class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 12 ## Factor Models ### Tyler Ransom ### ECON 6343, University of Oklahoma --- # Plan for the Day 1. Discuss proxy variables & measurement error 2. Methods for dimensionality reduction 3. Economic content of factor models 4. Examples of factor models --- # Attribution I gratefully acknowledge Esteban Aucejo for sharing his slides on factor models, some of which I incorporated in what follows. I also based some content on Shalizi (2019) which is an excellent textbook on data analysis. --- # Proxy variables - Suppose we have a simple linear regression model `\begin{align*} y &= X\beta + \varepsilon \end{align*}` - If `\((y,X)\)` come from observational data, the model is likely confounded - That is, our OLS estimate of `\(\hat{\beta}\)` would be biased (because `\(X\)` is correlated with `\(\varepsilon\)`) - One potential way to remove the bias is to include a .hi[proxy variable] - This is a variable that we can observe and that is related to something in `\(\varepsilon\)` - Example: unobserved ability biases returns to schooling. IQ might be a viable proxy --- # A brief review of measurement error - What if our proxy is measured with error? This can cause econometric problems - In linear regression, under "classical measurement error" (CEV) assumption: - OLS estimates are attenuated to zero (i.e. "attenuation bias") - OLS t-stats are biased downwards - There are other "non-classical" forms of measurement error as well - See Pischke (2007) for a good treatment of ME - Naturally, measurement error is a beast in non-linear models - See Chen, Hong, and Nekipelov (2011) for a complete treatment --- # Proxy variables & measurement error - Unless they happen to resolve the endogeneity problem, proxy variables won't work - (Need `\(\mathbb{E}\left(\varepsilon \vert X, proxy\right) = \mathbb{E}\left(\varepsilon \vert proxy\right)\)`) - And usually proxies don't satisfy this requirement - You can use instrumental variables to solve the ME problem - But only in linear models - And, of course, instrument validity is almost always in question - So it seems you have to choose between omitted variable bias and attenuation bias --- # What if we have many correlated proxies? - For the unobserved ability question, we might have many different proxies - e.g. individuals might take multiple standardized tests - How do we know which test scores to attempt to use as proxies? - What if each test itself suffers from measurement error? - What if the test scores are highly correlated with each other? - Today we'll talk about how to handle this situation - The application focuses on measuring ability - But this approach is generally applicable when we have many noisy measurements --- # Dimensionality reduction - .hi[Dimensionality reduction] is a common task in data analysis - If 3 variables all give the same information, why not just have 1? - There are two related methods for reducing dimensionality 1. .hi[Principle Components Analysis (PCA)] 2. .hi[Factor Analysis] --- # PCA - PCA is one way to reduce dimensionality. Let `\(M\)` be an `\(N\times J\)` matrix of data - Decompose `\(M\)` as follows: `\begin{align*} M &= \boldsymbol{\theta}\Lambda\\ [N\times J] &= [N\times J] [J\times J] \end{align*}` - `\(\Lambda\)` are stacked eigenvectors - `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` is an .hi[orthogonalized transformation] of `\(M\)` (columns of `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` are uncorrelated) - `\(\Lambda\)` indicates the rotation angle to get from `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` back to `\(M\)` - If `\(M\)` were orthogonal to begin with, `\(\Lambda = I\)` and `\(M=\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` --- # PCA 2 - Nothing on the previous slide helps us with dimensionality reduction per se - We reduce dimensionality by choosing the eigenvectors with the largest magnitudes - These represent the dimensions `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` with the greatest variance - We say that we "select the first `\(K\)` .hi[principal components] of `\(M\)`" - Mathematically, we "reduce" (i.e. "approximate") `\(M\)` by choosing a subset of `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` and `\(\Lambda\)` `\begin{align*} \widetilde{M} &= \boldsymbol{\theta}_k\Lambda_k\\ [N\times J] &= [N\times K] [K\times J]\\ &\\ M &= \boldsymbol{\theta}_k\Lambda_k + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \end{align*}` where `\(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\equiv M - \widetilde{M}\)` is a `\(N\times J\)` matrix --- # Visual depiction of PCA .center[] - The arrows are the eigenvectors; longer arrows correspond to more variance (image source: [Wikipedia]( --- # Factor Analysis - Factor Analysis comes in two forms: Exploratory (EFA) and Confirmatory (CFA) - EFA: see what factors might be in the data - CFA: write down a model and use the data