc checksumdp max 1 isAffectedByop only Eventc hasClassifierop some Classifierc recordOfop min 1 Artefactc hasDisposalClassop exactly 1 DisposalClassc hasActivityop only Activityc associatedFunctionop min 1 Functionc hasStatusop only Statusc requiresSecurityClassificationop only SecurityClassificationc |
IRI | |
Description |
An Record Audit Event is the systematic examination of a Record to ascertain how and where the Record is stored, who created it, or manages it, who uses it and how much longer the Record is required to be maintained. |
Super-classes |
RecordControlEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Control Event is an Event that requires a particular level of access to the Record. |
Super-classes |
Eventc |
Restrictions |
hasControlop only Controlc |
Sub-classes |
RecordDisposalEventc RecordDecisionEventc RecordReplacementEventc RecordAuditEventc RecordSentencingEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Decision Event changes the Decision Status on the Control of a Record. |
Super-classes |
RecordControlEventc |
Restrictions |
hasPrerequisiteDecisionEventop only RecordDecisionEventc hasDecisionStatusop only DecisionStatusc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Destruction Event is a Disposal Event that results in the regular authorised permanent desctruction of a Record that is no longer required for business purposes. |
Super-classes |
RecordDisposalEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Disposal Event is an Event that results in the regular authorised destruction or change of custody of a Record that is no longer required for business purposes. |
Super-classes |
RecordControlEventc |
Sub-classes |
RecordDestructionEventc RecordFreezeEventc RecordTransferEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Freeze Event is a Disposal Event that leads to a records disposal freeze or retention notice in support of compliance requirements or an identified need to suspend the Archives' records destruction permissions. |
Super-classes |
RecordDisposalEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Replacement Event is an Event that results in the replacement of a Record with a new version. Edits to a Record constitute a Replace Event. |
Super-classes |
RecordControlEventc |
Restrictions |
replacedByop exactly 1 Recordc hasVersionHistoryop only VersionHistoryc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Record Sentencing Event is an Event that classifies an Agencies Record to a specific class of a Records Authority Disposal Class Policy. This helps determine the Records value and how it should be managed throughout its lifecycle. |
Super-classes |
RecordControlEventc |
IRI | |
Description |
The Standard for the storage of non-digital archival Records is designed to set out the requirements for the safe storage and preservation of non-digital records in the Archives’ custody; to ensure all non-digital records are protected, secure and accessible for as long as they are required to meet business and accountability needs and community expectations; and to ensure all non-digital records are stored in the most cost-effective manner possible. |
Super-classes |
Policyc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Transfer Event is a Disposal Event that results in a change of custody. |
Example |
An example of a Record Transfer Event is the transfer of a Record from an Agency to the National Archives. Section 27 of the Archives Act 1983 requires Australian government agencies to transfer Records to the Archives within 15 years of their creation. |
Super-classes |
RecordDisposalEventc |
Restrictions |
hasManifestop only Manifestc transferredToop some Rolec transferredFromop some Rolec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Records Authority Function is a Function that is assigned by the National Archives to classify Agency business. |
Super-classes |
Functionc |
IRI | |
Source | Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard |
Description |
A Records Authority Disposal Class Policy is a Policy that identifies the specific disposal class that authorises the retention or destruction of a Record. |
Super-classes |
Policyc |
Restrictions |
hasDisposalClassop exactly 1 DisposalClassc |
Sub-classes |
DisposalClassc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description |
A Role is the function of an entity or agent with respect to an Activity or Event, in the context of a usage, generation, invalidation, association, start, and end. |
Restrictions |
hasPermissionop some Permissionc |
Sub-classes |
Userc BusinessOwnerc Creatorc Administratorc |
IRI | |
Source | Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard |
Description |
A Security Classification denotes the security status of a Record that an Agent needs to possess to access the Record. |
Super-classes |
AccessControlc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Security Control is a safeguard or countermeasures to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risks to a Record or Artefact. |
Super-classes |
Controlc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Series is an identifier for an item, and when combined with a control symbol gives an item its intellectual context. |
Super-classes |
IntellectualControlSystemc |
Restrictions |
associatedFunctionop only Functionc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Spatial Coverage denotes the spatial extent to which a Record is observed. |
Super-classes |
Coveragec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Spatial Location describes where a something (e.g. a Record, Collection or Artefact) is physically located, using geospatial coordinates such as latitude and longitude. |
Sub-classes |
HoldingSpacec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Status indicates an Activities current state. |
Sub-classes |
DecisionStatusc |
IRI | |
Description |
A Temporal Coverage denotes the temporal extent to which a Record is observed. |
Super-classes |
Coveragec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Trigger is an entity that initiated an Activity or Event. |
Restrictions |
notifiesop some Agentc |
Sub-classes |
AccessTriggerc |
IRI | |
Description |
A User is an Agent that uses a Record. |
Super-classes |
Rolec |
IRI | |
Description |
A Version History is the cumulative change to a previous version of a file. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Agent has accessed a Record as defined in an Access Activity. |
Super-properties | wasAssociatedWithop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Agent and the Role that Agent acts in. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Event and an Artefact or a Record. |
Inverse properties | isAffectedByop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that associates a Function to an Entity, Event or Activity. |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | An associated Role is a qualified association between a Role and an Activity or Event defined by an Association. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines a Policy that is guiding an Activity or Change Event. |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | A relation between a Record and an Activity that acts upon the Record. |
