NOTE: Please use horizontal mode (Progress is auto-saved)

You have 0.00 coins.

0.00 total coins is translated into a 0.00% inflation, which is directly boosting your coin production by 1.00x.

Tickspeed Upgrade

Multiply tickspeed

Current Effect: x1.00
Next Effect: x1.20
Cost: 10.00 Coins

Rank Upgrade

Reset your coins and tickspeed but give a boost according to rank

Current Effect: 0 ranks
Next Effect: Coin production x3
Cost: 100.00 Coins

All Rank Effects:


(Require Rank 30 to unlock this)

You have 0.00 knowledge

Buying these upgrades perform an economy collapse prestige.

Upgrade Enhancers

Make the collapse upgrades better

Current Effect: 0 enhancers
Next Effect: Information Bank power ^1.2
Cost: 1.00e8 knowledge

All Enhancer Effects:


(You only gain cash when knowledge is higher than 1.00e30)

You have 0.00 cash

Due to currency exchange, coin production is boosted by x1.00.

Entering a challange will reset some currency and apply some debuffs. Upon exiting, you gain your currency back and the debuff will be lifted, and if you reached the challange goal, you gain prizes.

Cash Inflation

Multiply cash production

Current Effect: x1.00
Next Effect: x3.00
Require: 10.00 Cash



Cash Bank

Reset your knowledge and the knowledge formula ^0.8

Goal: 1.00e25 knowledge
Prize: Cash boost knowledge formula

(Unlock Fused Machines at e1.888e3 Coin)

You have 0 fused machines

which are boosting Coin by ^1.00 and Cash by ^1.00

(Buying a fused machine performs a collapse prestige)

Next fused machine at e1.900e3 Coin + 3.00e10 Cash

Press the button below to DELETE YOUR SAVE FILE. (Reset literally EVERYTHING)