to test it - In economics, we pretty much only do CFA - FA is used extensively in psychometrics - It is a natural tool for analyzing cognitive or behavioral tests - Each test measures some set of skills, but does so noisily - Tests tend to measure the same set of skills, so they are correlated --- # How factor analysis works - Suppose our `\(J\)` columns of `\(M\)` correspond to measurements (e.g. test scores) - FA tries to find some underlying unobservables that commonly affect `\(M\)` - We assume that we cannot observe `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` - If we assume that `\(M\)` is standardized (mean-zero, unit-variance), then `\begin{align*} M &= \underbrace{\boldsymbol{\theta}_k\Lambda_k + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}_{\boldsymbol{u}} \end{align*}` - `\(u\)` is a composite error term (since both `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` and `\(\varepsilon\)` are unobservable) - In FA, we call `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` .hi[factors], and we call `\(\Lambda\)` .hi[factor loadings] and `\(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)` .hi[uniquenesses] --- # PCA vs. FA - Clearly, PCA and FA are related, but there are important differences - The `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}_k\)` we get from PCA and FA are going to be different - But the `\(\Lambda_k\)` are identical (and hence the `\(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)` are different) - `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}_k^{PCA}\)` has larger variance than `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}_k^{FA}\)` - This is because PCA treats `\(M\)` as not measured with error, but FA does the opposite - For many more excellent details, see Shalizi (2019) [here]( --- # Extensions of FA - We can extend FA to allow for `\(X\)`'s that affect our measurements `\begin{align*} M &= X\boldsymbol{\beta} + \underbrace{\boldsymbol{\theta}_k\Lambda_k + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}_{\boldsymbol{u}} \\ [N\times J] &= [N\times L] [L\times J] + [N\times K] [K\times J] + [N\times J] \end{align*}` - If `\(X\)` is `\(N\times L\)` then `\(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)` is a `\(L\times J\)` matrix - However, we do need to make more assumptions for econometric identification! --- # Identifying assumptions for a 2-factor model - We need to make the following assumptions: `\begin{align*} \mathbb{E}\left(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\right) &= \mathbf{0}_{J\times 1}\\ \mathbb{V}\left(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\right) &\equiv \mathbb{E}\left(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}'\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\right)=\Omega_{J\times J}\\ \Omega_{[j,j]} &= \sigma^2_j, \Omega_{[j,k]} = 0\\ \mathbb{E}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}\right) &= \mathbf{0}_{2\times 1}\\ \mathbb{V}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}\right) &= \Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta} \end{align*}` - Let `\(u \equiv M - X\boldsymbol{\beta}\)`, then `\begin{align*} \mathbb{E}\left(u\right) &= \mathbf{0}_{J\times 1}\\ \mathbb{V}\left(u\right) &= \Lambda\Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta}\Lambda' + \Omega\\ \Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta} &= \left[\begin{array}{cc} \sigma^2_{\theta_1} & \sigma_{\theta_1 \theta_2}\\ \sigma_{\theta_1 \theta_2} & \sigma^2_{\theta_2}\\ \end{array}\right] \end{align*}` --- # Identification of a 2-factor model - Our only data source to estimate `\(\Lambda\)` and `\(\Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` is `\(\mathbb{V}\left(M-X\boldsymbol{\beta}\right)\equiv \mathbb{V}\left(u\right)\)` - Let's look at the variance-covariance matrix of `\(u\)`: - This has `\(J\)` diagonal elements and `\(\frac{J(J-1)}{2}\)` unique off-diagonal elements - With these `\(J+\frac{J(J-1)}{2}\)` moments in the data, we want to estimate: - The `\(J\)` diagonal elements of `\(\Omega\)` (i.e. the `\(\sigma^2_j\)`'s) - `\(2J\)` elements of `\(\Lambda\)` - four elements of `\(\Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` - We have `\(3J+4\)` parameters, but only `\(J+\frac{J(J-1)}{2}\)` data moments - In general, the model is not identified. We will need to impose further assumptions. --- # Additional identifying assumptions - The following are common assumptions, but you could impose others 1. `\(\theta_1 \perp \theta_2\)` (so `\(\Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` is diagonal) 2. The scale of each factor is arbitrary. 