class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 20 ## Machine Learning for Causal Modeling ### Tyler Ransom ### ECON 6343, University of Oklahoma --- # Plan for the Day Go over a number of econ papers that use machine learning methods --- # Publishing fads .center[] [Image source]( --- # `\(k\)`-means clustering and unobserved types - Bonhomme, Lamadon, and Manresa (2019) - Panel data model where unobserved heterogeneity is continuous in the population - But approximated in the model with a discrete distribution (Group Fixed Effects, GFE) - Propose a 2-step estimation algorithm: 1. Classify units into groups using `\(k\)`-means clustering 2. Estimate the model using the groups in step 1 - This is different from finite mixture models: no joint estimation required! --- # Assumptions of BLM (2019) There are two main assumptions: 1. Unobserved heterogeneity depends on a low-dimensional vector of latent types - This is similar to the conditions of a factor model - But this method doesn't require a factor structure 2. Underlying types can be approximated from individual-specific moments - Moments can come from the data (e.g. a battery of test scores) - They can also come from the model (e.g. choice probabilities) --- # Further considerations - The `\(k\)`-means objective function is not globally concave - This means you will need to search for the global minimum - Consider the log likelihood of a dynamic discrete choice model: `\begin{align*} \ell_i\left(\alpha_i,\theta; d_{it},X_{it},Y_{it}\right) &= \sum_t \underbrace{\ln f\left(d_{it}\vert X_{it},\alpha_i,\theta\right)}_{\text{choices}} + \underbrace{\ln f\left(X_{it}\vert d_{it-1},X_{it-1},\alpha_i,\theta\right)}_{\text{state transitions}} + \\ &\phantom{=\sum_t} \underbrace{\ln f\left(Y_{it}\vert d_{it},X_{it},\alpha_i,\theta\right)}_{\text{outcomes}} \end{align*}` - Likelihoods are assumed to be additively separable conditional on the FE `\(\alpha_i\)` --- # Extensions - You can incorporate covariates into the `\(k\)`-means step - This can often improve performance - You can also incorporate model moments in the first step - This is required if you don't have external measurements (like test scores) - Another thing to keep in mind is that the GFE is inherently biased - You may need to iterate on the 2-step estimator multiple times to correct for this --- # Using ML to solve the sample selection problem - Heckman (1979) outlines the canonical sample selection problem - e.g. we only observe the earnings of individuals who are employed - This might distort our estimates of wage returns to skill - Can we improve on this by using machine learning? - Especially if the choice dimension is much larger than work/not work? --- # Ransom (2020) - Considers geographic heterogeneity in wage returns to college major - Individuals choose where they live based on wages and non-wage factors - Problem: researcher only sees wages in chosen residence location - Thus, wage returns are potentially contaminated by selection bias --- # Resolving the selection problem - Heckman model: the inverse Mill's ratio `\(\lambda(\cdot)\)` corrects for selection `\begin{align*} \ln wage &= X\beta + \lambda\left(Z\gamma\right) + u \end{align*}` - One can generalize this approach to multinomial choice and non-normality `\begin{align*} \ln wage &= X\beta + \sum_j d_j\widetilde{\lambda}\left(p_j(Z),p_k(Z)\right) + u \end{align*}` where - `\(d_j\)` is a dummy for living in location `\(j\)` - `\(\widetilde{\lambda}\)` is a flexible function - `\(p_j\)` and `\(p_k\)` are probabilities of choosing `\(j\)` or `\(k\)` (as a function of `\(Z\)`) --- # Using a tree model to estimate selection - The `\(p\)`'s on the previous slide are selection probabilities - `\(p_j\)` is the probability of choosing the chosen alternative - `\(p_k\)` is the probability of choosing the next-preferred alternative - Use a classification tree model to obtain the `\(p\)`'s - Assume that individuals with same values of `\(Z\)` and similar `\(p\)`'s have identical tastes - This approach improves on a bin-estimation approach - Can include