class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Reference Material ## Intro and Tips for Julia ### Tyler Ransom ### ECON 6343, University of Oklahoma --- # Julia - Julia is scientific computing language - Similar in function to Python, R, or Matlab - Aims to be a "high-level" language that is performant enough for intensive applications - "High-level" in the sense that it doesn't require compilation to run - "Performant" in the sense that it can sometimes run as fast as C, C++ or FORTRAN - ... and can be considerably faster than Python, R or Matlab. --- # Julia speed benchmarks (Source: []( .center[ <!-- --> ] --- # What makes Julia different? - .hi[just in time] (JIT) compilation - .hi[rich type system], which can yield massive performance gains - .hi[multiple dispatch] (i.e. the same function can be reused for different types of inputs) - .hi[metaprogramming] (like macros in Stata) - .hi[loops don't slow you down] (compared to Matlab or R, where they are very slow) --- # Learning Julia - There are lots of resources for learning Julia - Ultimately, learning is through experience - [Julia homepage]( - [Documentation]( - [Julia Discourse]( - [YouTube]( - [Cheat sheet]( I regularly use all of these resources as I program in Julia --- # Installing Julia Go [here]( and follow the instructions for your computer's operating system --- # Julia REPL REPL = .hi[R]ead .hi[E]val .hi[P]rint .hi[L]oop (i.e. the interactive console) - Open Julia and you should see a prompt that says `julia> ` Stuff the REPL can do: - basic calculator functions; e.g. `sqrt(π)` which returns 1.77245 - up arrow for last command - `;` enters shell mode (where you can issue system commands from inside Julia) - `?` enters help mode, e.g. `?sqrt` - `]` opens package manager; e.g. `] add LinearAlgebra` (note: may [take awhile]( --- # Basic operations (see [cheatsheet]( for more details) - .hi[Array indexing:] use `[]`, e.g. `X[5,2]` - .hi[Show output:] use `println()`, e.g. `println("size of X is ", size(X))` - .hi[Assignment:] use `=`, e.g. `X = rand(15,3)` - .hi[Commenting:] use `#` for single line, `#= ... =#` for multi-line - .hi[Element-wise operators:] must put a `.` in front, e.g. `x .+ y` if `x` and `y` are arrays - .hi[Load installed package:] `using Random` - .hi[Execute script:] `include("myfile.jl")` `\(\equiv\)` `do` or `source('myfile.R')` --- # Creating and executing a Julia script - In Stata or R, you create a script and then execute it - The same thing is true in Julia, but with a slight difference - In Julia, even scripts should have functions wrapped around them - The following is the contents of `myscript.jl` ```julia using <Package1>, <Package2> function scriptwrapper() X = [ones(15,1) rand(15,3)] y = randn(15,1) β = X\y # compute OLS return β end βhat = scriptwrapper() ``` - Then execute this script at the REPL by typing `include("myscript.jl")` --- # Why do I need to wrap everything in a function? - Wrapping code in a function allows the JIT compiler to optimize the code - This is where the speed gains come from - An added benefit is that it [promotes good programming practices]( - Putting everything in a function encourages you to abstract - Abstraction usually leads to performance gains (see p. 22 [here]( --- # The most common error message you'll receive - Julia is obsessive about types - `1.0` is different from `1` (the former is a `Float64` while the latter is an `Int64`) - This matters: e.g. some functions are optimized to only accept `Int64` types If you type this: `ones(π,1)` You'll get this: ```julia ERROR: MethodError: no method matching ones(::Irrational{:π}, ::Int64) Closest candidates are: ones(::Union{Integer, AbstractUnitRange}...) at array.jl:448 ones(::Type{T}, ::Union{Integer, AbstractUnitRange}...) where T at array.jl:449 Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope at none:0 ``` --- # `MethodError` - The error message on the previous slide is saying that you are violating the rules of the function you're calling - The solution is to read the error message and note that this function requires `Integer` types as inputs - You will also encounter error messages in the following common situations: - You are supplying the wrong number of inputs to a function - You are trying to call a function or object that Julia can't find - (either you haven't loaded a required package, or you haven't called that fn. yet) - To resolve errors, copy the error message into a search engine and see what shows --- # Cool Julia features - My favorite feature is the ability to use Greek symbols in programming - To write these, just simply type the LaTeX code for the symbol and then press Tab - e.g. `\pi`+Tab = `π` - Another cool feature is the `Distributions.jl` package - This package allows a user to specify any desired probability distribution - The user can take draws from it, compute quantiles or probabilities, etc. - You can also double index an object - e.g. `X = rand(15,2)` followed by `X[2,:][2]` (though this example is silly) --- # Comprehensions - Another excellent feature is known as comprehensions - Allows the user in 1 line of code to create an object that could be a complex formula - e.g. computing a present value `\(\sum_{t=1}^T \beta^t Y_t\)` - `PV = sum([β^t*Y[t] for t=1:T])` - Comprehensions allow for much lighter syntax than in other languages --- # Data Input and Output - .hi[Read a CSV file:] `using CSV; data ="filename.csv")` - .hi[Write a CSV file:] `using CSV; CSV.write("filename.csv", data)` - .hi[Save a Julia Object:] `using JLD; save("filename.jld", "object_key", object, ...)` - [this is like `.dta` (Stata) or `.rda` (R)] - .hi[Load a Julia Object:] `using JLD; d = load("filename.jld") # Returns a dict` - A `dict` (Dictionary) is a named list of objects [kind of like a `list()` in R] --- # Running a regression - The `CSV` package is usually used in concert with the `DataFrames` package - To run Generalized Linear Model (GLM) regressions, use the `GLM` package ```julia using CSV, DataFrames, GLM, HTTP, CategoricalArrays # load Stata auto dataset (i.e. `sysuse auto` in Stata) url = "" auto =, DataFrame) # set `rep78` variable to be categorical auto.rep78 = categorical(auto.rep78) # run basic regression (`reg price mpg foreign headroom i.rep78` in Stata) lm(@formula(price ~ mpg + foreign + headroom + rep78), auto) ``` --- # Piping in Julia - In R, `%>%` can be used to create piping chains - This makes code more readable - e.g. `x %>% mean() %>% log()` instead of `log(mean(x))` - In Julia, you can pipe with `|>`, e.g. `x |> sum |> log` - Note: `|>` is `|` and then `>` (it doesn't show up separately in this font) --- # Where to go from here - [Problem Set 1]( will provide ample opportunity to practice Julia - There are other tips and tricks that you will pick up over time - Either from the [cheatsheet]( or on the [Discourse site]( - The Discourse community is really nice, even if (like me) you ask a stupid question - Happy coding!