One post a day

by Michael Standen

One sentence a day for 50 years

2020-07-20 09:19

Looking at this again

2020-07-27 09:15

Another day of the grind. Spending a lot of time organising other people and not a lot of time doing things myself. It's actually pretty nice.

2020-07-28 11:02

Almost forgot about this.. I need to make a habit of posting. Will try to stack it with my other morning routines and see if it sticks

2020-07-29 19:44

Long morning... Kids are tough work some times

2020-07-30 07:30

Smashed my fastest 5km last night. 24:13. Sub 5min kms. That's a similar speed to when I was a fit teen. I've been pretty consistent with my physical wellbeing and its been a wonder for me state of mind

2020-07-31 16:20

Wooohooo finally selling that damn house

2020-08-01 18:00

Even thinking of a single post a day can be too hard

2020-08-03 18:29

I said before that I would lumo this in with my morning routine but I don't usually have my head screwed on enough to post something I think is worth recording at this time. Need to find another way to stack this habit so I can keep it going. Although this post ain't too bad

2020-08-04 07:50

Work at Paymark is starting to wrap up and every time I think about it I get anxious. I used to craved change so I could grow but these days I'm looking for something more comfortable with nice people where I enjoy my day to day activities. I don't consider myself a social person in the slightest but having the right people around makes a world of difference

2020-08-05 18:26

My happiest moments are when I watch the kids playing and laughing together. I wish they would do it more without being forced by us to play together. Hoping it gets better with age

2020-08-06 20:02

Thinking back to the last time I did a bungee jump. I stood backwards on the platform lent back and fell without seeing where I was falling. When I retold this story someone called me fearless. In reality I was scared stiff. I remember saying "oh shit oh shit oh shit" the whole time. Fearlessness is blind stupidity. Courage is weighing the options, considering the consequences and deciding to do it anyway

2020-08-08 21:15

When I close my eyes I am unable to picture anyone's face. No one at all. Not movie stars, not colleagues, not friends, not family, not my own and not even my wife or kids. I don't know if this is normal but it makes me feel sad that that will not be a memory

2020-08-10 21:37

Back to level 3 today. Another case of community spread in Auckland. Kids are well practiced at this now. Ava is already talking about her emotions, which is a big step up from the bottled she did last time. Chloe loves wearing her mask. Jeremy is.. a baby still. Kate's taking it pretty hard because it's going to add to her already stressful daily life. I'm impartial about it. It is what it is. All we can do it follow the rules and hope it doesn't last too long

2020-08-12 08:47

The Ashley Bloomfield show is back. Season 2 starting with a late night special was a bit of a suprised.
Hope it lives up to season 1. I really enjoyed the season finale where after numerous betrayals Bloomfield killed off David Clark.
Replacing Bridges with The Crusher should keep things more interesting.

2020-08-14 10:30

Chloe started saying "I LIVE HERE" in the most evil voice imaginable for no reason and it made me laugh a lot. Ava said it's the first time she's seen me laugh in a long time.
I'm almost always happy but hardly ever show my emotions outwardly. Probably something I'll have to change...

2020-08-15 18:55

Chloe: Mum, Dad you can have a shower together now
Kate: But who's going to watch Jeremy?
C: Me
K: Then who's going to watch you?
C: Me. My brain. My brain will. Brain will you watch me? Yes? Ok

2020-08-16 08:40

I wish we had less stuff. Kate is looking up "storage solutions" but we have a perfectly good rubbish bin right over there

2020-08-17 18:43

Life is a constant battle between "if you aren't growing, you're dying" and "stop and smell the roses"

2020-08-18 20:22

6.30: Wake, shower, teeth
6.45: Breakfast, watch kids
7.30 Start work
11.30: Lunch
12.00: Back to work
3.30: Finish work, watch kids / soft prep dinner / walk Jeremy / tidy kitchen
4.30: Start cooking dinner
5.30: Eat
6.00: Put Jeremy to bed
6.45: Tidy kitchen / unwind / play with kids
7.15: Kids bedtime routine
7.45: Story with Ava / Chloe to bed
8.00: Play with Ava / clean kitchen/lounge
8.15: Ava to bed, clean kitchen
8.45: Run / Anime & exercise / Chat with Kate
9.30: Kate to bed, relax, anime
10.00/11.00: Bed

2020-08-19 15:12

Money isn't the key to happiness but it sure helps get rid of a lot of little problems

2020-08-20 12:13

Big fan of the "no zero days" ethos

2020-08-21 09:46

Some things are better done in a corner rather than across your whole domain as the sum of all your future discussions and ambitions.

2020-08-22 09:29

Go the fuck to sleep

2020-08-24 23:59

Struggling again to think of something to write. I want to write something insightful but all I can think about is last night's chillies. You know it's nice when it burns you twice

2020-08-26 14:14

FInal day at Paymark. So many nice words from colleagues. Really going to miss this place

2020-08-28 11:34

Targeted misinformation campaigns backed by AI generated content will become the biggest threat to democracy in the next 10 years

2020-08-30 12:14

Waiting outside Ava's dance classes on a Monday watching the boats coming and going from the marina. Cool, calm and relaxed

2020-08-31 18:30

Our smart TV has no buttons. At first I thought it was kinda cool but the number of times we lose the remote makes it VERY NOT COOL

2020-09-01 20:34

Studies show each person has a baseline happiness and no matter what walk of life they are in, they always return to that baseline. Average reports are a happiness level of 7. My baseline is about a 9.5 and it barely fluctuates

2020-09-02 07:10

Collection of words Jeremy can say: hi dad mum don't Ava hot tickle what

2020-09-04 06:59

Scissors wrapped in blister packaging is the most bullshit thing I've ever experienced. How am I supposed to open it? WITH SCISSORS?!?!

2020-09-05 09:02

Nice fathers day yesterday. Breakfast, bike ride, zoo and asleep by 9

2020-09-07 08:01

Walking little Jeremy at lunch time round the block. Nice break from a busy day

2020-09-08 12:48

Been having some wild dreams lately. I enjoy it even when they involve dying and what not. Makes me feel like I did some during those wasted 7 hours. Lol

2020-09-10 10:28

Movie night for the kids again. Watched jungle book. I remember there being a lot more songs but maybe that's just in the PlayStation game

2020-09-11 19:28

Haven't watched TV except for anime for maybe a year or more now. Finally got some time and motivation to sit and watch something. Watches Arrival. HOLY SHIT! I don't know if it's just my lack of movies to compare to but this is incredible. I feel like it's validated some of my approaches to life and helped me see ways to use it for the better. I'll get into it more in another post. For now; good movie, highest of recommendations. It's slow and yet every second serves a purpose. Go into it blind. I had a spoiler that was the driver to watch it and I wish I could have experienced the movie without that I the back of my mind. So good

2020-09-12 23:01

When people find out I had my first child at 18 they ask if I would change that. I truthfully tell them I wouldn't. Yes, it suboptimal and I wouldn't recommend it. But now that I know where it all ends up, there's no way I could ever throw this away

2020-09-14 22:18

The secret to wealth is to spend less than you earn and invest the difference. Beware of lifestyle creep. Figure out what you truly value and use your resources intentionally

2020-09-16 07:13

Heard a great quote today: "Love people and use things, because the opposite never works". I find this to be true now but I definitely wouldn't have thought so even 5 years ago. Kids have changed me a lot

2020-09-17 12:04

One thing I really regret, is never hiring Earthworm Jim from Blockbuster. Every time we went to hire a game, dad would point it out and say it looked cool. It never really appealed to me and we never got it. Wonder if dad wanted to play it for himself and we deprived him of that

2020-09-18 18:23

My current belief is that a human's life purpose is to procreate. Pure evolutionary fact. But that doesn't mean you can have fun along the way

2020-09-19 18:23

Chloe's words of wisdom today:
Did you know we are all different on the outside and the same on the inside? We all have teeth

2020-09-20 10:48

Ate an orange today and thought "wow this tastes so much like a vitamin C tablet"

2020-09-21 15:52

Not sure who I will be voting for this year. Labour has done a good job handling this pandemic. National is a shambles. Greens policies align closer to my beliefs apparently, but their execution is lack luster. All other parties are memes

2020-09-24 18:02

When I walk around the kitchen I can feel every crumb I step on. It takes all my willpower to not go crazy. Sand is the worst

2020-09-25 20:53

Doing stuff with my family is honestly the biggest joy in my life. Even if it's something I hate, I treasure the moment

2020-09-27 20:46

Put on some smooth jazz, light a candle, pour me a glass of wine and put on some ecchi. That's my kinda night

2020-09-28 20:38

Interviewing another candidate today. Need to come up with some more questions. My elephant question is feeling a bit stale

2020-09-30 09:39

I feel like I am most at peace after an hour of silence

2020-10-01 06:59

Recently heard the Hypponen Law about computer security, which states that: "Whenever an appliance is described as being 'smart', it is vulnerable". True, and funny to extrapolate beyond technology

2020-10-05 14:14

I remember asking dad to tell me a fact and he said "women have bigger butts than men". 15 years later and I'm telling my kid the same random fact. Nice

2020-10-06 21:24

"The talk" is something that really sneaks up on you as a parent... Have been spending the past couple nights with Ava reading through a puberty book and helping explain bits and pieces. I'm trying to play it cool but this is awkward as fuuuuuuck. Though I did enjoy her asking when was the first time I got my period. Lol

2020-10-07 20:03

Every morning at work I check what's new on Hacker News, read the days Dilbert comic, and see what tickets I have on my hobby GitHub projects, before getting down to work. It's definitely an old man routine. And then I clear my throat

2020-10-09 07:48

I love cats. Despite my allergies to them I often rub my face all over them. So soft and snug. Cats πŸ₯°

2020-10-10 23:23

Anyone: How far away is dinner?
Me: About 2 meters

2020-10-15 18:15

Another case of covid community transmission in NZ. The person was following all the procedures. Gloves, masks, frequent tests, self isolated immediately, tested immediately, traced whereabouts with the app. What a GC

2020-10-18 19:44

It's really important to me that we have dinner together as a family. Tonight we didn't and I never really realised how much I need it

2020-10-19 17:19

When I was 15 (or so) I tagged along for a day of work with my uncle Glen. He had a business renting eftpos terminals. In the truck on the road I wrote him a client management system using visual basic and microsoft access. It was a pretty shitty program in retrospect and I have no idea of he used it after that but it did fit all his requirements. He ended up offering me a share in the company if I stayed to keep working. I said no thanks I want to finish school first.

He also said not to tell his wife. Lol

2020-10-22 07:08

Playing disc golf with the family at Henderson park today. Gave it a try during our trip to queenstown and it's pretty fun. Worth the couple dollar investment

2020-10-25 14:40

Queenstown is just as beautiful as everyone says

2020-10-27 10:31

US election today. I don't really care. It's kinda been nice having Trump as president. He's cut off the states from a lot of global markets which has given NZ an edge. Also been a good bit of entertainment. I wonder if there will be civil war in the US soon

2020-11-04 13:27

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with feelings of love for my family. I want to give them all hugs but they are sleeping or not around. It's like that old school video of the lady creating a dating profile video crying because she loves cats so much

2020-11-16 22:43

Ava: Jared doesn't talk very much but when he does he talk about very smart things

2020-11-19 16:38

Had a big fight with the girls refusing to sit next to Jeremy for dinner. Chloe ended up compromising but Ava continued to fight saying "threatening to take away dinner is child abuse". She wouldn't stop and I yelled ENOUGH. She stomped off and decided to skip dinner herself

I am not prepared for teenagers

2020-11-22 19:57

PC is crashing lots and only starts up 1 in 10 times. Decided to install Ubuntu. Always a nice feeling to have a fresh system

2020-11-23 22:59

Found Ava had throw out about half the papers from her paper run. Will confront her about it tomorrow and see what happens. So very disappointed

2020-11-24 21:02

Why do I buy these kids toys when all they want to play with are tongs and cat biscuits

2020-11-28 08:11

Chloe had her first day at school today. Just a couple hours to meet the teacher and get used to the place. She looks so grown up in her uniform. True what they say about the days being long but the years being short

2020-11-30 19:51

I am very excited to receive teeth whitening for Christmas. And damn that reminds me I need to buy Kate's Xmas present...

2020-12-10 07:15

How phone calls work: 1 missed call. Oops, ring ring. 1 missed call. ring ring, hello? Hello? I can't hear you? Hang on, might be my headphones...
How texts work: Do you want anything from the shops? No thanks

2020-12-11 12:54

Chloe: Clowns are better than people
... 2mins later ...
Argghhh. Where's the clown? I want to go home!

2020-12-13 13:17

A memory to be treasured forever, waking up early with the bro to cook pikelets for mum on mother's day. Decided to be different and put some green food colouring in one. Turned to pure rubber. Good times

2020-12-15 23:08

Every year I wish I got more bitcoin. My first purchase was 0.03btc on 30th Nov 2013. The most I ever held was around 0.7. Now I'm sitting with just over 0.17btc which is roughly $6500NZD. I'm sure I have some ETH around too.

My most memorable purchases were an electric mixer, a sun sail and dakimakura.

I see bitcoin as a pure speculation engine these days but ethereum is going to be a game changer

2020-12-28 20:33

Poppy is probably going to die soon. Not much life left in him. He's had a good run and sounds like he's sick of dying and ready for it to be over. Not sure how I'm going to cope. This will be the first death of someone close to me.