a higher dimension of `\(Z\)` while limiting the curse of dimensionality --- # Can LASSO improve causal inference? - Shifting gears, let's talk about how model selection might improve causal inference - Thought experiment: - Methods such as matching and regression rely on unconfoundedness - If we have high-dimensional data, we can "control for everything"! - This would give us a high `\(R^2\)` and remove any omitted variable bias - LASSO can potentially select only the most important variables --- # Prediction problems - The problem with the above thought experiment is that LASSO only predicts - If we took a slightly different sample, it might select different variables - This is because LASSO doesn't care about inference, it cares only about prediction - Mullainathan and Spiess (2017) illustrate this in their Figure 2 - 2 functions with very different coefficients can produce the exact same prediction - To use ML in econometrics, we need to be more principled about ML's role --- # Regularization bias - In econometrics, we like our estimators to be CAN (Consistent & Asym Normal) - Suppose we want to estimate a treatment effect `\(\theta\)` in a high-dimensional model `\begin{align*} Y &= D\cdot\theta + g(X) + U, & \mathbb{E} \left[U | X, D \right] =0 \end{align*}` - We might want to use LASSO, ridge, random forest, etc. since `\(X\)` is high-dimensional - This solves the bias/variance tradeoff, but introduces bias into `\(\hat\theta\)` - Why? Because the bias/variance tradeoff trades off .hi[regularization bias] and variance - See Chernozhukov, Chetverikov, Demirer, Duflo, Hansen, Newey, and Robins (2018) --- # Double ML estimation - How do we solve the regularization bias problem? Add another equation - Consider outcome and selection equations, respectively `\begin{align*} Y &= D\cdot\theta + g(X) + U, & \mathbb{E} \left[U | X, D \right] =0 \\ D &= m(X) + V, & \mathbb{E} \left[V | X\right] =0 \end{align*}` - We include the second equation to .hi[orthogonalize] `\(D\)` - We also need to .hi[split our sample] to be able to estimate this system - Instead of using `\(D\)`, we use `\(\hat V = D - \hat{m}(X)\)` - This idea is related to the concept of control functions --- # Steps for Double ML (0.) Divide the sample in half; one subsample labeled `\(I^C\)` and the other labeled `\(I\)` 1. Estimate `\(\hat V = D - \hat{m}(X)\)` in `\(I^C\)` 2. Estimate `\(\hat U = Y - \hat{g}(X)\)` in `\(I^C\)` 3. Estimate `\(\check \theta = \left(\hat{V}'D\right)^{-1}\hat{V}'\hat{U}\)` in `\(I\)` (cf. biased `\(\hat \theta = \left(D'D\right)^{-1}D'\hat{U}\)`) 4. Repeat steps 1-3, but switch `\(I^C\)` and `\(I\)` (this is known as cross-fitting) 5. `\(\check \theta_{cf} = \frac{1}{2} \check \theta(I^C,I)+ \frac{1}{2} \check \theta(I,I^C)\)` - These steps ensure that `\(\check \theta\)` is unbiased and efficient - Nice examples in [R]( and [Python]( --- # Post Double Selection (PDS) - Now let's consider a related idea to Double ML - This is known as .hi[post double selection] (Belloni, Chernozhukov, and Hansen, 2014) - It is a useful way to estimate treatment effects in linear models - Same setup as Double ML, but here `\(g(\cdot)\)` and `\(m(\cdot)\)` are linear `\begin{align*} Y &= D\cdot\theta + g(X) + U, & \mathbb{E} \left[U | X, D \right] =0 \\ D &= m(X) + V, & \mathbb{E} \left[V | X\right] =0 \end{align*}` --- # PDS steps 1. Use LASSO to separately select `\(X\)` - First on `\(Y = g(X) + \tilde U\)` - Then on `\(D = m(X) + V\)` 2. Regress `\(Y\)` on `\(D\)` and the union of the selected `\(X\)`'s from step 1 - The procedure is called "post double selection" because the final regression is on the set of `\(X\)`'s that have been doubly selected (first in the outcome equation, then in the selection equation) - Key idea is that we avoid regularization bias by only looking at the selection part of LASSO (not the shrinkage part) --- # Usefulness of PDS - For an example, let's re-evaluate Donohue and Levitt (2001) - Their claim: legalizing abortion reduces crime - Intuition: unwanted children are most likely to become criminals - Use a "two-way fixed