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Compiled on Wed Oct 5 07:02:48 2022.

1 Introduction to the global Ocean Health Index (OHI) assessment

The global Ocean Health Index assesses ocean health for 220 coastal countries and territories and has been conducted every year starting in 2012. The Index describes how well we are sustainably managing 10 goals for ocean ecosystems which represent the full suite of benefits that people want and need from the ocean. These goals include: artisanal fishing opportunity, biodiversity, carbon storage, clean waters, coastal livelihoods and economies, coastal protection, food provision, natural products, sense of place, and tourism and recreation. Each goal is given a score ranging from 0 to 100, and the full suite of goal scores are then averaged to obtain an overall index score for each region.

For more information about the philosophy of the Ocean Health Index and model development see Halpern et al. (2012, 2015) and http://ohi-science.org/ohi-global/, which includes information about downloading global ocean health data.

2 The Theory of OHI

2.1 A comprehensive framework to assess ocean health

The Ocean Health Index assesses ocean health which we define as how well we are sustainably managing the resources that we want and need from the ocean (e.g., tourism and recreation, food provisioning).

The OHI is considered a composite indicator because it combines many indicators into a comprehensive framework describing ocean health. This is in contrast to focusing on individual indicators, such as phosphate levels, sedimentation, biodiversity, etc. Individual indicators are important, but they provide limited information when it comes to evaluating how well an overall ecosystem is functioning. Another shortcoming of individual indicators is that they do not directly describe what we actually care about, and consequently, focusing on them can hinder communication. For example, most people do not directly care about nutrient pollution, however, we do care about its effects on the ocean’s ability to provide recreation and food.

Without an overall framework to evaluate indicators, certain indicators may be overemphasized relative to their true importance due to researcher bias (most researchers believe their area of study is the most important), trends in research (what is currently considered a hot topic and is funded), and availability of data (e.g., some data is easier to collect). A model that combines multiple indicators will inevitably have flaws, but at least we know which variables are included and how they are weighted.

2.2 The role of humans

One of the primary contributions of the OHI is that it recognizes people are an important part of the marine system. Both conservation and extractive use of ocean resources are valued, and consequently, scores are highest when we maximize the benefits we receive while maintaining sustainability so we can continue to receive benefits now and into the future. One temptation of indicator development is to focus only on the pressures that humans apply to systems. This makes sense because we want to be sure we are adequately protecting resources. However, eliminating all pressures on the ocean would require eliminating all contact between humans and the ocean. Beyond being unrealistic, this is undesirable because we would stop receiving all the benefits that we rely on from the ocean. The OHI is unique because it tracks both the pressures we put on oceans as well as the benefits we receive.

2.3 Yearly assessments

The global Ocean Health Index has been assessed every year since 2012. The primary goal of each yearly assessment is to calculate a new year of scores using the most recent data. Often, in addition to incorporating an additional year of data, we make improvements to models or decide to use different data sources. To ensure that scores for all years are comparable, we recalculate scores for previous scenario years for each assessment using new methods and data sources. For the current assessment, for example, in addition to calculating the current year’s scores, we recalculate scores for every year since 2012. Consequently, comparisons among years should always be performed using data from the same assessment year so trends in scores reflect changes to ocean health rather than changes to methods.

Not all data layers are reported through the most current assessment year, and consequently, the OHI scores are calculated using the most recent year of available data. Details on which years are used for each data layer are provided in Table 7.2.

2.4 Brief anatomy of OHI scores

We define ocean health as the sustainable delivery of ten widely-held public goals for ocean ecosystems (Table 2.1). These goals represent the full suite of benefits that people want and need from the ocean, including the traditional ‘goods and services’ people often consider (e.g., fish to eat, coastal protection from nearshore habitats) as well as benefits less commonly accounted for, such as cultural values and biodiversity. Within each region, scores, ranging from 0 to 100, are calculated for the 10 goals (section 5.2). Four of the goals are calculated from 2 subgoals. The subgoals are calculated independently (i.e., they are treated as if they are goals) and then combined into the goal status score (Table 2.2).

Table 2.1. The 10 goals of the Ocean Health Index
Goal Abbreviation Description
Artisanal Fishing Opportunity AO The opportunity for small-scale fishers to supply catch for their families, members of their local communities, or sell in local markets
Biodiversity BD The conservation status of native marine species and key habitats that serve as a proxy for the suite of species that depend upon them
Carbon Storage CS The condition of coastal habitats that store and sequester atmospheric carbon
Clean Waters CW The degree to which ocean regions are free of contaminants such as chemicals, eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, disease pathogens, and trash
Coastal Livelihoods and Economies LE Coastal and ocean-dependent livelihoods (job quantity and quality) and economies (revenues) produced by marine sectors
Coastal Protection CP The amount of protection provided by marine and coastal habitats serving as natural buffers against incoming waves
Food Provision FP The sustainable harvest of seafood from wild-caught fisheries and mariculture
Natural Products NP The natural resources that are sustainably extracted from living marine resources
Sense of Place SP The conservation status of iconic species (e.g., salmon, whales) and geographic locations that contribute to cultural identity
Tourism and Recreation TR The value people have for experiencing and enjoying coastal areas through activities such as sailing, recreational fishing, beach-going, and bird watching

Table 2.2. Subgoals used to calculate 4 of the Ocean Health Index goals
Subgoal Goal Abbreviation Description
Habitat Biodiversity HAB The status of key habitats that serve as a proxy for the suite of species that depend upon them
Species condition Biodiversity SPP The conservation status of native marine species
Livelihoods Coastal livelihoods and economies LIV Coastal and ocean-dependent livelihoods (job quantity and quality) produced by marine sectors
Economies Coastal livelihoods and economies ECO Coastal and ocean-dependent economies (revenues) produced by marine sectors
Fisheries Food provision FIS The sustainable harvest of seafood from wild-caught fisheries
Mariculture Food provision MAR The sustainable harvest of seafood from mariculture practices
Iconic species Sense of place ICO The conservation status of iconic species (e.g., salmon, whales) that contribute to cultural identity
Lasting special places Sense of place LSP The conservation status of geographic locations that contribute to cultural identity

Goal (and subgoal scores) are calculated using several variables (referred to as “dimensions”, Table 2.3). Goal scores (Section 5.2) are calculated as the average of current status (Section 5) and likely future status. Likely future status (Section 5.3) is the current status modified by variables (resilience, pressures, and trend) expected to influence future status.

Table 2.3. Dimension used to calculate an OHI goal score Goal scores are the average of current and likely future status. Likely future status adjusts current status scores based on pressures and resilience variables acting on the goal as well as recent trends in status.

Dimension Subdimension Description More information Calculating
Current status - Current state of the goal relative to the desired “reference point”. Values range from 0-100. Section 6. Goal models and data Calculated using functions in ohi-global repo: https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohi-global/blob/draft/eez/conf/functions.R and the scenario_data_years.csv file (in same folder)
Predicted future status Resilience Variables such as good governance and ecological factors that provide resilience to pressures, and thus, are likely to improve future status. Values range from 0-100 Section 5.3 Likely future status dimensions Calculated using functions in ohicore package.And, files: resilience_categories.csv and resilience_matrix.csv located here: https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohi-global/tree/draft/eez/conf
Predicted future status Pressure Pressures stress the system and threaten future delivery of benefits, and thus, are likely to reduce future status. Values range from 0-100 Section 5.3 Likely future status dimensions Calculated using function in ohicore package. And, files: pressure_categories.csv and pressures_matrix.csv, located here: https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohi-global/tree/draft/eez/conf
Predicted future status Trend Average yearly change in status (typically estimated using most recent 5 years of data) multiplied by 5 to esimate five years into the future. Units are proportional change (absolute change/year is divided by the value of the earliest year) and range from -1 to 1 Section 5.3 Likely future status dimensions Calculated using functions from ohi-global repo: https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohi-global/blob/draft/eez/conf/functions.R and the scenario_data_years.csv file (in same folder)

Figure 2.1. Relationship between OHI dimensions and scores This figure describes how the dimensions come together to calculate a goal score. This figure represents equations 4.3 and 4.5.

Finally, an overall Index score for each region is calculated by averaging the goal scores (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2. Example flowerplot of goal scores for a region Goal and subgoal scores for Canada. The middle value is the regional Index score, and is calculated by averaging the goal scores.

3 Data inclusion and data gaps

Ideally, regional and local assessments should use the best available data, but this decision limits the ability to compare across scales. For direct comparisons among locations to be valid, they must use consistent data. For this reason, we focused on using global datasets so differences in Index scores across regions are driven by differences in ocean health rather than variation in the data. Although, in reality, many global datasets are compilations of local or regional datasets and their quality varies spatially. In some cases, data for a particular component or dimension of a goal were available for most, but not all, countries. Gaps in these data were known to not be true zero values. Rather than exclude these data layers, we employed several different methods to fill these data gaps (Frazier et al. 2016).

These guidelines both motivated and constrained our methods. The development of the model frameworks for each goal (including reference points) was heavily dictated by the availability of global datasets. And, ultimately, several key elements related to ocean health could not be included due to lack of existing or appropriate global datasets. As new and better data become available in the future, details of how goals or dimensions are modeled will likely change, although the framework we have developed can accommodate these changes.

For Index scores to be comparable, every region must have a value for each data layer included in the analysis, unless it is known to not be relevant to a region. In other words, missing data are not acceptable (Burgass et al. 2017). Adhering to this criterion is critical to avoid influencing the Index score simply because of inclusion (or absence) of a particular data layer for any reporting region.

Gaps in data are common; many developing countries lack the resources to gather detailed datasets, and even developed, data-rich countries have inevitable data gaps. We use a variety of methods to estimate missing data, including: averages of closely related groups (e.g., regions sharing ecological, spatial, political attributes; taxonomic groups; etc.), spatial or temporal interpolation (e.g., raster or time-series data), and predictive models (e.g., regression analysis, machine learning, etc.). Gapfilling is a major source of uncertainty, especially for certain goals and regions. Given how common gaps in data are, clear documentation of gapfilling is a critical step of index development because it provides a measure of the reliability of index scores.

One of the ongoing goals of the Ocean Health Index (OHI) has been to improve our approach to dealing with missing data, by quantifying the potential influence of gapfilled data on index scores, and developing effective methods of tracking, quantifying, and communicating this information (Frazier et al. 2016).

4 Regions

One of the first steps of conducting an OHI assessment is defining regions of interest. These can be based on political and/or ecological boundaries. The definition of a “region” varies depending on the goals and scale of the OHI assessment. For the global OHI, each region is defined as the Exclusive Economic Zone boundaries (EEZ, Claus et al. 2012) area (300 nm offshore) for all coastal countries and territories (e.g., US Virgin Islands).

There are 220 global coastal countries and territorial regions (Table 4.1). Regions are based on EEZ boundaries. However, we aggregate some EEZ regions to the level of country (e.g., Hawaii is estimated as part of the larger U.S.). We have also modified some boundaries (Halpern et al. 2012; Halpern et al. 2015b). We do not estimate OHI values for disputed or unclaimed areas.

Figure 4.1. Global regions Map of the OHI regions (with color corresponding to 2022 regional index scores). Mollweide coordinate reference system is used because it accurately represents area.

Table 4.1. Global regions

region region ID ISO code type administrative country
Albania 82 ALB country
Algeria 84 DZA country
American Samoa 151 ASM territory United States
Amsterdam Island and Saint Paul Island 92 ATF territory France
Andaman and Nicobar 26 IND territory India
Angola 200 AGO country
Anguilla 118 AIA territory United Kingdom
Antigua and Barbuda 120 ATG country
Argentina 172 ARG country
Aruba 250 AW territory Netherlands
Ascension 85 ASC territory United Kingdom
Australia 16 AUS country
Azores 55 PRT territory Portugal
Bahamas 110 BHS country
Bahrain 52 BHR country
Bangladesh 204 BGD country
Barbados 124 BRB country
Bassas da India 34 ATF territory France
Belgium 59 BEL country
Belize 164 BLZ country
Benin 99 BEN country
Bermuda 108 BMU territory United Kingdom
Bonaire 245 BQ territory Netherlands
Bosnia and Herzegovina 232 BIH country
Bouvet Island 105 BVT territory Norway
Brazil 171 BRA country
British Indian Ocean Territory 38 IOT territory United Kingdom
British Virgin Islands 117 VGB territory United Kingdom
Brunei 247 BRN country
Bulgaria 71 BGR country
Cambodia 24 KHM country
Cameroon 197 CMR country
Canada 218 CAN country
Canary Islands 58 ESP territory Spain
Cape Verde 56 CPV country
Cayman Islands 113 CYM territory United Kingdom
Chile 224 CHL country
China 209 CHN country
Christmas Island 2 CXR territory Australia
Clipperton Island 107 CPT territory France
Cocos Islands 1 CCK territory Australia
Colombia 132 COL country
Comoro Islands 28 COM country
Cook Islands 153 COK territory New Zealand
Costa Rica 130 CRI country
Croatia 187 HRV country
Crozet Islands 91 ATF territory France
Cuba 112 CUB country
Curacao 244 CW territory Netherlands
Cyprus 81 CYP country
Democratic Republic of the Congo 199 COD country
Denmark 175 DNK country
Djibouti 46 DJI country
Dominica 123 DMA country
Dominican Republic 115 DOM country
East Timor 231 TLS country
Ecuador 137 ECU country
Egypt 214 EGY country
El Salvador 134 SLV country
Equatorial Guinea 104 GNQ country
Eritrea 45 ERI country
Estonia 70 EST country
Faeroe Islands 141 FRO territory Denmark
Falkland Islands 95 FLK territory United Kingdom
Fiji 18 FJI country
Finland 174 FIN country
France 179 FRA country
French Guiana 169 GUF territory France
French Polynesia 147 PYF territory France
Gabon 198 GAB country
Gambia 65 GMB country
Georgia 74 GEO country
Germany 176 DEU country
Ghana 106 GHA country
Gibraltar 60 GIB territory United Kingdom
Glorioso Islands 30 ATF territory France
Greece 80 GRC country
Greenland 145 GRL territory Denmark
Grenada 125 GRD country
Guadeloupe and Martinique 140 GP-MQ territory France
Guatemala 136 GTM country
Guernsey 228 GGY territory United Kingdom
Guinea 194 GIN country
Guinea Bissau 193 GNB country
Guyana 167 GUY country
Haiti 114 HTI country
Heard and McDonald Islands 94 HMD territory Australia
Honduras 133 HND country
Howland Island and Baker Island 158 UMI territory United States
Iceland 143 ISL country
Ile Europa 35 ATF territory France
Ile Tromelin 36 ATF territory France
India 203 IND country
Indonesia 216 IDN country
Iran 191 IRN country
Iraq 192 IRQ country
Ireland 181 IRL country
Israel 79 ISR country
Italy 184 ITA country
Ivory Coast 195 CIV country
Jamaica 166 JAM country
Jan Mayen 144 SJM territory Norway
Japan 210 JPN country
Jarvis Island 149 UMI territory United States
Jersey 227 JEY territory United Kingdom
Johnston Atoll 159 UMI territory United States
Jordan 215 JOR country
Juan de Nova Island 33 ATF territory France
Kenya 43 KEN country
Kerguelen Islands 93 ATF territory France
Kiribati 212 KIR country
Kuwait 51 KWT country
Latvia 69 LVA country
Lebanon 78 LBN country
Liberia 97 LBR country
Libya 67 LBY country
Line Group 148 KIR territory Kiribati
Lithuania 189 LTU country
Macquarie Island 4 AUS territory Australia
Madagascar 42 MDG country
Madeira 57 PRT territory Portugal
Malaysia 206 MYS country
Maldives 39 MDV country
Malta 68 MLT country
Marshall Islands 11 MHL country
Mauritania 64 MRT country
Mauritius 37 MUS country
Mayotte 29 MYT territory France
Mexico 135 MEX country
Micronesia 9 FSM country
Monaco 185 MCO country
Montenegro 186 MNE country
Montserrat 121 MSR territory United Kingdom
Morocco 62 MAR country
Mozambique 41 MOZ country
Myanmar 205 MMR country
Namibia 101 NAM country
Nauru 10 NRU country
Netherlands 177 NLD country
New Caledonia 5 NCL territory France
New Zealand 162 NZL country
Nicaragua 131 NIC country
Nigeria 196 NGA country
Niue 154 NIU territory New Zealand
Norfolk Island 3 NFK territory Australia
North Korea 21 PRK country
Northern Mariana Islands and Guam 13 MNP territory United States
Northern Saint-Martin 221 MAF territory France
Norway 223 NOR country
Oecussi Ambeno 237 TLS territory East Timor
Oman 48 OMN country
Pakistan 53 PAK country
Palau 8 PLW country
Palmyra Atoll 150 UMI territory United States
Panama 129 PAN country
Papua New Guinea 17 PNG country
Peru 138 PER country
Philippines 15 PHL country
Phoenix Group 157 KIR territory Kiribati
Pitcairn 146 PCN territory United Kingdom
Poland 178 POL country
Portugal 183 PRT country
Prince Edward Islands 90 ZAF territory South Africa
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands of the United States 116 PRI territory United States
Qatar 190 QAT country
Republique du Congo 100 COG territory R_publique du Congo
Reunion 32 REU territory France
Romania 72 ROU country
Russia 73 RUS country
Saba 248 BES territory Netherlands
Saint Helena 86 SHN territory United Kingdom
Saint Kitts and Nevis 119 KNA country
Saint Lucia 122 LCA country
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 219 SPM territory France
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 127 VCT country
Samoa 152 WSM country
Sao Tome and Principe 103 STP country
Saudi Arabia 50 SAU country
Senegal 66 SEN country
Seychelles 31 SYC country
Sierra Leone 96 SLE country
Singapore 208 SGP country
Sint Eustatius 249 ANT territory Netherlands
Sint Maarten 220 SXM territory Netherlands
Slovenia 188 SVN country
Solomon Islands 7 SLB country
Somalia 44 SOM country
South Africa 102 ZAF country
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 89 SGS territory United Kingdom
South Korea 20 KOR country
Spain 182 ESP country
Sri Lanka 40 LKA country
Sudan 49 SDN country
Suriname 168 SUR country
Sweden 222 SWE country
Syria 77 SYR country
Taiwan 14 TWN country
Tanzania 202 TZA country
Thailand 25 THA country
Togo 98 TGO country
Tokelau 156 TKL territory New Zealand
Tonga 155 TON country
Trinidad and Tobago 126 TTO country
Tristan da Cunha 88 TAA territory United Kingdom
Tunisia 61 TUN country
Turkey 76 TUR country
Turks and Caicos Islands 111 TCA territory United Kingdom
Tuvalu 19 TUV country
Ukraine 75 UKR country
United Arab Emirates 54 ARE country
United Kingdom 180 GBR country
United States 163 USA country
Uruguay 173 URY country
Vanuatu 6 VUT country
Venezuela 139 VEN country
Vietnam 207 VNM country
Wake Island 12 UMI territory United States
Wallis and Futuna 161 WLF territory France
Western Sahara 63 ESH territory Morocco
Yemen 47 YEM country

5 Models

5.1 Regional and global Index scores

The overall index score for each region (\(I_{region}\)) is calculated as a weighted average of all the scores (\(G\)), for each goal (\(g\)) such that:

\[ { I_{region} }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum_{ g=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ g }{ G }_{ g } } }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ g=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ g } } }, (Eq. 5.1) \]

where, \(w_{g}\) is the weight for each goal.

For the global assessment, the goal weights (\(w_{g}\)) were assumed to be equal, even though we know this assumption does not hold for most individuals or across individuals within communities. Ideally these weights would be derived empirically, but such an effort would require surveying a full spectrum of people from every single country. This was beyond the scope of this project, but may be possible in a future application of the Index.

In many places certain goals are not relevant, for example, production-focused goals typically do not apply to uninhabited islands, and the coastal protection or carbon storage goals will not apply to regions without the relevant coastal ecosystems.

The overall global index score (\(I_{global}\)) is calculated as the area weighted average of the index scores (\(I_{region}\)) for each region (\(i\)):

\[ { I }_{ global }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { a }_{ i }{ I }_{ region,i } } }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { a }_{ i } } }, (Eq. 5.2) \]

where, \(a_{i}\) is each region’s ocean area, based on the EEZ area.

5.2 Goal scores

Each goal score is the average of its current status and likely future status (Figure 5.1, see section 5: Goal models and data for methods used to calculate status of each goal). The Index assesses the current status of each goal relative to a reference point. Likely future status is estimated using: recent trends in current status; pressures that can stress the system and threaten future delivery of benefits; and resilience to such pressures, due to governance, institutional and ecological factors.

Figure 5.1. Pie chart describing the contribution of each dimension to the goal score

Each goal score, \(G\), is the average of its present status, \(x\), and its likely near-term future status, \(\hat x_{F}\):

\[ G \quad =\quad \frac {x \quad +\quad \hat x_{F} }{ 2 }, (Eq. 5.3) \]

The present status of goal, \(x\), is its present state, \(X\), relative to a reference point, \(X_{R}\), uniquely chosen for each goal:

\[ { x }_{ i }\quad =\quad \frac { X }{ X_{R} }, (Eq. 5.4) \]

The reference point, \(X_{R}\), can be determined mechanistically using a production function (e.g., maximum sustainable yield, MSY, for fisheries), spatially by means of comparison with another region (e.g., country X represents the best possible known case), temporally using a past benchmark (e.g., historical habitat extent), or in some cases via known (e.g., zero pollution) or established (e.g., 30% of waters set aside in MPAs) targets. Past benchmarks can either be a fixed point in time or a moving target (e.g., five years prior to most current data). The type of reference point can have important implications for interpretations of how a goal is doing in any given country.

For each region, the estimate of a goal’s likely near-term future status is a function of its present status, \(x\) modified by: recent trends, \(T\), in status; current cumulative pressures, \(p\), acting on the goal; and social and ecological resilience, \(r\), to pressures given the governance and social institutions in place to protect or regulate the system and the ecological condition of the system:

\[ \hat {x} _{F} \quad = \quad \left[ 1 \quad + \quad \beta T \quad + \quad \left( 1\quad -\quad \beta \right) \left( r \quad - \quad p \right) \right] x, (Eq. 5.5) \]

where, \(\beta\) represents the relative importance of the trend versus the resilience and pressure terms in determining the likely trajectory of the goal status into the future. We assume \(\beta = 0.67\), which makes trend twice as important as the pressure/resilience component. We chose this value because we believe the direct measure of trend is a better indicator of future (i.e., in five years) condition than indirect measures of pressure and resilience.

The role of the resilience and pressure dimensions is to improve our understanding of the likely near-term future condition by incorporating additional information beyond that provided by the recent trend. Pressure or resilience measures that were in existence in the past may have a cumulative effect that has not yet manifested itself in trend (e.g., fishing pressure may have increasingly negative impacts as successive year classes of fish become increasingly less abundant; resilience due to establishment of a marine protected area (MPA) may require a number of years before its benefits become apparent). In addition, the recent trend does not capture the effect of current levels of resilience and pressures. The expectation of a likely future condition suggested by the trend will become more or less optimistic depending on the resilience and pressure dimensions. If the effects are equal they cancel each other out.

Both resilience and pressure dimensions are scaled from 0 to 1, and trend is constrained to -1.0 ≤ \(T\) ≤ 1.0 (i.e., values outside this range are clamped to range end values).

The likely future status cannot exceed the maximum possible value of the status for each goal, which is 1.0. In reality data are rarely perfect, creating potential situations where likely future condition exceeds 1.0. To address these cases, we implemented two rules. First, if current status = 1.0, then trend is set = 0.0, since any trend > 0.0 in those cases must be due to incomplete or imperfect data. Second, status and likely future status scores were constrained to maximum value of 1.

5.3 Likely future status dimensions

Three dimensions are used to calculate likely future status: trends, pressure, and resilience. This section describes the calculations underlying these three dimensions.

5.3.1 Trend

Trend is the proportional change in status predicted to occur in 5 years, based on recent status data. In most cases, this is calculated by estimating the yearly change in status using a linear regression model (i.e., slope estimate) of the five most recent years of status data and multiplying this value by 5 to estimate the change five years into the future. To determine proportional change, we divide the slope estimate by the status value of the earliest year of data used in the trend calculation.

In OHI assessments prior to 2016, we calculated trend as the absolute change in status predicted to occur in 5 years. In 2016, we began calculating the proportional change by dividing the slope estimate by the status of the earliest year used in the trend calculation. Although this change rarely had a large effect on trend, or ultimate score values, this method is more consistent with how trend data is incorporated into the likely future status model (Eq. 4.5). If the \(\beta\), pressure (\(p\)), and resilience (\(r\)) components of the likely future status model are ignored (this assumes the pressure and resilience components fully cancel each other out), the equation becomes:

\(x(1 + trend)\),

where, \(x\) is the current status. Given this, if \(x=50\), and we expect trend to increase by 10% over 5 years, then likely future status would be: \(50(1 + 0.10) = 55\).

Trends indicate proportional change in status, so they typically range from -100% to +100% (or, -1.0 to +1.0), therefore we constrained values to this range.

For all goals we included the trend estimate, even if the linear model was not statistically significant (i.e., P<0.05). We chose to include these values for two key reasons: 1) we were not trying to predict the future but instead only indicate likely condition. 2) in nearly all cases we did not have sufficient data to conduct more rigorous trend analyses.

In some cases, we were not able to estimate trend using status data due to data limitations. In these cases, we used alternative methods to estimate trend. Specific details about trend calculations for each goal are provided in section 5.

We recognize several possible shortcomings in using past trends to estimate likely future status. We assume a simple linear trend, but this is not always the case due to a variety of variables such as altered pressures and resilience responses, nonlinear patterns in system response, stochastic environmental and biological variability, and simple bounding conditions (status cannot go below zero or above 1.0, and so the trend must level off as it approaches these values). Also, it is important to note that the same trend value could reflect many different processes. For example, declines due to unsustainable harvest of a resource can look identical to declines due to restrictions placed on resource users to allow the resource to recover. It also may be too short a time frame to determine true trends or the causes of those trends, but the intent here is more about informing the likely near-term trajectory.

5.3.2 Pressure

The pressure score, \(p\), describes the cumulative pressures acting on a goal which suppress the goal score. Pressure scores range from 0 to 1, and they are calculated for each goal and region and include both ecological (\(p_{E}\)) and social pressures (\(p_{S}\)) (Table 5.1, Figure 5.2), such that:

\[ { p }\quad =\quad \gamma *{ p }_{ E }\quad +\quad (1-\gamma )*{ p }_{ S }, (Eq. 5.6) \]

where \(\gamma\) is the relative weight for ecological vs. social pressures and equals 0.5 for the global assessment. At global scales, little evidence exists to support unequal weighting of ecological and social pressures for most goals; furthermore, unequal weighting would require unique values for each goal and there is currently no empirical work to guide such decisions. At local or regional scales there may be clear evidence for unequal weights per goal and \(\gamma\) should be adjusted accordingly.

Figure 5.2. Pressure components Pressure is calculated using both social and ecological pressures. Ecological pressures include 5 subcategories (fishing pressure, habitat destruction, climate change, water pollution, and species/genetic introductions).

Table 5.1. Pressure data and categories Description of the stressor data layers used to calculate overall pressure for each goal and region for the global assessment (descriptions of pressure data in section 6). Each data layer is assigned to an ecological or social category, and ecological data are assigned to one of five subcategories.

Data Short name Category Subcategory Description
Chemical pollution po_chemicals ecological pollution Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)
Coastal chemical pollution po_chemicals_3nm ecological pollution Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)
Pathogen pollution po_pathogens ecological pollution Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution
Nutrient pollution po_nutrients ecological pollution Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption
Coastal nutrient pollution po_nutrients_3nm ecological pollution Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption
Marine plastics po_trash ecological pollution Global marine plastic pollution
Nonindigenous species sp_alien ecological alien species Measure of harmful invasive species
Genetic escapes sp_genetic ecological alien species Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes
Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction hd_subtidal_sb ecological habitat destruction Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)
Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction hd_subtidal_hb ecological habitat destruction Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction
Intertidal habitat destruction hd_intertidal ecological habitat destruction Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction
Coral harvest pressure hd_coral ecological habitat destruction Pressure on coral due to harvesting as a natural product
High bycatch due to commercial fishing fp_com_hb ecological fishing pressure Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP
Low bycatch due to commercial fishing fp_com_lb ecological fishing pressure Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP
Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing fp_art_lb ecological fishing pressure Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP
High bycatch due to artisanal fishing fp_art_hb ecological fishing pressure Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP
Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles fp_targetharvest ecological fishing pressure Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles
Sea surface temperature cc_sst ecological climate change Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events
Ocean acidification cc_acid ecological climate change Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds
UV radiation cc_uv ecological climate change Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies
Sea level rise cc_slr ecological climate change Pressure due to rising mean sea level
Weakness of governance ss_wgi social social Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores
Weakness of social progress ss_spi social social Inverse of Social Progress Index scores Ecological pressure

We assessed five broad, globally-relevant categories of ecological stressors: fishing pressure, habitat destruction, climate change (including ocean acidification), water pollution, and species introductions (invasive species and genetic escapes). The five categories are intended to capture known pressures to the social-ecological system associated with each goal. Each pressure category may include several stressors. The intensity of each stressor within each OHI region is scaled from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating the highest stress (e.g., example of one of these data layers is sea surface temperature).

We determined the rank sensitivity of each goal/subgoal to each stressor (or, when possible, an element of the goal, such as a specific habitat). We ranked ecological pressures as having ‘high’ (score = 3), ‘medium’ (score = 2), ‘low’ (score = 1), or ‘no’ (score = NA) impact (Table 5.2). Wherever possible we relied on peer-reviewed literature to establish these rankings, and relied on our collective expert judgment in cases with no available literature (Table S28 in Halpern et al. 2012). The pressure ranks are based on a rough estimate of the global average intensity and frequency of the stressor. We recognize that this will create over- and under-estimates for different places around the planet, but to address such variance in a meaningful way would require a separate weighting matrix for every single region on the planet, which is not feasible at this time.