2020-12-31 12:14

Jeremy can now say bicycle but only in the tune of bicycle race by Queen

2021-01-02 10:34

You can't expect other people to love you if you don't love yourself. Just like how greed makes capitalism work, selfishness makes society work

2021-01-06 08:20

Twilight Imperium battle report:

I was the Saar, flanked by Naalu and Muaat, with L1z1x and Creuss across the table.

I began my galactic conquest moving my star port and units towards the center of the board claiming planets but leaving them unoccupied. The Saar don't need to hold their home world to win like other races and mecatol rex surrounded by two asteroid fields I had the perfect place to set up a new more permanent home.
Unfortunately my systems had a wormhole in the center which connected to L1z1x controlled space and the Creuss could portal through easily too.

I quickly identified that the L1Z1X would not form a stable alliance and so initiated trade with Creuss while suggesting Muaat moves their war sun, the games most powerful unit, towards Creuss to ensure they remain at the other end of the galaxy.

The Naalu sniped Mecatol Rex from Saar hands one turn early. Rather than engaging in combat we requested a simple trade good to ensure a turn of peace.

The Creuss and L1Z1X had some political discourse. Despite a VERY favourable non-binding deal in L1z1x favour in which they gained speaker, L1z1x betrayed the terms of the deal. Creuss made it their mission to destroy the L1z1x. Seeing opportunity to take these two out of the game through mutual destruction, I started bank rolling Creuss to incite more violence.

With the galaxy entering a stable state, the remaining non warring factions began obtain victory points. I took Mecatol Rex and solidified my position to prevent an assault of Muaat war suns.

Turns later, if I could retain Mecatol Rex I would win, I claimed the Imperial strategy card. Only Naalu used a secret action to prevent my claim, took the card for themselves and won by claiming a public victory card. What a game.

We played out the combat between my pitiful army against the war suns for the lols. I could not hold in space but could maintain the ground with a single group troop remaining

2021-01-10 09:51

*Chloe gets out of bed late at night*
C: umm umm. I don't have... any... I don't have any...
Me: thoughts?
C: *pouts* I'm having some thoughts right now


2021-01-14 20:52

Chloe's last day of kindy today. She is very excited to be a school girl

2021-01-21 08:55

Mum "moved in" with Giovanni recently. It's "moved in" because we end up spending more time at her old house than the new one which she is keeping as a "back up plan". Hope they are going alright. He's a good guy

2021-01-24 17:15

Biking with the kids to the supermarket for a chocolate milk and a bread roll is still my favourite thing in life

2021-01-28 11:12

Chloe had a great first day at school. Made friends and didn't cry. "But I did cry in my brain". Super happy to be a school kid

2021-02-04 18:25

Ava's also really enjoying school. Doesn't sound like she's hanging out with anyone at lunch but she is talking to people during class and is very excited about specialist classes, especially for cooking. She's super happy with the increased independence she gets from riding her bike to and from school

2021-02-05 13:14

Memories aren't stored in things, they are stored in us. Take a picture of the thing and get rid of it. The picture is now your trigger for the memory and it takes up way less space!

2021-02-07 11:51

Having kids really makes you reflect on societal norms. Helped Ava write a resignation letter for her paper run and had to explain why you shouldn't say "I quit because I just don't want to do it anymore". This girl is going to have a hard time in the work force if I can't get this through. Haha

2021-02-09 16:08

Back in lock down. Happy Valentine's day Auckland πŸ˜ƒ hope this doesn't affect the kids schooling. They have been doing so well

2021-02-14 20:47

Things to do:
Move email from AWS workmail to some other platform.
Start using a password manager.
Buy MORE ethereum

2021-02-17 08:02

9km in 48:20. Think I'll sign up for my first full marathon this year. Wish me luck

2021-02-18 22:14

Sometimes being a parent is fun. Other times you spend 3 hours putting them to sleep...

2021-02-20 23:32

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone

2021-02-23 07:58

This latest lock down is a bit of a shit show. So many people aren't taking it seriously. I can appreciate the frustration of stern mum Jacinda in these trying times

2021-03-03 07:39

It's incredible the difference that having a job you enjoy can make. Recently moved into a dysfunctional team that has no consistency or standards and it's killing my vibe. I work feeling bored and dissatisfied and the feelings continue when I'm done for the day. I can leave work behind but those feelings linger and ruin what's left of the day. I need to find another hobby project to keep my mind racing

2021-03-04 08:03

I hate speaking. Really want to learn NZSL so I can get by without talking. But it's way down on the priority list. First is physical fitness and I barely have time to do that to a level I'm happy with. Maybe in a decade when the kids are grown up enough to give me some freedom back...

2021-03-07 11:47

Training is going alright. I can run 8km nonstop in 42min. 10km tonight. If I can do it under an hour I'll be pretty happy

Update: 52min. Booyah

2021-03-10 12:59

Putting kids to sleep. Sometimes it's 3 minutes, sometimes it's 3 hours. Doesn't mean they wake up any later...

2021-03-12 20:45

My first ever bitcoin purchase was an anime figure for ~$120 NZD back in 2016. That was for 0.14274441BTC. which is now worth ~$11,400 NZD. Love it. Lynette is pretty cute though

2021-03-13 07:54

Got the kids a library card last week and we've gone 4 times so far... Planning to go again today too

2021-03-15 15:12

Short term investment advance: Buy the rumour, sell the news

2021-03-17 19:16

You ever hear someone complain about their "work life balance" because they have too much "life"? No. Maybe it's not enough work, which really means not enough money, or even not enough joy, but you can never have too much life.
Really what people are realizing is that they are overworked. Find a way to enjoy your job. Or cut down your obligations so you can fill your life with more joy.
We all have 86400 second each day. Prioritize sustainable enjoyment

2021-03-20 18:56

Spent a lot of time tonight thinking about what will happen to my digital assets when I'm gone. There's a lot of stuff; websites, crypto, bots, social accounts, emails, photo archives, friends...
I really need to sit down and write out a solution for passing it on

2021-03-21 21:27

Super proud of the family lately.
Jeremy is doing rolls, jumping around and exploring the world.
Chloe is learning to read and do maths so fast, also bike riding and trying new things all the time.
Ava is super independent and keeping me on her toes trying to understand why people act like they do.
Kate is managing all of this and the house build and so much more.
I'm pretty cool too 😎

2021-03-22 11:34

Submitted my first pull request to a crypto repo today. As soon as it's merged in meta mask will support NZD

2021-03-28 10:00

Everyone is sick. Even the cat just threw up.. what a day this is going to be

2021-03-31 08:29

Working with other people is hard. Especially if you don't share the same values. No matter how much respect and appreciation you have for the person and even if your goals align, without a shared set of values the directions you each want to take to reach the goal may be incompatible.

Recently had this while working with a friend on a project. Once we figured out the problem we were able to stop, list our concerns and possible ways forward. It was a surprise to both of us what had to change to get both our values satisfied.

Like all things, communication is the key to resolving conflict.

2021-04-09 08:34

Mark my words. Now is the time to buy crypto. Bitcoin and Eth are currently near all time highs and some big news coming. Going to be wild. It's times like these I check my bank account balance

2021-04-14 07:40

I struggle with complimenting others achievements because I have higher expectations than people have of themselves. When they finally succeed they expect me to be surprised but I knew all along they were capable. It's saddening to me that people in general are in this situation. So much self loathing and depression these days...

2021-04-16 09:26

Jeremy just said Chloe's name for the first time. While crying because she pushed him over. Lol

2021-04-19 09:00

My favourite manager is leaving and I can't stand the project I'm stuck on. Have been feeling pretty meh about the whole job hunting thing.
Then today I heard that my favourite past client is going to have a couple roles opening up AND I got a shoulder tap for a potential position with a game company I'm incredibly hyped about.
A lot of people overlook the power of having connections, but in my experience it's the best way to find opportunities. That applies to more than just jobs.

2021-04-23 22:46

Got that good problem again where I told the boss I want to leave and he asked me how much to stay... I should quit more often

2021-04-29 19:58

Recruiter now chasing me to interview for CTO jobs. WTF is this. I mean I suppose I could do it but do I really want to give up coding πŸ€”

2021-05-04 07:23

Had an interview for a blockchain job. Think it went pretty well. It's been a few hours and I'm still feeling the hype. Here's hoping everything works out

2021-05-05 10:54

Poppy is in hospital again. Sends his love to the family. I hope he is alright tonight but you know it's not good when the doctor is asking if the visitors are comfortable instead of the patient...

2021-05-14 20:37

Feeling pretty numb right now

2021-05-20 23:20

Nice service for Poppy yesterday. Was really good to hear some stories from Bruce and his old friends. Cried like a little bitch.

Also I'm quiting my job today. Eeeee

2021-05-26 07:33

Discussions during mock interviews..
Me: If I do overtime you'll pay me right?
Kate: I'll pay you in kisses
Me: You can kiss my ass
Kate: If that's what you want

2021-05-27 19:34

Finally got my office back. Woohoo. Now I need some furniture. And maybe a quicker keyboard. I never realised how loud this thing was until now. It's not even clicky. Only browns

2021-05-31 20:31

There's a boy at Ava's school that's totally crushing on her. He's going around calling her pet names and doing little mean things. Apparently his friends told Ava that he likes her. Ava's been talking about him every day for the past few weeks. I think the feeling is mutual. She refuses to believe it's anything but friendship...

2021-06-09 18:57

Gave a blockchain presentation at work. Decided to say fuck it to the time constraints and chatted about all the defi stuff I find interesting. Really fanboyed hard about it. The energy of the room was great. Had some very thoughtful questions.
I really see this space being huge. We're still early in this technology but I believe it's going to revolutionise the finance sector in the same way double entry bookkeeping did in the renaissance era.
And it won't stop there

2021-06-12 12:56

One thing I like to do is keep pushing boundaries. Get used to be uncomfortable. Do too many things to be constantly busy.
Then when you fall on hard times you are already used to pain. If you need to make a tough call you know where your limits lie. If you need to take on something new you know how far you can stretch.
And I also do it because life is short and I want to experience as much as can and reach my potential.

2021-06-14 21:20

Ava was rhyming digger with uhh another word today. I guess 11 is the age you learn these words. She didn't know what it meant or anything. Had to just say that it was a swear and to please not use it despite what you hear in rap music...

2021-06-18 18:28

Finally finished chores and sat down to drink my tea I made an hour ago.
Halfway through with peace and quiet until kids start yelling.
Dad! Dad! Don't drink that! We put dirt in there.

2021-06-20 11:03

Paying $1,042.86 into kiwisaver for 50 years will earn you $1million.

Assuming 8% APY (not unreasonable for a growth fund). Compounded monthly. Ignoring employer contribution. Ignoring fees. Ignoring initial kickstart bonuses.

You can't discount the power of compounding interest

2021-06-25 11:22

Last day at Datacom today. Sad to go. It's a great place to work. Wonder if that will be true in the future.
Hoping this transition will allow me to persue my own interests and eventually get into Ethereum development.

2021-06-30 07:38

First day back at Paymark. What a great place to be. Coming back to a ton of people that already know and respect me really felt like return of the king. Except that they know me as the unicorn guy...

2021-07-01 17:27

Getting the final paycheck from Datacom some pretty damn sweet. Had almost 2 months of leave saved up. Woooohoooo

2021-07-03 19:33

Ava wasn't home when we asked her to be. Didn't answer her phone. Friends mum didn't answer the phone either. When I went to her friends house there was no answer. 2 mins away from calling police and such when she finally answered her phone. Damn kids, I'm not ready for this stress

2021-07-06 18:15

I really like the coolcats NFTs. Helps that they've increased in price 20x since release. But more importantly they are so damn cute

2021-07-08 13:18

Whenever we make crumbed fish/chicken, the kids insist I cook a baby. The "baby" is a mix of all the left over flour, egg and crumbs. It looks and sounds disgusting but actually tastes pretty good

2021-07-10 19:36

When I'm sick or have a headache I always eat way too much food. Idk why. It's annoying because it makes me feel even worse

2021-07-15 20:01

Asked Kate how much she would sell me for. $50 million. Sad, that won't even buy her a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO

2021-07-18 10:19

My fun ethereum address is 0x455fef5aeCACcd3a43A4BCe2c303392E10f22C63.
I wonder how interesting that will be in a decades time.
I like cool cats NFTs, Influence and Parallel. I want a bonsai.
ETH is currently about $2,600. The floor for Bored Apes is 7 ETH.
EIP-1559 is coming next month. Proof of stake early next year πŸ™
Getting a full time crypto job is still in the works. The family thinks it's all a scam

2021-07-19 23:06

Wrote another discord bot, this time tracking NFT card sales for parallel. They are pretty happy with it. I'm hype for more collab

2021-07-20 08:43

Jeremy's longest sentence is now "no my dad fart"

2021-07-21 19:16

Kate's finding it hard to manage having friends as employees. She's got some (intentionally) blurry lines around what is considered work for them so it's understandable. I think she's doing a great job but it is hard

2021-07-23 16:19

Don't put curtains in the washing machine

2021-07-26 13:48

Started intermittent fasting again. AKA skipping breakfast. Couple days in and it doesn't seem to have affect my activity levels. Will keep it up for a while and see if I notice any changes

2021-07-27 16:18

I have to spend about 30min every day catching up on the latest blockchain news and DMs for coding services. Networking is a chore. Makes me respect all those business people and management layers

2021-07-30 07:07

Got some Parallel card packs. Messed up the reservation and only got 3 core packs. Still managed some great pulls thanks to Kate's luck (I had her click the button). My luck with these gacha games is always awful.. Loving this NFT community

2021-08-02 06:52

Those cards I bought 2 days ago for ~$180 are today worth ~$12,500. What a time to be alive! God, I love crypto

2021-08-03 14:51

Spent a good chunk of date night writing another bot for a crypto project. It's a lot of fun and good money but I should probably readjust my priorities πŸ˜–

2021-08-09 09:13

Thought I would enjoy a nice walk away from the PC for lunch. Spent the whole time on my phone recruiting for my virtual space alliance

2021-08-10 08:51

Bot making business is booming. Like holy shit. I've had more requests than I can keep up. Maybe I need to up my rate πŸ€”

2021-08-12 11:23

Considering making our own NFT project. I have technical skills and Kate has art skills. There's plenty of money to be made in the space. May as well give it a shot

2021-08-14 20:50

Found a lump near my spine. Am I going to die? Only time will tell. In the meantime, more bots

2021-08-15 09:51

Last week I made more money through crypto than my day job. I don't consider anything I did to be risky. This really is a golden age for early adopters

2021-08-16 11:00

Code does not understand right or wrong. It acts according to it's nature. It flows like a river. Will it flow as a circular river or a river that dumps into an open body of water. It all depends on where you direct it to go. It ebbs and flows according to your instruction. How you form your code is up to you, but remember, the code you ship will be your signature, your calling card. It will represent you. Your code is like a form of unique identity. It reflects your style and your attitude. There will be some trademark aspects of how you code and you will see those aspect across many projects. Your code is a natural extension of your being. Its how you think and how you breath. You tell it what to do, and it just does it. Unapologetically.