effects" model on state-level panel data: `\begin{align*} y_{st} &= \alpha a_{st} + \beta w_{st} + \delta_s + \gamma_t + \varepsilon_{st} \end{align*}` where `\(s\)` is US state, `\(t\)` is time, and `\(a_{st}\)` is the abortion rate (15-25 years prior) - `\(y_{st}\)` are various measures of crime (property, violent, murder, ...) - `\(w_{st}\)` are state-level controls (prisoners per capita, police per capita, ...) --- # Re-evaluating Donohue and Levitt (2001) - A potential issue with Donohue and Levitt (2001): specification of `\(w_{st}\)` - We might think we should include highly flexible forms of elements of `\(w_{st}\)` - Indeed, when Belloni, Chernozhukov, and Hansen (2014) do this, the SE's get larger - All previous results are diminished in magnitude and have 5x larger SE's - The PDS approach is also useful for other regression designs such as DiD --- # Heterogeneous treatment effects - ML can also help us with treatment effect heterogeneity - See Athey and Imbens (2016) - Use regression trees to partition units into groups with similar TE's - Estimation is "honest" in a similar way as Double ML: - Split the sample in half - Use one subsample to do the partitioning - Use the other subsample to estimate the TE's --- # Matrix completion - Causal inference is fundamentally a missing data problem - This is because we only ever observe `\(Y=D_0 Y_0 + D_1 Y_1\)` - Athey, Bayati, Doudchenko, Imbens, and Khosravi (2018) propose .hi[matrix completion] methods for panel data - This is a credible data imputation technique - Estimate the ATE by imputing `\(Y_0\)` for treated units - Take into account within-unit serial correlation --- # Further reading - Bajari, Nekipelov, Ryan, and Yang (2015) - Examples of using ML in IO demand estimation - Dube, Jacobs, Naidu, and Suri (2020) - Example of using Double ML to estimate employer monopsony power - Angrist and Frandsen (2019) - Discussion of the role ML should play in empirical labor economics --- # References .tinier[ Angrist, J. and B. Frandsen (2019). _Machine Labor_. Working Paper 26584. National Bureau of Economic Research. DOI: [10.3386/w26584]( Athey, S., M. Bayati, N. Doudchenko, et al. (2018). _Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models_. Working Paper 25132. National Bureau of Economic Research. DOI: [10.3386/w25132]( Athey, S. and G. Imbens (2016). "Recursive partitioning for heterogeneous causal effects". In: _Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_ 113.27, pp. 7353-7360. DOI: [10.1073/pnas.1510489113]( Bajari, P, D. Nekipelov, S. P. Ryan, et al. (2015). "Machine Learning Methods for Demand Estimation". In: _American Economic Review_ 105.5, pp. 481-485. DOI: [10.1257/aer.p20151021]( Belloni, A, V. Chernozhukov, and C. Hansen (2014). "Inference on Treatment Effects after Selection among High-Dimensional Controls". In: _Review of Economic Studies_ 81.2, pp. 608-650. DOI: [10.1093/restud/rdt044]( Bonhomme, S., T. Lamadon, and E. Manresa (2019). _Discretizing Unobserved Heterogeneity_. Working Paper. University of Chicago. URL: []( Chernozhukov, V, D. Chetverikov, M. Demirer, et al. (2018). "Double/Debiased Machine Learning for Treatment and Structural Parameters". In: _Econometrics Journal_ 21.1, pp. C1-C68. DOI: [10.1111/ectj.12097]( Donohue, J. J. I. and S. D. Levitt (2001). "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime". In: _Quarterly Journal of Economics_ 116.2, pp. 379-420. DOI: [10.1162/00335530151144050]( Dube, A, J. Jacobs, S. Naidu, et al. (2020). "Monopsony in Online Labor Markets". In: _American Economic Review: Insights_ 2.1, pp. 33-46. DOI: [10.1257/aeri.20180150]( Heckman, J. J. (1979). "Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error". In: _Econometrica_ 47.1, pp. 153-161. DOI: [10.2307/1912352]( Mullainathan, S. and J. Spiess (2017). "Machine Learning: An Applied Econometric Approach". In: _Journal of Economic Perspectives_ 31.2, pp. 87-106. DOI: [10.1257/jep.31.2.87]( Ransom, T. (2020). _Selective Migration, Occupational Choice, and the Wage Returns to College Majors_. Discussion Paper 13370. IZA. URL: []( ]