2 ways to normalize the scale: - `\(\Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta} = I_{2\times 2}\)` - or - Set one element of each row of `\(\Lambda=1\)` - With these two assumptions, we achieve identification if `\begin{align*} 2J + J \leq J+\frac{J(J-1)}{2} \end{align*}` - So `\(J\geq 5\)` is necessary (but not sufficient) for identification --- # Other identification considerations - For .hi[model interpretability], also need to put more structure on `\(\Lambda\)` - For example, suppose we have 6 measurements: - 3 from a cognitive test and 3 from a personality test - In this case, the first row of `\(\Lambda\)` should be 0 for the personality measures - Likewise, the second row of `\(\Lambda\)` should be 0 for the cognitive measures - If all 6 measurements come from a cog. test, can't identify a non-cog. factor - Could possibly identify `\(\sigma_{\theta_1\theta_2}\)` if one measurement measures both factors --- # Estimation of factor models - Typically, we impose distributional assumptions on `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` and `\(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)` - e.g. assume `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` and `\(\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)` are each MVN with 0 covariance and `\(\boldsymbol{\theta} \perp \boldsymbol{\varepsilon}\)` - Then we estimate `\((\Lambda, \Sigma_\boldsymbol{\theta}, \Omega)\)` by maximum likelihood - The likelihood function will need to be integrated, since `\(\boldsymbol{\theta}\)` is unobserved - Can use quadrature, simulated method of moments, MCMC, or the EM algorithm - As you know, these vary in their ease of use --- # Using factor models to `\(\downarrow\)` bias of regression estimates - The whole reason we use a factor model is to reduce bias - Let's go back to the log wage example from the start of today - `\(\beta\)`'s are biased if we omit cognitive ability (omitted variable bias) - `\(\beta\)`'s are also biased if we include IQ score (attenuation bias from meas. err.) - We know cognitive ability affects wages, and we have (noisy) measurements of it - We can estimate the log wage parameters by maximum likelihood - We combine together the log wage and factor model likelihoods - I'll walk you through how to do this in the Problem Set (due next time) --- # Factor models and dynamic selection - Factor models can also be used to account for dynamic selection - Intuition: `\(\uparrow\)` cog. abil `\(\Rightarrow \uparrow\)` schooling `\(\Rightarrow \uparrow\)` wages - Schooling is endogenous, so we can add a schooling choice model to our likelihood - When the ability factor enters choice of schooling, this induces a correlation between schooling choices and wages - But conditional on the factor, we have separability of the likelihood components - `\(\mathcal{L} = \int_A \underbrace{\mathcal{L}_1(A)}_{\text{measurements}}\underbrace{\mathcal{L}_2(A)}_{\text{choices}}\underbrace{\mathcal{L}_3(A)}_{\text{wages}} dF(A)\)` - We covered a variant of this case back when we discussed Mixed Logit --- # Seminal papers applying factor analysis - Heckman, Stixrud, and Urzua (2006) - first paper to apply this method to an econometric model - show that this method works - 2 latent factors impact a variety of outcomes - Cunha, Heckman, and Schennach (2010) - develop a dynamic factor model of early childhood skill production - latent ability in one period affects investment in subsequent periods --- # Recent papers - Aucejo and James (2019) - Why do women attain more education than men, especially among Blacks? - Use 59 measures of early student information - 3 factors: family background, math/verbal skills, externalizing behavior - Family background differences drive most of the observed gaps - Ashworth, Hotz, Maurel, and Ransom (2020) - Estimate wage returns to schooling and different types of work experience - 2 factors: cognitive and "not" cognitive - Accounting for selection matters a lot for calculation of returns to schooling --- # References .smallest[ Ashworth, J, V. J. Hotz, A. Maurel, et al. (2020). "Changes across Cohorts in Wage Returns to Schooling and Early Work Experiences". In: _Journal of Labor Economics_. DOI: [10.1086/711851]( Aucejo, E. M. and J. James (2019). "Catching Up to Girls: Understanding the Gender Imbalance in Educational Attainment Within Race". In: _Journal of Applied Econometrics_ 34.4, pp. 502-525. DOI: [10.1002/jae.2699]( Chen, X, H. Hong, and D. Nekipelov (2011). "Nonlinear Models of Measurement Errors". In: _Journal of Economic Literature_ 49.4, pp. 901-937. DOI: [10.1257/jel.49.4.901]( Cunha, F, J. J. Heckman, and S. M. Schennach (2010). "Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation". In: _Econometrica_ 78.3, pp. 883-931. DOI: [10.3982/ECTA6551]( Heckman, J. J, J. Stixrud, and S. Urzua (2006). "The Effects of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities on Labor Market Outcomes and Social Behavior". In: _Journal of Labor Economics_ 24.3, pp. 411-482. DOI: [10.1086/504455]( Pischke, S. (2007). _Lecture Notes on Measurement Error_. Lecture Notes. London School of Economics. URL: []( Shalizi, C. R. (2019). _Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View_. Cambridge University Press. URL: []( ]