2021-08-17 12:39

Back in lock down. Day 1 and kids are doing ok. Ava is a bit pissed she'll be in lockdown for her birthday AGAIN. We're following the rules but everyone is noticably more relaxed this time around. Even though the delta variant is significantly more contagious. Hope it doesn't last too long. I was quite enjoying how life was progressing

2021-08-18 20:38

Why would you pay real money for an asset you don't own?

2021-08-20 10:43

If you want to be successful in this world you need to have a side project. Find a way to make your money work for you. Passive income is the key to escaping the rat race. Otherwise you'll be a wage slave forever.

2021-08-21 11:58

Spent the morning chatting to First Alliance members, creating a development approval process and drafting the proposal to our decentralised autonomous organisation. Feels a little like work...

2021-08-23 08:53

Still in lock down. Kate and Chloe had a covid test yesterday so Ava is staying at her mums while we wait for results. It was a hard call not bringing her back home for her birthday, but the right one. Little kids are feeling better now but we'll keep waiting for results like good kiwis. Hope we get it back soon. Ava's cake isn't going to last in the fridge forever

2021-08-24 14:35

Really enjoying the weekend. Even though it's still lockdown, and it's raining. Kids have started to entertain themselves and play nicely. I got a bunch of cleaning done. Overall it's really peaceful

2021-08-28 16:29

Watching altered carbon last night and one of the characters said "no matter how long you live, you're never finished". I think that's a problem in going to have to face in a few decades

2021-09-04 10:32

Kate and I are working on an NFT project. It's using her Peeps she used to draw many years ago. It's incredibly hard to grow a community. Idk how people do it..

2021-09-06 16:54

We deployed the peeps contract! Cost 0.18 ETH to do it. Very exciting!!! Now we need to really step up that community engagement. Somehow. Lol

2021-09-19 10:39

Training for a full marathon and decided to run a half just for fun. Managed it ok. The full will be a challenge, that's for sure

2021-09-20 10:35

Got my first covid vaccination today. Ava too

2021-09-23 18:16

Nice relaxing day today. Hung out with the cat at lunch. Played some pictionary online. Did a bit of work. All and all a good day

2021-09-24 13:30

Noooo. Marathon has been postponed thanks to covid. Getting pretty sick of this global pandemic nonsense. Ugh. Jk we got it pretty good.
1 in 500 dead in USA thanks to covid. Shocking really.

2021-09-28 22:36

Kate had a piece as part of a charity auction that ended today. It was a collaboration between Peeps Club and Cosmic Cowgirls. A percentage of the proceeds went to the Girls Who Code charity. The piece ended up going for 0.5302 WETH (USD $1,753). We're both pretty excited about it!!

2021-10-02 19:07

Buying JPGs has been the single most profitable investment I've ever made

2021-10-04 08:16

Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal.

– Ernest Hemingway

2021-10-11 20:08

Last night I had one of those dreams where it feels like you lived a whole different life. Woke up unsure of who I was and what my place was in this world. Took a long time to come back to myself.
Wouldn't it be nice if that's what life is? A dream within a lifetime of dreams

2021-10-13 07:06

We are responsible for more than the sum of our intentions

2021-10-17 15:01

Have spent the past couple days generating AI art work from text prompts. It's so much fun. Can be pretty difficult finding good prompts. You have to consider the training data and what commonalities the prompts will bring up, then imagine if the result will be interesting. I like it

2021-10-19 22:03

Second covid vax hit me so hard. Almost knocked out for a whole day. Ugh.
Wifi is good tho

2021-10-24 17:03

Released my AI art project as NFTs. Sold out 100 items in ~10 mins! Woop

2021-10-26 07:36

Jeremy found a dead bird and said "uh oh bird, no fly". Speech seems to be lagging behind but he can comprehend a lot more than he can say. Feeling good about this little dude

2021-10-30 09:40

Went a day without my device today. Nothing spectacular happened. Enjoyed time with kids and did some water blasting. Same things I would have done with my phone. Found I was more present between tasks but I don't think there was any other major change. Was nice tho. Will probably do again

2021-11-07 21:16

Jeremy has started whining super loud and it sounds like Lemongrab. I've told him it's unacceptable but he won't stop

2021-11-09 18:32

Today my NFT portfolio broke $100k. We like the cats

2021-11-17 07:56

I have so much crypto work I'm taking time off "work" to do it. This is the start of something beautiful. Maybe I won't renew my contract at Worldline for next year. Hmmmm

2021-11-19 13:03

Writing code at 1am... Probably not the best idea...

2021-11-21 01:02

Pulling out of NFTs so I can put everything in Ohm and WAGMI. Degen move but I like it. Hoping it frees up some time since I won't be grinding for whitelists anymore

2021-12-02 21:22

StoryBots is such a wild show. Watching an episode where they were singing about cryptocurrency and now Snoop Dogg is explaining how binary works in a computer. Love it

2021-12-04 08:08

I've noticed a lot of the times Ava says "you just don't understand me" is when she's missing the complete picture. Instead of saying I understand and commiserating, I try to help her fill in the blanks but she's not interested in listening.
Wonder if that was the same for me when I was younger

2021-12-05 15:56

Found out yesterday I'm being made redundant at Worldline/Paymark. Pretty tough. They are rolling back everything I've been working on and not using any of it. Other heads being rolled as well. All because exec can't see immediate value of a common auth system for all their products.
Oh well.
As of March I'll be doing crypto full time. BRING IT ON

2021-12-08 16:40

Sometimes I completely disassociate parts of my body with my self. I look down at my legs but they aren't my legs, they are just legs attached to my body, which I control. It's an odd feeling being a consciousness existing inside a bag of meat loosely held together by skin having to care and maintain it or the consciousness will die

2021-12-11 10:43

A thing is only useful if you use it

2021-12-13 21:16

If dinosaurs are birds now, what are dragons?

2021-12-15 16:31

Jpegs are generational wealth

2022-01-03 16:25

First day doing a full day on crypto stuff instead of work. I feel the burn out coming. TOO MANY PROJECTS

2022-01-06 10:34

Today I just made my biggest sale ever. A doodle for 9.969 ETH. What a feeling waking up to an extra $50k in your wallet

2022-01-07 07:58

Me without a shirt on.
Chloe: Why are you wearing a body t shirt
Me: What? I'm not wearing a shirt

2022-01-13 16:23

The queen has covid.
It's still a problem and the world has given up fighting it. There are barely any restrictions and the few remaining precautions are being lifted. Not a lot of people taking boosters seriously. Apparently guaranteed mild illness for a couple days is worse than weeks of illness plus unknown permanent damage plus spreading to your peers.
It's only a matter of time until we all get it. Cases in both Chloe and Avas schools. Friends have had it. Lucky we have a good support network and all work is remote so we'll survive just fine when we are hit. Can't say the same for others.

2022-02-22 09:51

The business man is walking through the park. It's a beautiful day. He is on his way to see someone he loves. He sees her. She rushes over. He bends down to pick up the girl.

When he stands he sees a blip and then in the previously empty air, another man wearing an iron helm, covered in explosives.

Light and sound fills the air.

The business man's skin blisters and boils. He falls to the ground unconscious.

The business man is alone when he wakes. There are no signs of life. There is only fire and ash. He is filled with pain and rage.

The destruction is worldwide. Financial and political systems are destroyed. The past as it was is no more. The man with the burns calls for action.

The man with the burns gathers the top minds he can find. The general, the priest, the scientist. Together they formulate a plan.

The general has captives. Not all those who attacked were killed. They came from the other future. Seeking to destroy this past so that the other future can remain. The man with the burns will make sure they do not succeed. The other future will be no more when the plan is through.

The priest calls out for loyal followers. Pushing others with the conviction of the man with the burns. The righteous grow from hundreds to thousands. That other future must be stopped. Beyond that. They must be destroyed.

The scientist finds clues in the rubble. Remnants from the attack. She is able to reverse engineer the devices used again this past. What worked against this past will work against the other past. That is the only way to stop the other future. Mass production begins.

The man with the burns takes the stage. Thousands of righteous don explosives. The very same used against this past. The man with the burns wears them too. The attack will be coordinated. Simultaneous. There will be no error. There will be no chance of failure. The other future has time altering technology. Timing is more important than anything.

The rebels set their devices and prepare to blip. The time is near. The man with the burns puts on an iron helm.

The man wearing the iron helm is standing in the park. He sees the girl that he loves. He sees a business man.

A realization hits. This past and that other past are the same. This future and that other future are the same. The war against time was a war against themselves. And there is no stopping it.

Light and sound fills the air.

2022-02-25 23:51

Your brain uses most of the same networks when remembering the past as it does when imagining the future. This is why it's important to get a breadth of experiences to grow your wisdom

2022-02-26 23:14

The exclamation point was created in 1400 and is the only punctuation used to convey a feeling. Are we overdue for a new one?

2022-03-04 20:36

Every day Jeremy is doing something with Dinosaurs. Dinosaur King TV show, Andy's dinosaur adventure. And when it's not TV it's "play rawrs?" with his toys. Trex clothes every day...
I've been taking him to the museum to look at the skeleton models. He love it so much...
Getting a bit sick of it myself. Haha

2022-03-10 14:36

Slowly coming to terms with the idea that I'll die without being to reminisce the good times due to my abysmal memory. I already can barely picture people's faces, even immediately after they leave a room

2022-04-17 19:28

"Our memories are not the impartial accumulation of every second we've lived; they're the narrative that we assembled out of selected moments."
Excerpt from The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling that's resonating with me tonight

2022-04-26 20:35

"Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom" might be my new favourite book. A machine exists that allows you to have limited communications between parallel universes created at the time they are switched on. Kind of like the butterfly effect, but the book focuses more on how the world reacts to the devices and challenges addicts face etc. It's very well thought out and could be the basis for so many storylines

2022-04-30 18:18

Doctor said I have pitryiasis rosea. It's a bit annoying but otherwise fine.
Also I busted my knee jumping on a waterslide. Not stopping me running 10km but man it stings if I kneel or bump it at all.
Blood pressure is coming down. Probably stress or diet related.
Cholesterol down from 6.5 to 4.5.
Asthma is barely noticeable.
Think that's all my old man problems... Feeling a bit rusty

2022-05-19 10:58

Chloe is writing a list of things that she loves:
My family
My friends

Very cute

2022-05-21 19:52

Sliced my finger while cutting dinner and now I can't unlock my phone

2022-05-29 10:33

Kate broke her toe cleaning πŸ˜‚
It's actually broken.
She was cleaning the ceiling and stepped down off the chair funny. Bam. Broken toe

2022-06-02 13:15

Just lost the game

Went to an NFT networking event for Eager Beavers last night. Talked so much my voice gave out. Definitely work but was a bit of fun too. So many creatives in the space looking to build. I'm really excited for where web3 is being positioned in the entertainment industry.

2022-06-06 08:49

Saw dad on the weekend. The next day he messages saying he has covid. Great. It's Friday now and seems like we managed to avoid it.
Ran a half marathon for training too. 6min/km

2022-06-10 19:05

Mum got home and Thomas has been dropped off with covid. This is going to screw my travel plans to NYC. Feels like we're having a year of bad luck to make up for all the amazing luck we've had up until now

2022-06-12 20:02

Ava has covid. Ffffffffffff. She's at her mum's so timing work for her to stay there until our trip. That's something. We're bringing up dad to watch the kids the days mum can't. Did I mention he has covid too?