Table 5.2. Pressure matrix Rank sensitivity of each goal (or, goal element) to each stressor.

goal element cc_acid cc_slr cc_sst cc_uv fp_art_hb fp_art_lb fp_com_hb fp_com_lb fp_targetharvest hd_coral hd_intertidal hd_subtidal_hb hd_subtidal_sb po_chemicals po_chemicals_3nm po_nutrients po_nutrients_3nm po_pathogens po_trash sp_alien sp_genetic ss_spi ss_wgi
AO 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
CP coral 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1
CP kelp 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1
CP mangrove 1 3 1 1 1 1
CP saltmarsh 2 3 1 2 1 1 1
CP seagrass 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1
CP seaice shoreline 2 3 1 1
CS mangrove 1 3 1 1 1 1
CS saltmarsh 2 3 1 2 1 1 1
CS seagrass 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1
CS tidal flat 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1
CW 3 3 3 3 1 1
ECO Aquarium Trade Fishing 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1
ECO Commercial Fishing 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
ECO Mariculture 1 2 3 1 1
ECO Marine Mammal Watching 1 1 1 1
ECO Tourism 2 3 3 3 3 1 1
ECO Wave & Tidal Energy 1 1 1
FIS 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
HAB coral 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 1
HAB kelp 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1
HAB mangrove 1 3 1 1 1 1
HAB saltmarsh 2 3 1 2 1 1 1
HAB seagrass 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1
HAB seaice edge 1 3 1 1
HAB soft bottom 1 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 1
HAB tidal flat 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1
ICO 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
LIV Commercial Fishing 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
LIV Mariculture 1 2 3 1 1
LIV Marine Mammal Watching 1 1 1 1
LIV Ports & Harbors 2 1 1 1
LIV Ship & Boat Building 1 1
LIV Tourism 2 3 3 3 3 1 1
LIV Transportation & Shipping 1 1 1
LIV Wave & Tidal Energy 1 1 1
LSP 1 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1
MAR 1 2 3 1 1
NP fish oil 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
NP ornamentals 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1
NP seaweeds 1 1 2 2 1 1 1
SPP 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
TR 2 3 3 3 3 1 1

To estimate the cumulative effect of the ecological pressures, \(P_E\), we first determined the cumulative pressure, \(p\), within each ecological category, \(i\) (e.g., pollution, fishing, etc.):

\[ { p }_{ i }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ i }{ s }_{ i } } }{ 3 }, (Eq. 5.7) \]

Where \(w_i\) is the sensitivity ranks (Table 5.2) describing the relative sensitivity of each goal to each stressor, and \(s_i\) is intensity of the stressor in each region on a scale of 0-1. We divided by the maximum weighted intensity that could be achieved by the worst stressor (max = 3.0).

If \(p_i\) > 1.0, we set the value equal to 1.0. This formulation assumes that any cumulative pressure load greater than the maximum intensity of the worst stressor is equivalent to maximum stressor intensity.

For the goals for which sensitivity ranks were assigned for specific habitats or livelihood sectors (i.e., goal elements), we calculated the weighted sum of the pressures for only those habitats or sectors that were present in the country.

The overall ecological pressure, \(p_E\), acting on each goal and region was calculated as the weighted-average of the pressure scores, \(p\), for each category, \(i\), with weights set as the maximum rank in each pressure category (\(w_{i\_max}\)) for each goal, such that:

\[ { p }_{ E }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { (w }_{ i\_ max }*{ p }_{ i }) } }{ \displaystyle\sum_{ i=1 }^{ N } { { w }_{ i\_ max } } }, (Eq. 5.8) \]

Stressors that have no impact drop out rather than being assigned a rank of zero, which would affect the average score. Social pressures

Social pressures describe the lack of effectiveness of government and social institutions. Social stressors are described for each region on a scale of 0 to 1 (with one indicating the highest pressure). Social pressure is then calculated as the average of the social stressors:

\[ { p }_{ S }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ z_{ i } } }{ N }, (Eq. 5.9) \]

where \(z_{i}\) are the social pressure measures specific to the goal. Unequal weighting may be appropriate in some cases but is difficult to assess currently, particularly at the global scale. Caveats

There were a number of ecological pressures not included in our assessment, including altered sediment regimes, noise and light pollution, toxic chemicals from point sources, nutrient pollution from atmospheric deposition and land-based sources other than fertilizer application to agricultural land. In all cases, global data do not exist in a format that would allow for adequate comparisons within and among countries. Future global or regional iterations of the Index could include these data as they become available.

The calculation of ecological pressures is sensitive to the number of stressors within each category (but not to the number of categories). Inclusion of additional stressors within categories would require careful calibration of ranks so that the cumulative effect of a larger number of stressors does not overestimate pressure.

A key assumption in our assessment of ecological pressures is that each goal has a linear and additive response to increases in intensity of the stressors. Clearly many ecosystems respond non-linearly to increased stressor intensity, exhibiting threshold responses, and there are likely nonlinear interactions among stressors. Unfortunately little is known about the nature of these types of nonlinearities and interactions so we could not include them in any meaningful way.

5.3.3 Resilience

To calculate resilience for each goal and region, \(r\), we assess three resilience categories (Table 5.3, Figure 5.3): ecological integrity, \(Y_{E}\), regulatory efforts that address ecological pressures, \(Y_R\), and social integrity, \(Y_{S}\). The first two measures address ecological resilience while the third addresses social resilience. When all three aspects are relevant to a goal, resilience is calculated as:

\[ r\quad =\quad \gamma *(\frac { { Y }_{ E }+ {Y}_{R} }{ 2 } )+(1-\gamma )*{ Y }_{ S }, (Eq. 5.10) \]

We chose \(\gamma = 0.5\) so the weight of resilience components that address ecological systems (ecosystem and regulatory) vs. social systems would be equivalent to the proportions used in the model to calculate pressure. Resilience indicators are intended to directly address, as much as possible, specific pressures. Consequently, within a pressure category, resilience scores should not exceed pressure scores, otherwise likely future status scores will be inflated. For the 2021 OHI assessment, in a significant modification from past OHI methods (Halpern et al. 2012), where total resilience scores were allowed to exceed total pressures scores, we have capped resilience such that it will not exceed the corresponding pressures, e.g., \((r−p) ≤ 0\) (i.e. \(r≤p\)), when calculating the likely future status for a given goal (O’Hara et al. 2020).

Figure 5.3. Resilience components Resilience includes both ecological and social resilience categories. Ecological resilience includes an ecosystem and regulatory category. The regulatory category includes 5 subcategories that mirror the pressure categories (fishing pressure, habitat destruction, climate change, water pollution, and species/genetic introductions) as well as a goal-specific category.

Each resilience category is composed of 1 or more data layers (Table 5.3) with values scaled from 0-1, reflecting the magnitude of resilience, for each region (an example of one of these data layers describes tourism regulations that preserve biodiversity). Each resilience data layer is assigned a weight of 0.5 or 1 (Table 5.3) that is applied equally across all the goals (or, goal elements) influenced by the resilience layer (i.e., resilience matrix, Table 5.4). This information is used to calculate a score for each resilience category. The weight reflects information about governance.

Table 5.3. Resilience categories and weights The data layers used to calculate resilience for each goal and region for the global assessment (descriptions of data layers and sources are in section 6). Each data layer is assigned to an ecological or social category. The ecological category is broken into an ecosystem and regulatory category type.
Data Short name Category Category type Subcategory Weight
Measure of ecological integrity species_diversity_eez ecological ecosystem ecological 1.0
Measure of coastal ecological integrity species_diversity_3nm ecological ecosystem ecological 1.0
Management of nonindigenous species sp_alien_species ecological regulatory alien species 1.0
CITES signatories g_cites ecological regulatory goal 0.5
Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) fp_mpa_coast ecological regulatory fishing pressure 1.0
EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) fp_mpa_eez ecological regulatory fishing pressure 1.0
Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity fp_habitat ecological regulatory fishing pressure 1.0
Minderoo Global Fishing Index fp_fish_management ecological regulatory fishing pressure 1.0
Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness fp_artisanal ecological regulatory fishing pressure 1.0
Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity hd_habitat ecological regulatory habitat destruction 1.0
Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) hd_mpa_coast ecological regulatory habitat destruction 1.0
EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) hd_mpa_eez ecological regulatory habitat destruction 1.0
Management of tourism to preserve biodiversity g_tourism ecological regulatory goal 1.0
Management of waters to preserve biodiversity po_water ecological regulatory pollution 1.0
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) li_gci social social social 1.0
Economic diversity li_sector_evenness social social social 1.0
Strength of governance wgi_all social social social 1.0
Social Progress Index res_spi social social social 1.0

Table 5.4. Resilience matrix Describes which goals/subgoals (and goal elements) are influenced by the resilience data layers.
goal element po_water hd_mpa_coast hd_mpa_eez hd_habitat sp_alien_species fp_mpa_coast fp_mpa_eez fp_habitat fp_fish_management fp_artisanal g_tourism g_cites species_diversity_3nm species_diversity_eez wgi_all res_spi li_gci li_sector_evenness
AO x x x x x x x x
CP coral x x x x x
CP mangrove x x x x
CP saltmarsh x x x x x
CP kelp x x x x x
CP seagrass x x x x x
CP seaice_shoreline x x
CS mangrove x x x x
CS saltmarsh x x x x x
CS seagrass x x x x x
CS tidal flat x x x x x x x
CW x x x
ECO x x x
FIS x x x x x x x x x
HAB coral x x x x x x x x x x
HAB mangrove x x x x x x
HAB saltmarsh x x x x x x x
HAB kelp x x x x x x x
HAB seagrass x x x x x x x
HAB seaice_edge x x x x
HAB soft_bottom x x x x x x x x x x
HAB tidal flat x x x x x x x
ICO x x x x x x x x x x x
SPP x x x x x x x x x x x
LIV x x x x
LSP x x x x
MAR x x x
NP fish_oil x x x x x x x x x x
NP ornamentals x x x x x x x x x x
NP seaweeds x x x x x
TR x x x Ecological resilience Ecosystem integrity

Ecosystem integrity, e.g., food web integrity, is measured as relative condition of assessed species in a given location (scores from the species subgoal were used to estimate ecosystem integrity). For some goals, there is little evidence that our index of ecosystem integrity directly affects the value of the goal (or subgoal). In these instances, ecological integrity falls out of the resilience model.

For the global assessments, we only have one data layer describing ecosystem integrity, however, if there were multiple layers the overall score for ecosystem integrity would be a weighted mean of all the data layers, \(i\), that describe ecosystem integrity (\(y_{E,i}\)) and influence the goal:

\[ { Y }_{ E }\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ i }{ y_E}_{i} } }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ i }}}, (Eq. 5.11) \] Regulatory resilience

Regulatory resilience (\(Y_R\)) describes the institutional measures (e.g., rules, regulations, and laws) designed to address ecological pressures. The regulatory resilience datasets are grouped into five categories that address the 5 pressure categories: fishing pressure, habitat destruction, climate change (including ocean acidification), water pollution, and species introductions (invasive species and genetic escapes). There is also an additional category for goal-specific regulations that apply to a goal or goals, but do not address a larger pressure category.

Weights were based effectiveness of governance. Governance is a function of 1) institutional structures that address the intended objective, 2) a clear process for implementing the institution is in place, and 3) whether the institution has been effective at meeting stated objectives. At global scales it is very difficult to assess these three elements; we usually only had information on whether institutions exist. However, in some cases we had detailed information on institutions that enabled us to assess whether they would contribute to effective management, and thus, increased ocean health. In those latter cases, we gave more weight to those measures (Table 5.3).

For each region and goal, we calculated a score for each regulatory category, \(y_{R, i}\), as a weighted mean of the resilience data layers, \(r_{i}\), that influence the goal (Table 5.4):

\[ y_{R, i}\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { w }_{ i }{ r }_{ i } } }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{w_i} }, (Eq. 5.12) \]

where, \(w_i\) is the weight in Table 5.3.

To calculate the overall regulatory resilience, \(Y_{R}\), we averaged the scores for each regulatory category. Social integrity resilience

Social integrity is intended to describe those processes internal to a community that affect its resilience. It is a function of a wide range of aspects of social structure. Social Integrity per goal for each region, \(Y_{S}\), is therefore:

\[ Y_{ S}\quad =\quad \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{ N }{ { y }_{ S,i } } }{ N }, (Eq. 5.13) \]

where \(y_{S,i}\) are the social integrity measures specific to the goal.

Ideally, assessments of social resilience would include state and federal level rules and other relevant institutional mechanisms as well. However, such information is extremely difficult to access for every single country, and so we relied on global datasets that focus on international treaties and assessments. Another key gap is information on social norms and community (and other local-scale) institutions (such as tenure or use rights) that influence resource use and management in many settings. Information on these institutions is also extremely difficult to find at a global scale, although the World Governance Indicator (Kaufmann et al. 2010) partly measures their effectiveness through its inclusion of corruption indices.

6 Goal models and data

In this section we describe how the current status and trend of each goal was calculated. We also indicate which data layers were used to calculate current status, trend (if different from current status), pressure, and resilience.

The R code used to calculate the goal model is located here (scroll to the appropriate goal function). To learn more about the data layers used in the model calculations see Section 7: Description of data layers. Table 7.1 includes links to the code and data used to create the data layers (current calculations are in the folder with the most recent year). Table 7.2 describes the data sources used to create the data layers.

6.1 Artisanal opportunities

Artisanal fishing, often also called small-scale fishing, provides a critical source of food, nutrition, poverty alleviation and livelihood opportunities for many people around the world, in particular in developing nations (Allison & Ellis 2001). Artisanal fishing refers to fisheries involving households, cooperatives or small firms (as opposed to large, commercial companies) that use relatively small amounts of capital and energy and small fishing vessels (if any), make relatively short fishing trips, and use fish mainly for local consumption or trade. These traits differ from commercial scale fisheries that serve the global fish trade, and commercial and artisanal scale fisheries also differ in how they are valued by many communities around the world.

Artisanal fisheries contribute over half of the world’s marine and inland fish catch, nearly all of which is used for direct human consumption (Nations 2010). They employ over 90 percent of the world’s more than 35 million capture fishers and support another approximate 90 million people employed in jobs associated with fish processing, distribution and marketing (Nations 2010). Artisanal fisheries also are distinguished by the role they play in shaping and sustaining human cultures around the world; this role contributes to their distinct value (McGoodwin 2001). For this reason, we designate artisanal fishing opportunities as a distinct public goal. In some countries like the U.S.A., artisanal fishing may happen under a commercial license (e.g., a family run lobster boat or individual shellfish harvesting permit), or under a recreational fishing permit (e.g., families fishing with rods for fish to eat); the food provided by these activities should ideally be captured under the food provision goal, whereas the opportunity to pursue artisanal fishing is captured here. The goal is not about recreational fishing for sport, which is captured in food provision (if it provides food) and tourism and recreation.

The livelihood and household economy provided by fishing are considered part of the coastal livelihoods and economies goal, although similar to food provision from artisanal fishing it is currently impossible to measure on a global scale. Our focus is on the opportunity to conduct this kind of fishing. What is intended by the idea of ‘opportunity’ is the ability to conduct sustainable artisanal-scale fishing when the need is present, rather than the actual amount of catch or household revenue that is generated. Although this may seem nuanced on the value and intent of artisanal fishing, the opportunity to conduct this fishing is clearly of great importance to many people (McGoodwin 2001). Status for this goal is a function of need for artisanal fishing opportunities and whether or not the opportunity is permitted and/or encouraged institutionally and done sustainability. This need could potentially be driven by any number of socio-economic factors, but perhaps the simplest and most directly tied to this need is the percent of the population that is below the poverty level. Data on how many people live below the poverty level are not available for many countries. Therefore, we used an analogous proxy that is more complete globally: per capita gross domestic product (pcGDP) adjusted by the purchasing power parity (PPP). This metric translates the average annual income (pcGDP) into its local value (PPP). These data correlate with UN data on the percent of a population living below the $2/day international poverty standard (linear: R2 = 0.61, p <0.001; logarithmic regression: R2 = 0.76, p < 0.001). Because the relationship is a better fit with the ln-linear regression, we ln-transform the PPPpcGDP scores. Current status

Status for this goal (\(x_{ao}\)) is therefore measured by unmet demand (\(D_u\)), which includes measures of opportunity for artisanal fishing (\(O_{ao}\), defined below) and the sustainability of the methods used (\(S_{ao}\)):

\[ x_{ao} = (1 – D_u) * S_{ao}, (Eq. 6.1) \]

where \(S_{ao}\) indicates whether artisanal fishing is done in a sustainable manner. This was approximated using Sea Around Us Project (SAUP) (Pauly et al. 2020) global marine fisheries catch data (Pauly & Zeller 2016) and B/Bmsy data (Costello et al. 2012; Ricard et al. 2012; Martell & Froese 2013; Thorson et al. 2013; Rosenberg et al. 2014; Costello et al. 2016; RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database 2021) calculated from our fisheries sub-goal (methods can be found in section 6.6.1), and subsetted for artisanal and subsistence stocks notated in the SAUP data. And, \(D_u\) is calculated as:

\[ D_{u} = (1 – PPPpcGDP) * (1 – O_{ao}), (Eq. 6.2) \]

where, \(PPPpcGDP\) is the ln-transformed, rescaled purchasing power parity adjusted per capita GDP, and \(O_{ao}\) is the access to artisanal-scale fishing determined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 14.b.1 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2022).

We rescaled the ln-transformed \(PPPpcGDP\) values from 0-1 by dividing by the value corresponding to the 99th quantile across all regions and years from 2005 to 2015 (values > 1 were capped at 1). Developed countries with lower demand for artisanal scale fishing (i.e., low poverty indicated by high PPPpcGDP) score high, regardless of the opportunity made available (since it would not matter to many), and developing countries with high demand and opportunity would also score high.

To assess the opportunity or ability to meet this demand, \(O_{ao}\), we used data from UN SDG 14.b.1 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2022), which scores countries on the institutional measures that support or protect access to artisanal and small-scale fishing. The data come are FAO member country responses to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) (Table 6.1) survey questionnaire which is circulated by FAO every two years to members and IGOs and INGOs and are on a scale from 0 to 1.

The sustainability of artisanal fishing practices was estimated by subsetting for artisanal and subsistence stock B/Bmsy values which were calculated in our fisheries sub-goal (section 6.6.1).

Several issues and datasets relevant to artisanal fishing opportunities were not included in our calculations for a number of reasons. High unemployment can lead to a greater demand for artisanal fishing opportunities (Cinner et al. 2009), but unemployment is not a good measure of potential ‘demand’ for most developing countries since many people not working do not get recorded in unemployment statistics, even though it may be relevant for developed countries. Regardless, it is very difficult to set an arbitrary cut-off for developing versus developed countries, and so there is no clear way to use unemployment data for this goal.

Table 6.1. Artisanal access. Questions from UN SDG 14.b.1 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2022) that were used to evaluate access to artisanal scale fishing.

  • Are there any laws, regulations, policies, plans or strategies that specifically target or address the small-scale fisheries sector?
Yes No
Other (please specify)
  • The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) were endorsed by COFI in June 2014. Does your country have a specific initiative to implement the SSF Guidelines? Trend

Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

Status and trend

Artisanal fisheries opportunity (ao_access): The opportunity for artisanal and recreational fishing based on the quality of management of the small-scale fishing sector

Economic need for artisanal fishing (ao_need): Inverse of per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) adjusted gross domestic product (GDP): GDPpcPPP as a proxy for subsistence fishing need


High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Measure of coastal ecological integrity (species_diversity_3nm): Marine species condition (same calculation and data as the species subgoal status score) calculated within 3 nm of shoreline as a proxy for ecological integrity

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.2 Biodiversity

People value biodiversity in particular for its existence value. The risk of species extinction generates great emotional and moral concern for many people. As such, this goal assesses the conservation status of species based on the best available global data through two sub-goals: species and habitats. Species were assessed because they are what one typically thinks of in relation to biodiversity. Because only a small proportion of marine species worldwide have been mapped and assessed, we also assessed habitats as part of this goal, and considered them a proxy for condition of the broad suite of species that depend on them. For the species sub-goal, we used species risk assessments from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2022a) for a wide range of taxa to provide a geographic snapshot of how total marine biodiversity is faring, even though it is a very small sub-sample of overall species diversity (Mora et al. 2011). We calculate each of these subgoals separately and weight them equally when calculating the overall goal score.

6.2.1 Habitat (subgoal of biodiversity)

The habitat subgoal measures the average condition of marine habitats present in each region that provide critical habitat for a broad range of species (mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds, kelp forests, salt marshes, sea ice edge, tidal flats, and subtidal soft bottom). This subgoal is considered a proxy for the condition of the broad suite of marine species.

Data availability remains a major challenge for species and habitat assessments. We compiled and analyzed the best available data in both cases, but key gaps remain. Although several efforts have been made in recent years to create or compile the data necessary to look at the status and trends of marine habitats, most efforts are still hampered by limited geographical and temporal sampling (Joppa et al. 2016), although sea ice (Cavalieri et al. 1996) data is an exception. In addition, most marine habitats have only been monitored since the late 1970s at the earliest, many sites were only sampled over a short period of time, and very few sites were monitored before the late 1990s so establishing reference points was difficult. Salt marshes, kelp forests, and seagrasses were the most data-limited of the habitats included in the analysis. Current status

The status of the habitat sub-goal, \(x_{hab}\), was assessed as the average of the condition estimates, \(C\), for each habitat, \(k\), present in a region; measured as the loss of habitat and/or % degradation of remaining habitat, such that:

\[ x_{hab} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { C }_{ k } } }{ N}, \quad \quad (Eq. 6.3) \]

where, \(C_{k} = C_{c}/C_{r}\) and \(N\) is the number of habitats in a region. \(C_{c}\) is the current condition and \(C_{r}\) is the reference condition specific to each \(k\) habitat present in the region (Table 6.2). This formulation ensures that each country is assessed only for those habitats that can exist (e.g., Canada is not assessed on the status of its nonexistent coral reefs). We generally considered the reference years to be between 1980-1995, although these varied by habitat due to data availability.

Table 6.2. Habitat data Description of condition, extent, and trend calculations for habitat data (Note: extent is not used to calculate the habitat subgoal, but is used for the coastal protection and carbon storage goals). More information about the sources used to generate these values is located in Section 7 and Table 7.2.

Habitat Condition Extent Trend
Seagrass Increasing or stable trend assigned condition = 1.0; decreasing trend assigned condition = 0.71 based on global loss Seagrass extent per oceanic region (vector based) Calculated across data from 1990 - 2000
Kelp Increasing or stable trend assigned condition = 1.0; decreasing trend assigned condition based on a 2% global yearly loss Kelp extent per oceanic region (vector based) Calculated across data from 1983 - 2012
Coral reefs Current % cover divided by reference % cover Coral reef extent per oceanic region (Vector based) Calculated across data from 1975-2006
Mangroves Current hectares divided by reference hectares, for coastal mangroves only Mangrove extent per oceanic region (vector based) Calculated using 5 most recent years of data
Salt marsh All regions assigned condition = 0.75 based on conservative historical extent losses Salt marsh extent per oceanic region All regions assigned trend based on historical 2% global yearly loss
Sea ice edge Current (3-year rolling-average using the current year and previous 2 years) % cover of sea ice having 10-50% cover, divided by reference % cover average from 1979-2000 Same as condition Calculated from the fitted slope of %-deviation-from-reference per year, of the most recent 5 years of data (each year of data is based on 3-year average)
Soft bottom Soft-bottom destructive fishing practices relative to area of soft-bottom habitat and rescaled to 0-1 based on relative global values Halpern et al. (2008) Calculated using 5 most recent years of condition data
Tidal flat Average tidal flat extent of 2010 and 2013 relative to historic extent (average of 1989 and 1992) Tidal flat extent per oceanic region (vector based) Calculated across data from 2001-2013

A significant amount of pre-processing of the habitat data was needed to fill data gaps and resolve data quality issues (Section 7). Because consistent habitat monitoring data was unavailable for many countries, anomalous values can occur. This is particularly true for highly variable habitats like seagrasses or coral reefs which can have significant site-to-site and year-to-year differences in extent and condition (Bruno & Selig 2007). Biases may also have been introduced from spatial (e.g., protected or impacted sites) and temporal (e.g., directly after a disturbance event) selections in sampling. In regions where we had a limited number of surveys in a particular country, overall status can be under- or overestimated because of these fluctuations. Trend

Trend in habitat data were calculated as the linear trend in extent or condition with slight variations depending on habitat type. Coral reef habitat trends were calculated on a per country basis, using all available data. For saltmarsh we apply a single global trend value for each region. For seagrasses and kelp we calculated trends on a per site basis. For mangroves we used the rate of change in areal extent over the most recent 5 years of available data. For sea ice we calculated the slope across the most recent 5 years of data, where each year of data is based on a 3-year moving averages to smooth out potential climate variation. For soft bottom habitat we simply calculated the slope of the recent change in condition over the past 5 years, i.e., the change in proportion of bottom trawl and dredge fishing per unit area of soft bottom habitat within a region. Data

Status and trend

Habitat condition of coral (hab_coral_health): Current condition of coral habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of coral (hab_coral_trend): Estimated trend in coral condition

Habitat condition of mangrove (hab_mangrove_health): Current condition of mangrove habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of mangrove (hab_mangrove_trend): Estimated trend in mangrove condition

Habitat condition of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_health): Current condition of saltmarsh habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_trend): Estimated trend in saltmarsh condition

Habitat condition of kelp (hab_kelp_health): Current condition of kelp habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of kelp (hab_kelp_trend): Estimated trend in kelp condition

Habitat condition of seagrass (hab_seagrass_health): Current condition of seagrass habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of seagrass (hab_seagrass_trend): Estimated trend in seagrass condition

Habitat condition of seaice (hab_seaice_health): Current condition of seaice habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of seaice (hab_seaice_trend): Estimated trend in seaice condition

Habitat trend of tidal flat (hab_tidal_flat_trend): Estimated trend in tidal flat condition

Habitat condition of tidal flat (hab_tidal_flat_health): Current condition of tidal flat habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition of softbottom (hab_softbottom_health): Current condition of softbottom habitat, based on demersal destructive fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

Habitat condition trend of softbottom (hab_softbottom_trend): Estimated change in softbottom condition, based on trends in demersal destructive fishing practices (e.g., trawling)


Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

UV radiation (cc_uv): Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies

High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

Coral harvest pressure (hd_coral): Pressure on coral due to harvesting as a natural product

Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness (fp_artisanal): Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes

Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

Management of tourism to preserve biodiversity (g_tourism): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: tourism related questions

Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Measure of coastal ecological integrity (species_diversity_3nm): Marine species condition (same calculation and data as the species subgoal status score) calculated within 3 nm of shoreline as a proxy for ecological integrity

Measure of ecological integrity (species_diversity_eez): Marine species condition (species subgoal status score) as a proxy for ecological integrity

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.2.2 Species condition (subgoal of biodiversity)

This goal aims to assess the average condition of the marine species within each region based on IUCN status. The target for the species subgoal is to have all species at a risk status of Least Concern. Current status

Species status was calculated as the area and status-weighted average of assessed species within each region. Marine species distribution and threat category data mostly came from IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and we limited data to all species having IUCN habitat system of “marine” http://www.iucnredlist.org (IUCN 2022a,b). Seabird distributions data came from Birdlife International http://datazone.birdlife.org (BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World 2020).

We scaled the lower end of the biodiversity goal to be 0 when 75% species are extinct, a level comparable to the five documented mass extinctions (Barnosky et al. 2011) and would constitute a catastrophic loss of biodiversity.

Threat weights, \(w_{i}\), were assigned based on the IUCN threat categories status of each \(i\) species, following the weighting schemes developed by Butchart et al. (2007) (Table 6.3). For the purposes of this analysis, we included only data for extant species for which sufficient data were available to conduct an assessment. We did not include the Data Deficient classification as assessed species following previously published guidelines for a mid-point approach (Schipper et al. 2008; Hoffmann et al. 2010).

We first calculated each the region’s area-weighted average species risk status, \(\bar R_{spp}\). For each 0.5 degree grid cell within a region, \(c\), the risk status, \(w\), for each species, \(i\), present is summed and multiplied by cell area \(A_c\), to get an area- and count-weighted species risk for each cell. This value is then divided by the sum of count-weighted area \(A_c \times N_c\) across all cells within the region. The result is the area-weighted mean species risk across the entire region.

\[ \bar R_{spp} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum_{ c=1 }^{ M } \left( \displaystyle\sum _{ i=1 }^{N_c} w_i \right) \times A_c } { \displaystyle\sum_{ c=1 }^{ M } A_c \times N_c }, (Eq. 6.4) \] To convert \(\bar R_{spp}\) into a score, we set a floor at 25% (representing a catastrophic loss of biodiversity, as noted above) and then rescaled to produce a \(x_{spp}\) value between zero and one.

\[ x_{spp} = max \left( \frac { \bar R_{SPP} - .25 }{ .75 }, 0 \right), (Eq. 6.5) \]

Table 6.3. Weights for assessment of species status based on IUCN risk categories

Risk Category IUCN code Weight
Extinct EX 0.0
Critically Endangered CR 0.2
Endangered EN 0.4
Vulnerable VU 0.6
Near Threatened NT 0.8
Least Concern LC 1.0 Trend

We calculate trend using data the IUCN provides for current and past assessments of species, which we use to estimate annual change in IUCN risk status for each species. We then summarize these species trend values for each region using the same general approach used to calculate status. Data

Status and trend

Average species condition (spp_status): Overall measure of species condition based on IUCN status of species within each region

Average species condition trend (spp_trend): Overall measure of species condition trends based on change in IUCN status of species within each region


Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

UV radiation (cc_uv): Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies

High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles (fp_targetharvest): Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

Chemical pollution (po_chemicals): Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Nutrient pollution (po_nutrients): Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Genetic escapes (sp_genetic): Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness (fp_artisanal): Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes

EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

CITES signatories (g_cites): Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) signatories

Management of tourism to preserve biodiversity (g_tourism): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: tourism related questions

Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.3 Coastal protection

This goal aims to assess the amount of protection provided by marine and coastal habitats to coastal areas that people value, both inhabited (homes and other structures) and uninhabited (parks, special places, etc.). At local and regional scales data may exist on all these variables at a high enough resolution to map and calculate exactly which habitats are providing how much protection to which coastal areas. At global scales, such data do not exist and so we focused on EEZ-scale assessments, even though this scale does not allow one to account for the spatial configuration of habitats relative to coastal areas and human populations. Consequently, we assumed that all coastal areas have value (and equal value) and assessed the total area and condition of key habitats within each EEZ (without regard to their precise location relative to coastal areas). The habitats that provide protection to coastal areas for which we have global data include mangroves, coral reefs, seagrasses, kelp forests, salt marshes (Table 6.2), and coastal sea ice (shoreline pixels with >15% ice cover). Current status

The status of this goal, \(x_{cp}\), was calculated to be a function of the relative health of the habitats, \(k\), within a region that provide shoreline protection, weighted by their area and protectiveness rank (Table 6.4), such that:

\[ x_{cp} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { (h }_{ k } } \times { w }_{ k }\times { A }_{ k }) }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { (w }_{ k }\times { A }_{ k }) } }, (Eq. 6.6) \]

where, \(w\) is the rank weight of the habitat’s protective ability, \(A\) is the area within a region for each \(k\) habitat type, and \(h\) is a measure of each habitat’s condition:

\[ h = \frac { C_{ c } }{ { C }_{ r } } \]

where, \(C_c\) is current condition and \(C_r\) is reference condition.

Table 6.4. Coastal protectiveness ranks Scores range from 1-4, with 4 being the most protective (Tallis et al. 2011).

