class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 16 ## Using DAGs for Causal Inference ### Tyler Ransom ### ECON 6343, University of Oklahoma --- # Attribution Today's material is based on Cunningham (2021) and [lecture notes]( by [Andrew Heiss]( I have adjusted the materials slightly to fit the needs and goals of this course --- # Plan for the Day 1. What is a DAG? 2. How are DAGs useful? 3. What do familiar reduced-form causal models look like as DAGs? 4. How do we use a DAG to estimate causal effects with observational data? --- # What is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)? .pull-left[ - .hi[Directed:] Each node has an arrow that points to another node - .hi[Acyclic:] You can't cycle back to a node; arrows are uni-directional - Rules out simultaneity - .hi[Graph:] It's a graph, in the sense of discrete mathematical graph theory ] .pull-right[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/simple-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] This DAG represents a model where `\(Z\)` determines `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)`, while `\(X\)` also determines `\(Y\)` --- # What is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)? .pull-left[ - Graphical model of the DGP - Use mathematical operations called `\(do\)`-calculus - These tell you what to adjust for to isolate and identify causality - `\(do\)`-calculus is based on Bayesian Networks ] .pull-right[  ] --- # Judea Pearl: Father of using DAGs for causal inference .pull-left-narrow[ <figure> <img src="" alt="The Book of Why" title="The Book of Why" width="100%"> </figure> ][ <figure> <img src="" alt="Judea Pearl" title="Judea Pearl" width="90%"> </figure> ] --- # How to draw a DAG e.g. .hi[What is the causal effect of an additional year of education on earnings?] 1. List variables 2. Simplify 3. Connect arrows 4. Use logic and math to determine which nodes and arrows to measure --- # 1. List variables - Education (treatment) → Earnings (outcome) - (Many) other factors to consider - Location - Cognitive & non-cognitive abilities (incl. risk tolerance, delaying gratification, ...) - Demographics - Family socioeconomic status - Genetics - Birth cohort - Compulsory schooling laws - Employment network --- # 2. Simplify - Education (treatment) → Earnings (outcome) - Background (Demographics, Abilities, Genetics, Family SES) - Location - Birth cohort - Compulsory schooling laws - Employment network --- # 3. Draw arrows .pull-left-narrow[ Education causes earnings ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-simple-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 3. Draw arrows .pull-left-narrow[ These factors all cause education: - Background - Birth cohort - Location - Job network - Schooling laws ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-2-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 3. Draw arrows .pull-left-narrow[ These factors also cause earnings: - Background - Birth cohort - Location - Employment network ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-3-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 3. Draw arrows .pull-left-narrow[ Education also causes employment network ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-4-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # 3. Draw arrows .pull-left-narrow[ - Location and background are probably related, but neither causes the other - Instead, something unobservable (U1) generates their relationship ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-full-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Having the computer draw DAGs for you - []( - `ggdag` package in R --- # Causal identification .pull-left-narrow[ A causal effect is .hi[identified] if the association between treatment and outcome is .hi[properly stripped and isolated] ] .pull-right-wide[  ] --- # Paths and associations - Arrows in a DAG transmit associations - You can redirect and control those paths by "adjusting" or "conditioning" - There are different types of associations: 1. .hi[Confounding] 2. .hi[Causation] 3. .hi[Collision] --- # DAG depiction of the 3 types of associations .pull-left-3[ .center[.hi[Confounding]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/confounding-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[.hi-lite[Common cause]] ][ .hi[Causation] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/mediation-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .hi-lite[Mediation] ] .pull-right-3[ .center[.hi[Collision]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/collision-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .center[.hi-lite[Sample Selection]] ] --- # Confounding .pull-left-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/confounding-dag-big-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-narrow[ - This situation is classic omitted variable bias - Resolve it by including `\(Z\)` as a regressor - If `\(Z\)` is unobserved, then the task becomes more difficult ] --- # Paths .pull-left-wide[  ] .pull-right-narrow[ - There are two paths between `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)`: 1. `\(X\)` → `\(Y\)` 2. `\(X\)` ← `\(Z\)` → `\(Y\)` - `\(Z\)` is called a .hi[backdoor] ] --- # `\(d\)`-connection .pull-left-wide[  ] .pull-right-narrow[ - `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` are<br>.hi[_d_-connected] because associations can pass through `\(Z\)` - The relationship between `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` is not identified / isolated - We .hi[close the door] by adjusting for `\(Z\)` ] --- # `\(d\)`-separation .pull-left[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/confounding-dag-adjusted-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - If we adjust for `\(Z\)`,<br> `\(X\)` and `\(Y\)` are now<br>.hi[_d_-separated] and the association is isolated ] --- # Closing backdoors .pull-left-narrow[ .box-inv-5[Block all backdoor paths to identify the main pathway you care about] ] .pull-right-wide[  ] --- # All paths .pull-left.left[ - Education → Earnings - Education → Job connections → Earnings - Education ← Background → Earnings - Education ← Background ← U1 → Location → Earnings - Education ← Location → Earnings - Education ← Location ← U1 → Background → Earnings - Education ← Year → Earnings ] .pull-right[  ] --- # All paths .pull-left.left[ - Education → Earnings - Education → Job connections → Earnings - Education ← Background → Earnings - Education ← Background ← U1 → Location → Earnings - Education ← Location → Earnings - Education ← Location ← U1 → Background → Earnings - Education ← Cohort → Earnings ] .pull-right[  ] --- # All paths .pull-left-narrow[ - Adjust for Location, Background and Cohort to isolate the Education → Earnings causal effect ] .pull-right-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-adjust-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Causation .pull-left-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/causation-dag-big-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-narrow[ - `\(X\)` causes `\(Y\)` - `\(X\)` also causes<br> `\(Z\)` which causes `\(Y\)` - Should you adjust for `\(Z\)`? - Not if you want the causal effect of `\(X\)` on `\(Y\)`! - Sometimes called "overcontrolling" - Example: Personal rating in Harvard admissions ] --- # Colliders .pull-left-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/collider-dag-big-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-narrow[ - `\(X\)` causes `\(Z\)` - `\(Y\)` causes `\(Z\)` - Should you adjust for `\(Z\)`? - Not if you want the causal effect of `\(X\)` on `\(Y\)`! - Colliders always close open backdoor paths - If you condition on a collider, this opens a backdoor path ] --- # DAG for Instrumental Variables .pull-left-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/iv-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-narrow[ - Relevance means `\(Z\)` affects `\(X\)` - Excludability means `\(Z\)` does not affect `\(Y\)` except through `\(X\)` ] --- # DAG for an RCT .pull-left-wide[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/rct-dag-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right-narrow[ - Randomization means `\(U\)` does not affect `\(X\)` - Hence `\(Corr(Y,X)\)` is causal ] --- # Other Resources - Another great resource for DAGs is Nick Huntington-Klein's intro [slides]( - These are geared towards a class that hasn't learned regression yet - There are helpful practice questions and examples - All about closing backdoors and going through frontdoors - Huenermund and Bareinboim (2019) has excellent details on `\(do\)`-calculus - Also discusses how to resolve the Structural vs. Reduced Form debate --- # `\(do\)`-Calculus - `\(do\)`-Calculus is the Bayesian Network math describing how to obtain causality - We aim to obtain causality from .hi[observational data] using our DAG as the model - And making as few parametric assumptions as possible - Our DAG generates a bunch of testable implications which we can use for validity - e.g. `\(Educ \perp Earnings \vert Background, Network\)`, ... - The `\(do\)`-operator means setting the value of treatment to a specific value - Written `\(\mathbb{P}[Y\vert do(X=x)]\)` or `\(\mathbb{E}[Y\vert do(X=x)]\)` - e.g. `\(\mathbb{E}[\log wage\vert do(educ=13)]\)` (i.e. 1 year of college) - `\(do(X=x)\)` is graphically depicted by deleting all arrows leading into `\(X\)` --- # Interventions .pull-left[ .center[.hi[Observational DAG]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/observational-dag-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .center[.hi[Experimental DAG]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/experimental-dag-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Returns to schooling example $$ \mathbb{E}[\log wage\ |\ do(\text{educ=16})] $$ .pull-left[ .center[.hi[Observational DAG]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-obs-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ .center[.hi[Experimental DAG]] <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/edu-earn-experiment-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Intuition of `\(do\)`-Calculus - `\(do()\)` is a causal operator, but we only have observational data - `\(\mathbb{P}[Y\ |\ do(X)] \neq \mathbb{P}(Y\ |\ X)\)` - So in order to estimate a causal effect, we need to get rid of the `\(do()\)`'s - There are three formal rules, but there are also two special cases 1. Backdoor adjustment 2. Frontdoor adjustment --- # Formal rules of `\(do\)`-Calculus Pearl (2012) 1. (Insertion/deletion of observations): `\begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), z, w) &= \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), w) \text{ if } (Y \perp Z\vert X, W)G_{\overline{X}} \end{align*}` 2. (Action/observation exchange): `\begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), do(z), w) &= \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), z, w) \text{ if } (Y \perp Z\vert X, W)G_{\overline{X}\underline{Z}} \end{align*}` 3. (Insertion/deletion of actions): `\begin{align*} \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), do(z), w) &= \mathbb{P}(y\vert do(x), w) \text{ if } (Y \perp Z\vert X, W)_{\overline{X}\overline{Z(W)}} \end{align*}` - `\(G_{\overline{X}}\)` is the DAG with X "done" (all incoming arrows deleted) - `\(G_{\underline{Z}}\)` is the DAG with all outgoing arrows from `\(Z\)` deleted - `\(G_{\overline{X}\underline{Z}}\)` is the DAG with `\(G_{\overline{X}}\)` and `\(G_{\underline{Z}}\)` applied --- # Backdoor adjustment $$ \mathbb{P}[Y\ |\ do(X)] = \sum_Z \mathbb{P}(Y\ |\ X, Z) \mathbb{P}(Z) $$ .pull-left[ <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/backdoor-dag-1.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ - This is the definition of adjusting for `\(Z\)` - This works because `\(Z\)` is observed - Our DAG presumes that there are no other confounders besides `\(Z\)` ] --- # Frontdoor adjustment <img src="16slides_files/figure-html/frontdoor-1.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - `\(S \rightarrow T\)` is `\(d\)`-separated - `\(T \rightarrow C\)` is `\(d\)`-separated - combine the effects to find `\(S \rightarrow C\)` --- # Actually coding this up - We don't have time to go through `\(do\)`-Calculus more thoroughly - But you can consult Huenermund and Bareinboim (2019) for more details - You can also see an example from Andrew Heiss [here]( - The R package `causaleffect` has many algorithms built-in - Near as I can tell, no one has programmed these up in Julia yet --- # Remaining issues - DAGs seem really useful for understanding intuition - I don't know how they deal with measurement issues - They can't deal with simultaneity - These issues might not actually be problematic, but I am unsure --- # References Cunningham, S. (2021). _Causal Inference: The Mixtape_. Yale University Press. URL: []( Huenermund, P. and E. Bareinboim (2019). _Causal Inference and Data-Fusion in Econometrics_. Working Paper. arXiv. URL: []( Pearl, J. (2012). "The Do-Calculus Revisited". In: _Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence_. Ed. by N. de Freitas and K. Murphy. Corvallis, OR: AUAI Press, pp. 4-11.