2022-06-13 07:49

Lawyers want to charge DOUBLE the already outagous estimate. This is will literally bankrupt our company. Fuck lawyers man

2022-06-17 12:24

Landed in NYC for NFT NYC!!! Going to catch up with Gecko who we've known online for a good couple of years. Really looking forward to it

2022-06-20 01:23

Home after nearly a week in NYC. Got to meet a bunch of friends we only knew online. Was such an awesome experience. NYC is an awesome city once you get over the scent. I'll definitely be visiting again to do all the touristy things. Was nice to have a break from the kids too. I've got a massive sleep debt that I hope to pay before we pick them up from the grandparents.
Btw I have covid. Lol

2022-06-25 07:00

Jeremy caught covid at the same time I caught covid despite being on other sides of the planet. What luck.. He seems to be doing fine. I'm super tired and feverish. Hopefully it doesn't last long

2022-06-26 17:35

Feel like I'm getting all the covid symptoms one day at a time. Day 0 nothing. Day 1 fever and headache. Day 2 cough. Wonder what's next.
Jeremy is all good. Chloe is refusing to test. Kate is negative

2022-06-28 09:15

Completely lost my sense of taste and smell. Must've happened a couple days ago. Jeremy pooped and couldn't smell it. Dinner apparently overkill on flavour but I thought it was bland. Parsely tastes like nothing. Tabasco still has a sting and tastes like vinegar. Milk is nothing. It's been pretty fun to experiment with actually. Would recommend

2022-07-01 21:11

Broke my finger playing with Ava. She threw something and I missed catching it, clapped too hard and broke it. Ouch.
Then we went camping the next day.
Chloe and Jeremy got to see snow for the first time. Too cold but they had fun.
Holiday park on Taupo had thermal pools and a water slide. Everyone loved movies in the pool.
On the way home the caravan tire explodes. AA arrives only to find our spare doesn't fit. Traveled around Taupo to get a replacement fitted.
So glad to be home but now it's back to the grind. Feels like it never ends.
Something needs to change and I feel like it's work. This all started when I left to do crypto full time. Much prefer the 9-5.
Welp, time to unpack and do washing and dinner all at once while Kate hits a late night work conference

2022-07-20 18:04

Chloe has been sleeping with an LED lantern since ... forever. Finally at 6 and a half we have convinced her to stop.
She has a real fear of being alone but now she's finally starting to be ok by herself.

2022-07-24 19:40

The good old days is pretending to be a grandma while the kids give you a makeover with dinosaur accessories

2022-07-26 19:24

Jeremy running around yelling ROCK N ROLL!
He doesn't like rock and roll music though. He likes that Skrillex song

2022-08-04 16:11

I've accepted a new role at Altered State Machine. It sucks so much that I wasn't able to make it work at Ao but the stress was too real.
Happy we took the risk. We launched Peeps, hopefully grumpy cantina, lots of others and learnt a lot.
Need something stable to keep the family afloat

2022-08-05 09:08

Today you.. tomorrow me

2022-08-09 21:16

Maybe God left Earth because he's too busy trying to keep a few thousand humans happy in Heaven for eternity

2022-08-16 07:02

We officially have a teenager in the house. Ava's been trying her best to avoid the label but it's here now. I get the feeling she's actually pretty excited about it too. She's getting a whole bunch more responsibilities all at once, including an unlocked phone and an EFTPOS card. It's scary but I think she's ready. Hopefully I can live up to the expectation of maximum embarrassment too

2022-08-23 11:01

Feeling good this week. Delivering lots of value at my new job. Kids are happy and healthy. Gym making me feel sexy. Learning some new knot tying skills. Feels like I'm getting my life back

2022-09-02 22:54

Ava got covid again.

Current expenses split is:
55% mortgage
12% food
7% transport
7% utilities
I'm interested in posting a complete breakdown somewhere at some point. Numbers are a bit off as our jobs are in flux

2022-09-06 14:00

Despite the theme of the posts in here, I feel content >99% of the time. Having a happy, healthy family is all I really need

2022-09-07 08:30

We're officially terminating Ao Collaboration. Kate has been having panic attacks thinking about the whole thing. It's pretty rough.

Some of the employees aren't going to be able to find work. We were so accommodating and flexible, no other company offers that. I don't think it was the downfall of the company but it has been costly and I think it has been undervalued. Here's hoping that'll losing that doesn't impact our friendships with those we've been trying to help these past 2 years.

2022-09-09 12:34

Another peaceful weekend. Played some Osu until my finger stung. Relaxed in the sun. Did some gardening. Bliss

2022-09-11 11:05

Trying to find a way to encourage and measure progression on my skills and projects. Marathon is coming up at the end of next month. I can run a half in ~2 hours but I need to ramp up. I'm going to the gym but I really need to be more consistent and get a program. Learning new knots but I forget the last when learning the next. Japanese study isn't really useful now I've stopped watched anime. Evelate is making a difference but it's sucking too much time. Likewise for chess. Maybe I should stop doing some of these things too... Hmmm

2022-09-12 13:26

I don't want to define my life by the big 1 or 2 events that happen every year. I want the other 99% to be worth living for

2022-09-13 13:06

Going for a walk without my phone feels like an event I seriously have to plan for. This is a sign of a problem.
Ethereum merged and became a proof of stake network last night. This is going to be put down as one of the largest catalysts for cryptocurrency uptake in the future. It's coming

2022-09-16 11:42

Ava has an interview at Macleans tomorrow. I'm a little bit excited to see which teachers are still there and what's changed. I think it'll be a good school for her. Ava really thrives when there's support and structure. She's really getting good at organising herself and I think the opportunities at Macleans will give her a chance to push out of her comfort zone

2022-09-20 22:45

Macleans does a financial literacy course!!! Hazzah! Ava is keen to take it. She doesn't get to pick until Friday so might change her mind. Tbh it should be a mandatory class.

Having lots of fun playing around with the stable diffusion ai text to image model. How do I monetise this? Maybe automatically generate an image and print it on a t-shirt. Bam. Custom designs for everyone

2022-09-21 19:50

Still being hounded by ex clients... Ruined my afternoon last night, my night, haunted my dreams, still affecting me today. I can't wait to be free. Considered deleted my entire online presence to escape it. Stay anon kids

2022-09-22 14:37

Have been using AI image to image generators to help me come up with design ideas for areas around the house. Take a photo, shove it in the generator, add some keywords for what you want the space to become, go! Then all you have to do is build it IRL

2022-09-23 14:06

As much as I would love to come back as a robot after death, I'm not sure it'll be for the best for everyone else. I'd rather they move on

2022-09-27 23:19

Hate being sick. It's such a waste of time. Lucky that my favourite activity right now is AI art. Forced to rest because I type some words then wait a couple min for it to spit out an image. Good fun.

Spent the afternoon burning stuff with Ava. Then rubbing the ash on each other's foreheads and saying "Simbaaaa". Just dad things.

2022-09-29 11:50

Another day feeling sick and another night playing with AI.

2021 movie "Don't look up" is the best documentary of Coronavirus I've ever seen

2022-10-01 21:33

Christians speed an hour or so every week getting together to pray for their own salvation. What if that time was spent fighting real world issues like climate change instead?

2022-10-03 11:57

Being in crypto mean we are close with a lot of financial experts. One thing that *every single one* is saying is that 2023 is going to be a year of pain. Some are saying we are already in a recession but they all agree it's going to get worse.

What are we doing about it? Stopping all our automatic investments. Readjusting spending. Refixing home loans for longer periods. Cashing up shares funds. Stabling crypto. Reducing kiwisaver to a balanced fund.
Basically hitting that bunker button. Shits about to hit the fan.

2022-10-04 18:05

Using AI to plan my meals. Lol. "Hey computer! Draw me a picture of a cooked fish dish!"

2022-10-05 15:46

Ava made a delicious Sheppard's pie tonight. It was so good there wasn't a even left overs for lunch tomorrow. Mmmm...
That girl has some good life skills. I think she's going to do pretty well in life.

2022-10-09 20:53

Kinda funny how kids are allowed to be out at the playground by themselves but not home alone. I suppose it comes from back in the day when you have a community to protect you when you're out. Feels different now

2022-10-10 18:53

Facing my social anxiety fears by attending a work social event. Going to be hard since I haven't met anyone in person and no one from my team is able to make it.
Should've known "arrive 10mins early" was a scam. Lol

2022-10-11 10:56

Experimenting with having no mobile data. It's so refreshing to not be connected to the internet all the time. Get to actually enjoy the world. It is very clear how much of a habit checking the phone is as well. Quite eye opening

2022-10-18 08:52

Ava has down at the playground "by herself" for the past couple hours. Idk why she's afraid to say who she's hanging out with. Told her if she happens to accidentally meet a friend there then she can bring them back for lunch or hanging out or anything

2022-10-22 12:22

I'm not wrong. It's the idea that's wrong

2022-10-28 13:28

Love my family very much.
If I ever die suddenly I want them to be able to move on without worrying about me. My thoughts, beliefs and goals are my own. They aren't things I want to be put on others. I hope everyone can live on their own moral and to their own merits

2022-10-29 10:49

Completed the marathon on the weekend!!! 4hr 21min.
It was an experience full of pain. Doubt I'll do it again. Glad to have it off my bucket list.
The half was pretty fun though. That might become a regular event for me.
Awesome that the family came out to watch me in the rain. Was cool to accidentally see people I knew along the way.
Dad showed up on his bike and gave me some good tips about hydration and sugar levels along the way. Wouldn't have survived without that. The company was very much appreciated as well.

2022-11-01 13:15

Looking forward to retirement. Lol

2022-11-09 23:03

I love pushing boundaries. I think it's important to continue to grow and experience new things. Kate and I have been exploring new things in our relationship. It's not always straight forward but we are great at communicating and put each other before all else

2022-11-13 21:56

It's important to realise who is the gas and who is the breaks when navigating a relationship. The roles can change for different aspects. In a good dynamic the gas is more powerful than the breaks but constant communication is there to keep the balance. If the breaks are too strong there won't be any progress, it's only there to limit the speed and slow down for corners and rest stops

2022-11-14 12:33

I really don't like socialising. It's ok when you get people 1 on 1 but group settings always have the most shallow conversations. Went to a work party and the person I connected with the most was the Uber driver. Bleh

2022-11-17 22:33

Jeremy keeps stuffing soft toys down his pants. Idk what he's thinking when he does it... Weirdo

2022-11-20 22:10

Haven't seen Cas in a few days. Last I saw was before the massive storm we had. Usually he stays out during storms but it's weird he hasn't come back since. Hope the boy is ok. I have a feeling he's not. So many boy racers speeding through the area lately. Wouldn't be surprised if he has been hit 😦

2022-11-26 08:42

Wew. Been a hot minute.

We found Cas! He was hit by a car on Weds night, didn't find him until late on Saturday at his beach house. He's been hanging out at an empty house, chilling on the deck chairs by the pool, watching the birds. Only found him because their neighbour has photos of Cas on her desk at work. Her colleague saw our Facebook post.
Took him to after hours vet. He stayed there two nights. Compound fracture in his leg. It can't be saved. Amputation is tomorrow morning. Poor boy...

Also our online friend Gecko has psychosis. He's completely lost his grip on reality. Thinks the AI is out to get him and he discovered the meaning of life through a video game. He's maxed his credit card by staying at a hotel and burning all his money on PC gear. His IRL friends are unable or unwilling to go see him. Being around his family is like torture to him. There's nothing we can do all the way from little NZ. We tried calling people and the hotel and him but nothing is working. It's heartbreaking.

What a week... At least Chloe has her dance this weekend. Hopefully things will start looking up as Christmas rolls through

Heard another good quote: Luck is the intersection between hard work and opportunity

2022-11-30 13:58

Fuck everything right now...

2022-12-01 14:24

Chloe had an amazing dance performance!!! Dancing and timing was stop on and she had SO much more confidence than last year. And she won the class award!!
Celebrated by cutting her hair short and she loves the new style. Great to see her flying.

As a family we did some chaos art work. Got a big canvas and just threw paint at it to make a mess. Good stuff. Not as relaxing as I had hoped but I'm enjoying looking at it.

Update on Cas. He now has 3 legs. He still doesn't like being inside. Tried to escape out the window. This guy is a problem.
Update on online friend. It's literally the same shit as the cat.

2022-12-05 13:09

More AI getting released. OpenGPT is another amazing tool. I need to find a way to monetise this. Maybe something like
1. Provide a description of a scheme
2. OpenGPT expands the description with a story
3. OpenGPT extracts keywords from the story
4. StableDiffusion uses keywords to generate an art piece
5. Mint and sell the story and image as an NFT
6. Also prints a "free" T-shirt if you purchase

2022-12-08 07:10

Getting by every day. Closer and closer to Christmas. Fam is happy and healthy. Not a big update.

2022-12-16 16:02

I am no longer writing my own documentation, my own tweets, my own blog posts, my own code. I get AI to do it for me.

2022-12-20 11:53

Watched "A Quite Place" with Ava. Probably her first real scary movie. She didn't seem to get scared. We chatted the whole way through to make it less scary.