Habitat Protectiveness rank (\(w\))
mangroves 4
salt marshes 4
coastal sea ice 4
coral reefs 3
seagrasses 1
kelp 1

The reference area for each habitat is treated as a fixed value; in cases where current area might exceed this reference value (e.g., through restoration), we cap the score at the maximum value (1.0). Although this does not give credit for restoration, data tend to be of poor quality making it difficult to determine true increases, and in general habitat restoration beyond reference values is extremely unlikely. Rank weights for the protective ability of each habitat (\(w_{k}\)) come from previous work (Tallis et al. 2011). Trend

The trend for this goal is calculated using different methods for each habitat due to data availability (Table 6.2, with sea ice shoreline following the same general methods as sea ice edge). Data

Status and trend

Habitat extent of coral (hab_coral_extent): Area of coral habitat

Habitat condition of coral (hab_coral_health): Current condition of coral habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of coral (hab_coral_trend): Estimated trend in coral condition

Habitat extent of mangrove (hab_mangrove_extent): Area of mangrove habitat

Habitat condition of mangrove (hab_mangrove_health): Current condition of mangrove habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of mangrove (hab_mangrove_trend): Estimated trend in mangrove condition

Habitat extent of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_extent): Area of saltmarsh habitat

Habitat condition of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_health): Current condition of saltmarsh habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_trend): Estimated trend in saltmarsh condition

Habitat extent of kelp (hab_kelp_extent): Area of kelp habitat

Habitat condition of kelp (hab_kelp_health): Current condition of kelp habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of kelp (hab_kelp_trend): Estimated trend in kelp condition

Habitat extent of seagrass (hab_seagrass_extent): Area of seagrass habitat

Habitat condition of seagrass (hab_seagrass_health): Current condition of seagrass habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of seagrass (hab_seagrass_trend): Estimated trend in seagrass condition

Habitat extent of seaice (hab_seaice_extent): Area of seaice (edge and shoreline) habitat

Habitat condition of seaice (hab_seaice_health): Current condition of seaice habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of seaice (hab_seaice_trend): Estimated trend in seaice condition


Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

UV radiation (cc_uv): Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

Coral harvest pressure (hd_coral): Pressure on coral due to harvesting as a natural product

Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.4 Carbon storage

The present-day pelagic ocean sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide, estimated at approximately 2000 TgC yr-1, accounts for about a quarter of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere and helps mitigate a key driver of global climate change (Le Quéré et al. 2009; Sabine & Tanhua 2010). The physical-chemical mechanisms driving the ocean sink are well understood but are not directly amenable to human management. Highly productive coastal wetland ecosystems (e.g., mangroves, salt marshes, seagrass beds) have substantially larger areal carbon burial rates than terrestrial forests, and “Blue Carbon” has been suggested as an alternate, more manageable carbon sequestration approach. The rapid destruction of these coastal habitats may release large amounts of buried carbon back into the ocean-atmosphere system. Donato and colleagues (2011), for example, estimate that mangrove deforestation generates emissions of 20-120 TgC yr-1. Our focus here, therefore, is on coastal habitats because they are threatened, have large amounts of stored carbon that would rapidly be released with further habitat destruction, have the highest per-area sequestration rates of any habitat on the planet, and are amenable to management, conservation, and restoration efforts. We refer to this goal as carbon storage but intend its meaning to include sequestration.

We focused on four coastal habitats known to provide meaningful amounts of carbon storage (Table 6.2): mangroves, seagrasses, salt marshes, and tidal flats (Chen & Lee 2022). For mangroves, we used coastal mangroves that are on land or in river deltas. Current status

We measured the status of carbon storage, \(x_{cs}\), as a function of the carbon storing habitats’ current condition, \(C_{c}\), relative to their reference condition, \(C_{r}\). The habitat condition values were averaged, weighted by the area of each habitat, \(A_{k}\), and a coefficient, \(w_k\), to account for the relative contribution of each habitat type, \(k\), to total carbon storage (Laffoley & Grimsditch 2009) (Table 6.5):

\[ x_{cs} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { (h }_{ k } } \times { w }_{ k }\times { A }_{ k }) }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { (w }_{ k }\times { A }_{ k }) } }, (Eq. 6.7) \]


\[ h = \frac { C_{ c } }{ { C }_{ r } } \]

We employed several different methods for calculating habitat condition scores depending on the habitat of interest and available data (Table 6.2).

Table 6.5. Carbon sequestration data Weighting factors based on carbon sequestration rates for habitats used in the carbon storage goal (Chen & Lee 2022).

Habitat carbon storage Sequestration (weight)
Mangrove 230.9
Saltmarsh 244.7
Seagrass 138
Tidal flat 129.8

We scaled each region’s score to habitat area for two reasons. First, it avoids penalizing a country that naturally lacks one of the habitats (e.g., Canada is too cold to have mangroves). Second, it ensures that habitats influence the goal score proportionately to their area of extent. This rewards the protection of large extents of habitat but does not assign a higher weight to higher habitat diversity. As such, our measure underestimates the actual amount of carbon storage being done by these coastal habitats (because we cannot account for habitats we do not know exist).

Reference area for each habitat is treated as a fixed value; in cases where current area might exceed this reference value (e.g., through restoration), we cap the score at the maximum value (1.0). Although this does not give credit for restoration efforts improving things, data tend to be of poor quality making it difficult to determine true increases, and in general habitat restoration beyond reference values is extremely unlikely.

6.4.1 Trend

The trend for this goal is calculated using different methods for each habitat due to data availability (Table 6.2). Data

Status and trend

Habitat extent of mangrove (hab_mangrove_extent): Area of mangrove habitat

Habitat condition of mangrove (hab_mangrove_health): Current condition of mangrove habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of mangrove (hab_mangrove_trend): Estimated trend in mangrove condition

Habitat extent of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_extent): Area of saltmarsh habitat

Habitat condition of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_health): Current condition of saltmarsh habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of saltmarsh (hab_saltmarsh_trend): Estimated trend in saltmarsh condition

Habitat extent of seagrass (hab_seagrass_extent): Area of seagrass habitat

Habitat condition of seagrass (hab_seagrass_health): Current condition of seagrass habitat relative to historical condition

Habitat condition trend of seagrass (hab_seagrass_trend): Estimated trend in seagrass condition

Habitat extent of tidal flat (hab_tidal_flat_extent): Area of tidal flat habitat

Habitat trend of tidal flat (hab_tidal_flat_trend): Estimated trend in tidal flat condition

Habitat condition of tidal flat (hab_tidal_flat_health): Current condition of tidal flat habitat relative to historical condition


Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.5 Clean waters

People value marine waters that are free of pollution and debris for aesthetic and health reasons. Contamination of waters comes from oil spills, chemicals, eutrophication, algal blooms, disease pathogens (e.g., fecal coliform, viruses, and parasites from sewage outflow), floating trash, and mass kills of organisms due to pollution. People are sensitive to these phenomena occurring in areas they access for recreation or other purposes as well as for simply knowing that clean waters exist. This goal scores highest when the contamination level is zero.

We include four measures of pollution in the clean waters goal: eutrophication (nutrients), chemicals, pathogens and marine debris. This decision was meant to represent a comprehensive list of the contamination categories that are commonly considered in assessments of coastal clean waters (Borja et al. 2008) and for which we could obtain datasets (Table 6.6). The status of these components is the inverse of their intensity (i.e., high input results in low status score).

Table 6.6. Clean waters goal components

Component Data Trend
Eutrophication (nutrient) FAO fertilizer and manure data (United Nations 2021, 2022c; Tuholske et al. 2021; Halpern et al. 2022) Standard method (section 5.3.1)
Chemical Land-based organic pollution (FAO pesticide data), Land-based inorganic pollution (based on run-off from impermeable surfaces), ocean-based pollution based on commercial shipping and port traffic (Halpern et al. 2008; United Nations 2021, 2022c) Trend based only on changes in organic pollution, other variables remained the same
Pathogens Proportion of population without access to improved sanitation facilities (WHO-UNICEF 2021) Standard method
Marine debris Plastic pollution (Eriksen et al. 2014) Data on improperly disposed of plastics (Jambeck et al. 2015)

We used the modeled input of land-based nitrogen input from livestock manure and crop fertilizer application as a proxy for nutrient input following similar methods to Halpern et al. (2022) and Tuholske et al. (2021). The modeled proxy approach does not allow the distinction between toxic and non-toxic bloom events that can arise from excess nutrient input (often both referred to in the literature as harmful algal blooms, or HABs) or at what nutrient concentration an ecosystem is pushed into a HAB condition (i.e., the threshold value). Local studies may be able to obtain information on such non-linear responses and include it as part of this status measure.

For the chemical pollution component (Halpern et al. 2008), we used a combination of modeled input of fertilizer input as a proxy for land-based organic pollution, and impermeable surfaces as a proxy for land-based organic pollution, and shipping and port traffic for ocean based pollution. We were not able to assess specific toxic chemicals at the global scale; however regional case studies often will have data available for the quantities and toxicity of a range of chemicals put into watersheds and coastal waters. We also did not have global data for oil spills and so could not include oil pollution, but in future assessments where such data exist it would be included in chemical pollution as well.

Human-derived pathogens are found in coastal waters primarily from sewage discharge or direct human defecation. Since we did not have access to a global database of in situ measurements of pathogen levels, we used a proxy measure for the status of pathogen pollution, namely the number of people in coastal areas without access to improved sanitation facilities (WHO-UNICEF 2021). The underlying assumption is that locations with a low number of people with access to improved facilities will likely have higher levels of coastal water contamination from human pathogens. To estimate this pathogen intensity, we multiplied the human population within 25 miles of the coast by the percentage of population without access to improved sanitation. This allows countries with low coastal population densities and low access to improved sanitation to score better than high population countries with better access if the absolute number of people without access is lower in the small country.

The status of trash pollution was estimated using globally-available plastic pollution data (Eriksen et al. 2014). Current status

The status of this goal, \(x_{cw}\), was calculated as the geometric mean of the four components, such that:

\[ x_{cw} = \sqrt [ 4 ]{ a\ast u\ast l\ast d }, (Eq. 6.8) \]

where \(a\) = 1 - the number of people without access to sanitation, rescaled to the global maximum; \(u\) = 1 – (nutrient input), rescaled at the raster level by the 99th quantile value; \(l\) = 1 – (chemical input), rescaled at the raster level by the 99.99th quantile value; and \(d\) = 1 – (marine debris), rescaled at the raster level by the 99.99th quantile value.

We used a geometric mean, as is commonly done for water quality indices (Liou et al. 2004), because a very bad score for any one subcomponent would pollute the waters sufficiently to make people feel the waters were ‘too dirty’ to enjoy for recreational or aesthetic purposes (e.g., a large oil spill trumps any other measure of pollution). However, in cases where a subcomponent was zero, we added a value of 0.01 (on a scale of 0 to 1) to prevent the overall score from going to zero. Given that there is uncertainty around our pollution estimates, a zero score resulting from one subcomponent seemed too extreme.

Although clean waters are relevant and important anywhere in the ocean, coastal waters drive this goal both because the problems of pollution are concentrated there and because people predominantly access and care about clean waters in coastal areas. The nearshore area is what people can see and where beach-going, shoreline fishing, and other activities occur. Furthermore, the data for high seas areas is limited and there is little meaningful regulation or governance over the input of pollution into these areas. We therefore calculate this goal only for the first 3 nm of ocean for each country’s EEZ. We chose 3 nm for several reasons, but found the status results to be relatively insensitive to different distances.

A number of potential components of clean water were not included due to lack of global datasets, including toxic algal blooms, oil spills, turbidity (sediment input), and floating trash. In future applications of the Index where such data are available, they would be included in their appropriate component of clean waters (nutrients, chemicals, and trash, respectively). Trend

Trends in eutrophication, pathogens, and chemical pollution are estimated as described in section 5.3.1. Because only one of the inputs (organic pollution) of the chemical pollution layer includes data over time, the trend only reflects this input. Marine debris trends are estimated using a secondary dataset describing the amount of improperly disposed of plastics within each country (Jambeck et al. 2015). Data

Status and trend

Chemical pollution trend (cw_chemical_trend): Trends in chemical pollution, based on commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution) within EEZ

Nutrient pollution trend (cw_nutrient_trend): Trends in nutrient pollution, using crop fertilizer and manure consumption as a proxy for nutrient pollution

Pathogen pollution trend (cw_pathogen_trend): Trends in percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

Plastic trash trends (cw_trash_trend): Trends in trash estimated using improperly disposed of plastics

Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Pathogen pollution (po_pathogens): Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution


Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Pathogen pollution (po_pathogens): Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.6 Food Provision

One of the most fundamental services the ocean provides people is the provision of seafood. From meeting the basic nutritional needs of over half of the world’s population to being sold in high-end sushi restaurants, seafood is an important benefit of healthy oceans. This goal measures the amount of seafood sustainably harvested within an EEZ or region through any means for use primarily in human consumption and thus includes wild-caught commercial fisheries, mariculture, artisanal-scale and recreational fisheries. Importantly, seafood harvest using unsustainable fishing practices or catch levels is penalized as the goal aims to maximize the amount of sustainably produced seafood from wild or cultured stocks. Because we do not track where the fish go after being caught or produced, this goal does not aim to measure food security for the population of a given country, but instead measures the food provided from its waters.

The status of the food provision goal is calculated as the mean of the fisheries and mariculture subgoals, weighted by their relative contribution in tonnes to food production for each region.

6.6.1 Fisheries (subgoal of food provision)

This model aims to assess the amount of wild-caught seafood that can be sustainably harvested with penalties assigned for over-harvesting. As such, one must establish a reference point at which harvest is both maximal and sustainable. We assess food provision from wild caught fisheries by estimating population biomass relative to the biomass that can deliver maximum sustainable yield (\(B/B_{MSY}\)) for each stock. When available, we obtained \(B/B_{MSY}\) values from the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (Ricard et al. 2012; RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database 2021), which contains stock assessment information for a portion of global fish stocks. When RAM data were not available, we used data-limited approaches that have been developed to estimate \(B/B_{MSY}\) values using globally available catch data (Costello et al. 2012; Martell & Froese 2013; Thorson et al. 2013; Rosenberg et al. 2014; Costello et al. 2016). To calculate the status for each region and year, \(B/B_{MSY}\) values were converted to a stock status score between 0-1 that penalizes over-harvesting. To obtain the overall status for each region, the stock status scores for all the stocks within a region were averaged using a geometric mean weighted by the average catch (tonnes) of each stock using Sea Around Us catch data (Pauly et al. 2020).

Figure 6.1: Overview of fisheries status calculations. Current status

Spatial allocation of catch to regions

The data we use to calculate \(B/B_{MSY}\) and the weights used in the geometric mean are from Sea Around Us (2020) global marine fisheries catch data (Pauly et al. 2020). Sea Around Us (2020) uses a spatial allocation method to distribute FAO catch data (reported at the country scale) to a global grid of one half-degree cell resolution based on the spatial distribution of fished taxa from FishBase (Froese & Pauly 2022) and SeaLifeBase (Palomares & Pauly 2022).

We use the Sea Around Us (2020) catch data in two ways. To get the data needed to weight the stock status scores, we download the total catch for each taxa within each region’s EEZ to get the total catch in tonnes for each year. To get the data needed to calculate \(B/B_{MSY}\) values, we download the total catch for each taxa within each major fishing region (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department 2015) for each year. We have traditionally included all fisheries catch in the Fisheries subgoal. However, a substantial portion of the catch is not used for human consumption, but rather for fish oil and fish meal used primarily for animal feed. Currently, it is estimated about 10% of forage fish enter the human diet directly (Froehlich 2018). To account for this, we excluded the proportion of catch that produce fish oil and fish meal for animal feed from the total catch.

To combine the \(B/B_{MSY}\) values from the RAM database with the Sea Around Us (2020) global fish catch data, we used the spatial boundaries that Christopher Free created for the RAM stocks up to 2017 and assigned FAO and OHI regions to each stock (Free 2017). Newly added stocks to the RAM database had some spatially explicit information, but were mostly manually assigned regions based on best available information on stock distribution.

Estimating \(B/B_{MSY}\)

When we were unable to obtain \(B/B_{MSY}\) values from the RAM database for a stock, we calculated them using a data-poor, or catch only model, developed by Martell & Froese (2013), and hereafter referred to as the “catch-MSY” method. The latter was chosen, among other data-limited methods because it was as good, or better, at predicting RAM \(B/B_{MSY}\) values than other methods based on our initial testing. We compared \(B/B_{MSY}\) scores from three catch models (catch-MSY, SSCOM, and COMSIR) as well as a variety of ensemble methods (Anderson et al. 2017). The catch_MSY model performed as well or better than the other models at predicting RAM \(B/B_{MSY}\) values. Furthermore, this method performed well (although not as well as the Random Forest ensemble approach, based on a rank correlation analysis) in analyses using simulated stocks with a broad range of life history traits and different known sources of uncertainty (Anderson et al. 2017).

We defined a stock as species occurring within a major fishing area, and consequently, we ran the catch-MSY model using yearly catch data aggregated to FAO region from 1950 to the most current year. We chose this definition because many fish populations straddle the boundaries of EEZs. Any aggregation method will be biased in some way, but populations with the largest catches are most often straddling stocks, so a bias in assessments due to erroneous aggregation of catch could occur more often with cosmopolitan species that include small, sedentary (i.e., patchily distributed) populations that are less likely to play a dominant role in a country’s fisheries. The catch-MSY model was applied only to stocks identified to the species level.

The catch-MSY method is based on the same assumptions used in many stock assessment models (Schaefer 1954), namely that the change in a population’s biomass depends on its biomass in the previous year and two population-specific parameters: the carrying capacity (\({K}\)) and rate of population increase (\({r}\)). The method estimates the status of a given population using landings time-series as proxies for biomass removals from the population, and using empirically derived relationships of relative peak to current catch values to estimate depletion at the end of the time series (Martell & Froese 2013). Then, a sampling procedure is used to estimate the distribution of values of \({r}\) and \({K}\) that are compatible with the estimated current depletion levels, and are constrained within the range that maintains viable population abundance and at the same time does not exceed the population’s carrying capacity. In the original formulation of Martell & Froese (2013) the geometric mean \({r}\) and \({K}\) were used to derive an estimate of MSY. Rosenberg et al. (2014) modified this method by producing a biomass time series for each of the viable \({r-K}\) pairs using the surplus production model. The arithmetic mean biomass time series was selected and the current year stock abundance (\({B}\)) relative to the abundance that achieves \({MSY}\) (\(B_{MSY}\)) produced a measure, \(B/B_{MSY}\).

A potential issue of the catch-MSY method (when using the default “constrained” prior) is that declining catch is assumed to indicate declining population biomass (resulting in lower \(B/B_{MSY}\) values) rather than reduced effort or improved management. When declining catch is known to be due to reduced effort and/or improved management this results in artificially low \(B/B_{MSY}\) values; however, the catch-MSY model can be modified by using a “uniform” prior distribution for the final biomass. However, this adjustment should be considered carefully because the model will assume that all stocks with declining catch are rebuilding (resulting in higher \(B/B_{MSY}\) values), which is unrealistic. Previously, for the 2015 assessment, we attempted to use the constrained vs. uniform prior for each stock based on the catch weighted fishery management scores of the regions catching the stock. However, recent analyses suggest this method did not improve the ability of the catch-MSY derived \(B/B_{MSY}\) values to predict RAM values, suggesting we were adding additional complication that did not improve our model. Consequently, all analyses are done using the “constrained” prior.

Weights for stock status scores

To get the data needed to weight the stock status scores, we sum the total catch for each taxa within each region’s EEZ to get the total catch in tonnes for each year. We then average each taxa’s catch within each region across all years from 1980 to the most current year’s data. Consequently, for a taxa within a region, the average catch value is the same across all years (only the \(B/B_{MSY}\) value will vary across years.). This provides an estimate of the mean potential contribution of each species to total food provision, independent of yearly stochastic fluctuations of the population and possible recent declines.

Goal model calculations

The status of wild caught fisheries, \(x_{fis}\), for each reporting region in each year was calculated as the geometric mean of the stock status scores, \(SS\) (derived from \(B/B_{MSY}\) score for each stock, described below) and weighted by the stock’s relative contribution to overall catch, \(C\), such that:

\[ x_{fis} = \prod _{ i=1 }^{ n }{ { SS }_{ i }^{ (\frac { { C }_{ i } }{ \sum { { C }_{ i } } } ) } }, (Eq. 6.9) \]

where \({i}\) is an individual taxon and \(n\) is the total number of taxa in the reported catch for each region throughout the time-series, and \({C}\) is the average catch, since the first non null record, for each taxon within each region.

We used a geometric weighted mean to account for the portfolio effect of exploiting a diverse suite of resources, such that small stocks that are doing poorly will have a stronger influence on the overall score than they would using an arithmetic weighted mean, even though their \({C}\) contributes relatively little to the overall tonnage of harvested seafood within a given region. The behavior of the geometric mean is such that improving a well-performing stock is not rewarded as much as improving one that is doing poorly. We believe this behavior is desirable because the recovery of stocks in poor condition requires more effort and can have more important effects on the system than making a species that is already abundant even more abundant. In this way, the score is not solely driven by absolute tonnes of fish produced and accounts for preserving the health of a diversity of species.

\(B/B_{MSY}\) values were used to derive stock status scores, \({SS}\), such that the best score is achieved for stocks at \(B/B_{MSY} = 1\%\), with a 5% error buffer, and it decreases as the distance of \(B\) from \(B_{MSY}\) increases, due to over-exploitation (Figure 6.2). For each species reported, within each major fishing area, the stock status score was calculated as:

where, for \(B/B_{MSY} < 1\) (with a 5% buffer), status declines with direct proportionality to the decline of \(\beta\) with respect to \(B_{MSY}\), while for \(B/B_{MSY} > 1\), status is given a perfect score. Thus, consistent with previous work (Halpern et al. 2012), countries are rewarded for having wild stocks at the biomass that can sustainably deliver the maximum sustainable yield, -5% to allow for measurement error, and are penalized for over-harvesting.

For the 2021 assessment, we decided to exclude all underharvest penalties because by applying an underharvest penalty, we ended up unduly penalizing regions that have high proportions of underharvested stocks, which may be intentional in many cases. This suggests that an improvement to our fisheries approach by including a more just underharvest penalty could be needed.

Figure 6.2: Conversion of \(B/B_{MSY}\) to stock status, \(SS\) score.

We needed to gapfill missing status, \(SS\), scores for a large proportion of the catch. Gapfilling was necessary because we could only estimate \(B/B_{MSY}\) values for taxa identified to the species level. Furthermore, we were unable to estimate \(B/B_{MSY}\) values for some species due to too few years of catch data. Missing status scores were gapfilled using the mean status scores of the stocks sharing a region and year, the mean value was then adjusted using a taxonomic reporting penalty (Table 6.7). For catch not reported to the species level, a penalty was applied for increasingly coarser taxonomic reporting, as this is considered a sign of minimal monitoring and management. We based the penalty on the ISSCAAP convention for taxon codes (http://www.fao.org/fishery/collection/asfis/en), which defines 6 levels of taxonomic aggregation, from 6 (species) to 1 (order or higher). When \({g}<6\), a penalized gapfilled value for status was estimated for the taxa in each region:

Table 6.7: Penalty applied to gapfilled stock status scores The penalty is multiplied by the gapfilled stock status score to obtain the final stock status score.

ISSCAAP taxon code Description Penalty (gapfilled score multiplied by value)
1 e.g., Marine fishes not identified, Miscellaneous marine molluscs 0.1
2 Class, Subclass, Subphylum (e.g., Cephalopoda, Holocephali, Crustacea) 0.25
3 Order (e.g., Chimaeriformes, Octopoda) 0.5
4 Family (e.g., Lamnidae, Squillidae) 0.8
5 Genus (e.g., Strongylocentrotus, Scyllarides) 0.9
6 Species 1 (no penalty)

Model limitations

This model is based on single-species assessments of stock status and thus cannot predict the effect of multi-species interactions. This model adopts \(B=B_{MSY}\) as a single-species reference point, which by various assessment frameworks is considered very conservative (e.g., Froese et al. (2011)), and the fact that the single-species values are aggregated using a geometric mean ensures that some multi-species effects may influence the scores. Nonetheless, a better understanding of the emerging effects of fishing various species at their reference levels would be desirable and will hopefully be possible in the future.

Despite the fact that invertebrates represent a large proportion of global caught biomass, and represent the dominant stocks in many regions, stock assessment approaches for these taxa are poorly developed. The catch-MSY approach was applied to invertebrates even though the model developers only tested it on fish (Martell & Froese 2013). Part of the challenge in broadly testing this approach on organisms other than fish is the lack of a large enough collection of invertebrate assessments to use for validation testing.

This approach captures whether stocks have been historically well managed, but it is worth noting that it does not directly measure current food production. Trend

Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

Status and trend

B/Bmsy estimates (fis_b_bmsy): The ratio of fish population abundance compared to the abundance required to deliver maximum sustainable yield (RAM and catch-MSY data)

Fishery catch data (fis_meancatch): Mean commercial catch for each OHI region (averaged across years)


High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

Chemical pollution (po_chemicals): Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

Nutrient pollution (po_nutrients): Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

Genetic escapes (sp_genetic): Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes

Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness (fp_artisanal): Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes

EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

Measure of ecological integrity (species_diversity_eez): Marine species condition (species subgoal status score) as a proxy for ecological integrity

Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

6.6.2 Mariculture (subgoal of food provision)

The mariculture subgoal attempts to measure each region’s food production from mariculture relative to its capacity (United Nations 2022a) and sustainability (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022). A basic problem facing previous assessments of mariculture was the lack of an ecologically- and socially-based reference point for the potential yield of every suitable mariculture species for every type of geographic habitat and location. Determining such reference points for every country at the global scale is difficult, not only because of key missing data and information, but also because species, genotypes and habitats suitable for production in any given location are likely to change from year to year. However, recent research (Gentry et al. 2017) estimated the global biological potential for marine aquaculture at a high resolution spatial scale, addressing one of these key gaps: ecological reference points. To account for the social and economic realities and constraints to these ecological potentials, we constrained the per-country potential to 1% of this tonnage estimate and used these country values as reference points. Furthermore, the paper does not exclude high biodiversity or environmentally sensitive areas, meaning 100% of potential aquaculture tonnage estimate is a large overestimation of what is actually possible. Additionally, we include a sustainability score for each species in each region which is based on the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch aquaculture recommendations (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022). Current status

The status of the mariculture subgoal, \(x_{mar}\), was defined as production of strictly marine taxa from FAO categories for both marine and brackish waters, excluding species that were not used as a source of food for human consumption. In particular this was only an issue for seaweeds, as many seaweed species are not used for human consumption (or only partially used for human consumption). Table 6.8 shows the proportions, with a justification column, explaining the proportions of each seaweed species used for human consumption.

Table 6.8 Mariculture seaweed exclusion. List of seaweed mariculture species, what proportion of their harvest is not used for human consumption, and a justification for the exclusion.