Inverse properties | usedRecordop |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | A qualified relation between an Agent and a Change Event defined through an Association. |
IRI | |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Record, Artefact or Event and a Control that denotes the required level of Access or Security Control. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Record and its Jurisdictional Coverage, or its Temporal or Spatial Coverage. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates what the Decision on a Decision Event was. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that associates a Disposal Class with a Record. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines the size, shape, and other physical specifications of a Physical Artefact. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines the Spatial Location of an Activity or Artefact. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Manifest and a Transfer Event that describes the files involved in the transfer of a Record. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact has a newer version. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
Inverse properties | hasPreviousVersionop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines part-whole relations. |
Inverse properties | partOfop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Agent and the Permission the Agent possesses. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Decision Event and a prerequisite Decision Event, indicating a Decision chain in a Chain of Command. |
Super-properties | priorEventop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact has an older version. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates a specific Quality of an Artefact. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Record and its Series Number. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that denotes the source Agent of a Record or an Artefact in an Event or Activity. |
Super-properties | wasAssociatedWithop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Activity and a Status that indicates its current state. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that denotes the target Agent of a Record or an Artefact in an Event or Activity. |
Super-properties | wasAssociatedWithop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Record and its previous Version qualified through a Replace Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Artefact or a Record and an Event. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact is logically or physically attached to another Artefact. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact is in part or as a whole based on another Artefact. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that denotes the Information System that has been used to change an Artefact. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact is an exact copy of another Artefact, i.e. the content is exactly the same, but its Record may be different. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Artefact is mentioned in another Artefact. An example of such a relation is a citation of a document in another document. |
Super-properties | relatedToop |
IRI | |
Description | A Collection in which the described Artefact is physically or logically included. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Trigger and an Agent that is to be notified. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines part-whole relations. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines the position an Agent occupies in an Organisation or Organisational Unit. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation indicating some causal link between an Event and a previously happening Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that associates an assignment of responsibility to an Agent for an Activity or Event, indicating that the Agent had a Role in the Activity or Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines what Artefact the Record is about. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines that a Record has been replaced by another Record, qualified through a Replace Event. |
Inverse properties | replacesop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines that a Record replaces another Record, qualified through a Replace Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between a Record and a Security Classification that denotes the required level of Security Clearance an Agent needs to possess to access the Record. |
Super-properties | hasControlop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates the Storage Location of an Artefact. |
Super-properties | owl:topObjectProperty |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines that the Control of a Record has been transferred from that Role. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that defines that the Control of a Record has been transferred to that new Role. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that an Event has been initiated by a Trigger. |
Inverse properties | triggersop |
IRI | |
Description | A relation that indicates that a Trigger has initiated a Change Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A relation between an Activity and a Record the Activity uses. |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | A relation that assigns responsibility of an Agent with an Activity or Event. |
IRI | |
Description | A checksum is a small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data representing a Record for the purpose of detecting errors during the transfer or storage of a Record. |
Range(s) | xsd:floatc |
IRI | |
Description | The number defining the sentencing requirements of a Record. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | The time at which an Activity ended. |
Range(s) | xsd:dateTimec |
IRI | |
Description | A filename is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. |
IRI | |
Description | File size is a measure of how much data a computer file contains or how much storage it consumes. |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. |
IRI | |
Description | A seriesNumber is a numerical identifier for a Series. |
Range(s) | xsd:integerc |
IRI | |
Description | A softwareAssignedID is an identifier given to an Artefact by an Information System. |
Range(s) | xsd:stringc |
IRI | |
Source | |
Description | The time at which and Activity started |
Range(s) | xsd:dateTimec |
IRI | |
IRI | |
IRI | |
IRI | |
IRI | |
c | Classes |
op | Object Properties |
fp | Functional Properties |
dp | Data Properties |
dp | Annotation Properties |
p | Properties |
ni | Named Individuals |