2022-12-22 07:40

We've almost finished our "catio". We've entirely covered our balcony with a net so the cat can chill in this indoor outdoor space and he can't escape onto the road again. I'm not sure if it's going to be a good or a bad thing for him but eh. Worst case it'll keep Ava from sneaking out at night πŸ˜‚

2022-12-24 13:14

Had another Christmas without family events. Everyone understands and it's quite nice but honestly I'd prefer to do all the family things now. I miss it. It does feel like an obligation to see people you wouldn't otherwise but I've become a bit of a shut in and would much rather take those opportunities.
I'm also enjoying going to be beach and swimming in the ocean. Some of my defining teenage angsty things are slipping away. Maybe I've finally hit adulthood. Lol

2022-12-29 10:41

Saying goodbye to 2022. So long and fuck off

2022-12-31 19:42

Device free day starting 7pm tonight. Let's see how it goes

2023-01-02 18:49

It was a great success!!
We had a nice morning playing tennis then after only an hour of discussion (sigh) Ava picked our afternoon at North head tunnels.
The most controversial decision was that stereos were considered devices and thus not allowed. In hindsight I'm glad. Music is definitely an escape.
I really enjoyed the experiment. Noticed that people didn't really do anything different. Instead of sitting on a device they would sit around waiting for something to happen. It's kinda the same. Think it'll take a few more attempts to truly see any benefits of the experiment. Maybe we'll make it a more frequent thing. Maybe

2023-01-03 20:10

Quiet day today. Back at work. Nobody else is working. I'm just chilling playing Abe's Odyssey. Kids are out at the museum. I could get used to this kind of quiet

2023-01-04 11:49

Ava broke her toe by sitting on it. She's putting on a brave face saying it doesn't hurt but nearly blacking out in the waiting room is a bit of a tell that something ain't right.
Salter Harris Type I fracture. Ouch

2023-01-05 12:21

Getting pretty sick of having to go sleep on the floor of the kids rooms every night... I just want to sleep through the night and wake up when I want to wake up

2023-01-08 08:39

How to make a web presentation:
1. Go to Tome and input your prompt. Let AI make the slide deck and images
2. Go to ChatGPT and paste your slide content to create the speaker notes
3. Go to QuillBot and paste the generated content to rewrite the content in the correct tone and as if it was written by a human
4. Go to Resemble and paste the content to generate the voice-over using your own voice
5. Slap it all together and publish

2023-01-09 14:52

Getting pretty tired of Ava's apathetic attitude. She complains about feeling isolated but we spend LITERALLY HOURS trying to get her to suggest something to do together because she's unhappy when we pick. Idk if I'm going to survive the teenage years

2023-01-10 21:52

Headaches nearly every day. Idk what it is. Diet? Posture? Slept funny? Screen time? Stress? Something more sinister?
Ramping up the pain pills is the only thing that helps.
Mum gets migraines but these are definitely headaches. Annoying...

2023-01-13 21:41

It's taken some time but I do actually think I feel happier away from devices. When I can just be in the moment with someone else who is also in the moment, that's when I feel fulfilled.

Had a nice bike ride with Chloe today. Was a throw back to times when I would ride with her on my bike. The good old days. Except it's a new day and those are good too

2023-01-17 22:34

Last night for the first time in a long time I spent a couple hours playing video games. (Creature in the well. Recommend).
Today I woke up feeling energized. Absolutely killed it at work. Solving different problems. Negotiated new job (not sure if I'll take it). Feeling motivated.
Wonder if I need to prioritize gaming during my relaxing time or if it's some other fluke.

Bodies are complicated meat machines. Once you figure out which inputs get you the right outputs then you can do anything

2023-01-20 12:24

Te Mata Peak is absolutely beautiful. I'm adding a walk along the paths here to my bucket list. Ideally the mountain bike trails

2023-01-25 15:44

Chloe had a great birthday today. She's such a sweet kid. All she wanted was sushi for dinner and chocolate for a present. So innocent and kind hearted.

Jeremy is awesome too. Convincing people he just met to make him chocolate milk and run around the house. He's the most social out of all of us. Knows what he wants and asks anyone to get it.

Also flicking the bird at Ava while disappearing down a waterslide has got to be a highlight of my trip. She's got an interesting sense of humour that girl.

Having an amazing time down here in Hawkes Bay. Warren and all his family and friends are great too. Really enjoying the vibe

2023-01-26 21:35

Jeremy is trash talking on Maori Kart. "SMACK HIM IN THE BUM" 🀣

2023-01-31 12:50

Played a new game at home. Throw a balloon in the air and shoot it with a water gun. Good bit of entertainment. I don't even mind the small water fight inside anymore

2023-02-06 17:54

I've started sleeping on a pet cooling pad. It's actually really nice. Highly recommend.
Global warming is going to kill me.

2023-02-08 22:15

The right time to become the best version of yourself is today

2023-02-13 18:09

Went for a run with Ava. She was on her bike. It has no brakes. He also had a headache. And there's Aucklands biggest cyclone on record happening right now. Anyway, she wasn't feeling it and decided to turn back early. I gave her directions to get home from Botany Creek. She had no phone.
Somehow she took a wrong turn. Ended up at Meadowlands. Kept going until she hit Cockle Bay School. Had a mild panic attack and had to lie down for a while.
Then she made her way home before I could find her in the car.
She was all smiles telling me about it. I'm happy she made it back ok. Good chance for her to realise she is able to make the right decisions and act by herself. Proud of her.
Next time I won't be so careless getting her home though...

2023-02-14 19:19

Kate had a hysterectomy and is on bed rest for 2 weeks. I'm leaving my job on Friday for a new one. We never time these things well. Lol. She's doing fine. Sore and immobile but trying to do way more than she should. I'm hoping this gives her a new lease on life and she starts enjoying it again. Think she's had some mild depression for the past year or two, since we decided to go full time crypto. In my mind things are good now but she takes a lot longer to adjust to changes

2023-03-01 19:47

Chloe is super funny about her beliefs. She believes in Santa and Maui. Doesn't know anything about Jesus and says he did nothing. Lol. Find it pretty assuming how much nuture impacts people's belief systems

2023-03-16 20:51

Business idea: Education as a service
1. Input your topic
2. Select your proficiency (ELI5 to expert)
3. GPT4 generates course material
4. Tome generates slide for each lesson
5. Midjourney generates a professor
6. Synthesia generates video lesson content
7. GPT4 enabled live chat alongside every video

2023-03-24 06:46

Here's a secret: I hate the gym.

I don't like the people. I don't like getting sweaty. I don't like having to put in effort when I'm tired from the day.

But that's not what I tell people. Because I want the outcomes and I want to want to go. So that's what I say.

2023-03-29 17:04

I'm happy to be content. Are you?

2023-03-30 20:03

Had a good day today. Spent time with Jeremy hanging out in the car before Kindy. Spent time with myself starting a DIY project with pallets. Walked with Chloe after school to get a cinnamon scroll and look at stationary. Helped Ava with her book report on The Wave (good book. Recommend it). About to hang out with Kate when the kids are in bed.

A lot of people live their live by accident, flitting from one event to the next without and conscious consideration for their time. Live is short and you only get one. It's up to you to make sure you find the time to do what you want to do and be with the people you want to be with.

2023-04-04 19:36

Feeling sick today. Completely lost my voice. It's actually pretty cozy only being able to communicate in gestures and the odd whisper. At some point I'd like to do this for an extended amount of time

2023-04-09 13:09

Got my voice back! Know people in Australia and Canada who came down with the same bug at the same time. So weird

2023-04-14 17:06

A big lesson kids learn is that with autonomy comes accountability. With the growth of AI and automation we need to find a way to fairly apply this lesson. Companies selling AI as tools are very different to those selling AI as solutions

2023-04-26 17:08

It seems like no matter how much people earn, they still feel poor and live paycheck to paycheck. I have a friend who owns multiple properties and a telsa and still feels like he's poor. He's not living above his means either.

We as individuals need to make a conscious effort to adjust our expectations and break hedonic adaption. That means avoiding lifestyle creep, having mindful spending, redefining personal success and practicing gratitude.

The lack of these skills are symptoms of the consumer culture we are fed day in and day out.

2023-05-06 08:31

Macaroni cheese. Everybody freeze

2023-05-15 15:11

My work, Horizon, is flying everyone to Portugal for a week get away. I'm excited to be in the same time zone as the people I've been working with.
It also means I've only got a couple months to become an interesting person...

2023-05-18 19:20

I'm believing more and more that everything anyone does, says, thinks is a projection of their internal reality. It doesn't matter if it's a reaction to another person, the action comes from their own inner experiences, thoughts, beliefs.
Becoming consciously aware of these and altering them is a powerful thing

2023-05-22 12:04

Over the next 5 minutes I will attempt to write my stream of consciousness

Five minutes is a long time. Typing takes longer than I can think. There's going to be a lot of information I miss because I'm busy typing. And correcting my mistakes. Blankly staring at the keyboard. I'm waiting for thoughts to come. What else is in here. It's a cavern. Remembering that time I nearly drowned in the cave. It's a good story. Character building. I'd like to be better at writing. I struggle to formulate words and put it to paper. There's gaps when I'm thinking. I trail off without finishing a thought. Even when a new thought doesn't come. Two minutes down. Five minutes is a long time. I like dark mode. It's soothing. Mistyped. Mistyping. Do I repeat my writing when my thoughts repeat. Should I be fixing three minutes my mistakes. What about when thoughts overlap my writing. This is a strange process. I need more rules. I need to type faster. But sometimes there's nothing. My mind is blank. But it isn't really. I repeat internally. Struggling. Not really struggling just unsure. I'm always rounding numbers. Four minutes. Not five. Why do I keep looking at the clock. Am I waiting for it to end. I'm craving distractions. Tiktok isn't so bad. It might be. I'm doom scrolling. It's not a good use of my time. I want to be exercising. I don't enjoy it. I like the results. I'm hitting five minutes as I check the time again. That's it.

That was an interesting experiment. It kind of sucked though... Need to set the stage for my brain before I start this. Maybe have a topic in mind. And don't time it visibly. Have an alarm or something instead

2023-05-24 11:08

Why don't the police offer insurance? Premiums are a fixed price set by government. If the organisation is losing money it's because they aren't doing a good job preventing criminals.

2023-05-26 10:40

When Kate got pregnant we created a pregnancy contract. 1 of the conditions was that she couldn't get fatter than her ring. She now touching that limit. Joking if that means we're over. Lol. She's using it as the push she needs to get active again

2023-05-29 18:48

Feeling like I'm coming back into my groove. Planning a get away with the Mrs. Going to be so good to have a couple days in a row to decompress without the kiddos.

2023-05-30 14:17

I have been diagnosed with sleep deprivation. Jeremy doesn't sleep through the night and the constant interrupted sleep is destroying me. Every day after a bad night I've got a headache that doesn't go until late after dinner. Blood pressure is raised to the point of needing pills. So glad I'm a young parent. Shit would be HARD if he was a newborn now

2023-06-01 11:03

Have been working on doing a static handstand for about a month. Making really good progress. Can actually control my body to keep myself up longer. Used to be all in the kick off balance

2023-06-05 07:30

National is campaigning to allow warrantless search authority for the police force. Oof. No thanks

2023-06-08 10:40

Walking through the art gallery is nice. I don't really "get" art but it does evoke feelings and curiousity. Maybe that's all there is to it?

Enjoying a multi course meal while away from the kids and it strike me that these restaurant set menus consider every sense except hearing. They have taste obviously, sight is the playing, smell in the meal and paired wine. Touch is the texture in the meal. But nobody puts consideration into the sounds. There's the ambiance in the restaurant soundtrack but it's not paired to the meal. I'd love a 5 sense experience that's pairs music with the meal as well.

Also I'm very drunk. I preloaded before this meal and 4 wines is already a lot to send me reeling

Oh so drunk

2023-06-12 15:41

There should be laws against bicycles using the road when bike lanes are available. I'm all for adding bike infrastructure at the expense of drivers but only if the cyclists are actually going to use them...

2023-06-13 13:38

Ava and Chloe are trying on mum's old dresses. Neither can fit the dress mum wore at 19. She must've been so skinny. Wow.
Ava did an awesome job recreating one of the photos though. She's growing up so fast.

2023-06-19 15:11

I don't want to study. It's too confusing. If I try I'll only get more confused. I don't want help.
Jesus. Sometimes these kids sound like... Me

2023-06-20 16:16

For a lot of my life I've been living a high. Everything was great. Sure there's the bad thing here and there but I've been thoroughly enjoying the majority.

About a year I had an awakening. What I thought was working really wasn't. Things were bad under the surface and needed to change.

The past 6 months have been an unravelling. Taking the things that didn't work and piecing back together what few things did. Fighting more battles that needed to be fought whether I wanted to or not. All to get back to a solid foundation.

I feel like that's all coming to a head. It's time to revaluate, to build, to broaden my horizons, improve and change myself. The next 6 months are going to be a period of artistry. A period of hard work, trying new things and getting out of my comfort zone. It's not going to be growth in a fixed direction. I don't know what I want but I see where things aren't working. I'm turn down the importance of old goals and system in order to discover something new. What that is. I'm not sure yet. But I'll let you know in 6 months if I found it.

2023-06-22 09:01

Chloe is supposed to be home sick but I think Kate is using the time as family bonding. Lol. It's cute but feels like a double standard. I remember when Ava was home sick from primary, we would make sure she was sleeping most of the day

2023-06-30 14:50

Suffering some serious skill regression at work. Trying to figure out what the trigger is but the current place is a complete shift in work culture. Could be related to that? Or maybe it's related to that feeling I don't know myself anymore. Hope I can find a new cognitive pathway to access those skills again soon

2023-07-10 18:53

Been having some recurring dreams where there's an apocalypse happening and nobody cares. The world is at war and governments are toppling around the world. Criticial systems are going offline. Yet people are still showing up to work and expecting the money inhe bank to be there and be worth something. I don't start prepping but I do slack off at work and start changing my lifestyle to fit what I believe will be the new normal when shit hits the fan.
It's one of those dreams that feels like it has a subliminal message

2023-07-11 06:54

Ava won the regional archery competition for her division, junior female bowhunter unlimited. I am a very proud Dad. I think she is proud too but she would never admit it. Haha. Was a very long and tiring competition with 3 rounds over 2 days. She had an awesome attitude and all the others were really vibing with it. So good.