FAO species name Proportion non food use Justification
[Chondracanthus chamissoi] 0.800
  • non-food use determined (some for food and carageenan): “This species is of economic importance because it is edible and used for carrageenan production.” source
  • food use deteremined: “In addition to its commercialization for the extraction of carrageenan, there is an increasing demand for human consumption in Asia” source
  • “On the coasts of Peru, the red seaweed known as yuyo (Chondracanthus chamissoi) is dried and then sold in the inland regions where it is incorporated into soups.” source
  • 80% proportion determined by best guess.
[Porphyra columbina] 0.010
  • food use determined using New Zealand Gov (Porphyra columbina is also known as karengo indicated as a high value food algae) source
  • Seaweed and Man: source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • [Spirulina maxima] 0.300
    • non-food use determined using Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • food use determined: It has been produced commercially for the last 30 years for food and specialty feeds. Currently, more than 70 per cent of Spirulina market is for human consumption, mainly as health food because of its rich content of protein, essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids. source
  • 30% proportion determined source
  • Aquatic plants nei 1.000
    • non-food use determined using Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • 100% proportion determined based on best guess (the most important seaweed species are all listed)
  • Babberlocks 0.000
    • food use determined using FAO source
  • Scientific name: Alaria esculenta
  • Common name: badderlocks, dabberlocks, winged kelp
  • 0% proportion based on FAO link.
  • Bright green nori 0.010
    • food use determined using Seaweed and Man (Green nori indicated as an important algae for food) source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” [source}(http://www.fao.org/3/i9540en/i9540en.pdf)
  • Scientific name: Porphyra spp. And Pyropia spp.
  • Common name: Nori, Laver
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Dark green nori 0.010
    • food use determined using Seaweed and Man (Green nori indicated as an important algae for food): source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Porphyra spp. And Pyropia spp.
  • Common name: Nori, Laver
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Sea lettuces nei 0.500
  • Scientific name: Ulva
  • Common name: sea lettuce
  • 50% proportion based on best guess.
  • Brown seaweeds 0.500
    • food and non-food use determined using FAO; “The main uses of brown seaweeds are as foods and as the raw material for the extraction of the hydrocolloid, alginate.” “There is also a market for fresh seaweed as a feed for abalone. In Australia, the brown seaweed Macrocystis pyrifera and the red seaweed Gracilaria edulis have been used.”: source
  • 50% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Caulerpa seaweeds 0.010
    • food use determined using FAO manual: source
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess: “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • [Meristotheca senegalense] 0.000
    • Type of red macroalgae with nutritional value for humans: source
  • 0% proportion determined by article referenced above.
  • Dulse 0.100
  • fish feed use determined using FAO:source
  • “Pacific dulse (Palmaria mollis) has been found to be a valuable food for the red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, and development of land-based cultivation has been undertaken with a view to producing commercial quantities of the seaweed.”
  • Scientific name: Palmaria palmata
  • Common name: Dulse
  • 10% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Elkhorn sea moss 0.990
    • non-food use, primary carageenan use determined using Buschmann et al (also Kappaphycus alvarezii): source, source
  • food use (whole food supplement): source
  • “The rapid growth in the farming of tropical seaweed species (Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma spp.) in Indonesia as raw material for carrageenan extraction has been the major contributor to growth in farmed aquatic plant production in the recent past.” source
  • Scientific name: Kappaphycus alvarezii
  • Common name: Elkhorn sea moss
  • 99% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Eucheuma seaweeds nei 0.900
    • non-food use, primary carageenan use determined using Buschmann et al: source;
  • Seaweed and Man: source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • food use determined using FAO: source “In some overseas countries, such as Indonesia and Philippines, Eucheuma seaweed is also eaten raw. People like to eat it fresh in salads.”
  • “The rapid growth in the farming of tropical seaweed species (Kappaphycus alvarezii and Eucheuma spp.) in Indonesia as raw material for carrageenan extraction has been the major contributor to growth in - farmed aquatic plant production in the recent past.” source
  • Scientific name: Eucheuma denticulatum, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Kappaphycus striatum
  • Common name: Eucheumoid algae, Eucheuma, Guso
  • 90% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Fragile codium 0.100
    • non-food use determined using Seaweed Industry Association: source, source (“Codium fragile_ and Codium vermilara_derived water-soluble sulfated arabinogalactans prevented coagulation, but they induced platelet aggregation (Ciancia et al., 2007).”)
  • food use determined: source, source
  • Scientific name: Codium fragile
  • Common name: green sea fingers, dead man’s fingers, felty fingers, forked felt-alga, stag seaweed, green fleece, oyster thief
  • 10% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Fusiform sargassum 0.000
    • food use determined by Bushmann et al (fusiform sargassum also Hijiki or Sargassum fusiforme): source; source
  • alternative names: source
  • Recent studies have shown that hijiki contains potentially toxic quantities of inorganic arsenic, and the food safety agencies of several countries (excluding Japan), including Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, have advised against its consumption.
  • Scientific name: Fusiform sargassum
  • Common name: Hijiki
  • 0% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Gelidium seaweeds 0.800
    • non-food use determined by FAO (most of agar comes from Gracilaria or Gelidium, but the Gelidium FAO data is from Korea where it is also consumed as food): source; Frangoudes 2016 (Edible seaweed in Korea): source
  • food and non-food use: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelidium_amansii
  • 80% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Giant kelp 0.900
    • non-food use determined by FAO (giant kelp produced in Chile are mostly bought by processors that turn it into alginate): source
  • food use determined: “The primary commercial product obtained from giant kelp is alginate, but humans also harvest this species on a limited basis for use directly as food, as it is rich in iodine, potassium, and other minerals. It can be used in cooking in many of the ways other sea vegetables are used, and particularly serves to add flavor to bean dishes.” source
  • Scientific name: Macrocystis pyrifera
  • Common name: Giant kelp
  • 90% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Gracilaria seaweeds 0.750
    • non-food use, primary agar use determined using Buschmann et al: source;
  • Seaweed and Man: source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • food use determined using FAO: source (“Gracilaria is sold to agar producers and some is used as food. For food consumption, the seaweed is usually gathered and sold fresh, locally. It is most common in South-East Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and southern Thailand, mainly in coastal communities. It is also popular with most ethnic groups in Hawaii, and is sold fresh in Honolulu markets as limu manauea or limu ogo.”)
  • Scientific name: Gracilaria spp.
  • Common name: Gracilaria, Ogo
  • 75% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Green laver 0.010
    • food use determined using Seaweed and Man (green laver is same as green nori but different country names): source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • FAO: source, source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Porphyra spp. And Pyropia spp.
  • Common name: Nori, Laver
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Harpoon seaweeds 0.750
    • non-food use deteremined by Netalgae.eu (75% of seaweed produced in France is processed): source;
  • harpoon seaweed’s scientific name is Asparagopsis armata, which is likely used in cosmetics: source, source
  • food use determined: source, source (“Asparagopsis is one of the most popular types of limu.[3] in the cuisine of Hawaii, it is principally a condiment. It is known as Limu kohu in the Hawaiian language meaning”pleasing seaweed”. Limu kohu is a traditional ingredient in poke.”)
  • Scientific name: Asparagopsis spp.
  • Common name: Harpoon seaweed, harpoon weed, limu
  • 75% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Japanese isinglass 0.950
    • non-food use determined by Whittaker 1910 (japanese isinglass is a type of Gelidium seaweed): source;
  • FAO (most of agar comes from Gracilaria or Gelidium, but the Gelidium FAO data is from Korea where it is also consumed as food): source;
  • Frangoudes 2016 (Edible seaweed in Korea): source
  • Scientific name: Gelidium spp.
  • Common name: Japanese isinglass, agar agar
  • 95% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Japanese kelp 0.100
    • food use determined using Buschmann et al: source;
  • Seaweed and Man ( also likely Saccharina japonica or kombu): source;
  • food use determined using Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • non food use determined: source (“Saccharina japonica is also used for the production of alginates, with China producing up to ten thousand tons of the product each year.”),
  • “The only exception is for Laminaria japonica, which is cultivated in China for food but sometimes surplus material is diverted to the alginate industry in China.” source
  • Scientific name: Saccharina japonica (formerly Laminaria japonica)
  • Common name: Kombu
  • 10% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Kelp nei 0.500
    • not in FAO mariculture data 5/4/18
  • 50% proportion based on best guess.
  • Laver (Nori) 0.010
    • food use determined using Seaweed and Man (Porphyra or nori indicated as a high value food algae): source source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Porphyra spp. And Pyropia spp.
  • Common name: Nori, Laver
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Mozuku 0.010
    • food use determined by Tongafish.gov (most of Tonga production of mozuku is shipped to Japanese market where it is used for the food market, some amounts are shipped elsewhere for use in homeopathic purposes, but unsure how much): source source
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Nori nei 0.010
    • food use determined using Seaweed and Man (Porphyra or nori indicated as a high value food algae): source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Porphyra spp. And Pyropia spp.
  • Common name: Nori, Laver
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Red seaweeds 0.750
    • non-food and food use determined using FAO (red algae in Indonesia and Portugal mostly agar-containing seaweeds) (The main uses of red seaweeds are as food and as sources of two hydrocolloids: agar and carrageenan): source
  • 75% proportion based on best guess.
  • Sea belt 0.950
    • non-food and food use determined using SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture Norway (sea belt is also Saccharina latissima or sugar kelp, mostly used for processed agar in Norway, food market growing but seems to be small): source;
  • not mentioned as a main use in Forbord et al 2012: source
  • Scientific name: Saccharina latissima
  • Common name: sea belt, sugar kelp
  • 95% proportion based on best guess.
  • Seaweeds nei 0.150
    • food use determined using production value range and variety of countries - since most seaweeds are used for human consumption
  • 15% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Spiny eucheuma 0.900
    • non-food use, primary carageenan use determined using Buschmann et al: source;
  • Seaweed and Man: source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • FAO: source
  • food use: “E. denticulatum can also be eaten fresh or blanched in boiling water and mixed with salad garnish, or made into”Eucheuma candy” or “kue” by cooking in water until a gel is formed, whereafter sugar is added. It is used as garnish for other dishes such as fish. In Lombok (Indonesia) about 400 t (wet weight) of E. denticulatum is used annually to prepare a boiled foodstuff, wrapped in banana leaf and known as “pencok”.” source
  • Scientific name: Eucheuma denticulatum
  • Common name: Spiny eucheuma
  • 90% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Tangle 0.990
    • non-food use determined by Irishseaweeds (tangle is Laminaria digitata): source;
  • biotech use: source
  • “Laminaria digitata in France is the main raw material for the alginate industry.” source food use determined: source.
  • Scientific name: Laminaria digitata
  • Common name: tangle, tangleweed, oarweed
  • 99% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Wakame 0.010
    • food use determined using Buschmann et al (wakame is undaria): source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • FAO: source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Undaria pinnatifida
  • Common name: Wakame
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Wakame nei 0.010
    • food use determined using Buschmann et al (wakame is undaria): source;
  • Seaweed Industry Association: source
  • FAO: source
  • “Of the 30 million tonnes of farmed seaweedsproduced in 2016 (Table 9), some species (e.g. Undaria pinnatifida, Porphyra spp. and Caulerpa spp., produced in East and Southeast Asia) are produced almost exclusively for direct human consumption, although lowgrade products and scraps from processing factories are used for other purposes, including feed for abalone culture.” source
  • Scientific name: Undaria pinnatifida
  • Common name: Wakame
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Warty gracilaria 0.950
    • non-food and food use determined by FAO: “Gracilaria is used as food and in the preparation of food products.” “The principal product of Gracilaria is agar.” “Unknown quantities of Gracilaria are used in several places (e.g. Japan, China, Hawaii, St. Lucia) in the fresh vegetable market for human consumption. There, Gracilaria prices can be high (e.g. 5-7 USD /kg) although the volumes consumed are relatively low (e.g. a few tonnes per year).” “The use of Gracilaria as marine invertebrate feed has developed in Asia, especially in the fish pond system of Taiwan Province of China, leading to development of polycultures of Gracilaria and abalone which uses Gracilaria as the sole source of food of these gastropods. In the past the emphasis was to produce Gracilaria biomass for agar production. Now it is more profitable for the pond operators to supply their Gracilaria as fresh food to abalone farmers.” source
  • Scientific name: Gracilaria gracilis (previously Gracilaria verrucosa)
  • Common name: Warty gracilaria
  • 95% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Giant kelps nei 0.900
    • non-food use determined by FAO (giant kelp produced in Chile are mostly bought by processors that turn it into alginate): source
  • 90% proportion based on best guess.
  • Green seaweeds 0.750
    • non-food use determined using Soares et al 2017 (sounds like using seaweed as food still underutilized or growing in Portugal): source; fertilizers, fish feed, wastewater treatment source
  • food use: source
  • includes: green laver, sea lettuce
  • 75% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Coarse seagrape 0.000
    • food use determined using the Ministry of Marine Resources Government of the Cook Islands (seagrape is a Caulerpa): source;
  • FAO manual: source
  • Scientific name: Caulerpa racemosa
  • Common name: Coarse seagrape
  • 0% proportion determined by best guess.
  • [Sargassum spp] 0.990
    • non-food use determined using FAO (most brown kelps used for alginate due to high concentration in tissues): source;
  • Sargassum in Mexico specifically: source
  • “Sargassum, is only used when nothing else is available: its alginate is usually borderline quality and the yield usually low.” “Sargassum is collected on the south coast of Java (Indonesia) and in the Philippines. In the former country it is used for alginate production while in the latter there are pilot studies for its use in alginate production, but its present use is to produce seaweed meal for animal feed.” source
  • food use determined: “More so, among seaweeds Sargassum is not a prime edible but a plentiful one.” source
  • 99% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Spirulina nei 0.300
    • non-food use determined using Seaweed Industry Association: source and FAO: source
  • 30% proportion determined by Spirulina maxima.
  • [Dunaliella salina] 1.000
    • used in B-carotene, lutein, fatty acids, etc source
  • “Known for its antioxidant activity because of its ability to create large amount of carotenoids, it is used in cosmetics and dietary supplements.” source
  • 100% proportion determined by best guess.
  • [Capsosiphon fulvescens] 0.100
    • used as traditional medicine: “It has been consumed as food with unique flavor and soft texture to treat stomach disorders and hangovers” source
  • “These results suggest that C. fulvescens has greater potential to be used as human food and as an ingredient in formulated food.” “Capsosiphon fulvescens is filamentous green seaweed traditionally eaten in the southwestern regions of Korea” source
  • 10% proportion determined by best guess.
  • Slender wart weed 0.750
    • food and non-food use determined: “Gracilaria is a genus of red algae (Rhodophyta) notable for its economic importance as an agarophyte, as well as its use as a food for humans and various species of shellfish. Various species within the genus are cultivated among Asia, South America, Africa and Oceania.” source
  • Scientific name: Gracilaria gracilis
  • Common name: slender wart weed
  • 75% proportion determined by Gracilaria seaweeds.
  • [Macrocystis integrifolia] 0.001
  • 1% proportion determined by best guess.
  • [Cladosiphon okamuranus] 0.100

    Harvest data reported by FAO does not always clearly describe whether it is derived from mariculture or from land-based facilities. Mariculture status, \(x_{mar}\), was therefore assessed as the current re-scaled met potential of harvested yield, \(Y_{c}\), within each country, multiplied by the production weighted average of sustainability of mariculture within each county, \(S_{c}\), such that:

    \[ x_{mar} = Y_{c} \ \times \ S_{c}, \ (Eq. 6.10) \]

    where, \(Y_{c}\), is the current re-scaled met potential of harvested yield within each country, c, such that:

    \[ Y_{c}= \frac {\displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { Y }_{ k } }}{Y_{r, ref}}, \ (Eq. 6.11) \]

    where, \(Y_{r,ref}\) is the value that corresponds to 1% of the potential aquaculture harvest in each region, and \(Y_{k}\) is the 4-year moving window average of tonnes of production (United Nations 2022a) for each \({k}\) mariculture species that is currently or at one time cultured within a country. \(Y_{c}\) is then capped at 1, so that no country can receive a better-than-perfect score. \(S_{c}\) is the production weighted average of sustainability of mariculture in each country, such that:

    \[ S_{c} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { Y }_{ k }{ S }_{ k,r } } } {{\displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { Y }_{ k } }}}, (Eq. 6.12) \]

    where, \(Y_{k}\) is the 4-year moving window average of tonnes of production (United Nations 2022a) for each \({k}\) mariculture species that is currently or at one time cultured within a country, and \(S_{k,r}\) is the sustainability score for each \(k\) mariculture species and region.

    All regions scoring above 1.0 are given a score of 1.0. A score of one could occur when the current aquaculture harvest is greater than 1% of the biological production potential (taken from (Gentry et al. 2017)) and mariculture harvest is perfectly sustainable within a region. However, when a region has a current harvested yield that is less than 100 tonnes, and when 1% of potential mariculture harfvest is less than 100 tonnes, a score of NA is assigned. This assumption is made to avoid giving a perfect score to regions that have essentially zero harvested yield, and essentially zero biological production potential.

    The sustainability score, \(S_{k,r}\), for each species in each region is based on the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch aquaculture recommendations (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022). Ten mariculture practice criteria from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations contributed to the sustainability of mariculture (data quality, effluent, habitat risk, chemical use, feed, escapes, disease, source of stock, predator and wildlife mortalities, and escape of secondary species). These criteria represent the internal mariculture practices with the potential to affect the long term sustainability of the mariculture system. Scores for each assessment criterion were aggregated and averaged. All country average scores were then rescaled from 0 to 1 using the maximum possible raw SFW score of 10 and minimum of 1. These scores are country and species-specific, however, many country/species combinations are not assessed by Seafood Watch. Given that each mariculture record must have a corresponding sustainability score, we used a series of steps to estimate sustainability scores for every country and species. If a country/species match was available we used that, otherwise, we gapfilled using the following sequence:

    1. Used the global species value provided by Seafood Watch.
    2. Within a country, used the average of species within the same family.
    3. Within a UN geo-political region, used the average of species within the same family.
    4. Global, used average of species within the same family.
    5. Global, used average of species within a broad taxonomic grouping (e.g., crustaceans, algae, bivalves, etc.).
    6. Finally, if these scores were not available for the categories above, we used the global average of all species.

    Seaweed or algae species were given the global seaweed sustainability score provided by the Seafood Watch recommendations. We are aware that there is some bias associated with using scores derived as averages across countries because they were originally assigned to specific species-country pairs, nevertheless this is preferable to applying a sustainability score solely based on a subset of the species harvested. Trend

    Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

    Status and trend



    6.7 Livelihoods and economies

    Due to discontinued and non-updated source datasets, we have not updated the status of this goal since 2013 (changes across scenario years after 2013 are due to changes in pressures/resilience).

    The jobs and revenue produced from marine-related industries are clearly of huge value to many people, even those who do not directly participate in the industries but value community identity, tax revenue, and indirect economic and social impacts of a stable coastal economy.

    This goal is composed of two equally important sub-goals, livelihoods and economies, which are assessed across as many marine-related sectors as possible (Table 6.8). Livelihoods includes two equally important sub-components, the number of jobs, which is a proxy for livelihood quantity, and the per capita average annual wages, which is a proxy for job quality. Economies is composed of a single component, revenue. We track the two halves of this goal separately because the number and quality of jobs and the amount of revenue produced are both of considerable interest to stakeholders and governments, and could show very different patterns in some cases (e.g., high revenue sectors do not necessarily provide large employment opportunities). The status of the livelihoods and economies goal is the average of the livelihoods and economies subgoals.

    The total value of economic industries cannot be captured fully by measuring only the jobs and revenue generated directly by those industries, since activity in the direct industry stimulates additional jobs and revenue in related industries. For example, the fishing industry provides direct jobs to fishers, indirect jobs to fishing gear manufacturing companies, and induced jobs to the restaurants and movie theaters where those manufacturing employees spend their income. In the case of tourism, data describing total jobs and revenue (direct plus indirect and induced) were available from the primary data source, and so we used that information as the best estimate of total employment and total revenue for that sector. For all other sectors we used sector- and development status-specific multipliers derived from the literature to estimate total job or revenue impacts. We did not apply multiplier values to wages since the cascading effects of earned income are more contentious. We assumed that sector-specific job and revenue multipliers are static and globally consistent, but distinct for developed versus developing countries (when such information was available), because we do not have data to resolve temporal or regional differences (Table 6.9). Countries were classified as developed or developing using the Human Development Index (HDI, UNDP (2010)), with all countries identified as “very high human development” classified as developed and all others as developing. We classified regions not assessed by the HDI by compiling information used to calculate the HDI score (schooling, life expectancy and per capita Gross National Income statistics).

    For a job or wage sector to be included in our assessment it needed to report at least two time points and have data for all or most coastal regions (reported separately, not as a single global number). However, a sector did not need to have data for all three measures – jobs, wages, and revenue – as this would have eliminated almost every sector. Consequently, the sectors that comprise each of the three measures differ (Table 6.8) and there is variation across regions in which sectors and measures comprise the status score (because of gaps in datasets and the fact that not all sectors exist in all countries). If a region only had one data layer (a single sector for only one measure), a status score was not calculated for that region and instead, a regional average was applied. We used a weighted average of the region’s UN geopolitical region; revenue values were weighted by each region’s GDP, jobs were weighted by each region’s workforce size, and wages were unweighted.

    A number of sectors were not included primarily because sufficient data do not exist. In the future, particularly in finer scale applications, it would be desirable to include these sectors, including (but not limited to) ecotourism (beyond just cetacean watching), sailing/kayaking/boating, surfing/kiteboarding, etc., offshore wind and wave energy, navigation assistance, safety and security, coastal development, scientific research, and restoration and conservation.

    Table 6.9. Livelihoods and economies sectors. Sectors for which data were available for each component of the livelihoods and economies goal.

    Sector Jobs data Wages data Revenue data
    Tourism X X X
    Commercial fishing X X X
    Marine mammal watching X
    Aquarium fishing X
    Wave & renewable energy X X
    Mariculture X X
    Transportation & shipping X
    Ports & harbors X
    Ship & boatbuilding X

    Table 6.10. Sector multipliers. Sector-specific multipliers used to calculate total jobs and total revenue created by sector-based employment in developing and developed nations. N/A (not applicable) indicates that total employment or total revenue (direct plus indirect and induced) data were provided by primary data source, eliminating the need for a multiplier value. ND indicates no data available for that sector.

    Developed Countries Developing Countries
    Sector Jobs Revenue Jobs Revenue
    Tourism N/A N/A N/A N/A
    Commercial fishing 1.582 1.568 1.582 1.568
    Marine mammal watching 1.915 1.0 1.915 1.0
    Aquarium fishing ND 1.568 ND 1.568
    Wave & tidal energy 1.88 1.652 1.88 1.652
    Mariculture 2.7 2.377 1.973 1.59

    This goal aims to maintain coastal livelihoods and economies (i.e., avoid the loss of, coastal and ocean-dependent jobs and revenues), while also maximizing livelihood quality (relative wages). It does not attempt to capture any aspects of job identity (i.e., the reputation, desirability or other social or cultural perspectives associated with different jobs), although one can examine the component parts that make up this goal to evaluate individual sectors and infer implications for job identity. We make the assumption that all marine-related jobs are equivalent, such that, for example, a fisherman could transition to a job in mariculture or ship-building without affecting the score of this goal. While job identity has social and cultural value, there are not adequate data to track individual workers and assess their job satisfaction on a global scale. We also do not include any measure of petroleum extraction, as we do not consider these practices to be related to the biophysical state of the system and, because they rely on a non-renewable resource, they are inherently unsustainable. Furthermore, because of data constraints, this goal does not provide more credit for sectors or economic activities that are more ecologically sustainable. Future, finer scale applications of the Index may incorporate these key considerations.

    Gaps were filled in the adjustment datasets (national GDP and national employment) by first determining the average metric value (e.g., average employment rate) in UN geopolitical regions (Nations (2013c)) for each year based on all countries in that region for which there were data. Using these regional average time series, we fit nonlinear models to the adjustment data. Using the model fit, we determined the slope between each year. To fill in missing data points in country time series, we applied the slope (percent change in the metric) between the missing year and the following year (or previous year, if necessary). We prioritized filling in backwards (e.g., if a country has data from 2006 and 2008, to fill in 2007, one would use the regional delta between 2008 and 2007), but filled forwards when there were no data for a subsequent year.

    6.7.1 Economies (subgoal of livelihoods and economies)

    Due to discontinued and static source datasets, we have not updated the status of this subgoal since 2013 (changes across scenario years after 2013 are due to changes in pressures/resilience) (Nations 2013a).

    This subgoal measures the revenue produced from marine-related industries. Current status

    The model to estimate the status of the economies sub-goal, \(x_{eco}\), is:

    \[ x_{eco} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { e }_{ c,k } } }{ \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { e }_{ r,k } } }, (Eq. 6.13) \]

    where, \(e\) is the total adjusted revenue generated directly and indirectly from sector \(k\), at current \(c\), and reference \(r\), time points.

    Because there is no absolute global reference point for revenue (i.e., a target number would be completely arbitrary), the economies subgoal uses a moving baseline as the reference point. Reference revenue is calculated as the value in the current year (or most recent year), relative to the value in a recent moving reference period, defined as 5 years prior to the current year. This reflects an implicit goal of maintaining coastal revenue on short time scales, allowing for decadal or generational shifts in what people want and expect. We allowed for a longer or shorter gap between the current and recent years if a 5 year span was not available from the data, but the gap could not be greater than 10 years. Our preferred gap between years was as follows (in order of preference): 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1, and 10 years.

    Absolute values for \(e\) in the current and reference periods were lumped across all sectors before calculating reference values (even though the current and reference years will not be exactly the same for all sectors), allowing a decrease in one sector to be balanced by an increase in another sector. As such, we do not track the status of individual sectors and instead always focus on the status of all sectors together.

    To control for inflation/deflation, we used a standard dollar year. To account for broader economic forces that may affect revenue independent of changes in ocean health (e.g., a global recession), we adjusted revenue based on a country’s GDP (i.e., must keep pace with growth in GDP). The current and reference years used for GDP data were based on the average current year and average reference year across the sector data sources used for revenue. Trend

    Trend was calculated as the slope in the individual sector values (not summed sectors) for revenue over the most recent five years (as opposed to the status, which examines changes between two points in time, current versus five years prior to current), corrected by GDP. We calculated the average for revenue by averaging slopes across sectors weighted by the revenue in each sector. Data

    Status and trend

    Economic status scores (eco_status): Calculated using corrected revenue data for several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013)

    Economic trend scores (eco_trend): Calculated using change in revenue for several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013)

    Sectors in each region (le_sector_weight): Proportion of jobs within each marine sector


    Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

    Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

    Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

    High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

    Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

    Chemical pollution (po_chemicals): Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Nutrient pollution (po_nutrients): Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Pathogen pollution (po_pathogens): Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

    Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

    Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

    Genetic escapes (sp_genetic): Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) (li_gci): Competitiveness in achieving sustained economic prosperity

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    6.7.2 Livelihoods (subgoal of livelihoods and economies)

    Due to discontinued and non-updated source datasets, we have not updated the status of this subgoal since 2013 (changes across scenario years after 2013 are due to changes in pressures/resilience).

    This subgoal measures the jobs produced from marine-related industries. Livelihoods includes two equally important sub-components, the number of jobs, which is a proxy for livelihood quantity, and the per capita average annual wages, which is a proxy for job quality. Current status

    The status of the livelihoods sub-goal, \(x_{liv}\), is calculated as:

    \[ x_{liv} = \frac { \frac { \sum _{ 1 }^{ k }{ { j }_{ c,k } } }{ \sum _{ 1 }^{ k }{ { j }_{ r,k } } } \quad +\quad \frac { \sum _{ 1 }^{ k }{ { w }_{ m,k } } }{ \sum _{ 1 }^{ k }{ { w }_{ r,k } } } }{ 2 }, (Eq. 6.14) \]

    where \(j\) is the adjusted number of direct and indirect jobs within sector \(k\) within a region and \(w\) is the average PPP-adjusted wages per job within the sector. Jobs are summed across sectors and measured at current, \(c\), and reference, \(r\), time points. Adjusted wage data are averaged across sectors within each region, \(m\), and the reference country, \(r\), with the highest average wages across all sectors.

    Because there is no absolute global reference point for jobs (i.e., a target number would be completely arbitrary), this component of the livelihoods subgoal uses a moving baseline as the reference point. Jobs, \(j\), are calculated as a relative value: the value in the current year (or most recent year), \(c\), relative to the value in a recent moving reference period, \(r\), defined as 5 years prior to \(c\). This reflects an implicit goal of maintaining coastal jobs on short time scales, allowing for decadal or generational shifts in what people want and expect. We allowed for a longer or shorter gap between the current and recent years if a 5 year span was not available from the data, but the gap could not be greater than 10 years. Our preferred gap between years was as follows (in order of preference): 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1, and 10 years. For wages, \(w\), we assumed the reference value was the highest value observed across all regions.

    Absolute values for \(j\) and \(w\) in the current and reference period (jobs) or region (wages) were lumped across all sectors before calculating relative values (even though the current and reference years will not be exactly the same for all sectors), allowing a decrease in one sector to be balanced by an increase in another sector. As such, we do not track the status of individual sectors and instead always focus on the status of all sectors together. For wages, we use the most current data available for each country and each sector, but only use data from 1990 on, assuming that wages are relatively slow to change over time (apart from inflation adjustments, which we control for by using real dollars) and thus can be compared across sectors and countries without controlling for year.

    Wages data were divided by the inflation conversion factor so that wage data across years would be comparable in 2010 US dollars (inflation conversion factors were downloaded from http://oregonstate.edu/cla/polisci/sahr/sahr). These data were also multiplied by the purchasing power parity-adjusted per capita GDP https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD. To account for broader economic forces that may affect jobs independent of changes in ocean health (e.g., a global recession), we adjusted jobs data by dividing by percent employment for the corresponding year: (1 – percent unemployment) * total labor force (Bank 2014b,c). For example, if unemployment increased from the reference to the current period, we would expect the number of marine-related jobs to decrease by a comparable proportion, without causing a lower score for the goal. Therefore, the objective of the goal is actually no loss of jobs and jobs must keep pace with growth in employment rates or sustain losses no greater than national increases in unemployment rates. The current and reference years used for unemployment data were based on the average current year and average reference year across the sector data sources used for number of jobs. Trend

    Trend was calculated as the slope in the individual sector values (not summed sectors) for jobs and wages over the most recent five years (as opposed to the status, which examines changes between two points in time, current versus five years prior to current), corrected by national trends in employment rates and average wages. We then calculated the average trend for jobs across all sectors, with the average weighted by the number of jobs in each sector. We calculated the average trend for wages across all sectors. We then averaged the wages and jobs average slopes to get the livelihoods trend. Data

    Status and trend

    Sectors in each region (le_sector_weight): Proportion of jobs within each marine sector

    Livelihood status scores (liv_status): Calculated using adjusted job and wage data in several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013)

    Livelihood trend scores (liv_trend): Calculated using change in adjusted job and wage data in several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013)


    Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

    High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

    Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

    Chemical pollution (po_chemicals): Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Nutrient pollution (po_nutrients): Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Pathogen pollution (po_pathogens): Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

    Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

    Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

    Genetic escapes (sp_genetic): Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) (li_gci): Competitiveness in achieving sustained economic prosperity

    Economic diversity (li_sector_evenness): Sector evenness based on Shannon’s Diversity Index calculated on the proportion of jobs in each sector as a measure of economic diversity

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    6.8 Natural products

    In many countries the harvest of non-food natural products is important for local economies and can also be traded internationally. The sustainable harvest of these products is therefore an important component of a healthy ocean. This goal assesses the ability of countries to maximize the sustainable harvest of living marine resources, and includes three natural product categories: ornamental fish, fish oil and fish meal, and inedible seaweeds and marine plants (Table 6.12). It does not include bioprospecting, which focuses on potential (and largely unknowable and potentially infinite) value rather than current realized value, or non-living products such as oil and gas or mining products which by definition are not sustainable. It also excludes wood from mangroves as few data exist for if/where this harvest is happening and whether it is sustainable, as well as oils from mammals as this harvest is widely seen as unsustainable. In past assessments we included coral harvest, shells, and sponges, but we now exclude these resources. In the case of coral, harvest is not sustainable given current and future global threats. For sponges and shells, harvest yields were often highly variable and had relatively small values (Table 6.11), resulting in scores fluctuating dramatically across years for some countries even though the total USD values contributed very little to national economies (e.g. going from 100USD to 200USD would double the score).

    Table 6.11. Commodity values Total value (in USD) of 5 different natural product categories for the entire span of FAO commodities dataset (1976-2018).

    Commodity Total value (USD)
    fish_oil 29801732
    seaweeds 15655200
    ornamentals 4476725
    corals 2798557
    shells 1664880
    sponges 473272

    As such, we focus on three natural product categories: ornamental fish, fish oil and fish meal, and inedible seaweeds and marine plants (Table 6.12). Current status

    To determine the total production in tonnes for seaweed we summed seaweed production provided in the FAO global aquaculture production data (United Nations 2022a). To determine total production in tonnes of ornamental fish we summed the products provided in the FAO commodities data (UN-FAO 2022). Finally, to determine the total production in tonnes for fish oil and fish meal, we used Sea Around Us Project (2020) global marine fisheries catch data (Pauly et al. 2020) and B/Bmsy data (Costello et al. 2012; Ricard et al. 2012; Martell & Froese 2013; Thorson et al. 2013; Rosenberg et al. 2014; Costello et al. 2016) calculated from our fisheries sub-goal (methods can be found in section 6.6.1), and subsetted the stocks for stocks used for fish oil production (Table 6.12) (Froehlich 2018). The tonnes of harvest of fish oil and fish meal species were multiplied by 0.9 to reflect the amount of the fish actually going to production of feed or oil, while the other 10% of fish is used in other ways, such as direct human consumption (Froehlich 2018).

    Table 6.12. Natural product categories. List of species and FAO products included in each of the three natural product categories.

