Brooma, October 2019
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
Yes, just find a ready strategy!
Just divide the problem to subproblems
Enumerate all the possible variations of solutions or proofs (brute-force search).
Look for patterns
Abstraction makes the concept more vague.
The class concept is vague:
"Instead of solving a specific type of problem, which would seem intuitively easier, it can be easier to solve a more general problem, which covers the specifics of the sought-after solution."
Not all solutions are equally useful.
Testing possible solutions until the right one is found. It's an inherent empiric method of human thinking.
Transform the problem to a solved one.
You can never know enough mathematics.
Could you add something?