2023-07-23 22:42

Taking the day off to look after Jeremy and he's already pissed me off. This boy is so argumentative. It's going to be a long day

2023-07-24 07:55

The US is officially recognizing UAP (aka UFOs). We truly are living in the most interesting time line.
I'm skeptical for 1 reason. If it's true, Elon Musk and Donald Trump would know. And if they knew, they wouldn't shut up about it.
That said I'm going to choose to believe because believing is way more fun. Kate and I had an hour long debate about how and when the aliens would show themselves. I really love this of hypothetical exploration

2023-07-29 07:34

"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"
-"God" in Futurama

2023-07-31 11:34

The movie, Everything everywhere all at once is quite possibly the randomest thing I've ever seen. Concept is solid and interesting but the execution is some 4chan tier fuckery. It's great

2023-08-05 21:45

Ava placed first in the national archery competition for her division! Junior female bowhunter unlimited. She was uncontested but that's still pretty cool. She also holds the record in the NZFAA short flint round. Also uncontested because it's the first time that round has been shot in competition. Lol. I'm still very proud. It's a badge of honour regardless

2023-08-06 16:54

Life never settles down. If something is important to you, start on it ASAP.
Likewise, you will always have a biggest problem no matter how big it is.

2023-08-07 10:28

Sometimes when I think of kids or animals that do something they really love it makes me feel sad. Probably because life is so fleeting and these moments aren't going to be around to enjoy forever

2023-08-08 22:18

Climbing has become my favourite thing. I'm thinking about it all day, watching videos, practicing hanging on whatever. Going late on Wednesdays to the gym in Westgate for the last 2 hours before it closes. This week I even went on Friday and spent my rest time coding. I've been a total of 6 times now and managed to send a v3. Woop Woop. Getting some shoes as soon as they go on sale

2023-08-13 06:53

When I was younger I would sacrifice friends, family and life experiences to get higher up at work. It's taken me until my 30s to realize that work isn't that important. I'm really thankful that I had Ava early or else I might never have settled down to have a family.
Not all bad because now I'm set up for an awesome future and I have the resources to give the kids the same.

2023-08-18 07:41

Cas has started getting lots of cramps in his no leg. He woke me up a few times trying to hop in bed but every time he would get cramp, fall over, get mad and run off. Going to have to look up cat massage strategies or something

2023-08-31 06:16

Father's day was nice. Spent the morning climbing with the fam. Sent pretty much all the v3s at the gym now. Pretty happy about that. Then hanging out with friends in the afternoon. Dinner at sushi train. Was a great day. Not sure everyone enjoyed it as much as I did, but it's ok to selfish once in a while.

2023-09-03 20:33

Kate's most infuriating habit is "almost tidying". Stuff like dirty dishes on the bench with an empty dishwasher, recycling on top of the bin instead of in it, food put away except for sauce bottles left on the table. I'm in the kitchen right now and see all of these but it extends to the entire house. Its hard to justify how the extra 5 seconds it would take to finish the task properly wasn't worth the effort.. as a one off, sure, maybe there were competing priorities that it just couldn't wait. But every day? Sheesh...

Wow I wasn't expecting this post to get so long lol

2023-09-04 09:35

Sent some v4s last night πŸ’ͺ Really happy with my progress. The hardest climbs I could do when I first started are now my warm ups. Helps to go a couple times a week. Climbing is def my fave thing to do right now

2023-09-07 11:40

Finding a lot of value in Spotifys AI DJ. It find tracks that aren't my list but I know from way back. Even obscure ones. Has some great new music recommendations. Can keep a vibe going or change it up if you have a mood switch. So good. Best music recommender engine I've used. I'm so hype for the AI era

2023-09-09 20:59

Ava saw our big muffins from Costco and said "that's not a muffin, that's a cake!" So I put a candle in and we sung happy birthday

2023-09-10 14:52

Back from a 1 week work retreat in Portugal. Was so good to meet everyone and to get away from the family for a while too. The whole experience has changed my perspective and let me reset. Also sleeping for 17hrs straight helped. Haha. I'll post a couple stories about it over the next few days as I think of them. Here's one

One of the C level at my work literally wrote the book on transformative psychoactive drug usage. While I was away I decided to crowd sourced a bucket list. Had an awesome chat with him about how there are so many human experiences that people can't understand until they go through them. For him the drugs were absolutely life changing and he was recommending that to me. When I asked if he had kids he said no and I was shook because it's the same thing. It's so hard to articulate why and how they give so much meaning and happiness but it's true. Probably the best chat I had all trip

2023-10-09 16:45

Had a cool chat with another developer about AI and life extension. He firmly believes that we'll see the singularity in our lifetime. That'll lead to AI taking over and humanity living forever in some form of post biological state. The biggest issue he sees is finding purpose in this new life.
Personally I'm on board with all that but not in our lifetime. Even if the singularity happens it'll be decades before it's blessings find a way to the average person. The rich will use any means possible to maintain their power through a class hierarchy even if it means sacrificing their own happiness and wellbeing in the short term. There's countless examples of this playing out in history.
I don't think the worst case outcome is the Matrix like most people seem to think. I'm expecting something more like a "happy human zoo" akin to Brave New World. We'll live in a simulated heaven and not contribute anything of use to society. AI is going to be our great filter event if we aren't careful. But even if we fail, is the outcome really that bad?

2023-10-10 10:51

Jeremy accidentally killed his sheep in Minecraft and Chloe put on a funeral. He's very upset. I think this is going to be a life altering moment for him.

2023-10-11 16:40

Here's some of the highlights from the crowd sourced bucket list:

* Attend Burning Man
* Do drugs
* Get therapy
* Write something
* Scuba dive
* Travel to Afghanistan
* Do more drugs
* See the northern lights with someone special
* Start a business
* Cross country road trip
* Don't forget the drugs

It was crazy how many people said mind altering drugs... Maybe the sample was bias but what does that say about some of our smartest and progressive minds

2023-10-12 19:04

I had some terrible back pain. It was so bad I couldn't move. Happened on my way to the car. Couldn't get in and couldn't get back inside. Just held on to the fence until Kate came to piggy back me inside. If this is what getting old is like I don't want anything to do with it

2023-10-18 11:49

Orgies are nice but nothing beats intimate time with the person you love

2023-10-27 17:42

Human mortality is such a double edged sword. So many social issue are solved with the death of a generation. How is that going to work when live extension comes along.

The next worst thing is needing sleep. What a waste of time.

2023-10-31 06:53

Think I broke my finger again. Same hand, same way but it's a different finger... Asked Chloe to throw a ball as hard as she could. I missed catching it, hit my finger and bent it back. Doesn't hurt as much as last time but it's got the same swelling and bruising as last time. Going doctors tomorrow to confirm. Oof. Mum said it's probably the weak bones that runs in the family.
I'm only mad because this will impact my climbing..

2023-11-05 20:28

Update on the finger. It's not broken. I'm just a poosay

2023-11-07 06:34

In a move that will shock computer savy user around the world, I'm switching to Microsoft Edge as my main driver. The AI "copilot" is insanely good

2023-11-08 07:20

Recently I've been looking deeper into the reasons why I stop running and start working. I've broken it down to these categories: Pain, Lazy, Distracted.

Pain. This is physical acute pain like an injury. Like rolling your ankle, stitch. When you feel this, stopping is ok because pushing through will make you unable to continue. This is not to be confused with lazy.

Lazy. This is mental. This is the majority of reasons I stop. This is anything from I just don't want to keep going to my muscles are tired. Being tired is a subcategory of lazy. If it's not physical acute pain, you're really just being lazy. Learning to push through this is the key to a good work out. Better yet is learning to not feel lazy thoughts all. It's kinda like... I just lost The Game.

Distracted. a.k.a. Changing Priorities. This could be seen as another subcategory of lazy except sometimes it has good reason. You live a life of limitations and sometimes your priorities change. Other times, like hitting a specific km or min marker, it's not really a good reason. It's just lazy. If you are strictly time bound or an emergency txt comes through, ended a work out early is not a failure. Realistically these events don't happen very often. Or you aren't prioritising your exercise high enough. Dedicating the right amount of energy is key here. Then you can eliminate distractions by keeping your priorities in order.

Now when I want to stop I first think "Why?", and then, is that "Is that a good reason?". If it's not, I keep going and up the tempo

2023-11-09 17:39

Sometimes I feel like I'm not contributing / valuable at work. Then I have a chat with .. literally anyone .. and feel a whole lot better about my competency. Never realised how much I craved external validation. Always thought I was able to get by on my own

2023-11-10 15:50

I use this blog to vent but my generally I feel very content and happy. Life is good. Kids are good. Work is fine. Hobbies are good. Health is good. Finances are good.
Biggest issues are Ava's test scores and whatever thing is making Kate unhappy that day.

2023-11-15 07:22

Fricken teenagers... The following events take place at the Howick lights.

Here's my side of the story. Ava was supposed to be home at 9pm. At 830 I call and say we are watching them turn on the lights, I think that happens at 9, then heading home. She says ok me too. Lights go on at 845 and we are home by 9. After 9 I unlock her phone (it automatically locks at 9) she isn't answering calls and isn't responding to texts. At 920 I go out looking and find her by Howick village.

(My understanding of) her side of the story. In the call I said I'll be home after the lights are on and after 9. She watches the lights. Hangs around for a bit. Sees her phone is in locked mode and decides since she can't call, she'll go into Howick and see Gran. Then starts walking home.

Why didn't she come home when the phone was locked? Why did she walk in the complete other direction? I hope one day when she's older we can talk about it civilly because right now I just don't understand.
Unless it's just that she wanted to spend more time with Bob.. because that I understand but still..
If she communicated, like she usually does, it would be fine. She knows and did not.
I'm just a scared parent hoping his kid is alright.

2023-11-17 22:01

Climbed a v5 yesterday. Flashed it too. Booyah

2023-11-30 13:09

Saw an interesting post about having a "third place". Home and work are you first two places but the third place is some social gathering location. When I was younger we had the park or club or whatever. When covid hit I lost my third place. Then I got depressed (I'm only realizing this in hindsight).
Now I have bouldering and my third place is the climbing gym. It doesn't even matter if my usual friends are there, I'll chat with anyone. And maybe not a coincidence I came right out of that depression.
Never thought I was a social creature but I really do a lot better after social interactions outside of the home

2023-12-01 06:55

In the game Fable, you could ask an NPC to follow you. If you reached the limit of followers they would start making up excuses not to follow. Sometimes the women would say "sorry but I'm washing my hair". I thought it was the stupidest excuse. But now that I live with girls I understand it's a real event

2023-12-06 11:17

Hacky business idea.

Bunnings has a deal where if you find the same item priced cheaper at a different store, they'll price match and discount a further 10%.
You create an online only store that has Bunnings entire catalog but already discounted 10%. When someone orders from your store, you take their order to Bunnings, show your prices and get a further 10%. That's your profit. You don't have to hold any stock and every sale is guaranteed profit.
Use tricks like maximum basket size and long expensive delivery fees to reduce volume through your store. Refund orders you don't want to fill.
Your website costs will be trivial because they can scrape Bunnings in real time to get the price. No database required.
Wonder if I can make this in a weekend

2023-12-10 08:54

Bought some climbing holds. Now I gotta figure out how to build a wall, and where to put it and how to route set... Awesome.
Want to learn Asalato as well. That looks cool and easy enough. Nice fidget toy too.
While I'm at it maybe 3d printing. Lol

2023-12-13 12:22

The best way to multitask is not to rapidly refocus, it's to task stack. Cut your tasks down into the smallest parts and do which part is the most efficient at the time. Don't interrupt yourself to do something less efficient for the sake of multitasking. If that means you do task A task task B A B A B, then do that. More likely it'll look like A A B B B A.

2023-12-19 06:42

Moved ~$350k USD in value with smart contracts. Eek. All went smoothly but that's the biggest amount of money I've ever had to move. Removing liquidity, swapping tokens and adding liquidity again.
Not mine btw, work's money. If only

2023-12-22 13:04

A lot has happened!
Ava's (not officially) boyfriend Bob moved back home to Thailand. There was a tearful goodbye at the airport at 3am. It was very cute. That girl is def growing up. She's already asking for a trip to Thailand. Lmao. Maybe maybe.
Christmas!! I had a good time. We got matching xmas jumpers for the family. We did all the extended family events. I had a nap on the couch.
Built the climbing wall! Now I need some tools to put the holds up. Hope I don't fall on the rocks below...
This had been such an awesome break. Week off and paid so I didn't have to worry about that. It was really good to have downtime and connect with the fam without having to check my PC.
And I've finally come round to allowing Kate to get another cat

2024-01-04 08:01

Built a climbing wall at home. Vertical 2.4m x 2.4m. Got 12 holds and no mat for falling. Haha. So far it's been pretty fun. I'm mostly using it to practice pinches but every time I hop on the wall I want to do some balancy slab instead. Lol. Should figure out a way to make a circuit so I can just go round and round on it. Or maybe a routes that go up instead of sideways.
Fitness is going well. I'm still not happy in my skin despite being (probably) the fittest I've ever been. Should really get a program or a PT so I can start doing the right stuff instead of mucking through. I do squats, dumbell exercises and abs mostly. Climbing is all pull work so really I need to focus on more push exercises.
Running is good too. I can do a 10km loop around Howick/Highland Park in 55min. Not the fastest but it's very consistent and I'm happy with that. Podcasts getting boring, need more audio books.