    Commodity Subcategory
    fish oil Lepidotrigla brachyoptera, Etmopterus spinax, Pomacanthidae, Labridae, Tautogolabrus adspersus, Champsocephalus esox, Trachichthyidae, Platycephalidae, Holocentridae, Tripterophycis gilchristi, Aplodactylus punctatus, Blicca bjoerkna, Alepes djedaba, Batrachoididae, Lutjanus vitta, Scorpaenidae, Boreogadus saida, Trisopterus minutus, Barbourisia rufa, Mullidae, Pelates quadrilineatus, Centrolabrus exoletus, Percarina demidoffi, Caproidae, Archosargus rhomboidalis, Lepidorhombus boscii, Harengula thrissina, Liza saliens, Ariomma indica, Spicara smaris, Citharidae, Clupea pallasii, Hemiramphus balao, Gymnocephalus cernuus, Diplodus annularis, Mugil incilis, Grammoplites suppositus, Acanthurus sohal, Petromyzontidae, Ctenolabrus rupestris, Macroramphosus scolopax, Nemipterus randalli, Acanthuridae, Diplodus argenteus, Channichthys rhinoceratus, Centriscops humerosus, Symphodus melops, Coelorinchus chilensis, Isopisthus parvipinnis, Bothidae, Uranoscopus scaber, Decapterus spp, Sillago sihama, Cyttus novaezealandiae, Rioraja agassizi, Cephalopholis fulva, Lepidoperca pulchella, Soleidae, Crenidens crenidens, Xyrichtys novacula, Stromateidae, Pterygotrigla picta, Clupeoidei, Citharichthys sordidus, Lile stolifera, Aphia minuta, Nematalosa nasus, Bothus pantherinus, Ostraciidae, Trachinidae, Conodon nobilis, Priacanthus macracanthus, Selar crumenophthalmus, Mulloidichthys flavolineatus, Oblada melanura, Larimus breviceps, Gerres oblongus, Exocoetidae, Mugil curema, Cephalopholis hemistiktos, Serranus cabrilla, Apogonidae, Amphichthys cryptocentrus, Scomberoides tol, Cephalopholis miniata, Lutjanus quinquelineatus, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Mullus argentinae, Sebastes viviparus, Engraulis mordax, Cottidae, Engraulidae, Tetraodontidae, Myctophidae, Gerres oyena, Ammodytes spp, Pomadasys stridens, Dicologlossa cuneata, Atherinidae, Oligoplites refulgens, Gadiculus argenteus, Monacanthidae, Lethrinus borbonicus, Menidia menidia, Hemiramphus brasiliensis, Caesionidae, Spicara maena, Stromateus brasiliensis, Atule mate, Cheilodactylus variegatus, Peprilus paru, Rhabdosargus haffara, Epinephelus merra, Decapterus russelli, Amblygaster sirm, Selene peruviana, Diapterus auratus, Argentina sphyraena, Gerres nigri, Pagellus acarne, Bregmaceros mcclellandi, Encrasicholina punctifer, Etrumeus teres, Cynoscion jamaicensis, Eutrigla gurnardus, Trisopterus luscus, Dentex angolensis, Trachurus lathami, Pennahia anea, Sillaginidae, Synodontidae, Benthosema pterotum, Liza klunzingeri, Boops boops, Ilisha africana, Maurolicus muelleri, Pentanemus quinquarius, Coregonus albula, Chloroscombrus orqueta, Nemipterus japonicus, Chirocentrus nudus, Brachydeuterus auritus, Anodontostoma chacunda, Nemipteridae, Dussumieria acuta, Drepane africana, Mullus surmuletus, Decapterus macrosoma, Urophycis brasiliensis, Opisthonema oglinum, Triglidae, Isacia conceptionis, Pellona ditchela, Macrodon ancylodon, Lactarius lactarius, Brama australis, Konosirus punctatus, Cynoglossidae, Gobiidae, Sprattus fuegensis, Patagonotothen ramsayi, Mullus barbatus, Capros aper, Cephalopholis boenak, Clupanodon thrissa, Pseudotolithus elongatus, Mene maculata, Sardinella aurita, Sardinops caeruleus, Micromesistius australis, Umbrina canosai, Leiognathidae, Ethmidium maculatum, Limanda limanda, Sardinella spp, Harpadon nehereus, Normanichthys crockeri, Selaroides leptolepis, Engraulis anchoita, Sardinella gibbosa, Trachurus spp, Rastrelliger kanagurta, Pennahia argentata, Sardinella lemuru, Ilisha elongata, Sardinella longiceps, Etrumeus whiteheadi, Sprattus sprattus, Rastrelliger brachysoma, Opisthonema libertate, Sardinella maderensis, Cetengraulis mysticetus, Tenualosa ilisha, Engraulis encrasicolus, Ethmalosa fimbriata, Ammodytes personatus, Larimichthys polyactis, Merluccius productus, Sardina pilchardus, Strangomera bentincki, Cololabis saira, Micromesistius poutassou, Engraulis japonicus, Engraulis ringens, Sardinops sagax, Sardinops melanostictus, Mallotus villosus, Clupea harengus, Sardinops ocellatus, Brevoortia patronus, Trisopterus esmarkii, Anchoa nasus, Trachurus japonicus, Stephanolepis cirrhifer, Pseudopentaceros wheeleri, Clupeonella cultriventris, Decapterus maruadsi, Electrona carlsbergi, Moridae, Arctoscopus japonicus, Alosa pseudoharengus, Lampanyctodes hectoris, Gerreidae, Patagonotothen brevicauda, Synagrops japonicus, Sardinella zunasi, Hypoptychus dybowskii, Psenopsis anomala, Chlorophthalmidae, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Caranx rhonchus, Zoarces viviparus, Nemipterus virgatus, Peprilus triacanthus, Pagellus bellottii, Trachurus trachurus, Brevoortia tyrannus, Trachurus murphyi
    ornamentals Ornamental saltwater fish, Ornamental fish nei
    seaweeds [Chondracanthus chamissoi], [Porphyra columbina], [Spirulina maxima], Aquatic plants nei, Babberlocks, Bright green nori, Dark green nori, Sea lettuces nei, Brown seaweeds, Caulerpa seaweeds, [Meristotheca senegalense], Dulse, Elkhorn sea moss, Eucheuma seaweeds nei, Fragile codium, Fusiform sargassum, Gelidium seaweeds, Giant kelp, Gracilaria seaweeds, Green laver, Harpoon seaweeds, Japanese isinglass, Japanese kelp, Kelp nei, Laver (Nori), Mozuku, Nori nei, Red seaweeds, Sea belt, Seaweeds nei, Spiny eucheuma, Tangle, Wakame, Wakame nei, Warty gracilaria, Giant kelps nei, Green seaweeds, Coarse seagrape, [Sargassum spp], Spirulina nei, [Dunaliella salina], [Capsosiphon fulvescens], Slender wart weed

    The status of the seaweeds and ornamentals categories, \(P_c\), were calculated as:

    \[ P_c = { H }_{ c }\ast { S }_{ c } , (Eq. 6.15) \] where, \(H_{c}\) is the harvest level for a category relative to its own peak reference point and \(S_{c}\) is the sustainability of that commodity.

    For seaweeds and ornamental fish we calculated \(H_{c}\) as the most recent harvest (in metric tons) per region relative to the maximum harvest ever achieved in that region, under the assumption that the maximum achieved at any point in time was likely the maximum possible. This creates a reference point internal to each country. We rescaled these values from 0-1, with the peak harvest set to 1.0.

    For fish oil and fish meal, we used the same methods to calculate the status as our fisheries sub-goal, only we subsetted the species (Table 6.12) to those species that contribute to fish oil and fish meal (methods for our fisheries sub-goal can be found in section 6.6.1). The tonnes of harvest of fish oil and fish meal species were multiplied by 0.9 to reflect the proportion of catch among these taxa going to production of feed or oil.

    Although we do not know actual sustainable levels of harvest for ornamentals, \(S_{p}\), in each region, we estimated it based on exposure and risk components:

    \[ S_{c} = 1- average({ E_c+R_c }), (Eq. 6.16) \]

    where \({E_c}\) is the exposure term and \({R_c}\) is the risk term for ornamentals.

    The exposure term, \(E_c\), is the ln-transformed intensity of harvest for ornamental fish calculated as tonnes of harvest per km2 of coral and rocky reef, relative to the global maximum. We ln transformed the harvest intensity scores because the distribution of values was highly skewed; because we do not know the true threshold of sustainable harvest, nearly all values would be considered highly sustainable without the log transformation. To estimate rocky reef extent area (km2) we used data from Halpern et al. (2008) (Halpern et al. 2008), which assumes rocky reef habitat exists in all cells within 1 km of shore. Coral extent area (km2) are from UNEP-WCMC et al. (2018) (UNEP-WCMC et al. 2018).

    The risk term, \(R_c\), is based on whether ornamental fishing has unsustainable harvest practices. In specific, we used the intensity of cyanide and dynamite fishing as a proxy. Risk for ornamental fish was set based on assessments of cyanide or dynamite fishing by Reefs at Risk Revisited (www.wri.org/publication/reefs-at-risk-revisited) under the assumption that most ornamental fishes are harvested from coral reefs.

    For seaweed commodity sustainability, we used the mariculture sustainability scores represented in the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch aquaculture recommendations (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022). Ten mariculture practice criteria from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations contributed to the sustainability of mariculture (data quality, effluent, habitat risk, chemical use, feed, escapes, disease, source of stock, predator and wildlife mortalities, and escape of secondary species). These criteria represent the internal mariculture practices with the potential to affect the long term sustainability of the mariculture system. Scores for each assessment criterion were aggregated and averaged. All country average scores were then rescaled from 0 to 1 using the maximum possible raw SFW score of 10 and minimum of 1. The sustainability score for seaweeds in the Seafood Watch recommendations was a global score, 0.79, which was applied to the seaweed harvest. Seaweed is widely regarded as a very sustainable aquaculture harvest, however, it does poorly on 3 of the 10 criteria that Seafood Watch uses, bringing its average down to 0.79. In specific, it scores poorly on the data quality (having robust and up-to-date information on production practices and their impacts available for analysis), escapes (preventing population-level impacts to wild species or other ecosystem-level impacts from farm escapes), and habitat (maintaining the functionality of ecological valuable habitat) criteria.

    The fish oil commodity sustainability was estimated using the B/Bmsy values which were calculated in our fisheries sub-goal (section 6.6.1).

    To estimate the status score, \(x_{np}\), for each region and year we took the weighted average of the individual product scores, \(P_c\), such that:

    \[ x_{np} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ c=1 }^{ N }{ { P }_{ c }\ast { w }_{ c } } }{ { { N } } }, (Eq. 6.17) \]

    where \({N}\) is the number of product categories, \(c\), that were harvested, and \(w_{c}\) is the relative contribution of each product to the overall status of the goal. \(w_c\) was calculated as the ratio of the 5-year average maximum US dollar value for a product (from the smoothed, gap-filled FAO commodities data) across all years of data for the product, relative to the 5-year average sum of maximum values for all products harvested in the country.

    If a product had a peak value, but was missing a harvest value for that product in a given year, we used \(w_{c} = 0\) during the aggregation for that year.

    Because dollar values were not present in the data that was used for seaweeds and fish oil, we relied on the FAO global commodities dataset to obtain these, which we used to calculate \(w_c\) for each category (Table 6.13).

    Table 6.13. Natural product categories. List of FAO products included in each of the three natural product categories used for determining natural product weights.

    Commodity Subcategory
    fish oil Alaska pollock oil, nei, Anchoveta oil, Capelin oil, Clupeoid oils, nei, Cod liver oil, Fish body oils, nei, Fish liver oils, nei, Gadoid liver oils, nei, Hake liver oil, Halibuts, liver oils, Herring oil, Jack mackerel oil, Menhaden oil, Pilchard oil, Redfish oil, Sardine oil, Shark liver oil, Shark oil, Squid oil, Pelagic fish oils, nei, Gadiformes, oil, nei, Demersal fish oils, nei, Alaska pollock, oil, nei, Aquatic animals, oils and fats, nei, Oils and fats of aquatic animals, nei
    ornamentals Ornamental saltwater fish, Ornamental fish nei
    seaweeds Agar agar in powder, Agar agar in strips, Agar agar nei, Carrageen (Chondrus crispus), Kelp, Kelp meal, Other brown algae (laminaria, eisenia/ecklonia), Other inedible seaweeds, Seaweeds and other algae, unfit for human consumption, nei, Other red algae, Other seaweeds and aquatic plants and products thereof, Seaweeds and other algae, fit for human consumption, nei

    There are several important caveats about the natural product status model. First, our approach for ornamentals is supply (export) based. If declining demand for ornamentals causes a decline in production, the producing country’s score declines even if it could (sustainably) produce more. Similarly, if a country chose to reduce or halt production of ornamentals in order to improve conservation or sustainability, its score would decline. Second, we do not have Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) estimates for seaweeds or ornamental fish production. When such estimates become available in the future they can easily be incorporated. These scenarios may lead to decreases in the score for a region despite maintenance or even improvement of the sustainable harvest of natural products. Finally, our estimate of the sustainability of the harvest practices of ornamental fish are likely overly optimistic. For example, fishing for ornamental trade often employs unsustainable techniques such as cyanide fishing, but we have few data to inform such an estimate of sustainability in the status calculation for ornamental fish.

    This model requires both harvest tonnes and value data. However, because of inconsistencies with how data are reported to FAO, there are many cases where harvest data but no value data are reported, and vice versa. We gapfilled these data because otherwise these mismatches in reporting would result in losing real data, especially for producing the weight contributions of each natural product commodity. We used a linear regression model to estimate missing tonnes or US dollar values (Frazier et al. 2016). For countries that never harvested a product, we assumed they cannot produce it and treat that as a ‘no data’ rather than a zero value. For countries that harvested a product at any point in time, empty values are treated as zeros since the country has the capacity to harvest that product. Trend

    Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

    Status and trend

    Habitat extent of rocky reef (hab_rockyreef_extent): Area of rocky reef habitat

    Seaweed mariculture sustainability score (np_seaweed_sust): Seaweed mariculture sustainability based on the Mariculture Sustainability Index (MSI)

    Fish oil and fish meal score (np_fofm_scores): Score based on the amount of sustainably and unsustainably caught forage fish used for fish oil and fish meal. Penalties are assigned for both under harvest and over harvested based on B/Bmsy estimates.

    Risk of harvest practices for ornamental fish (np_risk_orn): Based on whether ornamental fishing has unsustainable harvest practices (i.e., the intensity of cyanide fishing for ornamental fish, and any harvest of corals since they are CITES protected species). Risk for ornamental fish was set based on assessments of cyanide or dynamite fishing by Reefs at Risk Revisited (www.wri.org/publication/reefs-at-risk-revisited) under the assumption that most ornamental fishes are harvested from coral reefs.

    Exposure of ornamental fishing to coral and rocky reef habitats (np_exposure_orn): The ln-transformed intensity of harvest calculated as tonnes of harvest per km2?of coral and/or rocky reef for ornamentals, relative to the global maxiumum.

    Relative natural product harvest value (np_harvest_product_weight): Relative importance of three marine commodities (fish oil, seaweeds ornamental fish) within each region determined by finding the relative contribution per a 5 year average of harvest (in USD) divided by the total 5 year average harvest value (in USD) per each commodity within each region.

    Seaweed natural product harvest (np_seaweed_tonnes): Yield in metric tonnes of seaweed

    Relative ornamental natural product harvest tonnes (np_orn_tonnes_relative): Tonnes of harvest of ornamentals relative to maximum harvest of the ornamentals within the region observed across years


    Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

    Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

    Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

    UV radiation (cc_uv): Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies

    High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_lb): Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Low bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_lb): Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

    Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_sb): Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling)

    Chemical pollution (po_chemicals): Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Nutrient pollution (po_nutrients): Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

    Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

    Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness (fp_artisanal): Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes

    Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

    EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

    CITES signatories (g_cites): Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) signatories

    Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

    Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_coast): Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score)

    EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

    Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Measure of coastal ecological integrity (species_diversity_3nm): Marine species condition (same calculation and data as the species subgoal status score) calculated within 3 nm of shoreline as a proxy for ecological integrity

    Measure of ecological integrity (species_diversity_eez): Marine species condition (species subgoal status score) as a proxy for ecological integrity

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    6.9 Sense of Place

    This goal attempts to capture the aspects of the coastal and marine system that people value as part of their cultural identity. This definition includes people living near the ocean and those who live far from it but still derive a sense of identity or value from knowing particular places or species exist. This goal is calculated using two equally weighted subgoals: iconic species and lasting special places.

    6.9.1 Iconic species (subgoal of sense of place)

    Iconic species are those that are relevant to local cultural identity through their relationship to one or more of the following: 1) traditional activities such as fishing, hunting or commerce; 2) local ethnic or religious practices; 3) existence value; and 4) locally-recognized aesthetic value (e.g., touristic attractions/common subjects for art such as whales). Ultimately, almost any species can be iconic to someone, and so the intent with this goal was to focus on those species widely seen as iconic from a cultural or existence value (rather than a livelihoods or extractive reason). Habitat-forming species were not included, nor were species harvested solely for economic or utilitarian purposes (even though they may be iconic to a sector or individual). Current status

    The status of this sub-goal, \(x_{ico}\), is the average of status scores of the iconic species in each region based on their IUCN Red List threat categories (IUCN 2022a):

    \[ x_{ico} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum_{ i=EX }^{ LC }{ S_{i}\times w_{i} } }{ \displaystyle\sum_{ i=EX }^{ LC }{ S_{i} } }, (Eq. 6.18) \]

    where for each IUCN threat category \(i\), \(S_{i}\) is the number of assessed species and \(w_{i}\) is the status (Table 6.3) following the methods described by Butchart et al. (2007). This formulation gives partial credit to species that still exist but are in one of the other threat categories. The reference point is to have the risk status of all assessed species as Least Concern (i.e., a goal score = 1.0). Species that have not been assessed or labeled as data deficient are not included in the calculation.

    The list of iconic species was drawn from several data sources (Table 6.3, IUCN extinction risk), but primarily from the World Wildlife Fund’s global and regional lists for Priority Species (especially important to people for their health, livelihoods, and/or culture) and Flagship Species (‘charismatic’ and/or well-known). Many lists exist for globally important, threatened, endemic, etc. species, but in all cases it is not clear if or to what extent these species represent culturally iconic species. The World Wildlife Fund is the only data source that included cultural reasons for listing iconic species. Although, iconic species vary largely among regions, we include little regional information in our list (i.e., the same list is applied to nearly all regions). Our ultimate goal is to develop a more region-specific iconic species list. Trend

    We calculate trend using data the IUCN provides for current and past assessments of species, which we use to create a time series of average risk status for species within each region. Because IUCN assessments are generally infrequent for any given species, we derive the trend as the annual change in risk status for each species across the previous twenty years, rather than a five-year window typical of other goals, and include only taxa with two or more IUCN assessments within the past 20 years. Data

    Status and trend

    IUCN extinction risk (ico_spp_iucn_status): IUCN extinction risk category for iconic species located within each region


    Ocean acidification (cc_acid): Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds

    Sea surface temperature (cc_sst): Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events

    High bycatch due to artisanal fishing (fp_art_hb): Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    High bycatch due to commercial fishing (fp_com_hb): Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP

    Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles (fp_targetharvest): Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles

    Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

    Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

    Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity (fp_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

    Minderoo Global Fishing Index (fp_fish_management): Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation

    Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness (fp_artisanal): Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes

    EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) (fp_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

    CITES signatories (g_cites): Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) signatories

    Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

    EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) (hd_mpa_eez): Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ)

    Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Measure of ecological integrity (species_diversity_eez): Marine species condition (species subgoal status score) as a proxy for ecological integrity

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    6.9.2 Lasting special places (subgoal of sense of place)

    The lasting special places sub-goal focuses on geographic locations that hold particular value for aesthetic, spiritual, cultural, recreational or existence reasons (TRC 2004). This sub-goal is particularly hard to quantify. Ideally one would survey every community around the world to determine the top list of special places, and then assess how those locations are faring relative to a desired state (e.g., protected or well managed). The reality is that such lists do not exist. Instead, we assume areas that are protected indicate special places (i.e., the effort to protect them suggests they are important places). Clearly this is an imperfect assumption but in many cases it will be true.

    The identification of protected areas does not indicate the proportion of special places in a region that are protected. To solve this problem we make two important assumptions. First, we assume that all countries have roughly the same percentage of their coastal waters and coastline that qualify as lasting special places. In other words, they all have the same reference target (as a percentage of the total area). Second, we assume that the target reference level is 30% of area protected (Hughes 2003). Current status

    We calculate the status of this goal as:

    \[ x_{lsp} = \frac { \left( \frac{\%_{CMPA}}{\%_{Ref_{CMPA}}} + \frac {\%_{CP}}{\%_{Ref_{CP}}} \right) }{ 2 }, (Eq. 6.19) \]

    where, \(\%_{CMPA}\) is the proportion of coastal marine protected area, \(\%_{CP}\) is the proportion of coastline protected, and \(\%_{Ref} = 30%\) for both measures.

    We focus only on coastal waters (within 3 nautical miles of shore) for marine special places because we assume lasting special places are primarily in coastal areas. For coastlines, we focus only on the first 1-km-wide strip of land as a way to increase the likelihood that the area being protected by terrestrial parks is connected to the marine system in some way.

    We use the United Nation’s World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) to identify protected areas (UNEP-WCMC and IUCN 2022). The WDPA aggregates several key databases: IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas, Global Marine Protected Areas, UNESCO World Heritage Marine sites, National Parks and Nature Reserves, and the United Nations List of Protected Places. In most cases the year of designation is listed for each protected area. Trend

    Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

    Status and trend

    Inland coastal protected areas (lsp_prot_area_inland1km): Protected areas located 1 km inland

    Offshore coastal protected areas (lsp_prot_area_offshore3nm): Protected areas located 3nm offshore

    Inland 1km area (rgn_area_inland1km): Inland area of OHI regions within 1km of shoreline

    Offshore 3nm area (rgn_area_offshore3nm): Offshore area of OHI regions within 3nm of shoreline


    Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

    Intertidal habitat destruction (hd_intertidal): Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction

    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction (hd_subtidal_hb): Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction

    Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

    Nonindigenous species (sp_alien): Measure of harmful invasive species

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity (hd_habitat): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions

    Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    6.10 Tourism and recreation

    The tourism and recreation goal aims to capture the number of people, and the quality of their experience, visiting coastal and marine areas and attractions. Although coastal tourism industries can be important contributors to coastal economies, the tourism and recreation goal is assessed separately from its economic benefits, which are reported in the coastal livelihoods and economies goal. Few non-economic indicators of tourism and recreation exist at the global scale, consequently, we use employment in the tourism sector as a reasonable proxy measure for the total number of people engaged in coastal tourism and recreation activities. Employment within this sector should respond dynamically to the number of people participating in tourist activities, based on the assumption that the number of hotel employees, travel agents and employees of other affiliated professions will increase or decrease with changing tourism demand within different regions. Current status

    The model for the status of the tourism & recreation goal, \(x_{tr}\), is:

    \[ x_{tr} = \frac{ T_r }{ T_{90th}}, (Eq. 6.20) \]

    where, \(T_{90th}\) is the \(T_r\) value of the region value that corresponds to the 90th quantile, and:

    \[ T_{r} = { E }\times { S }, (Eq. 6.21) \]

    where, \(E\) is the proportion of employees directly involved in the travel and tourism industry, and \(S\) is sustainability.

    Ideally there would be data available specifically for employment, \(E\), in coastal tourism industries, however the best data available at a global scale reports the proportion of the workforce directly employed in tourism, not just coastal jobs (WEF; WTTC). Because we do not know how employment patterns vary geographically within sectors for each region, we assume that the proportion employed in the tourism industry is the same in coastal areas as it is away from the coast, and thus \(E\) is the same whether applied solely to coastal areas or to the entire region.

    The WTTC data include jobs for both leisure and business that are directly connected to the tourism industry, including accommodation services, food and beverage services, retail trade, transportation services, and cultural, sports and recreational services, but exclude investment industries and suppliers. Unfortunately it was not possible to determine the proportion of jobs affiliated with strictly leisure tourism. However, some (unknown) proportion of business travelers also enjoy the coast for leisure during their visit to coastal areas, such that we assumed all travel and tourism employment was related to tourism and recreation values. Regional applications of the Index can make use of better-resolved data and more direct measures of tourism, as has been done within the US West Coast (Halpern et al. 2014), where data for participation in coastal recreational activities across 19 different sectors were available.

    Measures of sustainability are data from the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) . This index measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the Travel and Tourism (T&T) sector, which in turn contributes to the development of a country.” The index is comprised of five subindexes 17 pillars and 112 individual indicators, distributed among the different pillars. We use scores for the Travel and Tourism Sustainability Subindex which encompasses three pillars:

    Pillar 15: Environmental Sustainability

    • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita
    • Renewable energy
    • Global Climate Risk Index
    • Investment in green energy and infrastructure
    • Particulate matter (2.5) concentration
    • Baseline water stress
    • Red List Index
    • Forest cover loss
    • Wastewater treatment
    • Clean ocean water
    • Number of environmental treaty ratifications
    • Adequate protection for nature
    • Oversight of production impact on the environment and nature
    • Total protected areas coverage
    • Average proportion of key bio

    Pillar 16: Socioeconomic Resilience and Conditions

    • Poverty rate
    • Social protection basic coverage
    • Social protection spending
    • Not in education, employment or training (NEET) ratio
    • Equal workforce opportunities
    • Workers’ rights
    • Gender Inequality Index

    Pillar 17: Travel and Tourism Demand Pressure and Impact

    • T&T GDP multiplier
    • Inbound length of stay
    • Seasonality of international tourist arrivals
    • Concentration of interest in cultural attractions
    • Concentration of interest in nature attractions
    • Geographically dispersed tourism
    • Quality of town and city centre

    The sustainability factor, \(S\), is the Travel and Tourism Sustainability Subindex score, which is the unweighted average of its three component pillars. Missing sustainability data were gapfilled using per capita GDP (World Bank data with gaps filled using CIA data) based on a linear regression model. For regions without per capita GDP data, remaining missing data were gapfilled using averages of UN geopolitical regions, (Nations 2013c) with sustainability data. Trend

    Trend was calculated as described in section 5.3.1. Data

    Status and trend

    Percent direct employment in tourism (tr_jobs_pct_tourism): Percent direct employment in tourism

    Tourism sustainability index (tr_sustainability): Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)


    Sea level rise (cc_slr): Pressure due to rising mean sea level

    Coastal chemical pollution (po_chemicals_3nm): Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution)

    Coastal nutrient pollution (po_nutrients_3nm): Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption

    Pathogen pollution (po_pathogens): Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution

    Marine plastics (po_trash): Global marine plastic pollution

    Weakness of social progress (ss_spi): Inverse of Social Progress Index scores

    Weakness of governance (ss_wgi): Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores


    Management of waters to preserve biodiversity (po_water): Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions

    Social Progress Index (res_spi): Social Progress Index scores

    Strength of governance (wgi_all): World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores

    7 Description of data layers

    7.0.1 Tables describing data layers (Table 7.1) and sources (Table 7.2)

    Table 7.1. Data layers of 2022 global OHI assessment A brief overview of all the data layers used to calculate the global OHI. The “Data layer” variable provides links to a full description of the data layer. The “Description” variable provides link/s to the data preparation scripts (when available). See Table 7.2 for a description of the data sources used to create these data layers.

    Layer Description Dimension References Updates
    Artisanal fisheries sustainability Score based on the amount of sustainably and unsustainably caught artisanal fisheries, based on B/Bmsy values. (data prep 1, data prep 2) AO Pauly et al. (2020); RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (2021) additional year of data (2019)
    Artisanal fisheries opportunity The opportunity for artisanal and recreational fishing based on the quality of management of the small-scale fishing sector (data prep) AO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2022) additional year of data
    Economic need for artisanal fishing Inverse of per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) adjusted gross domestic product (GDP): GDPpcPPP as a proxy for subsistence fishing need (data prep) AO World Bank (2022) additional year of GDP data (2021)
    Habitat extent of coral Area of coral habitat (data prep) CP UNEP-WCMC et al. (2018) none
    Habitat extent of kelp Area of kelp habitat (data prep) CP Jayathilake & Costello (2020) none
    Habitat extent of seaice Area of seaice (edge and shoreline) habitat (data prep) CP Cavalieri et al. (1996) additional year of data (2021)
    Habitat condition of coral Current condition of coral habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CP, HAB Bruno & Selig (2007); Schutte et al. (2010) none
    Habitat condition trend of coral Estimated trend in coral condition (data prep) CP, HAB Bruno & Selig (2007); Schutte et al. (2010) none
    Habitat condition of kelp Current condition of kelp habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CP, HAB Jayathilake & Costello (2020); Wernberg et al. (2019) none
    Habitat condition trend of kelp Estimated trend in kelp condition (data prep) CP, HAB Spalding et al. (2007); Krumhansl et al. (2016) none
    Habitat condition of seaice Current condition of seaice habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CP, HAB Cavalieri et al. (1996) none
    Habitat condition trend of seaice Estimated trend in seaice condition (data prep) CP, HAB Cavalieri et al. (1996) additional year of data (2021)
    Habitat extent of tidal flat Area of tidal flat habitat (data prep) CS Murray et al. (2019) new data layer
    Habitat extent of mangrove Area of mangrove habitat (data prep) CS, CP Bunting et al. (2022) updated data: https://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/45
    Habitat extent of saltmarsh Area of saltmarsh habitat (data prep) CS, CP Mcowen et al. (2017) none
    Habitat extent of seagrass Area of seagrass habitat (data prep) CS, CP UNEP-WCMC & Short (2005) none
    Habitat condition of tidal flat Current condition of tidal flat habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CS, HAB Murray et al. (2019) new data layer
    Habitat trend of tidal flat Estimated trend in tidal flat condition (data prep) CS, HAB Murray et al. (2019) new data layer
    Habitat condition of mangrove Current condition of mangrove habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP Nations (2007) updated data: https://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/45; now calculated using 2020 extents as current
    Habitat condition trend of mangrove Estimated trend in mangrove condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP Bunting et al. (2022) updated data: https://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/45
    Habitat condition of saltmarsh Current condition of saltmarsh habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP Mcowen et al. (2017) none
    Habitat condition trend of saltmarsh Estimated trend in saltmarsh condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP Duarte et al. (2008) none
    Habitat condition of seagrass Current condition of seagrass habitat relative to historical condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP IUCN (2021); Short et al. (2011); Waycott et al. (2009) none
    Habitat condition trend of seagrass Estimated trend in seagrass condition (data prep) CS, HAB, CP IUCN (2021); Short et al. (2011); Waycott et al. (2009) none
    Chemical pollution trend Trends in chemical pollution, based on commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution) within EEZ (data prep) CW Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015a); Homer et al. (2004); Nations (2016) none
    Nutrient pollution trend Trends in nutrient pollution, using crop fertilizer and manure consumption as a proxy for nutrient pollution (data prep) CW Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015a); Homer et al. (2004); United Nations (2022c); United Nations (2021); Tuholske et al. (2021); Halpern et al. (2022) additional year of data (2020)
    Pathogen pollution trend Trends in percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution (data prep) CW WHO-UNICEF (2021) none
    Plastic trash trends Trends in trash estimated using improperly disposed of plastics (data prep) CW Jambeck et al. (2015) none
    Coastal chemical pollution Modeled chemical pollution within 3nm of coastline from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution) (data prep) CW, pressure Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015b); Homer et al. (2004); Nations (2016) none
    Coastal nutrient pollution Modeled nutrient pollution within 3nm based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption (data prep) CW, pressure Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015b); United Nations (2022c); United Nations (2021); Tuholske et al. (2021); Halpern et al. (2022) additional year of data (2020)
    Pathogen pollution Percent of population without access to improved sanitation facilities as a proxy for pathogen pollution (data prep) CW, pressure WHO-UNICEF (2021) none
    Marine plastics Global marine plastic pollution (data prep) CW, pressure Eriksen et al. (2014) none
    Economic status scores Calculated using corrected revenue data for several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013) (data prep) ECO Kaufmann et al. (2010); O’Connor et al. (2009); Nations (2013b); Nations (2013a); Nations (2012); Bank (2016) none
    Economic trend scores Calculated using change in revenue for several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013) (data prep) ECO Kaufmann et al. (2010); O’Connor et al. (2009); Nations (2013b); Nations (2013a); Nations (2012); Bank (2014a); Bank (2016) none
    Sectors in each region Proportion of jobs within each marine sector (data prep) ECO, LIV France (2011); O’Connor et al. (2009); Thorbourne (2011); communication (2011); WTTC (2013) none
    B/Bmsy estimates The ratio of fish population abundance compared to the abundance required to deliver maximum sustainable yield (RAM and catch-MSY data) (data prep 1, data prep 2, data prep 3) FIS Anderson (2018); Free (2017); Martell & Froese (2013); RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (2021); Ricard et al. (2012); Rosenberg et al. (2014); Pauly et al. (2020) additional year of data (2019)
    Fishery catch data Mean commercial catch for each OHI region (averaged across years) (data prep 1, data prep 2) FIS Froehlich (2018); Pauly et al. (2020) additional year of data (2019)
    Food provision weights Proportion of wild caught fisheries relative to total food production (e.g., fisheries and mariculture) (data prep) FP Pauly et al. (2020); United Nations (2022a) additional year of data
    Habitat condition of softbottom Current condition of softbottom habitat, based on demersal destructive fishing practices (e.g., trawling) (data prep) HAB Watson (2019); Halpern et al. (2015a); ‘Global fishing watch data download portal’ (2022) new data source
    Habitat condition trend of softbottom Estimated change in softbottom condition, based on trends in demersal destructive fishing practices (e.g., trawling) (data prep) HAB Watson (2019); Halpern et al. (2015a); ‘Global fishing watch data download portal’ (2022) new data source
    IUCN extinction risk IUCN extinction risk category for iconic species located within each region (data prep) ICO Halpern et al. (2012); IUCN (2022a) updated iucn redlist classifications with 2022-1 assessment
    Livelihood status scores Calculated using adjusted job and wage data in several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013) (data prep) LIV France (2011); Kaufmann et al. (2010); O’Connor et al. (2009); Oostendorp & Freeman (2012); Thorbourne (2011); communication (2011); Bank (2014a); Bank (2014b); Bank (2016); WTTC (2013) none
    Livelihood trend scores Calculated using change in adjusted job and wage data in several marine sectors (data not updated since 2013) (data prep) LIV France (2011); Kaufmann et al. (2010); O’Connor et al. (2009); Oostendorp & Freeman (2012); Thorbourne (2011); communication (2011); Bank (2014b); Bank (2016); Bank (2014c); WTTC (2013) none
    Inland coastal protected areas Protected areas located 1 km inland (data prep) LSP Lewis et al. (2017); UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data (2022)
    Offshore coastal protected areas Protected areas located 3nm offshore (data prep) LSP Lewis et al. (2017); UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data (2022)
    Inland 1km area Inland area of OHI regions within 1km of shoreline (data prep) LSP Claus et al. (2012); Esri (2010); Halpern et al. (2012); Halpern et al. (2015b) none
    Offshore 3nm area Offshore area of OHI regions within 3nm of shoreline (data prep) LSP Claus et al. (2012); Esri (2010); Halpern et al. (2012); Halpern et al. (2015b) none
    Potential tonnes of mariculture harvest Tonnes of mariculture harvest potential for each region based on biological variables and growth performance indices. Taken from Gentry et al. 2017 and adopted for the OHI. (data prep) MAR Gentry et al. (2017) none
    Mariculture harvest Tonnes of mariculture harvest (data prep) MAR United Nations (2022a) additional year of data (2020)
    Mariculture sustainability score Mariculture sustainability based on the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations. (data prep) MAR Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch (2022) additional year of data (2022)
    Habitat extent of rocky reef Area of rocky reef habitat (data prep) NP Halpern et al. (2008) none
    Exposure of ornamental fishing to coral and rocky reef habitats The ln-transformed intensity of harvest calculated as tonnes of harvest per km2?of coral and/or rocky reef for ornamentals, relative to the global maxiumum. (data prep) NP UN-FAO (2022); Burke et al. (2011); Halpern et al. (2008) additional year of data (2019)
    Fish oil and fish meal score Score based on the amount of sustainably and unsustainably caught forage fish used for fish oil and fish meal. Penalties are assigned for both under harvest and over harvested based on B/Bmsy estimates. (data prep) NP Pauly et al. (2020); Froehlich (2018); RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (2021) additional year of data (2019)
    Relative natural product harvest value Relative importance of three marine commodities (fish oil, seaweeds ornamental fish) within each region determined by finding the relative contribution per a 5 year average of harvest (in USD) divided by the total 5 year average harvest value (in USD) per each commodity within each region. (data prep) NP UN-FAO (2022) updated with additional year of data
    Relative ornamental natural product harvest tonnes Tonnes of harvest of ornamentals relative to maximum harvest of the ornamentals within the region observed across years (data prep) NP UN-FAO (2022) additional year of data (2019)
    Risk of harvest practices for ornamental fish Based on whether ornamental fishing has unsustainable harvest practices (i.e., the intensity of cyanide fishing for ornamental fish, and any harvest of corals since they are CITES protected species). Risk for ornamental fish was set based on assessments of cyanide or dynamite fishing by Reefs at Risk Revisited (www.wri.org/publication/reefs-at-risk-revisited) under the assumption that most ornamental fishes are harvested from coral reefs. (data prep) NP UN-FAO (2022); Burke et al. (2011) additional year of data (2019)
    Seaweed mariculture sustainability score Seaweed mariculture sustainability based on the Mariculture Sustainability Index (MSI) (data prep) NP Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch (2022) additional year of data (2022)
    Seaweed natural product harvest Yield in metric tonnes of seaweed (data prep) NP United Nations (2022a) additional year of data (2020)
    Ocean acidification Pressure due to increasing ocean acidification, scaled using biological thresholds (data prep) pressure Feely et al. (2009) none
    Sea level rise Pressure due to rising mean sea level (data prep) pressure AVISO (2022) additional year of data (2020)
    Sea surface temperature Presure due to increasing extreme sea surface temperature events (data prep) pressure Saha et al. (2018) additional year of data (2021)
    UV radiation Pressure due to increasing frequency of UV anomolies (data prep) pressure Jari Hovila (2013) additional year of data (2021)
    High bycatch due to artisanal fishing Pressure due to artisanal high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP (data prep 1, data prep 2) pressure Behrenfeld & Falkowski (1997); O’Malley; Watson (2019) none
    Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing Pressure due to artisanal low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP (data prep 1, data prep 2) pressure Behrenfeld & Falkowski (1997); O’Malley; Watson (2019) none
    High bycatch due to commercial fishing Pressure due to industrial high bycatch fishing identified by discard tonnes and standardized by NPP (data prep 1, data prep 2) pressure Behrenfeld & Falkowski (1997); O’Malley; Watson (2019) none
    Low bycatch due to commercial fishing Pressure due to industrial low bycatch fishing identified by reported and IUU tonnes and standardized by NPP (data prep 1, data prep 2) pressure Behrenfeld & Falkowski (1997); O’Malley; Watson (2019) none
    Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles (data prep) pressure United Nations (2022b) additional year of data (2020)
    Coral harvest pressure Pressure on coral due to harvesting as a natural product (data prep) pressure @ unep-wcmc2018global additional year of data (2019)
    Intertidal habitat destruction Coastal population density (25 mi from shore) as a proxy for intertidal habitat destruction (data prep) pressure Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) et al. (2000) none
    Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction Presence of blast fishing as an estimate of subtidal hard bottom habitat destruction (data prep) pressure Burke et al. (2011) none
    Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction Pressure on soft-bottom habitats due to demersal destructive commercial fishing practices (e.g., trawling) (data prep) pressure Halpern et al. (2015a); Watson (2019); ‘Global fishing watch data download portal’ (2022) new data source
    Chemical pollution Modeled chemical pollution within EEZ from commercial shipping traffic, ports and harbors, land-based pesticide use (organic pollution), and urban runoff (inorganic pollution) (data prep) pressure Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015b); Homer et al. (2004); Nations (2016) none
    Nutrient pollution Modeled nutrient pollution within EEZ based on crop fertilizer and manure consumption (data prep) pressure Halpern et al. (2008); Halpern et al. (2015b); United Nations (2022c); United Nations (2021); Tuholske et al. (2021); Halpern et al. (2022) additional year of data (2020)
    Nonindigenous species Measure of harmful invasive species (data prep) pressure Pagad et al. (2018) new data source, Global Resister of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS)
    Genetic escapes Introduced mariculture species (Mariculture Sustainability Index) as a proxy for genetic escapes (data prep) pressure Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch (2022) additional year of FAO mariculture yield data (2020); and updated escapes data from Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations (2022)
    Weakness of social progress Inverse of Social Progress Index scores (data prep) pressure Social Progress Index (2021); Stern et al. (2021) additional year of data (2022)
    Weakness of governance Inverse of World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores (data prep) pressure Kaufmann et al. (2010); WorldBank (2021) additional year of data (2021)
    Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness Quality of management of small-scale fishing for artisanal and recreational purposes (data prep) resilience Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2022) additional year of data
    Minderoo Global Fishing Index Country scale fisheries governance capacity based on policy and objectives, management capacity, information availability and monitoring, level and control of access to fisheries resources, compliance management system, and stakeholder engagement and participation (data prep) resilience Travaille et al. (2022) new data source
    Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions (data prep) resilience Biological Diversity (2005) none
    Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score) (data prep) resilience Lewis et al. (2017); UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data
    EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ) (data prep) resilience Lewis et al. (2017); UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data
    CITES signatories Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) signatories (data prep) resilience CITES (2015) none
    Management of tourism to preserve biodiversity Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: tourism related questions (data prep) resilience Biological Diversity (2005) none
    Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: habitat related questions (data prep) resilience Biological Diversity (2005) none
    Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation) Protected marine areas within 3nm of coastline (lasting special places goal status score) (data prep) resilience Lewis et al. (2017); UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data
    EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation) Protected marine areas within EEZ (lasting special places calculation applied to the entire EEZ) (data prep) resilience UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) additional year of data
    Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) Competitiveness in achieving sustained economic prosperity (data prep) resilience Schwab (2017) none
    Economic diversity Sector evenness based on Shannon’s Diversity Index calculated on the proportion of jobs in each sector as a measure of economic diversity (data prep) resilience France (2011); O’Connor et al. (2009); Thorbourne (2011); communication (2011); WTTC (2013) none
    Management of waters to preserve biodiversity Survey responses by country to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report: clean water management related questions (data prep) resilience Biological Diversity (2005) none
    Social Progress Index Social Progress Index scores (data prep) resilience Social Progress Index (2021); Stern et al. (2021) additional year of data (2022)
    Measure of coastal ecological integrity Marine species condition (same calculation and data as the species subgoal status score) calculated within 3 nm of shoreline as a proxy for ecological integrity (data prep) resilience BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2020); IUCN (2022b); IUCN (2022a) updated iucn redlist classifications with 2022-1 assessment
    Measure of ecological integrity Marine species condition (species subgoal status score) as a proxy for ecological integrity (data prep) resilience BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2020); IUCN (2022b); IUCN (2022a) updated iucn redlist classifications with 2022-1 assessment
    Strength of governance World Governance Indicators (WGI) six combined scores (data prep) resilience Kaufmann et al. (2010); WorldBank (2021) additional year of data (2021)
    Region areas based on EEZ boundaries Area of Ocean Health Index regions modified from exclusive economic zones, weights used to calculate global score (data prep) spatial Claus et al. (2012); Esri (2010); Halpern et al. (2012); Halpern et al. (2015b) none
    OHI region id Subset of regions that are not deleted or disputed (data prep) spatial Claus et al. (2012); Esri (2010); Halpern et al. (2012); Halpern et al. (2015b) none
    Regions Regions by type (eez, subocean, unclaimed) (data prep) spatial Claus et al. (2012); Esri (2010); Halpern et al. (2012); Halpern et al. (2015b) none
    Uninhabited regions Regions with low and no number of inhabitants (also identifies Southern Islands) (data prep) spatial none
    Average species condition Overall measure of species condition based on IUCN status of species within each region (data prep) SPP BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2020); IUCN (2022b); IUCN (2022a) updated iucn redlist classifications with 2022-1 assessment
    Average species condition trend Overall measure of species condition trends based on change in IUCN status of species within each region (data prep) SPP BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2020); IUCN (2022b); IUCN (2022a) updated iucn redlist classifications with 2022-1 assessment
    Percent direct employment in tourism Percent direct employment in tourism (data prep) TR WTTC new data sources: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Travel_Tourism_Development_2021.pdf; https://wttc.org/Research/Economic-Impact
    Tourism sustainability index Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) (data prep) TR WEF new data source: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Travel_Tourism_Development_2021.pdf
    Coastal protection weights Habitat extent multiplied by habitat protection rank for: coral, mangrove (offshore and inland), saltmarsh, sea ice (shoreline), and seagrass (empty dataframe filled by functions.R in ohi-global) (data prep) weighting Tallis et al. (2011) none
    Carbon storage weights Habitat extent multiplied by carbon storage capacity for: mangrove, saltmarsh, and seagrass (empty dataframe filled by functions.R in ohi-global) (data prep) weighting Chen & Lee (2022) updated carbon accumulation rates
    Habitat presence/absence List of habitats in each region (empty dataframe filled by functions.R in ohi-global) (data prep) weighting none

    Table 7.2. Data sources used to create data layers for 2022 global OHI assessment A brief overview of the data sources used to calculate the global OHI.

    Reference Description Years Resolution Updated
    Anderson (2018) Methods: Data-limited stocks assessments
    AVISO (2022) Net change in sea level during the time series 1993-2020 0.25 deg y
    Behrenfeld & Falkowski (1997) Net Primary Productivity
    BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World (2020) Status and distribution of marine bird species 2020 National n
    Mcowen et al. (2017) Global salt marsh extent and condition 1973-2015 Global n
    Duarte et al. (2008) Global salt marsh trend Global n
    Bruno & Selig (2007) Global coral condition 2002,1980-2009,2006 0.5 km; 1 km; Sites (points) n
    Bunting et al. (2022) Global mangrove habitat extent based on satellite imagery — used to calculate mangrove extent and trend 1996-2020 Polygons rasterized to 1km y, new datasource
    Burke et al. (2011) Presence of artisanal blast and poison (cyanide) fishing practices 2009 10 km n
    Burke et al. (2011) Global coral condition and trend 2002,1980-2009,2006 0.5 km; 1 km; Sites (points) n
    Cavalieri et al. (1996) Sea ice extent, condition and trend; edge and shoreline metrics 1979-2021 25 km y
    Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) et al. (2000) Raster data of human population 2000-2020 30 arcsec n
    CITES (2015) Countries that signed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 2017 National n
    Claus et al. (2012) Land and ocean areas for OHI land and eez regions 2013 1 km n
    Biological Diversity (2005) Convention on Biological Diversity: Data from Third National Report for regulation of alien species, habitat, mariculture, tourism, and water to preserve biodiversity 2005 National n
    Crotti & Marshall (2019) Sustainability of the travel and tourism industry 2019 National n
    France (2011) La Rance (France) and Annapolis (Canada) tidal plants employment data 2003-2010 Points (sites) n
    Eriksen et al. (2014) Plastic trash pollution in ocean 2014 0.2 deg n
    Esri (2010) Land and ocean areas for OHI land and eez regions 2013 1 km n
    Feely et al. (2009) Change in aragonite saturation state (ASS) levels 2005-2020 1 deg n
    Free (2017) Maps of fish stock boundaries for the original RAM Myers stock-recruit database 2017 Stock n
    Gentry et al. (2017) Aquaculture potential for finfish and bivalves. 2017 0.0083 deg n
    Halpern et al. (2008) Modeled pollution from urban runoff from impervious surfaces 2000 1 km n
    Halpern et al. (2008) Modeled pollution from pesticides 1990-2013 1 km (FAO data is National) n
    Halpern et al. (2008) Modeled pollution from shipping and ports 2003/2011 1 km n
    Halpern et al. (2008) Modeled N input from fertilizer use as a proxy for nutrient pollution 1990-2013 1 km (FAO data is National) n
    Halpern et al. (2008) Global rocky reef habitat extent 2005 2 arcmin; Points n
    Halpern et al. (2015a) Global soft-bottom subtidal habitat extent 2001-2005 0.5 deg n
    Halpern et al. (2012) WWF Priority and Flagship Species Lists 2011 Global; National n
    Halpern et al. (2012) Land and ocean areas for OHI land and eez regions 2013 1 km n
    Halpern et al. (2015b) Land and ocean areas for OHI land and eez regions 2013 1 km n
    Halpern et al. (2015a) Modeled pollution from shipping and ports 2003/2011 1 km n
    Bunting et al. (2022) Global mangrove habitat extent and trend, from remote sensing and assessments 1996-2016 Polygons rasterized to 1km n
    Homer et al. (2004) Modeled pollution from urban runoff from impervious surfaces 2000 1 km n
    IUCN (2022a) IUCN Red List of threatened species by category; sub-population status for iconic species 1965-2022 National y
    IUCN (2022b) IUCN spatial distribution 2022 Polygons rasterized to 0.5 deg y
    IUCN (2021) IUCN spatial distribution 2021 Polygons rasterized to 0.5 deg n
    Jambeck et al. (2015) Trends in mismanaged plastic waste for 2010 and projected for 2025 as a proxy for trash trends 2010-2025 (projected) National n
    Jari Hovila (2013) Anomalies in intensity of ultraviolet (UV) radiation 2005-20201 1 deg y
    Kaufmann et al. (2010) Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption n
    Chen & Lee (2022) Carbon sequestration by habitat 2022 habitat y, new datasource
    Lewis et al. (2017) Location and area of marine and terrestrial protected areas manual n
    Martell & Froese (2013) Methods: Data-limited stock assessments n
    Melnychuk et al. (2017) Management index of the world’s marine fisheries 2018 National n
    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2022) Management effectiveness and access of artisanal fisheries 2018-2022 National y
    Saha et al. (2018) Sea surface temperature anomalies 1982-2021 4 km y
    O’Connor et al. (2009) Jobs based on number of whale watchers in a country and a regional average number of whale watchers per employee. Includes all marine mammal watching. 1998-2008 National n
    O’Connor et al. (2009) Total revenue from marine mammal watching 1998-2008 National n
    O’Malley Net Primary Productivity website 2003-2015 0.083 deg n
    Oostendorp & Freeman (2012) Occupations within commercial fishing, ports and harbors, ship and boat building, tourism, and transportation and shipping 1989-2008 National n
    RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (2021) Stock assesment scores data 1950-2024 Stock n
    Ricard et al. (2012) Stock assesment RAM data, paper n
    Rosenberg et al. (2014) Methods: Data-limited stocks assessments n
    Schutte et al. (2010) Global coral change in condition 2002,1980-2009,2006 0.5 km; 1 km; Sites (points) n
    Schwab (2017) Composite measure of 12 aspects of economic competitiveness 2007-2017 National n
    Short et al. (2011) Global seagrass habitat trend and change in condition 1975-2010 1 km, National n
    UNEP-WCMC & Short (2005) Global seagrass habitat extent 1934-2020 Spatial cell scale n
    Social Progress Index (2021) Index measuring quality of life indicators 2011-2022 National y
    Stern et al. (2021) Methods: Index measuring quality of life indicators
    Tallis et al. (2011) Ranks of coastal protection provided by habitats 2011 habitat n
    Thorbourne (2011) La Rance (France) and Annapolis (Canada) tidal plants employment data 2003-2010 Points (sites) n
    Travaille et al. (2022) Regional fisheries governance scores based on various metrics of government capacity to improve fisheries 2021 National y, new datasource
    ‘Global fishing watch data download portal’ (2022) Global Datasets of AIS-based Fishing Effort and Vessel Presence 2012-2020 0.01 deg y, new datasource
    UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) Location and area of marine and terrestrial protected areas 1819-2021 Shapefile y
    UN-FAO (2022) Export tonnes and value (US dollars) and of coral, ornamental fish, fish oil, sponges, shells, and seaweeds and plants 1976-2019 National y
    Nations (2013b) Total revenue from commercial marine fishing 1997-2007 National n
    Nations (2013b) Total revenue from mariculture production of marine species 1977-2011 National n
    Nations (2013a) Revenue of Aquarium Trade Fishing derived from commodities database 1984-2009 National n
    Nations (2016) Pesticide application data 1990-2013 1 km (FAO data is National) n
    United Nations (2021) N excreted in manure data 2005-2019 1km (FAO data is National
    United Nations (2022c) Fertilizer application data 2005-2020 1 km (FAO data is National) y
    United Nations (2022a) Production of finfish, seaweeds, and invertebrates 1950-2020 National y
    United Nations (2022b) Catch statistics for fisheries taxa 1950-2020 National y
    United Nations (2022b) Catch statistics for cetaceans and marine turtles 1950-2020 National y
    communication (2011) Global Number of Fishers, commercial fishing 1990-2008 National n
    communication (2011) Global Number of Fishers, aquaculture 1993-2008 National n
    Nations (2012) Total revenue from marine renewable energy 1990/2001-2010/2008 National n
    Nations (2007) Global mangrove extents estimated by the FAO and used to define reference points for mangrove condition 1980/1990/2000/2005 Country n
    Pauly et al. (2020) Fisheries catch by species and country 1950-2018 National n
    Watson (2019) Fisheries catch by species and gear type (tonnes/km2) 1950-2017 0.5 deg n
    Waycott et al. (2009) Global seagrass habitat change in condition and trends 1879-2007 1 km, National n
    WEF Index that measures the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the Travel and Tourism sector 2019-2021 National y, new datasource
    WHO-UNICEF (2021) Percent population without access to improved sanitation facilities 2000-2020 National
    Bank (2014a) Gross Domestic Product; Adjustment to all revenue data layers to factor out global economic fluctuations, in 2012 $USD 1960-2012 National n
    World Bank (2022) Per capita purchasing power parity (PPP) adjusted gross domestic product (GDP): GDPpcPPP 1990-2021 National y
    Bank (2014b) Number of people aged 15 and older who could contribute to the production of goods and services 1990-2011 National n
    Bank (2016) Census populations for countries 1990-2012 National n
    Bank (2014c) Percent of the labor force unemployed but able to and looking for work 1990-2011 National n
    WorldBank (2021) Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption 1996-2021 National y
    WTTC Economic and employment impact of Travel & Tourism for 185 countries/economies 2019-2021 National y, new datasource
    WTTC (2013) Total contribution of tourism to employment 1988-2012 National n
    WTTC (2013) Total tourism revenue by country, adjusted by country’s relative proportion of coastal area 1998-2012 National n
    WTTC (2019) Employment directly linked to travel and tourism sectors (hotels, transportation, services) 1988-2019 National n
    Froehlich (2018) Avoiding the ecological limits of forage fish for fed aquaculture 2018 Stock n
    Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch (2022) Scores for the sustainability of seafood 2022 Stock y
    UNEP-WCMC et al. (2018) Global Distribution of Coral Reefs 1954 - 2018 National n
    Jayathilake & Costello (2020) A modeled global distribution of the kelp biome; kelp extent, kelp health 1900-2020 Polygons rasterized to 1km n
    Wernberg et al. (2019) Global kelp forest condition 1969-2019 Global n
    Spalding et al. (2007) Classification of the world’s marine ecoregions 2007 Ecoregion
    Krumhansl et al. (2016) Global kelp trends 1983-2012 National n
    Tuholske et al. (2021) Global wastewater methods n
    Halpern et al. (2022) Global food systems crop and livestock maps, and excess nutrient methdos 1km n
    Murray et al. (2019) Global tidal flat habitat extent and trend, from remote sensing 1984-2016 30m y, new datasource
    Pagad et al. (2018) Global country level count of introduced and invasive species 1999-2019 National y, new datasource
    Palomares & Pauly (2022) Global online database similar to FishBase, containing information about non-fish marine organisms, such as taxonomy, marine species distribution, and ecology, to be used to conduct biodiversity and ecosystem studies 0.5 deg
    Froese & Pauly (2022) Global biodiversity information system on finfishes, provides a wide range of information on all species currently known in the world: taxonomy, biology, trophic ecology, life history, and uses, as well as historical data reaching back to 250 years 0.5 deg
    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (2015) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations major fishing areas 1999-2022
    UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2022) The most comprehensive global database on terrestrial and marine protected areas 1800 - 2021 500m y

    7.1 Artisanal fisheries management effectiveness



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: fishing

    See Artisanal fisheries opportunity data layer for information about data and methods.


    scaled 0-1

    7.2 Artisanal fisheries opportunity


    This layer represents the opportunity for artisanal and recreational fishing in each country based on the quality of management of the small-scale fishing sector. Global data were extracted from United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UN SDG) 14.b.1. UN SDG 14.b.1 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2022). FAO member country responses to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) (Table 6.1) survey questionnaire which is circulated by FAO every two years to members and IGOs and INGOs and are on a scale from 0 to 1.

    Questions from UN SDG 14.b.1 that were used to evaluate access to artisanal scale fishing:

    • Are there any laws, regulations, policies, plans or strategies that specifically target or address the small-scale fisheries sector?
    Yes No
    Other (please specify)
    • The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) were endorsed by COFI in June 2014. Does your country have a specific initiative to implement the SSF Guidelines?


    scaled 0-1

    7.3 Artisanal fisheries sustainability


    These data are used to estimate the sustainability of artisanal fishing practices. Artisanal and subsistence fishing scores were calculated from Sea Around Us catch data (Pauly et al. 2020) and the RAM Legacy Database http://ramlegacy.org/. For this layer, nearly identical methods were used as in the fisheries sub-goal calculations. Instead of producing scores for all global fish stocks, we only produced scores for catch that is denoted as artisanal and subsistence catch in the Sea Around Us catch data.


    scaled 0-1

    7.4 Average species condition


    See Species goal for calculations.

    These are the status data for the species subgoal, calculated using the species model. These data describe the average condition of species within each region based on risk status from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (http://www.iucnredlist.org/) (IUCN 2022a) and BirdLife International (http://datazone.birdlife.org) (BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World 2020; IUCN 2022b) data.

    We include only species from comprehensively assessed groups (groups with >90% of species assessed) to help control for sampling bias. We found that some regions (e.g., Atlantic) had assessments for a much larger proportion of species than other regions, but this problem was less pronounced when we only included comprehensively assessed species.

    These data incorporate regional IUCN assessment information when possible (i.e., when a species’ IUCN status varies geographically).


    status score

    7.5 Average species condition trend


    See Species goal for calculations.

    These are the trend data for the species subgoal. These data describe changes in species condition within each region based on historical changes in risk status from IUCN Red List of Threatened Species http://www.iucnredlist.org/) [(IUCN 2022a ; BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World 2020; IUCN 2022b).


    trend score

    7.6 B/Bmsy estimates


    Status of global fish stocks based on B/Bmsy values (the ratio of population biomass compared to the biomass required to deliver maximum sustainable yield). We preferentially used B/Bmsy estimates from formal stock assessments from the
    RAM Legacy Database http://ramlegacy.org/ (RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database 2021). We assigned the stocks to OHI and FAO regions using Free (2017) spatial data describing the range of each stock. When a stock was missing the most recent years of data, carried over the most recent year after 2010 to estimate the missing years.

    When RAM data were unavailable, we use the data-limited catch-MSY model (Martell & Froese 2013) to estimate B/Bmsy values using yearly fish catch reconstruction data. For the catch-MSY model, we defined a stock as a species caught within an FAO major fishing area (www.fao.org/fishery/area/search/en). This definition of a stock eliminated all taxa not identified to species level. This approach assumes that stocks are defined by FAO region, which we know is often not true because multiple stocks of the same species can exist within an FAO region and some stocks cover multiple FAO regions. However, this assumption is necessary without range maps of stocks. The catch data were summed for each species/FAO region/year, and the catch-MSY model was applied to each stock and FAO region to estimate B/Bmsy.



    7.7 Carbon storage weights


    This layer describes the relative value of the habitats in each region to carbon storage, and is calculated by multiplying the habitat extent (km2) in each region by the amount of carbon the habitat sequesters (Chen & Lee 2022).

    Data is generated in ohi-global/eez/conf/functions.R.

    These data are called internally by ohicore functions (see: conf/config.R to see how these data are specified) to weight the data used to calculate pressure and resilience values.

    Table 7.3. Carbon storage weights

    Habitat carbon storage Sequestration (weight)
    Mangrove 230.9
    Saltmarsh 244.7
    Seagrass 138
    Tidal flat 129.8



    7.8 Chemical pollution



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    This pressure layer is calculated using modeled data for land-based organic pollution (pesticide data), land-based inorganic pollution (using impermeable surfaces as a proxy), and ocean pollution (shipping and ports). These global data are provided at ~1km resolution, with raster values scaled from 0-1 (Halpern et al. 2008, 2015). To obtain the final pressure values, the three raster layers were summed (with cell values capped at 1). Land-based organic pollution

    Data were calculated using modeled plumes of land-based pesticide pollution that provide intensity of pollution at 1km2 resolution (Halpern et al. 2008).

    Organic pollution was estimated from FAO data on annual country-level pesticide use (http://faostat3.fao.org/faostat-gateway/go/to/browse/R/*/E) (Nations 2016), measured in metric tons of active ingredients. FAO uses survey methods to measure quantities of pesticides applied to crops and seeds in the agriculture sector, including insecticides, mineral oils, herbicides, fungicides, seed treatments insecticides, seed treatments fungicides, plant growth regulators and rodenticides. Missing values were estimated by regression between fertilizer and pesticides when possible, and when not possible with agricultural GDP as a proxy. Data were summed across all pesticide compounds and reported in metric tons. Upon inspection the data included multiple 0 values that are most likely data gaps in the time-series, so they were treated as such and replaced with NA. In addition, regions with only 1 data point and regions where the most recent data point was prior to 2005 were excluded. Uninhabited countries were assumed to have no pesticide use and thus excluded.

    Region-level pollution values were then dasymetrically distributed over a region’s landscape using global landcover data from 2009, derived from the MODIS satellite data at ~500m resolution. These values were then aggregated by ~140,000 global basins, and diffusive plumes were modeled from each basin’s pourpoint. The final non-zero plumes (about ~76,000) were aggregated into ~1km Mollweide (wgs84) projection rasters to produce a single plume-aggregated pollution raster.