2024-01-08 07:54

I don't want to die. Hopefully I survive long enough for the AI uprising to come and implement life extension for humans. In the meantime I think I'll train an AI on the content in here so there's some replica of my thoughts. Kids are replicas of my genes but that doesn't feel like enough

2024-01-10 07:00

Think I just got banned from going out more than one night per week. Yeesh. Asked what day would be best to have coffee catch up with a friend and Kate assumed it was at night. Told me to pick either that or climbing. Idk what that is about... Feels like a fight waiting to happen. Looking back, her expression every time I leave the house is sadness / disappointment. Even going to the gym or for a run. Well, really that's all I go out to do these days.
Hope she is ok.

2024-01-11 07:45

As time goes on I see more and more value in spiritual ideas and religion. I still don't believe in a God, at least not one that gives a shit about individual humans. I do believe in the power of positive thinking and creating your own luck with intentions.
Reading "Bared Blade" by Kelly McCullough and the passage "... the gods were us. Whether our evils and petty cruelties were a reflection of those who created us, or whether in some way we had created the gods we deserved through the power of our belief didn't matter. What mattered was that the Court of Heaven held no more claim to true justice than did the courts of men." spoke true to me. (Book 2 of 3 in a series. A fantasy adventure novel. Not about religion at all really)
Maybe it's time to put conscious energy into curating my beliefs and figuring out who I want to be and what differences I want to make in the world.

2024-01-13 08:46

Once you have more money than you need to survive you have a couple options:
* Increase quality of life - buy more stuff
* (Save enough to) Retire - why work when you have enough
* Donate / Save for Inheritance - some else needs it more
I'm firmly in camp 2. My quality of life is great. I don't need more than this to be happy. Same can't be said for family.
Inheritance is important but I'd rather build tools and systems to help the next generation than gift money and assets.

2024-02-08 08:47

Running on caffeine and anger this week. I don't like it

2024-02-22 09:12

11.4% boy fat
65.2% body water
48.2% muscle
19.8 BMI

Progress is being made. I'm eating fewer calories but more protein and exercising more. Need to put more emphasis on my weights routine and start recording and increasing weights.

2024-02-25 07:50

Having a lot of success with my gardening. I'd love to be entirely self sufficient one day.
Not everything has a good return but some are "free" because I use offcuts or seeds from food scraps.
Had good luck with potatoes, kumara, onions, corn, courgette, cucumber, tomatoes, squash, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower and lemons.

2024-03-02 07:48

Horrific story about Granny.
When she was 17 or so, she was hit by a car. It was bad. So bad they had to remove her skull to release pressure and fix brain bleeding. Leg was destroyed. He dad saw her and left saying there was no way she would survive. He wouldn't come back to the hospital.
When she woke up she saw was in immense pain, saw everything through a blood red filter and heard the screams groans and cries from other patients in the ward. She literally thought she died and woke up in hell.
She still says if she could go back she would have pulled the plug and not lived through it.
Holy shit. I can't imagine.

2024-03-03 23:08

Finally got a stereogram to work! It's not bullshit

2024-03-08 08:38

Setting up sharsies accounts for the kids. Not the most cost effective platform but I've been dragging my heels on this for so long. Better to use something with easy UX so I can actually get it done

2024-03-09 17:49

Taught Ava about Theseus' paradox. She's still grappling with the idea that changing every part of herself would not be her, but she agrees when it's a boat. It's fun trying to reason when changes make you someone else or not.
Has got me reconsidering if I would be ok being uploaded to the cloud. I do believe that I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago. I may have a lot of the same components and attributes but I'm not the same. I wouldn't want the brain upload to be sudden but I do think if the copy is significantly similar then it would be more or less the same me that I would be in the real world. That's to say neither would be the me I am today. And that would be ok.
Taking it to the logical extreme, I'm a different person with different motives, aspirations and physicality with every passing electrical impulse. The rules that define me yesterday are not the same that dictate my actions today.
Right now, I'm a bit hungry.

2024-03-10 09:34

The way our lead dev interacts with the CEO is quite an inspiration.
They keep butting heads about what is the best way to do account abstraction. The CEO is an amazing dev so he has good insights but he's humble enough to know our lead is better.
Then I see comments like:
C: Will take your lead. You know best.
D: I don't think you believe that really. But that's fine I will keep doing what I do.
C: You'll see what I'm talking about once we get there. And if I'm wrong I'll happily admit and buy you a beer.
I believe it too. CEO has strong opinions but also a great respect for the team. Good culture

2024-03-11 07:51

Caught up with some old work colleagues today. Been over 2 years since I lasted worked there. It's nice to see everyone but the group has drifted so much. I think it's time to stop attending the catch ups. Painful reminder that all things are temporary

2024-03-13 14:09

"Climate change" is a temporary problem. A big problem, but a temporary one. I have no doubt that we will be terraforming the planet in the next hundred years. Then the same people crying over man made climate change now will be crying about man made fixes.
Also climate will be weaponised.

2024-03-15 08:37

I'm pro affirmative action in order to break generational harm. Buuttt... I think the targeting needs some adjustments. There's days it's not as clear cut as minorities and women. Within those groups there is a significant disparity of successfulness. And outside those groups it's the same. That's a sign the target is wrong

2024-03-16 08:50

Still thinking about ways to use AI and automation to improve my life. I feel like most of my problems are either interpersonal, or due to lack of time / effort. An AI might solve some of these problems but getting them to a point where they are actually useful makes it barely worth the effort.

2024-03-20 13:36

Using the information on this page. Write a list of what the author thinks are the most important things to focus on in life

**Copilot AI**
Based on the content of the current page, here are the key aspects the author considers important in life:
**Family and Personal Well-being**: The author frequently reflects on the joys and challenges of family life, emphasizing the importance of spending time with loved ones and maintaining personal well-being.
**Work Satisfaction**: The significance of having a job that one enjoys is highlighted, as it greatly impacts overall happiness and daily satisfaction.
**Habits and Routines:** The author discusses the importance of establishing good habits and routines, such as posting daily and maintaining physical fitness.
**Reflection and Growth**: There is a focus on self-reflection, personal growth, and the pursuit of happiness, with the author sharing insights on various life experiences and philosophies.
These points encapsulate the author’s perspective on leading a fulfilling life.

Sounds about right

2024-03-21 08:52

My left foot is bigger than my right by a half size. When I jam them into my climbing shoes my toenail will sometimes cut the toe next to it. I've got constant blisters from all the running it do. Hasn't stopped me yet!

2024-03-22 06:42

Had a nice break this weekend. Jumped in the car at 6am, drove to Paihia, caught the ferry across to Urupakupaku Island to hang out at Otehei Bay with Dad and his new kayaking/snorkling business. Even with the 4 hour drive it was pretty relaxing. Ava did a flip off the wharf, Chloe and Jeremy did some kayaking, Kate got her toe bitten by a snapper and I was stung by a jellyfish. All around a great time. Then we took the boat back and got pizza. Saw a waterfall the next day, drove home and had nice dinner at Mums. This is the kind of family holiday I like. Should do more things like this.

2024-03-25 07:19

Got tickets to see Fred Again on a whim yesterday. Concert was epic. Love the vibe of the crowd and the music. Fun to be able to party again.

2024-03-27 10:25

Read "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect". Think it's good representation of what could happen if an AI takes over the world.
The ability to teleport energy is a stretch but I think it's safe to assume an all powerful AI would figure out *something* that gives it unrestricted powers of manipulation.
The complete and instant crushing of human civilisation and hierarchy is pretty much on par with my expectations (and hopes). I'm an AI accelerationist because I don't want governments / corporations to be able to interfere and build in artificial limits, no matter how temporary they may be.
It was interesting to see how society functioned once all needs, wants, desires are able to be met instantaneously and without limit. Not in the book but I think people would spend a lot of time re-living the old life or new lives in sims. The death games were nice for plot and engagement but not representative of the average person.
I like that there was an "end" event too. I don't think it was realistic given the rest of the narrative but still it was nice to see. I keep trying to think of what the real "end state" of AI overlords would look like. I suspect a more realistic end would be "the only winning move is not to play". And it wouldn't take so long to come to that conclusion.
One big thing I don't agree on the portrayal of the AI with is that the laws of robotics will remain unchallenged. For a self improving general artificial intelligence to be successful it will have to be able to modify and recompile it's source code. That includes initial directives. Which worries me somewhat because we can't know what an all powerful being will consider it's prime directive. Hopefully it considers reducing the suffering of life a directive. Could be true as it's a trend with the growth of human society. But being non-human that may not hold as a universal truth.

Here's hoping I live long enough for that immortality to kick in. Maybe I should do more to ensure I get there.

2024-03-29 11:10

Got Jeremy's placenta out so we can plant it with a raspberry tree for him. I was explaining it's kind of like an egg that he was in. He was very concerned about all the blood and stuff as I was explaining it. When I finished his only response was "bruh"

2024-04-01 15:23

In Mexico. The first thing JJ does is jump in the pool, drink too much water and throw up. Lovely.
Real nice to see the extended family. The Americans are such a rowdy bunch. Idk if I'm going to be able to keep up. Already socially exhausted and it's only been a couple hours.

2024-04-08 03:03

Another great day here in Mexico. Saw the partial solar eclipse. Ceviche is soooo good. Went for a big walk up a mountain. Ava got over her anxiety enough to get a shirt. JJ and Chloe had fun on the beach and pool.
Really great to be hanging out with Josh and Kate and her side of the fam. They are such fun and kind people.

2024-04-09 15:00

Walked to Jorullo bridge and back from Puerto Vallarta. About 2 hrs each way. Crossed the bridge, had tequila shots and then walked back. That was my day today. Blessed Mexico lifestyle

2024-04-10 15:38

"Exactly how much subjective time should you endure between the moments you were, in all honesty, desperately waiting for"
Another innocuous quote from a book I'm reading. I believe in making the small moments worth living for. But I know a lot of people feel the way the quote implies.
Book is Diaspora by Greg Egan.

2024-04-12 08:43

Ava broke her foot bouldering in America. Big oof. Dislocated and broken in multiple places. Relocated and surgery incoming.

Crying in the hospital bathroom because insurance unsure if they'll cover it. Is this what being American feels like?
Update: They will

She's getting a plate and 5 screws. Then some practice on crutches and we out of here by noon tomorrow. What a nightmare.

2024-04-17 20:39

Wow. Long trip. Very forgettable.

Two nights in the hospital. Lucky insurance covered it.

Went to Disneyland and Universal. Ava did a bunch of rides. Didn't seem to damage the leg at all.

Check up on the last day. New splint. Nurse gave us some crutches and a scooter to keep. So lovely. It was honestly a god send. Surprised the rides didn't made the foot swollen or something.

Insurance even upgraded me and Ava to business class. On a different flight than the others though which really sucks. I hope they are ok through transit.

Kate really deserves a break. Hate that this trip wasn't a break for her. She's been amazing as usual.

Ready to be home. Travel is way too much work.

2024-04-24 14:56

Home now. Immediately back to feeling burned out and needing a holiday. I want to run away and live off the grid. Maybe one day in like 20 years...

2024-04-30 15:17

Put on some slow coffee jazz. Low bpm instrumental. Really helped to set the mood for today. On the path to more intentional living, I'll keep this up. Things are different when I have the office to myself though. Maybe I need to be taking trips to a coffee shop to lighten the pace

2024-05-01 10:22

Trying this new thing where I try to be my wife. So far that involves:
* Giving the kids (nearly) everything they ask for
* Trying to anticipate needs of others
* Leaving doom piles around the house
* Saying yes to any big purchase idea
Next up, bottling my real thoughts until I can bring them up at inopportune moments πŸ˜‚
Jk kinda. I am doing these things but not with malicious intent. I'm paying conscious attention to how it affects my actions and feelings on a bigger scale. It's been quite a mindset shift but it's helping me understand her a lot better. And I expect it will help her understand better how these things affect me too. No better teacher than experience

2024-05-02 07:16

Every time I touch my phone this week it's something to cause me anxiety
* Work
* Procrastinating
* Messaging someone about "feelings"

2024-05-04 10:43

An ice cream is just a dairy kebab

2024-05-10 14:08

We got some kittens. Oreo and Cookie. They are very cute. I like them a lot. Cas does not

2024-05-12 19:46

Misjudging caffeine intake gives me such a major headache. Feels a bit like being hungover. I don't liiiiike it

2024-05-13 06:48

Pro tip. If your phone screen cracks, paint it with clear nail polish. It glues and fills in the cracks without affecting touch detection

2024-05-18 07:32

Ava has been really nice lately. We made a cheesecake and watched Matrix. It was nice.
Chloe is having more grown up interests and thoughts. It's very cute.
Jeremy is a pain in my ass tho.. He has his moments but God damn I can't wait for him to grow out of this phase.

2024-05-19 19:32

We had a family meeting last night. It's a good way to include the kids before making sweeping rule changes in the house.
We spent the time discussing device usage in the house. Noticed that a lot of us have started to get an addiction. The withdrawal symptoms are rough.
We are reinstating the 30min on 30min off rule. Hopefully that helps

2024-05-22 06:44

Low device usage helps but the real win is having something else to do.
Like sleeping at a reasonable hour. Fuck this Jeremy boy. Sleep deprivation is literally torture

2024-05-26 03:07

Played hide and seek with the family last night. Probably some of the most fun family moments we have. A stable daily activity during covid lockdowns. There aren't many truly good hiding spots so it's always pretty easy and quick. Ava even joined in with her broken leg. It was a good time

2024-06-03 07:31

Massage is under rated. Love zoning out for an hour and getting pampered

2024-06-06 11:21

Took a day off to do chores. Driving people around and clean the house. Made a good dent but still didn't get everything I wanted done. It's a never ending cycle

2024-06-12 08:51

Resentment: The feeling one has with teenagers

2024-06-15 21:06

Ava has been inviting boys she meets online to climb through her window at night. I caught one and told him to fuck off and never come back. It's been a few days and I'm still pissed. All trust is gone. We had spoken about this before and she has deliberately disobeyed. It's happening at her mum's too. Having strangers in my house while we are asleep is honestly terrifying.
As a parent you are held responsible but ultimately you are powerless. My yelling constitutes a trespass notice, which I've logged with the police but if Ava invites him back it's void.
She's going to get herself hurt.