    These raw values were then ln(X+1) transformed and normalized to 0-1 by dividing by the 99.99th quantile of raster values across all years. The zonal mean was then calculated for each region. Land-based inorganic pollution

    These data are from Halpern et al. (2008, 2015), and available from Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB, https://knb.ecoinformatics.org/#view/doi:10.5063/F19021PC, rescaled_2013_inorganic_mol). Non-point source inorganic pollution was modeled with global 1 km2 impervious surface area data http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/dmsp/ under the assumption that most of this pollution comes from urban runoff. These data will not capture point-sources of pollution or nonpoint sources where paved roads do not exist (e.g., select places in developing countries). Values were aggregated to the watershed and distributed to the pour point (i.e., stream and river mouths) for the watershed with raster statistics (i.e., aggregation by watershed). Ocean pollution (shipping lanes, ports)

    These data are from Halpern et al. (2015a), and available from the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB, https://knb.ecoinformatics.org/#view/doi:10.5063/F1DR2SDD, rescaled_2013_one_ocean_pollution_mol). Ocean-based pollution combines commercial shipping traffic data and port data.

    Shipping data was obtained from two sources: (1) Over the past 20 years, 10-20% of the vessel fleet has voluntarily participated in collecting meteorological data for the open ocean, which includes location at the time of measurement, as part of the Volunteer Observing System (VOS). (2) In order to improve maritime safety, in 2002 the International Maritime Organization SOLAS agreement required all vessels over 300 gross tonnage (GT) and vessels carrying passengers to equip Automatic Identification System (AIS) transceivers, which use the Global Positioning System (GPS) to precisely locate vessels.

    Port data was based on the volume (measured in tonnes) of goods transported through commercial ports as a proxy measure of port traffic. Total cargo volume data by port was collected from regional and national statistical organizations, and from published port rankings.


    scaled 0-1

    7.9 Chemical pollution trend


    See description for Chemical pollution layer.

    The inverse of the pressure data (1 - Coastal chemical pollution) was used to estimate chemical trends for the clean water goal. The proportional yearly change in chemical pressure values were estimated using a linear regression model of the most recent five years of data (i.e., slope divided by value from the earliest year included in the regression model). The slope was then multiplied by five to get the predicted change in 5 years.

    The only layer with yearly data was land-based organic pollution (pesticide data). The land-based inorganic pollution (using impermeable surfaces as a proxy) and ocean pollution (shipping and ports) remained the same across years.



    7.10 CITES signatories



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: goal

    Contracting parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES, http://www.cites.org/eng/ disc/parties/alphabet.php) (CITES 2015). The Convention is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that any international trade in plants and animals “does not threaten their survival.” All countries party to the Convention are given full credit for membership (territories are given the same score as their administrative countries); those countries that are not contracting parties are given no credit (score = 0).


    0 or 1

    7.11 Coastal chemical pollution



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    See description for Chemical pollution.

    Methods follow those described for the Chemical pollution layer. However, the rescaled data were clipped to include only pixels within 3nm offshore, and the zonal mean for each region was calculated using this subset of data.

    For the clean waters goal calculations, the inverse of the pressure values is used (1 minus chemical pressure).


    scaled 0-1

    7.12 Coastal nutrient pollution



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    See description for Nutrient pollution.

    Methods follow those described for the Nutrient pollution layer. However, the rescaled data were clipped to include only pixels within 3nm offshore, and the zonal mean for each region was calculated using this subset of data.

    For the clean waters goal calculations, the inverse of the pressure values is used (1 minus nutrient pressure).


    scaled 0-1

    7.13 Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation)



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: fishing

    These data are calculated using the lasting special places status subgoal model using total marine protected area (km2) within 3 nm offshore (see Offshore coastal protected areas layer for information about the data). Following the lasting special places model, a reference point of 30% is used, such that any region with 30%, or more, protected area receives a score of 1.


    scaled 0-1

    7.14 Coastal protected marine areas (habitat preservation)



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: habitat

    See Coastal protected marine areas (fishing preservation) for information about this layer.


    scaled 0-1

    7.15 Coastal protection weights


    This layer describes the relative value of the habitats in each region to coastal protection, and is calculated by multiplying the habitat extent (km2) in each region by the habitat protection rank.

    Data is generated in ohi-global/eez/conf/functions.R.

    These data are called internally by ohicore functions (see: conf/config.R to see how these data are specified) to weight the data used to calculate pressure and resilience values.

    Table 7.4. Coastal protection ranks

    Habitat Protection rank
    Coral 4
    Mangrove 4
    Seaice (shoreline) 4
    Saltmarsh 3
    Seagrass 1
    Kelp 1



    7.16 Coral harvest pressure



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: habitat destruction

    The total tonnes of coral harvest were determined for each region using export data from the FAO Global Commodities database (UN-FAO 2022). The tonnes of ornamental fishing was divided by the area of coral, taken from the hab_coral layer, to get the intensity of coral harvest per region. Following this, we set the reference value as the 95th quantile of coral harvest intensity. We then divided the intensity by the reference intensity. Anything that scored above 1 received a intensity pressure score of 1. To incorporate the health of the coral, we then multiplied the intensity pressure score by the health of the coral, to get the final pressure score.


    scaled 0-1

    7.17 Economic diversity



    Category: social

    Sector evenness was measured using Shannon’s Diversity Index, a common measure of ecological and economic diversity that has been applied previously to economic sectors (Attaran 1986). The Diversity Index is computed as \({ H }^{ ' }/{ H }_{ max }\) where:

    \[ { H }^{ ' } = \sum _{ i }^{ z }{ { f }_{ i }\ast } \ln { { (f }_{ i }) }, (Eq. 7.1) \]

    and Z is the total number of sectors, \(fi\) is the frequency of the ith sector (the probability that any given job belongs to the sector), and \(H_{max} = \ln { Z }\).


    scaled 0-1

    7.18 Economic need for artisanal fishing


    These data are used to estimate the need for artisanal fishing opportunities given the purchasing power parity adjusted per capita gross domestic product (ppppcgdp) in “constant” USD (World Bank, http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.KD) (World Bank 2022). The World Bank defines gdp as the gross value of all resident producers in the economy plus product taxes and minus and subsidies not included in the value of the products. The gdp is adjusted by population size to get per capita output and by purchasing power parity (ppp) to account for the difference in exchange rates between countries. ppppcgdp data were rescaled to values between zero and one by taking the natural log of the values and dividing by the 99th quantile value across all years/regions (2005 to most recent year).

    When a region is missing some years of data, a within region linear model is used to estimate the missing values.

    This is actually a measure of prosperity, but it is converted to need in the artisanal opportunities goal model (1 minus ppppcgdp).


    scaled 0-1

    7.19 Economic status scores


    This layer provides calculated status values for the economies subgoal. Economies is calculated using revenue data from marine sectors.

    Note: These data are no longer supported. Consequently, this layer was last updated in 2013, and this goal will no longer be updated with these data.

    Economies status is calculated as: (cur_base_value / ref_base_value) / (cur_adj_value / ref_adj_value)

    Where, cur_base_value is the most recent revenue values for each sector/region, and ref_base_value is the earliest year of revenue data for each sector/region. These values are adjusted by dividing by the GDP of corresponding region/year to control for larger economic trends. National GDP data were obtained from the World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ NY.GDP.MKTP.CD). For the three EEZs that fall within the China region (China, Macau, and Hong Kong), we combined the values using a population-weighted average.

    This layer includes yearly data for revenue in commercial fishing, aquarium trade fishing, mariculture, marine mammal watching, marine renewable energy, and, tourism. The data sources and methods for each sector are described below. Aquarium trade fishing

    To approximate revenue from aquarium fishing we used export data from the FAO Global Commodities database for ‘Ornamental fish’ for all available years. We used data from two of the four subcategories listed, excluding the subcategory ‘Fish for culture including ova, fingerlings, etc.’ because it is not specific to ornamental fish, and the subcategory ‘Ornamental freshwater fish’ because it is not from marine systems. Commercial fishing

    Revenue data for commercial fishing were obtained from FAO’s FishStat database, which provides yearly dollar values of commercial fisheries production for marine, brackish and freshwater species starting in 1950 and updated yearly. To isolate production values attributable to marine and brackish aquaculture, data pertaining to freshwater species were omitted. This species classification process was very time consuming as each species had to be queried individually per year. There was little year-to year variation, and thus data were extracted in 5 year increments, providing data for 1997, 2002 and 2007. Mariculture

    Data on revenues from marine aquaculture were derived from FAO’s FishStat database, which includes country-level data on total production values for marine, brackish, and freshwater species beginning in 1984 and updated yearly. To isolate production values attributable to marine and brackish aquaculture, data pertaining to freshwater species were omitted. This species classification process was very time consuming as each species had to be queried individually per year. There was little year-to year variation, and thus data were extracted in 5 year increments, providing data for 1997, 2002 and 2007. Marine mammal watching

    IFAW provides country-level data on total expenditures (including direct and indirect) attributable to the whale watching industry (O’Connor et al. 2009). Here, total expenditures are used as a close proxy for total revenue. We used total expenditure data (direct and indirect expenditures) to avoid using a literature derived multiplier effect. When IFAW reported “minimal” revenue from whale watching, we converted this description to a 0 for lack of additional information. For countries with both marine and freshwater cetacean viewing, we adjusted by the proportion of marine revenue as described for the jobs dataset. Marine renewable energy

    The United Nations Energy Statistics Database provides production data, in kilowatt-hours (KWh), for tidal and wave electricity. However, only two countries, France and Canada, have high enough levels of production to be reported in this data source. For Canada, production data were replaced with production data (Gross Megawatt hours per year from 1995-2010) provided directly from the Annapolis tidal power plant because the plant provided a longer time series (Ruth Thorbourne, personal communication, Aug 9, 2011). To convert production data into revenue, production values were multiplied by average yearly prices of electricity per KWh specific to Canada and France, provided by the US Energy Information Administration (http://www.eia.gov/emeu/international/elecprii.html; updated June 2010) after conversion to 2010 USD. Some of the production data could not be used because there were no available electricity price data to convert production into revenue, truncating our time series. Tourism

    WTTC reports dollar values of visitor exports (spending by foreign visitors) and domestic travel and tourism spending; combining these two data sets creates a proxy for total travel and tourism revenues. WTTC was chosen as the source for tourism revenue data because of the near-complete country coverage, the yearly time series component starting in 1988 and updated yearly, and the inclusion of both foreign and domestic expenditures. This dataset lumps inland and coastal/marine revenues, and so was adjusted by the percent of a country’s population within a 25 mile inland coastal zone. We included no projected data. We used total contribution to GDP data (rather than direct contribution to GDP) to avoid the use of literature derived multiplier effects.


    status 0-100

    7.20 Economic trend scores


    See Economic status scores layer for more information about data and methods.

    This layer provides calculated trend values for the economies subgoal. Economies is calculated using revenue data from marine sectors.

    Note: These data are no longer supported. Consequently, this layer was last updated in 2013, and this goal will no longer be updated with these data.


    trend -1 to 1

    7.21 EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation)



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: fishing

    These data are calculated using the lasting special places status subgoal model (except this calculation is based on the entire eez region vs. 3 nm offshore), using the total marine protected area (km2) within the offshore eez region (see the Offshore coastal protected areas layer for information about the data). Following to the lasting special places model, a reference point of 30% is used, such that any region with 30%, or more, protected area receives a score of 1.


    scaled 0-1

    7.22 EEZ protected marine areas (habitat preservation)



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: habitat

    See EEZ protected marine areas (fishing preservation) for information about this layer.


    scaled 0-1

    7.23 Exposure of ornamental fishing to coral and rocky reef habitats


    Exposure is the log transformed intensity of harvest calculated as tonnes of harvest per km2 of coral and rocky reef of ornamental fishing, relative to the global maximum. We log transformed the harvest intensity scores because the distribution of values was highly skewed; because we do not know the true threshold of sustainable harvest, nearly all values would be considered highly sustainable without the log transformation. To estimate rocky reef extent area (km2) we used data from Halpern et al. (2008), which assumes rocky reef habitat exists in all cells within 1 km of shore. Coral extent area (km2) are from UNEP-WCMC et al. (2018).


    scaled 0-1

    7.24 Fish oil and fish meal score


    Fish oil and fish meal scores from Sea Around Us catch data (Pauly et al. 2020) and the RAM Legacy Database http://ramlegacy.org/. For this layer, nearly identical methods were used as in the fisheries sub-goal calculations. Instead of producing scores for all global fish stocks, we only produced scores for those that contribute to fish oil and fish meal (Froehlich 2018). The tonnes of harvest of these species were multiplied by 0.7 to reflect the proportion of this catch used for oil or feed.


    scaled 0-1

    7.25 Fishery catch data


    Fisheries catch data describe the average catch across years (from 1980 to present) for each fish stock and region. We have traditionally included all fisheries catch in the Food Provision goal. However, a substantial portion of the catch is not used for human consumption, but rather for fish oil and fish meal used primarily for animal feed. To account for this, we excluded the proportion of catch that produce fish oil and fish meal for animal feed (0.9) from the total catch. These values were used to weight stock status scores (derived from B/Bmsy values) in the fisheries model. The Sea Around Us fisheries catch data (Pauly et al. 2020) is reported at EEZ and FAO Fishing Areas for taxonomic levels range from species to class to “Miscellaneous not identified” for each year. Tonnes of catch for each taxon and year were summed within each OHI region, and then the average catch across years (1980 to present) was determined for each taxon and region.



    7.26 Food provision weights


    To weight the relative contributions of fisheries and mariculture to the food provision goal, we calculate the tonnes of fisheries production relative to the total tonnes of food production from fisheries and mariculture.



    7.27 Genetic escapes



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: nonindigenous species

    This layer represents the potential for harmful genetic escapement based on whether the species being cultured is native or introduced. Data come from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022). Ten mariculture practice criteria from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch (SFW) Aquaculture Recommendations contributed to the sustainability of mariculture (data quality, effluent, habitat risk, chemical use, feed, escapes, disease, source of stock, predator and wildlife mortalities, and escape of secondary species). The escapes criteria was used for this layer, where a score of 1 is the lowest, and a score of 10 is the highest. The scores reflect the potential impact of genetic escapes on local biodiversity, if these species were to escape. Genetic ‘pollution’ can arise when larvae, spats or seeds escape from poorly managed hatcheries, making native species vulnerable to outbreeding depressions and/or genetic bottlenecks. All country average scores were then rescaled from 0 to 1 using the maximum possible raw SFW score of 10 and minimum of 1.

    These scores are country and species-specific, however, many country/species combinations are not assessed by SeaFood Watch. Given that each mariculture record must have a corresponding escapes score we used a series of steps to estimate escapes scores for every country and species. If a country/species match was available we used that, otherwise, we gapfilled using the following sequence:

    1. Used the global species value provided by SeaFood Watch
    2. Within a country, used average of species within the same family
    3. Within a UN geo-political region, used average of species within the same family
    4. Global, use average of species within the same family
    5. Global, use average of species within a broad taxonomic grouping (e.g., crustaceans, algae, bivalves, etc.)
    6. Finally, if these scores were not available for the categories above, we used the global average of all species.

    Seaweed or algae species were given the global seaweed escapes score provided by the Seafood Watch recommendations. We are aware that there is some bias associated with using scores derived as averages across countries because they were originally assigned to specific species-country pairs, nevertheless this is preferable to applying an escapes score solely based on a subset of the species harvested.


    scaled 0-1

    7.28 Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)



    Category: social

    The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) provides a country level assessment of competitiveness in achieving sustained economic prosperity (Schwab (2017), http://gcr.weforum.org). The GCI is a weighted index based on 12 pillars of economic competitiveness: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation. The GCI can in theory span from 1 to 7, based on this range, we rescaled the scores to range between 0 and 1. Uninhabited OHI regions are given an NA score.


    scaled 0-1

    7.29 Habitat condition of coral


    See Habitat extent of coral layer for more information.

    Coral condition was calculated using current condition data divided by reference condition. We used condition data from percent live coral cover from 12,634 surveys from 1975-2006 (Bruno & Selig 2007; Schutte et al. 2010). When multiple data points were available for the same site and year, we averaged these data, and also averaged the site data to calculate a per country per year average. However, data were missing for several countries and some countries did not have data for the reference or current year time periods or had only 1-2 surveys. Because coral cover can be highly temporally and spatially dynamic, having only a few surveys that may have been motivated by different reasons (i.e., documenting a pristine or an impacted habitat) can bias results. To calculate condition we used fitted values from a linear trend of all data per country, which was more robust to data poor situations and allowed us to take advantage of periods of intense sampling that did not always include both current and reference years. Then, we created a fitted linear model of all these data points from 1975-2010, provided that 2 or more points are in 1980-1995 and 2 or more points are in 2000-2010. We defined the ‘current’ condition (health) as the mean of the predicted values for 2008-2010, and the reference condition as the mean of the predicted values for 1985-1987. Where country data were not available, we used an average from adjacent EEZs weighted by habitat area, or a georegional average weighted by habitat area, based on countries within the same ocean basin (Figure 7.1).

    Figure 7.1. Georegions to gapfill coral reef data



    7.30 Habitat condition of kelp


    See Habitat extent of seagrass layer for more information.

    An increasing or stable trend was assigned condition = 1.0, and a decreasing trend was assigned condition = 0.64, based on a 2% global yearly loss of kelp for 50 years. There is likely to be much spatial variation that isn’t accounted for by using a global value, but we are limited by the availability of data. Data was from Status and Trends for the World’s Kelp Forests (Wernberg et al. 2019).



    7.31 Habitat condition of mangrove


    See Habitat extent of mangrove layer for more information.

    Mangrove condition was defined as the current cover divided by reference cover. 2020 extents from Global Mangrove Watch (2022) were used as current cover. Reference covers for most regions were 1980 estimates retrieved from FAO Forestry Paper 153 (Nations 2007). Regions for which 1980 estimates were not available instead used 1996 estimates from Global Mangrove Watch (2022) as reference covers.



    7.32 Habitat condition of saltmarsh


    See Habitat extent of saltmarsh layer for more information.

    Due to a severe lack of historical data, a global conservative condition score of 0.75 was given to every region based on an estimated 25%-50% loss (Mcowen et al. 2017). There is likely to be much spatial variation that isn’t accounted for by using a global value, but we are limited by the availability of data.



    7.33 Habitat condition of seagrass


    See Habitat extent of seagrass layer for more information.

    An increasing or stable trend was assigned condition = 1.0, and a decreasing trend was assigned condition = 0.71. 0.71 reflects global loss since 1879 (29% loss of known areal extent); however, most of the loss is expected to have occurred since 1990. There is likely to be much spatial variation that isn’t accounted for by using a global value, but we are limited by the availability of data. Data was from Waycott et al. (2009).



    7.34 Habitat condition of seaice


    See Habitat extent of seaice layer for more information.

    Sea-ice condition was calculated using sea-ice concentrations from the USA National Snow and Ice Data Center (Cavalieri et al. (1996); https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/seaice.html) as the current percent cover of sea-ice (average of 3 years of data) divided by the average historical percent cover, defined as the start of the data (1979) until the year 2000 as recommended by the National Snow & Ice Data Center for both sea-ice edge and sea-ice shoreline habitats.



    7.35 Habitat condition of softbottom


    See hab_softbottom_extent layer for more information.

    Soft bottom subtidal habitat condition was estimated using apparent fishing effort with demersal destructive gear types from Global Fishing Watch (‘Global fishing watch data download portal’ 2022). This data includes the apparent hours of trawling and dredging on a global scale at a 0.01 degree resolution. Global Fishing Watch combines all trawling together, so we subset annual trawling raster to just reflect bottom trawling by multiplying the annual trawling rasters by the respective annual rasters for tonnes of fisheries harvest for marine species caught with the same gear types (Watson 2019). This fisheries harvest data serves as a proxy for the proportion of bottom trawling to mid-water trawling at each location. The annual fisheries catch rasters come with a 0.5 degree resolution and were partially composed of missing values, so it was interpolated and up-sampled to 0.01 degree resolution before it was used to subset the trawling data.

    We spatially standardized the fishing effort by soft bottom habitat. We first summed rasters that represent several different types of soft bottom habitat, such as soft shelfs, sediment, and benthic mud. These rasters were sourced from Halpern et al. (2015a). We accounted for error in the soft bottom habitat labels by aggregating the cells and deriving a proportion of the soft bottom habitat over that larger area. We multiplied this soft bottom habitat raster by the fishing effort to subset it to just the demersal fishing that occurred on soft bottom habitat, while also maintaining the soft bottom habitat that is undisturbed to assign high scores to regions that are not destructive. The annual destructive fishing effort was assigned to each OHI region by spatially extracting the effort that intersected the regional EEZ polygons.

    Because the distribution of fishing effort density values for each region was extremely skewed, we took transformed them by taking the natural log using \(log(X+1)\) and then rescaled the values by dividing by the 95th quantile of density across all years and regions. Any rescaled density value greater than 1.0 was capped at 1.0. Condition was then calculated as one minus the rescaled fishing effort density for each year and region.



    7.36 Habitat condition of tidal flat


    See Habitat extent of tidal flat layer for more information.

    Tidal flat condition was defined as the current cover divided by reference cover. For current cover we use the average of the 2010 and 2013 extent. The reference cover is the average cover of 1989 and 1992.



    7.37 Habitat condition trend of coral


    See Habitat extent of coral layer for more information.

    Coral trend was calculated using condition data from 1975-2006 (Bruno & Selig 2007; Schutte et al. 2010).



    7.38 Habitat condition trend of kelp


    See Habitat extent of seagrass layer for more information.

    Trend in kelp condition was determined using “Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century” (Krumhansl et al. 2016). Krumhansl et al. (2016) calculated marine ecoregional kelp trend values using Bayesian hierarchical linear models. We extract these trends per the Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW) (Spalding et al. 2007), and a take weighted area mean to get final trends per region represented in the paper. Finally, where country data were not available, we gapfill by the georegional average.



    7.39 Habitat condition trend of mangrove


    See Habitat extent of mangrove layer for more information.

    We used Global Mangrove Watch (2022) mangrove extent data to estimate the proportional yearly change in mangrove area using a linear regression model of years from 2007 up to the year in question. This length of data is longer than we usually do (typically 5 years), but we feel we get a better estimate using this period of time. Proportional yearly change is determined by first dividing yearly extents by the extent from the earliest year in the model. Year is then regressed on those proportions, and the resulting slope is multiplied by 5 to get the predicted change in five years. The original mangrove extent data are provided yearly (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) in the form of polygons - these are subsequently rasterized to match our regions and extract the area.



    7.40 Habitat condition trend of saltmarsh


    See Habitat extent of saltmarsh layer for more information.

    A general 2% per year decerasing trend in salt marsh area was applied to every region due to a severe lack of historical data (Duarte et al. 2008). There is likely to be much spatial variation that isn’t accounted for by using a global value, but we are limited by the availability of data.



    7.41 Habitat condition trend of seagrass


    See Habitat extent of seagrass layer for more information.

    Trend in seagrass condition was determined using three data sources [Waycott et al. (2009), Short et al. (2011), IUCN (2022b)). Short et al. (2011) measured percent percent cover on a per sample, per site, per year basis, and determined species population trends (increasing, decreasing, or stable). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species also provides species population trends (increasing, decreasing, or stable). Waycott et al. (2009) measured habitat area on a per site, per year basis. We used the population trends from Short et al. (2011) and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2022a) to assign population trends to the IUCN species distribution maps (IUCN 2022b). Then we used median rate of change per year (%) from Waycott et al. (2009) (Table S2) to assign numerical trend values to each species population trend (-0.0767 for decreasing, 0 for stable, and 0.0845 for increasing). Following this we gapfill missing trends first by species family average, and then by the global seagrass average trend. We calculate the trend per OHI region using an average weighted by species distribution area. Finally, where country data were not available, we gapfill by the georegional average.



    7.42 Habitat condition trend of seaice


    See Habitat extent of seaice layer for more information.

    Trends for sea-ice edge and sea-ice shoreline habitats were calculated using sea-ice concentrations from the USA National Snow and Ice Data Center (Cavalieri et al. (1996); https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/seaice.html). The average yearly proportional change in extent was estimated using a linear regression model that included the most recent five years of data (e.g., slope estimate was divided by the extent for earliest year included in the regression model), and this value was multiplied by five to get the predicted change in 5 years. Each year of data represents a 3-year average, to smooth yearly variation.



    7.43 Habitat condition trend of softbottom


    See hab_softbottom_extent and hab_softbottom_health layers for more information.

    Trend in soft bottom subtidal condition was estimated using a linear regression model that included the most recent five years of condition data. The proportional change in condition was determined (e.g., slope estimate was divided by the condition value for earliest year included in the regression) and then multiplied by five to get the change predicted in five years.



    7.44 Habitat extent of coral


    Coral data are used to calculate coastal protection goal, habitat subgoal, and exposure variable of the natural products goal.

    Coral extent area (km2) are derived from the dataset Global Distribution of Coral Reefs (UNEP-WCMC et al. 2018).



    7.45 Habitat extent of kelp


    Kelp data are used to calculate the coastal protection goal, and the habitat subgoal.

    Kelp extent area (km2) was calculated from vector-based data from A Modelled Global Distribution of the Kelp Biome (Jayathilake & Costello 2020).



    7.46 Habitat extent of mangrove


    Mangrove data are used to calculate the coastal protection and carbon storage goals, and the habitat subgoal.

    Mangrove extents (km2) are derived from shapefiles in the Global Mangrove Watch Version 3.0 Dataset (1996 - 2020) (Bunting et al. 2022). The shapefiles contain polygons denoting mangrove covered areas. Those polygons are rasterized and then area per OHI region is calculated based on the number of cells that fall within each OHI region, including land and EEZs.



    7.47 Habitat extent of rocky reef


    Rocky reef data is used to calculate the exposure variable in the natural product goal.

    To estimate rocky reef extent area (km2) we used data from Halpern et al. (2008), which assumes rocky reef habitat exists in all cells within 1 km of shore.



    7.48 Habitat extent of saltmarsh


    Saltmarsh data are used to calculate the coastal protection and carbon storage goals, and the habitat subgoal.

    Saltmarsh extent area (km2) are derived from the dataset Global map of saltmarshes (Mcowen et al. 2017).



    7.49 Habitat extent of seagrass


    Seagrass data are used to calculate the coastal protection and carbon storage goals, and the habitat subgoal.

    Seagrass extent area (km2) was calculated from vector-based data from the Global Distribution of Seagrasses (version 7.1, UNEP-WCMC, Short FT 2021) (UNEP-WCMC & Short 2005).



    7.50 Habitat extent of seaice


    Sea-ice shoreline data are used to calculate the coastal proection goal and sea-ice edge data are used to calculate the habitat subgoal.

    Sea-ice extent area (km2) was calculated using sea-ice concentrations from the USA National Snow and Ice Data Center (Cavalieri et al. (1996); https://nsidc.org/cryosphere/quickfacts/seaice.html), which are updated yearly. These raster data are 25km in resolution (625km2 per pixel) in a Stereographic polar projection. Two sea-ice metrics are calculated using these data: sea-ice edge (pixels with 10-50% ice cover) and sea-ice shoreline (shoreline pixels with >15% ice cover). Calculations of area are based on 3-year averages (to smooth yearly variation, e.g., 2009 data is the average of 2007-2009) of the pixels meeting the habitat criteria.



    7.51 Habitat extent of softbottom


    Softbottom data is one of the variables in the habitat goal and the inverse is a habitat destruction pressure.

    Softbottom extent data is from Halpern et al. (2015a), which provides 5 different spatial files that represent soft bottom habitat, such as soft sea shelfs, sediment, and benthic mud. These files’ native resolution is approximately 934 x 934 meters.



    7.52 Habitat extent of tidal flat


    Tidal flat data are used to calculate the carbon storage goal and the habitat subgoal.

    Tidal flat extents (km2) are derived from GeoTIFF files in the Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset (Murray et al. 2019). The GeoTIFF files contain pixels denoting tidal flat covered areas. Area per OHI region is calculated based on the number of cells that fall within each OHI region, including land and EEZs.



    7.53 Habitat presence/absence


    This layer describes the habitats present in each region (based on the habitat extent data) and is called internally by ohicore functions to calculate pressure and resilience values based on the habitats present in each region.

    Data is generated in ohi-global/eez/conf/functions.R.


    0 or 1

    7.54 Habitat trend of tidal flat


    See Habitat extent of tidal flat layer for more information.

    We used the Murray Global Intertidal Change Dataset (Murray et al. 2019) tidal flat extent data to estimate the proportional yearly change in tidal flat area using a linear regression model of years from 2001 up to 2013. This length of data is longer than we usually do (typically 5 years), but we feel we get a better estimate using this period of time. Proportional yearly change is determined by regressing extent on year, and the resulting slope is divided by the extent from the earliest year in the model and multiplied by 5 to get the predicted change in five years.



    7.55 High bycatch due to artisanal fishing



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: fishing pressure

    This layer describes the relative pressure of high bycatch artisanal fishing practices for each OHI region. The fishery data (Watson 2019) describe catch (tonnes) for each species at the 0.5 degree raster global scale for both non-industrial and industrial fishing. For each raster cell, we summed catch discards from the non-industrial global catch data.

    The catch was then divided by the mean net primary productivity (mg C/m2/day) derived from monthly output from the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM, http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/, 0.5 degree global raster data) (O’Malley). Standardizing catch by primary productivity controls for the fact that similar amounts of catch impart different pressures depending on the productivity in the region.

    The layer was rescaled from 0 to 1 using the 99.99th quantile of the entire data layer across all years of data.

    To summarize at the OHI region scale, the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.56 High bycatch due to commercial fishing



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: fishing pressure

    This layer describes the relative pressure of high bycatch commercial fishing practices for each OHI region. The fishery data (Watson 2019) describe catch (tonnes) for each species and gear type at the 0.5 degree raster global scale for both non-industrial and industrial fishing. For each raster cell, we summed catch discards from the industrial global catch data.

    The catch was then divided by the mean net primary productivity (mg C/m2/day) derived from monthly output from the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM, http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/, 0.5 degree global raster data) (O’Malley). Standardizing catch by primary productivity controls for the fact that similar amounts of catch impart different pressures depending on the productivity in the region.

    The layer was rescaled from 0 to 1 using the 99.99th quantile of the entire data layer across all years of data.

    To summarize at the OHI region scale, the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.57 Inland 1km area


    See Region areas based on EEZ boundaries layer for more information.

    Area (km2) located from each region’s land-sea interface to 1 km inland.

    For coastal land areas, we extracted hi-resolution country boundary data from Esri (2010), and rasterized it with a resolution to match our land-sea interface model. We grew this raster by 50 pixels to bridge gaps between the ESRI data and our land-sea model. Area values do not include inland lakes or EEZs.