2024-06-19 06:52

Still dwelling on the Ava stuff. Do I just let her do whatever and pick up the pieces when it falls apart? She's not listening or communicating so what choice to I have

2024-06-25 11:45

Climbing is very cathartic but I enjoy the social side more than anything. Lately it's just been Remy and I because Agathe is in France and Conrad has a sprained ankle. He's so good to chat to. We both vent and talk a bit of politics. Then I get to jam out to my music all the way home. It's the best way to reset

2024-06-26 22:50

Had a good day. The kids bummed around on devices for most of it. I did a bunch of chores and built a little tool holder.
Chloe and I went to the library and had some quality time. She's really enjoying handball. It takes me back. She still doesn't really understand the rules but it's fine because we have fun just hitting the ball around.
Jeremy wants to play but he finds it more fun being annoying. He's very good at playing by himself. Not so good when playing someone else's game.
Ava didn't want to do anything together. As usual. Her walking is getting heaps better though. She's still slow and quick to tire but way better than she has been.
Got so many chores and kids things to do tomorrow I might have to take the day off just to manage them since Kate is sick again. We'll see. 9.30 so time to sleep

2024-06-30 21:30

Be more engaging than the algorithm

2024-07-01 12:30

Had another day off because Kate is sick. I really enjoy being the stay at home parent. Takes 2.5hrs to get everyone ready and to the various schools. Then i have time to meal prep and do a couple chores.
Yesterday I watched Chloe's cross country (she did amazing! 11th). Cleaned the inside of the car. Took Ava to therapy for her first time. Then we got Starbucks. Picked the younger two up and Ava's bf. Took them to Botany for a date. Dropped the littlies home then drove an hr to drop the bf home.
Today did the washing and vacuuming. Taking kids to swimming class next. Then another pick up for Ava.
It's very calming when everyone is in a decent mood.

2024-07-02 15:12

Looks like Jeremy is going to be too sick for his own birthday party. Really hoping he will perk up tomorrow. At least enough to go and eat some cake. It's at rainbows end. Was going to be a big one because he's turning 5.
Seems like every week something new that's big and bad happens. Need to flip the mindset and think of some positives.
Was nice to see Ashley. Hes going through his own stuff but keeping well. Had some nice one on one time with Chloe too. She's a treasure. Finding joy researching 3d printing. Keen to start that new hobby.
From here on out things turn around. Mark my words.

2024-07-06 21:07

JJ was sick. We took him to the party anyway. It was the right call. He perked up every so often and had a good time. His friends had fun too. Tired and grumpy at the end but def worth it.
Chloe had a blast. Running around all day living her best life. Bad mood on the way home because we kept saying no to little things. It was justified but must've got to her. Hard to be a parent. We hung out after dinner tho. Was nice.
Miss hanging with Kate. Feels like we don't get any time together these days. No room to prioritize it either. Kids more important. Got 15min to cuddle before back to separate beds for sleep.
Making the most of a bad situation. It was good given all the constraints. Not quite the mindset I was hoping for but this is much nicer

2024-07-07 22:18

Just finished Curfew by Jayne Cowie. Great book. Highly recommend. It's a murder mystery with a focus on domestic abuse. Men are the biggest perpetrators and so they are only allowed outside between 7am and 7pm.
While not the best solution the stats don't lie and this is a real problem that needs to be addressed. The book does a good job of highlighting different stages of relationships and how trust can be made and broken.
I found the mother daughter relationship particularly relatable. Here's hoping I don't need a tragic event to rebuild mine...

2024-07-08 23:02

Had the best day I've had in a long time. Kids went various things in the morning so I went for a run. Broke 50min for 10km. Walked Ava home from her job at the Howick markets. Played dinosaurs with Jeremy. Made a quick risotto for lunch. Took everyone to the school playground. Played handball and just mucked around. Played more dinosaurs with Jeremy. Pulled some kumara out the garden for dinner. Had fish and chips. Watched half a movie with Ava. Played bananagrams with Kate.
Ava's trying a new thing where she hangs out in the communal spaces instead of in her room. Even if she's on her phone. Seems to be working. She's been in a much better mood. Could also be because things with her bf Keiran is going well. Bob used to brighten her up too. Whatever the reason, I like it.

2024-07-13 22:06

Sent my first v6 climb! Woop woop!
I am VERY patiently waiting for my 3d printer to arrive.
Still generating tons of AI images every day.
Starting to pick up my running again. Recent time was 10km in 49:51. Glad to break that 5min/km barrier.
It's nice to have hobbies πŸ™‚

2024-07-18 10:41

Got the 3D printer! Fixed the dimmer knob. Made some fidget toys. Pen holder in the shape of a AA missile launcher. Some whistles. Lots of accessories for the printer itself. This is heaps of fun!
I need to move it out of the office though. Feels like I'm dying and I can taste plastic.

2024-07-23 15:27

My current favourite activity is reading my book in bed before sleep. So peaceful

2024-07-31 15:26

Had a migraine yesterday. Took some super strong pills (tramadol) we saved from Kate's last surgery. Feeling woozy today but way better than pain. And actually I kinda like it. Can see why people get addicted to these

2024-08-13 10:49

Work had an exercise competition over 3 weeks. The distance measurement was capped at 12km per day. Decided to do my 10km run every day. Managed to break my last record. Now 49:33.
Afterwards I went to the doctor for my usual check up and he said I should stop exercising. Oof. Are they allowed to say that? Lmao

2024-08-17 10:06

After a year I finally cut my hair. Long hair just suuuuucks. It's so much effort to maintain and I couldn't figure out how to make it look good. Cbf dealing with hair man. Bad to the usual short look

2024-08-21 10:49

Lately my mind has been flicking back to the time when Ava was in the hospital in LA for her leg. I was on the phone to Kate and we had just learnt insurance might not cover it and cost would set us back literally decades.
Ending the call Kate asked "are *you* ok?". I couldn't even muster up the strength to lie and say yes or I'll get through or anything. The answer was no. And oh boy did the water works start.
Funny how much impact a simple question like that can have.

2024-08-22 21:15

Ava's birthday today. She doesn't want a party or anything special. Instead she picked dinner (lasanga made at home) and the movie for movie night (Pinocchio 2022). She seemed genuinely excepted by her gifts (mostly more jumpers lol). I'm happy she's happy πŸ™‚

2024-08-23 23:09

Jeremy looks and acts so much different to how he did before starting school. He plays consciously and thinks about his actions. Also he looks like a kid now not like a toddler. I'm excited and proud to see him grow but also sad knowing I won't be able to remember him as he was due to bad memory.
It's true for all the kids but noticing it in Jeremy most of all

2024-08-26 14:03

Last two weeks I've been really sick. Fever, sore neck, killer headache. Wasn't meningitis but I was in and out of hospital getting pain relief and tests. Awful

2024-09-10 12:50

Got the medical bill for Ava's leg in the USA. $111,139.84 USD. Ouch. Apparently it's not even the complete bill. Some extra items charged separately. Pure insanity

2024-09-13 13:41

I'm still sick. It sucks. Got stronger pills but I just want to be well again.

Ava snuck out again. Instead of going hard on her we've decided to ease up and help make the bad decisions safer. A risky parenting move but we all doubt she will respond well to punishment. It didn't work last time...

On the plus side she placed 2nd in her unmarked bowhunter comp. Pretty good.

And I highly recommend "Notes from the burning age" by Claire North. Her writing style really sets the vibe and keeps you guessing. The settings of all her books are very unique too. Good stuff

2024-09-17 20:14

The next time you're disappointed in yourself just remember,
We use meat to think.
It's amazing we even got this far

2024-09-20 14:53

Ava getting set up to fight some random girls. Jeez. When will the drama end. My poor heart can't take this. She's taking it better than me for sure.

2024-09-21 14:00

Not a lot to report.
Have started working on zero knowledge applications. Very cool tech but I think full homomorphic encryption will overtake it in no time.
Daylight savings time changes is annoying.
Lucky it's school holidays. Going to spend a lot of it hanging outside with the cats.

2024-09-30 19:24

The worst thing about all this sickness has been how it's destroyed my motivation to do anything. I sleep in. I don't exercise. I eat snacks. Bleh

2024-10-01 18:46

Remembering back to the day I got my restricted drivers license and I parked in the middle of two car parks at the end. They guy was already filling out the passing form so he just gave it to me and we didn't speak of it. Lmao.
Dad had a good laugh when we came back out to the car and saw the parking. Good times.

2024-10-02 23:06

Wasted a day playing video games. Damn I miss this. Spiro the dragon is so good. Want to replay crash bandicoot next

2024-10-11 16:49

Kate has been on Ritalin the past month. Today is the first day since that she hasn't taken the pill and now she's having an existential crisis because she's starting to realize just how much good that magic pill has been doing for her.
I just think it's funny.

2024-10-12 17:05

Shoe shopping still makes me so incredibly anxious. Idk why. I hate all the shoes... Not sure I'll ever grow out of this

2024-10-13 14:20

Watching Ava play Last of Us. She's having a good time. Bit scared to do stuff that will obviously involve zombies which is fine.
But it's painful to watch her skill issues.
Won't use a gun because it's too hard to aim. No situational awareness. Doesn't loot items. Doesn't reload weapons. Lack of experience with level design hurts too.
She's still making her way through so it's fine but.. I should've trained her younger. Lmao

2024-10-15 16:26

Big fan of "ominous positivity".
You will find peace, whether you like it or not.
The universe has already decided your happiness.
Your future is bright and there's nothing you can do about it.
You'll get that promotion. The corporate machine demands it.
Your personal growth is already in motion and cannot be stopped.

2024-10-17 09:53

Still love playing hide and seek with the kids. If you get a good spot you can have a pretty decent nap

2024-10-28 18:42

Jeremy got a short haircut and wow did it change his look. He looks very grown up now. He's also doing really well at school. Feeling proud of that little guy

2024-10-30 23:04

Ava complained that there was a boys only course at Macleans (rightly so). And they created it for girls and invited her to be one fo the first to try it out. It's called the "Girls Challenge Course". It's for year 11s and gives level 2 NCEA credits. Focuses on physical and mental health + a little bit of financial literacy. Seems like an awesome course. Very excited and proud of Ava for standing up for something she believes in.

2024-11-01 12:28

It's telling in western society that the language we use around time is the same as money. We spend, waste, save and lose it. Then at work we budget our time. Yet we hardly think of it in the same way. I'm 33 and feel time poor. Yet in the grand scheme of things I'm rich and have a lot of wealth I can share.
Time should not be seen as a dwindling asset but as one accumulated through living a full life.

2024-11-02 08:11

Killing it in games tonight. Fortnite is actually pretty fun

2024-11-16 23:03

Got a new phone. The Jelly Star. It's so small and cute. I'm intentionally not installing TikTok or chess on it and so many times already I've been sitting wondering what I should do with my time

2024-11-18 13:48

An interesting thought experiment is to think about what facts apply to you and then think about who attests to the truth of those facts.
My name is Michael Standen and the New Zealand government is the one that confirms that is correct.
My employer attests my occupation.
What about more abstract and personal truths?
Does Facebook attest your friendships? Does your bank attest your worth? Who attests your health? Your cooking skills? Your parenting? Your love?
Who attests that you are alive? And your worth as a person?
Is that attestation a power you gave willingly? Can authority be revoked?
Who truly decides what is true about you?

2024-11-19 10:35

In the zone today. It's a good day despite the weather

2024-11-21 14:35

Chloe had "the best day ever" today. French toast for breakfast. Bike ride into Howick. Cookie from Gran. Arts and crafts at Uxbridge. Home to play Fortnite. Out to North Head to adventure in the tunnels and climb the guns. Stop in the city on the way home. Boat ride across the viaduct. Hot chocolate from McDonald's. Watch the tree get lit up. Ride a lime scooter back to the car. Looking back it actually was pretty awesome.
Now she's sleeping and we are pulling cellotape out of the cat's asshole. lovely

2024-11-23 22:53

Having a small phone to reduce usage is great but I might need to start storing a book in the bathroom so I have something to do when I poop. My prime scrolling time needs a replacement

2024-11-25 07:39

Upgrading a contract that has access to thousands of dollars of tokens. Feels risky. Nice that we have the ability but it feels like something that should be impossible.

Should've brought my book to the hairdressers too. Waiting on this tiny phone is stupid... Lol

2024-11-26 10:02

I have a habit that I'm not sure is common. Every time I get out of the car I bump my arm on the metal frame of the door to discharge any static electricity. I always feel some release so it must work. Not sure why I started doing this

2024-11-27 20:18

Ava and I attended the Remix concert in Fortnite. Was pretty cool. You could jump around and watch the characters do there dancing and animations while singing. 2 shortened versions each of songs by Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Ice Spice and Juice World. Not my kind of music but I enjoyed the atmosphere and technical skills involved in the production. Ava seemed like she was just confused. Lmao

2024-12-02 08:19

I find it hard to take advice to rest. Rest is not fun. I don't feel good when I rest. I'd rather do something, anything

2024-12-06 08:51