    7.58 Inland coastal protected areas


    This includes protected areas 1km inland, but otherwise follows the methods described in Offshore coastal protected areas.



    7.59 Intertidal habitat destruction



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: habitat destruction

    See **** for more information about the population data.

    Coastal population data was converted to average coastal density by dividing by the total 25 mile inland area. We then rescaled the data to have values between 0-1, by logging the density data and then dividing by the ln (maximum density) across all regions and years.


    scaled 0-1

    7.60 IUCN extinction risk


    This data layer provides the risk category and the year the species was assessed from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (http://www.iucnredlist.org/) (IUCN 2022a) for the iconic species in each region. Regionally specific IUCN risk category data for subpopulations are included where available. Trend calculations are based on the change in each species’ IUCN risk category over time, based upon past and current IUCN assessments.

    OHI defines iconic species as those relevant to local cultural identity through the species’ relationship to traditional activities such as fishing, hunting, commerce or involvement in local ethnic or religious practices; and species with locally-recognized aesthetic value (e.g., touristic attractions/common artistic subjects such as whales). Habitat forming species are excluded in this definition of iconic species. The OHI global iconic species list combines three species lists from WWF Global: global priorities, regional and local priorities, and flagship species. The criteria for including species on the WWF lists are consistent with the OHI’s definition of iconic species.

    Once the species lists were obtained, each species was assigned to a region based on native range countries from the IUCN Red List.

    Most of the iconic species are not region specific, and the global list is applied across all regions. However, some countries have developed national priority and flagship species lists in conjunction with WWF. These region-specific iconic species lists supplement the global list for those specific countries only. In addition, as countries and regions conduct OHI regional assessments (http://ohi-science.org/projects/), we will use the iconic species list developed by those countries/regions to supplement our global model. For example, iconic species identified for the Baltic Health Index regional assessment have been included for all countries bordering the Baltic Sea.

    Table 7.5. Iconic species resources

    Iconic List Source
    Priority Species https://wwf.panda.org/discover/knowledge_hub/endangered_species/
    Flagship Species https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/wildlife_practice/flagship_keystone_indicator_definition/
    Australia’s Flagship Species https://www.wwf.org.au/what-we-do/species
    Pakistan’s Priority Species https://wwf.org.pk/species/priority_species.php
    India’s Priority Species https://www.wwfindia.org/about_wwf/priority_species/
    Madagascar’s Flagship Species https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/madagascar
    Malaysia’s Flagship Species https://www.wwf.org.my/?23365/WWF-Malaysia-calls-attention-to-flagship-species-conservation-in-conjunction-with-World-Wildlife-Day


    IUCN risk category

    7.61 Livelihood status scores


    This layer provides calculated status values for the livelihoods subgoal. Livelihoods is calculated using job and wage data from marine sectors.

    Note: These data are no longer supported. Consequently, this layer was last updated in 2013, and this goal will no longer be updated with these data.

    Livelihoods status is generally calculated as: (cur_base_value / ref_base_value) / (cur_adj_value / ref_adj_value)

    Where, cur_base_value is the most recent value (i.e., jobs or wages) for each sector/region, and ref_base_value is the value for the earliest year of data for each sector/region. These values are adjusted to control for larger trends within the region. For example, jobs data for the livelihoods subgoal was adjusted by dividing by the percent employment of the corresponding year. For wage data, the adjustment was done a bit differently by multiplying wages by GDPpcPPP for each year/region to make wages comparable.

    7.61.1 Jobs

    Jobs includes yearly data for commercial fishing, mariculture, marine mammal watching, marine renewable energy, and, tourism. The data sources and methods for each sector are described below.

    Percent employment during the current status year for each sector/region is calculated as (1 - percent unemployment)*total labor force (World Bank). Jobs data for the livelihoods subgoal were adjusted by dividing by the percent employment in the corresponding year. Commercial fishing

    Data are from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Fisheries and Aquaculture Department which provides a Global Number of Fishers dataset ( http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/global-fishers/en). The data include yearly total numbers of employees in commercial fishing, subsistence fishing, and aquaculture (land- and ocean-based combined) in more than 160 countries. The dataset includes the following occupational categories: aquatic-life cultivation, inland waters fishing, marine coastal waters fishing, marine deepsea waters fishing, subsistence and unspecified. We omitted jobs with an unspecified category to avoid overestimating employment for marine fishing or aquaculture. We omitted jobs in the subsistence category since subsistence opportunities are captured by the artisanal fishing opportunity goal and in the aquatic-life cultivation category since that represents a distinct sector (see mariculture below). For commercial fishing, we eliminated inland waters fishing and summed marine coastal waters and marine deep-sea waters fishing for each country in each year. Data are reported separately for men and women, but we summed these numbers. Employment is disaggregated into full-time, parttime, occasional, and unspecified statuses. These categories are defined as full time workers having > 90% of their time or livelihood from fishing/aquaculture, part time workers are between 30-90% time (or 30-90% of their livelihood) and occasional workers are < 30% time. Unspecified status workers could fall anywhere from 0-100% time. Taking the midpoints of those ranges, we assume that 1 part time worker = 0.6 full time workers, 1 occasional worker = 0.15 full time workers, and 1 unspecified worker = 0.5 full time workers, which we used as a weighting scheme for determining total numbers of jobs. The dataset has significant gaps, but it provides the most comprehensive source of global data on commercial fishing and aquaculture employment. Mariculture

    We used the FAO Global Number of Fishers dataset (see commercial fishing above for full description) to estimate jobs for mariculture. For this sector, we used data in the aquatic-life cultivation category. Again, employment is disaggregated into full-time, part-time, occasional, and unspecified statuses and we implement a weighting scheme where full time = 1 job, part-time = 0.6, occasional = 0.15, and unspecified = 0.5. Aquatic-life cultivation includes marine, brackish and freshwater aquaculture. In order to estimate the proportion of total aquaculture jobs that can be attributed to marine and brackish aquaculture, we used country-specific proportions of marine and brackish aquaculture revenues (compared to total revenues) calculated from FAO aquaculture production data, assuming that numbers of jobs approximately scale with production in terms of revenue. For country-years with no data for the proportion of marine/brackish production because of gaps in the FAO production data, we used the proportion from the most recent year for which data were available. For countries without proportion estimates from any years, we used the average proportion from the country’s geographic region (e.g., Caribbean, Polynesia, Eastern Asia), with the exception of American Samoa, for which we used the proportion value from Guam. Marine mammal watching

    The International Fund for Animal Welfare’s (IFAW) Whale Division provides time series data on whale watching in more than 115 coastal countries (O’Connor et al 2009). This dataset may be an imperfect representation of all marine mammal watching due to its focus on whales, although it does include data for other types of marine mammal watching (e.g., dolphins). However, to our knowledge, it is the most complete dataset pertaining to the global marine mammal watching industry. We obtained regional averages of the number of whale watchers per employee, as well as the number of whale watchers in each country. Using this information, we estimated the number of whale watching jobs in each country by dividing the country’s total number of whale watchers by the average number of whale watchers per employee for that country’s region (e.g., Africa & Middle East, Europe, North America). It is important to note that data are not annual, but there are at least four years of data for each country. When IFAW reported “minimal” numbers of whale watchers, we converted this description to a 0 for lack of additional information. Because some of the whale watching in O’Connor et al. focused on freshwater cetacean viewing, we categorized the target species listed for each country as freshwater or marine. For countries with both marine and freshwater species, we categorized the whale watching in those countries as either 50% or 90% marine, based on the number of marine versus freshwater target species and information provided in the report narrative. For Colombia and Indonesia, more detailed information in the report narrative allowed for a more precise determination of the percentage of marine-based whale watching. We applied these marine proportions to data on the number of whale watchers before converting these estimates into employment estimates. Marine renewable energy

    The number of marine renewable energy jobs was determined for the two countries, France and Canada, which produce significant enough amounts of tidal energy to register with the UN Energy Statistics Database http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=EDATA&f=cmID%3aEO. For the La Rance plant in France, employment information was obtained from a recent press statement (EDF 2011); we assumed employment stayed constant over the time period for which we had production data for this plant, given relatively consistent or even growing production. For the Annopolis Royal plant in Canada, we received yearly employment information from the plant (Ruth Thorbourne, personal communication, Aug 9 2011).

    Marine renewable energy includes five major technologies: tidal barrages, marine currents, waves, ocean thermal converters and salinity gradients. However, we only include data for the largest tidal barrage plants, as these data are available. Tourism

    The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) provides data on travel and tourism’s total contribution to employment for 180 countries (http://www.wttc.org/eng/Tourism_Research/Economic_Data_Search_Tool/). Although other global data sources on tourism are available (i.e., United Nations World Tourism Organization, UNTWO), the WTTC database was chosen because it offers yearly time series data that span through the current year, it includes nearly complete coverage of all nations, and it disaggregates direct and total (direct plus indirect) employment impacts of tourism. WTTC provides projected data, however, we do not use these values. We used total employment data to avoid the use of literature derived multiplier effects. The WTTC shares a significant drawback with UNTWO data, in that data on coastal/marine and inland tourism are lumped. Therefore, a country-specific coefficient must be applied to estimate the jobs provided by coastal/marine tourism alone. We adjusted national tourism data by the proportion of a country’s population that lives within a 25 mile inland coastal zone.

    7.61.2 Wages

    Wages were multiplied by GDPpcPPP for each country/year to make values comparable.

    We used the Occupational Wages around the World (OWW) database produced by Remco H. Oostendorp and Richard B. Freeman in 2005 (http://www.nber.org/oww/). These data were drawn from the International Labour Organization and subjected to a standardization process (for more information, see http://www.nber.org/oww/Technical _document_1983-2003_standardizationv3.pdf). The database provides several different calibrations, and we use the “x3wl calibration”, described as a “country-specific and uniform calibration with lexicographic weighting,” and recommended as being the preferred calibration in most cases. Although significant gaps exist in this database, it contains country-specific information on average wages in many industries for more than 150 countries from 1983-2003. Data represent average monthly wages of a male worker. Wage data were divided by the inflation conversion factor for 2010 so that wage data across years would be comparable (http://oregonstate.edu/cla/polisci/sahr/sahr), and then multiplied by the purchasing power parity-adjusted per capita gdp (ppppcgdp, WorldBank). The adjusted wage data were then multiplied by 12 to get annual wages. We used the industry and occupation classifications reported in the OWW to estimate wages for marine-related sectors.

    Table 7.6. Occupation classification for wage data sectors

    Sector Occupation classifications
    Commercial fishing Industry: deep sea & coastal fishing;
    Occupations: deep sea fisher; inshore (coastal) maritime fisherman
    Ports & harbors Industry: supporting services to maritime transport;
    Occupation: dock worker
    Ship & boat building Industry: shipbuilding and repairing;
    Occupation: ship plater
    Tourism Industry: restaurants and hotels;
    Occupations: hotel receptionist; cook; waiter; room attendant or chambermaid.
    These data are not specific to coastal/marine tourism jobs, and thus we assumed that wages in these jobs are equal in coastal and non-coastal areas
    Transportation & shipping Industry: maritime transport;
    Occupations: ship’s chief engineer; ship’s passenger stewards; able seaman


    status 0-100

    7.62 Livelihood trend scores


    See Livelihood status scores layer for more information about data and methods.

    This layer provides calculated trend values for the livelihoods subgoal. Livelihoods is calculated using job and wage data from marine sectors.

    Note: These data are no longer supported. Consequently, this layer was last updated in 2013, and this goal will no longer be updated with these data.


    trend -1 to 1

    7.63 Low bycatch due to artisanal fishing



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: fishing pressure

    This layer describes the relative pressure of low bycatch artisanal fishing practices for each OHI region. The fishery data (Watson 2019) describe catch (tonnes) for each species at the 0.5 degree raster global scale for both non-industrial and industrial fishing. For each raster cell, we summed catch (which consisted of reported landings as well as illegal, unreported and regulated catch) from the non-industrial global catch data.

    The catch was then divided by the mean net primary productivity (mg C/m2/day) derived from monthly output from the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM, http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/, 0.5 degree global raster data) (O’Malley). Standardizing catch by primary productivity controls for the fact that similar amounts of catch impart different pressures depending on the productivity in the region.

    The layer was rescaled from 0 to 1 using the 99.99th quantile of the entire data layer across all years of data.

    To summarize at the OHI region scale, the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.64 Low bycatch due to commercial fishing



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: fishing pressure

    This layer describes the relative pressure of low bycatch commercial fishing practices for each OHI region. The fishery data (Watson 2019) describe catch (tonnes) for each species and gear type at the 0.5 degree raster global scale for both non-industrial and industrial fishing. For each raster cell, we summed catch (which consisted of reported landings as well as illegal, unreported and regulated catch) from the industrial global catch data.

    The catch was then divided by the mean net primary productivity (mg C/m2/day) derived from monthly output from the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM, http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/, 0.5 degree global raster data) (O’Malley). Standardizing catch by primary productivity controls for the fact that similar amounts of catch impart different pressures depending on the productivity in the region.

    The layer was rescaled from 0 to 1 using the 99.99th quantile of the entire data layer across all years of data.

    To summarize at the OHI region scale, the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.65 Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: fishing

    Country responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report (2010). Each question was weighted equally within each category and responses were averaged to give a score between 0 and 1 for all responding countries. The survey uses a 0 to 3 scale for questions 79 and 81, and a 0 to 2 scale for question 80, which we rescale linearly to 0 to 1.

    All countries were given credit within each of the 4 resilience measures for simply being a member of the CBD (0.5), the other 0.5 of the resilience score came from each country’s response to the specific questions within each resilience measure. In cases where the “European Union” answered yes or was a signatory, all EU25 countries were given that answer if they did not provide one themselves.

    The CBD has 193 members and 153 members responded to the Third National Survey (2005). We had data for 147 regions, and used geographical means, weighted by country area, for the remaining regions.

    Questions: 153 (a,b,c,e,g) and 158 (a,b,c,f,g,h)

    1. Do your country’s strategies and action plans include the following?
    1. Developing new marine and coastal protected areas
    2. Improving the management of existing marine and coastal protected areas
    3. Building capacity within the country for management of marine and coastal resources, including through educational programmes and targeted research initiatives
    4. Protection of areas important for reproduction, such as spawning and nursery areas
    5. Controlling excessive fishing and destructive fishing practices
    1. Which of the following statements can best describe the current status of marine and coastal protected areas in your country?
    1. Marine and coastal protected areas have been declared and gazetted
    2. Management plans for these marine and coastal protected areas have been developed with involvement of all stakeholders
    3. Effective management with enforcement and monitoring has been put in place
    4. The national system of marine and coastal protected areas includes areas managed for purpose of sustainable use, which may allow extractive activities
    5. The national system of marine and coastal protected areas includes areas which exclude extractive uses
    6. The national system of marine and coastal protected areas is surrounded by sustainable management practices over the wider marine and coastal environment.


    scaled 0-1

    7.66 Management of habitat to protect habitat biodiversity



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: habitat

    See Management of habitat to protect fisheries biodiversity layer for data and methods.


    scaled 0-1

    7.67 Management of nonindigenous species



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: nonindigenous species

    Country responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report (2010). Each question was weighted equally within each category and responses were averaged to give a score between 0 and 1 for all responding countries. The survey uses a 0 to 3 scale for questions 79 and 81, and a 0 to 2 scale for question 80, which we rescale linearly to 0 to 1.

    All countries were given credit within each of the 4 resilience measures for simply being a member of the CBD (0.5), the other 0.5 of the resilience score came from each country’s response to the specific questions within each resilience measure. In cases where the “European Union” answered yes or was a signatory, all EU25 countries were given that answer if they did not provide one themselves.

    The CBD has 193 members and 153 members responded to the Third National Survey (2005). We had data for 147 regions, and used geographical means, weighted by country area, for the remaining regions.

    Questions: 160 (b-e)

    1. Has your country put in place mechanisms to control pathways of introduction of alien species in the marine and coastal environment? Please check all that apply and elaborate on types of measures in the space below.
    1. No
    2. Mechanisms to control potential invasions from ballast water have been put in place
    3. Mechanisms to control potential invasions from hull fouling have been put in place (please provide details below)
    4. Mechanisms to control potential invasions from aquaculture have been put in place (please provide details below)
    5. Mechanisms to control potential invasions from accidental releases, such as aquarium releases, have been put in place (please provide details below)


    scaled 0-1

    7.68 Management of tourism to preserve biodiversity



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: goal

    Country responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report (2005) (United Nations Environment Program 2010). Each question was weighted equally within each category and responses were averaged to give a score between 0 and 1 for all responding countries. The survey uses a 0 to 3 scale for questions 79 and 81, and a 0 to 2 scale for question 80, which we rescale linearly to 0 to 1.

    All countries were given credit within each of the 4 resilience measures for simply being a member of the CBD (0.5), the other 0.5 of the resilience score came from each country’s response to the specific questions within each resilience measure. In cases where the “European Union” answered yes or was a signatory, all EU25 countries were given that answer if they did not provide one themselves.

    The CBD has 193 members and 153 members responded to the Third National Survey (2005). We had data for 147 regions, and used geographical means, weighted by country area, for the remaining regions.

    Questions: 79, 80, 82

    1. Has your country established mechanisms to assess, monitor and measure the impact of tourism on biodiversity?
    1. No
    2. No, but mechanisms are under development
    3. Yes, mechanisms are in place (please specify below)
    4. Yes, existing mechanisms are under review
    1. Has your country provided educational and training programmes to the tourism operators so as to increase their awareness of the impacts of tourism on biodiversity and upgrade the technical capacity at the local level to minimize the impacts?
    1. No
    2. No, but programmes are under development
    3. Yes, programmes are in place (please describe below)
    1. Does your country provide indigenous and local communities with capacity-building and financial resources to support their participation in tourism policy-making, development planning, product development and management?
    1. No
    2. No, but relevant programmes are being considered
    3. Yes, some programmes are in place
    4. Yes, comprehensive programmes are in place


    scaled 0-1

    7.69 Management of waters to preserve biodiversity



    Category: ecological/regulatory

    Subcategory: water

    Country responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Third National Report (2010). Each question was weighted equally within each category and responses were averaged to give a score between 0 and 1 for all responding countries. The survey uses a 0 to 3 scale for questions 79 and 81, and a 0 to 2 scale for question 80, which we rescale linearly to 0 to 1.

    All countries were given credit within each of the 4 resilience measures for simply being a member of the CBD (0.5), the other 0.5 of the resilience score came from each country’s response to the specific questions within each resilience measure. In cases where the “European Union” answered yes or was a signatory, all EU25 countries were given that answer if they did not provide one themselves.

    The CBD has 193 members and 153 members responded to the Third National Survey (2005). We had data for 147 regions, and used geographical means, weighted by country area, for the remaining regions.

    Questions: 153 (d,f)

    1. Do your country’s strategies and action plans include the following?
    1. Instituting improved integrated marine and coastal area management (including catchments management) in order to reduce sediment and nutrient loads into the marine environment
    2. Improving sewage and other waste treatment


    scaled 0-1

    7.70 Mariculture harvest


    Mariculture production is calculated from the FAO Global Aquaculture Production Quantity dataset (United Nations 2022a). Only production classified in the “Marine” and “Brackishwater” environments were included in the analysis (all “Freshwater” production was excluded). If species common names fit into a larger taxonomic group that was present in the existing database, or if another common name for that species was already present, the duplicate names were converted to the name already present in the database. Marine species that are not consumed as food were excluded. Non-edible seaweeds were excluded because they are included in the natural products goal. Seaweeds that are partially consumed as food were weighted with a value between 0 and 1 that represents the proportion of the yield used as food. All species produced within a country were summed to give a single production value for each country in each year that production took place. For the three EEZs that fall within the China region (China, Macau, and Hong Kong), we combined the values by summing across these EEZs.



    7.71 Mariculture sustainability score


    Ten mariculture practice criteria from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Aquaculture Recommendations (Monterey bay aquarium seafood watch 2022) contributed to the sustainability of mariculture (data quality, effluent, habitat risk, chemical use, feed, escapes, disease, source of stock, predator and wildlife mortalities, and escape of secondary species). These criteria represent the internal mariculture practices with the potential to affect the long term sustainability of the mariculture system. Scores for each assessment criterion were aggregated and averaged. All country average scores were then rescaled from 0 to 1 using the maximum raw Seafood Watch score and minimum of 0, under the assumption that the highest score is the best possible given current technologies.

    These scores are country and species-specific, however, many country/species combinations are not assessed by Seafood Watch. Given that each mariculture record must have a corresponding sustainability score we used a series of steps to estimate sustainability scores for every country and species. If a country/species match was available we used that, otherwise, we gapfilled using the following sequence: 1. Used the global species value provided by SeaFood Watch 2. Within a country, used average of species within the same family 3. Within a UN geo-political region, used average of species within the same family 4. Global, use average of species within the same family 5. Global, use average of species within a broad taxonomic grouping (e.g., crustaceans, algae, bivalves, etc.) 6. Finally, if these scores were not available for the categories above, we used the global average of all species.

    Seaweed or algae species were given the global seaweed sustainability score provided by the Seafood Watch recommendations. We are aware that there is some bias associated with using scores derived as averages across countries because they were originally assigned to specific species-country pairs, nevertheless this is preferable to applying a sustainability score solely based on a subset of the species harvested.

    Table 7.8. Mariculture sustainability criteria

    Criteria Description of practice and score scheme
    Data Poor data quality and availability limits the ability to assess and understand the impacts of aquaculture production. It also does not enable informed choices for seafood purchasers or enable businesses to be held accountable for their impacts. A score between 1 and 10 was given based on data availability, quality, and confidence.
    Effluent Aquaculture species, production systems and management methods vary in the amount of waste produced per unit of production. The combined discharge of farms, groups of farms or industries contribute to local and regional nutrient loads. A score of 1 to 10 is given based on the concern of the effluent produced from the practices.
    Habitats Aquaculture farms can be located in a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitat types and have greatly varying levels of impact to both pristine and previously modified habitats as well as to the critical “ecosystem services” they provide. Scores are based on whether they are located at sites, scales and intensities that maintain the functionality of ecologically valuable habitats.
    Chemical use Improper use of chemical treatments impacts non-target organisms and leads to production losses and human health concerns due to the development of chemical-resistant organisms. Scores are based on if facilities limit the type, frequency of use, total use, or discharge of chemicals to levels representing a low risk of impact to non-target organisms.
    Feed Feed consumption, feed type, ingredients used and the net nutritional gains or losses vary dramatically between farmed species and production systems. Producing feeds and their ingredients has complex global ecological impacts, and the efficiency of conversion can result in net food gains or dramatic net losses of nutrients. Feed use is considered to be one of the defining factors of aquaculture sustainability. Scores are based on whether facilities source sustainable feed ingredients and convert them efficiently with net edible nutrition gains.
    Escapes Competition, altered genetic composition, predation, habitat damage, spawning disruption, and other impacts on wild fish and ecosystems resulting from the escape of native, non-native and/or genetically distinct fish or other unintended species from aquaculture operations. Scores are based on whether facilities prevent population-level impacts to wild species or other ecosystem-level impacts from farm escapes.
    Disease, pathogen and parasite interaction Amplification of local pathogens and parasites on fish farms and their transmission or retransmission to local wild species that share the same water body. Scores are based on whether facilities prevent population-level impacts to wild species through the amplification and retransmission, or increased virulence of pathogens or parasites.
    Source of stock The removal of fish from wild populations for growing to harvest size in farms. Scores are based on whether facilities use eggs, larvae, or juvenile fish produced from farm-raised broodstocks thereby avoiding the need for wild capture.
    Predator and wildlife mortalities Mortality of predators or other wildlife caused or contributed to by farming operations. Scores are based on whether facilities prevent population-level impacts to predators or other species of wildlife attracted to farm sites.
    Escape of secondary species Movement of live animals resulting in introduction of unintended species. Scores are based on whether facilities avoid the potential for the accidental introduction of secondary species or pathogens resulting from the shipment of animals.


    scaled 0-1

    7.72 Marine plastics



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    Marine plastic pollution is modeled using data on the global distribution of floating marine plastics at 0.2 degree resolution (Eriksen et al. 2014). Specifically, weight of floating plastics (g/km2) across four different size classes were aggregated to represent total weight of plastic debris per km2. These data were log transformed and rescaled from 0 to 1 using the 99.99th quantile as the reference point.


    scaled 0-1

    7.73 Measure of coastal ecological integrity



    Category: ecological/ecosystem

    See Species goal for calculations.

    This value reflects the average condition of species (based on risk status from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, http://www.iucnredlist.org/) (IUCN 2022a) located within 3 nm offshore of each region based on species range maps from IUCN (shapefiles, used preferentially) (BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World 2020; IUCN 2022b) and Aquamaps (http://www.aquamaps.org/, half degree resolution rasters).


    scaled 0-1

    7.74 Measure of ecological integrity



    Category: ecological/ecosystem

    See Species goal for calculations.

    This value reflects the average condition of species (based on risk status from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, http://www.iucnredlist.org/) (IUCN 2022a) located within the eez of each region based on species range maps from IUCN (shapefiles, used preferentially) (BirdLife International and Handbook of the Birds of the World 2020; IUCN 2022b) and Aquamaps (http://www.aquamaps.org/, half degree resolution rasters).


    scaled 0-1

    7.75 Minderoo Global Fishing Index



    Category: social

    Fisheries management was determined using governance capacity data from the Minderoo Global Fishing Index (Travaille et al. 2022). This governance capacity data characterizes the development of a country’s fisheries governance system on a continuum from zero to 12, based on each country’s assessment score and balance across the Governance Conceptual Framework. The assessment score rages from 0-100 and is based on a region’s performance across 6 dimensions of fisheries governance and weights each of these dimensions unequally, based on survey responses from fisheries experts:

    Dimension Definition Weight
    Policy and objectives Assesses a country’s fisheries policy foundation and governance and management objectives 22%
    Management capacity Assesses a country’s fisheries policy foundation and governance and management objectives 14%
    Information availability and monitoring Assesses the range, quality and resolution of the fisheries information available to inform management decisions 16%
    Level and control of access to fisheries resources Assesses the extent of fishing access granted to various fleets and the tools used to regulate access across these fleets 15%
    Compliance management system Assesses the strength of a country’s fisheries compliance and enforcement program 17%
    Stakeholder engagement and participation Assesses the capacity of stakeholders, including fishers and fish processors, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research institutions and local communities, to meaningfully participate in fisheries governance and management processes 16%

    For more information about these variables and how they are calculated, see the following documentation by the Minderoo Global Fishing Index:
    - Methodology
    - Technical Documentation
    - Indicator Codebook

    To gapfill the governance capacity data, we used gross domestic product (GDP) converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP at purchaser’s prices is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources. Data are in constant international dollars based on the 2011 ICP round. We used the predict() function from the stats package to gapfill governance capacity using the GDP and United Nations geopolitical regions as predictor variables. Uninhabited regions received no score.


    scaled 0-1

    7.76 Nonindigenous species



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: nonindigenous species

    The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) is a series of country-wise checklists of introduced (naturalized) and invasive (harmful) species (Pagad et al. 2018). These data report the number and type of introduced and invasive species for each country, with species habitat listed under marine, brackish, freshwater, terrestrial, or some combination thereof. We only select species listed as marine or brackish, including those which are listed in combination with other habitat types (typically birds, plants, and insects which intersect multiple habitats). For our purposes, a weighted average of invasive species (90%) and introduced species (10%) were used to calculate the score. This split was made to account for unreliable data on the harm caused by introduced species, especially in marine environments, and to capture data inaccuracies in the overall dataset from reporting on the distinction between introduced and invasive species from individual countries. OHI regions with no data reported are gapfilled with regional averages. All values are rescaled to between 0 and 1.

    \[ Pressure = 0.1 * \frac{S_n - min(S_n)}{max(S_n) - min(S_n)} + 0.9 * \frac{S_h - min(S_h)}{max(S_h) - min(S_h)} \]


    \(S_n\) = number of introduced (naturalized) species in the region.

    \(min(S_n)\) = the minimum number of introduced (naturalized) species in all regions.

    \(max(S_n)\) = the maximum number of introduced (naturalized) species in all regions.

    \(S_h\) = number of invasive (harmful) species in the region.

    \(min(S_h)\) = the minimum number of invasive (harmful) species in all regions.

    \(max(S_h)\) = the maximum number of invasive (harmful) species in all regions.

    Predicting the full potential impact of alien species depends in large part on having high-resolution spatial information on where they exist, how far they have spread and exactly which components of the food web they affect. The data from Pagad et al. (2018) approximate these impacts but at country scales. In addition, the impacts of introduced and invasive species will vary depending on the goal under consideration. This implies that harmful effects would need to be assessed separately for each goal. Such an endeavor may be possible when applying this framework to a smaller case-study where this type of information can be acquired.


    scaled 0-1

    7.77 Nutrient pollution



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    Data were calculated using modeled plumed of land-based nitrogen pollution that provide intensity of pollution at 0.5 degree gridded resolution.

    Nitrogen pollution was estimated from FAO data on annual country level fertilizer application for agricultural use (https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/RFN; United Nations (2022c)) and country level estimates of nitrogen (N) inputs to agricultural soils from livestock manure (https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/EMN; United Nations (2021)).

    Disaggregating fertilizer application at the crop-level

    First, we extracted national fertilizer application for agricultural use from FAOSTAT (2022c) for each plant nutrient (N, P2O5, and K2O). To disaggregate national fertilizer application at the crop-level, we compiled fertilizer use by crop (FUBC) rates from the International Fertilizer Association’s (IFA) FUBC series (FAO/IFA/IFDC 2002; Heffer et al. 2017), FUBC rates provided by request. The FUBC series provides national application rates, measured in kilograms per hectare, of N, P2O5, and K2O for all crop categories. FUBC rates for 2014/15 were extracted from Heffer et al. (2017) (FUBC rates provided by request), and harmonised with general crop categories, with the exception of fodder, which is not included, and the residual category, which combines crop categories from our study that are unlikely to have similar fertilizer application rates. hence, we extracted FUBC rates for these remaining crop categories and fodder by extracting crop-specific FUBC rates from FAO (2002). While these rates are more specific at the national and crop level, they were reported between 1996-2001, which is relatively old compared to FUBC rates for 2014/15. To gapfill missing national rates for FUBC 2002, we used the mean fertilizer rate using the smallest regional mean or adopting the next largest regional mean if the smaller region had no data (UNSD — methodology’ 2020). We also allocated national fertilizer use to grasslands using 2014/15 FUBC percentages.

    To determine the proportion of fertilizer allocated by country, crop, production system, and fertilizer, we multiplied crop-specific rates by the total national harvested area of each crop and production system calculated from SPAM harvested area maps (production maps taken from Halpern et al. (2022), in review). Because the SPAM harvested area maps are only from data year 2017, the location of fertilizer use does not change across years, only relative intensity does. Fertilizer inputs to irrigated high input production systems were weighted two times higher than high-input rain-fed production systems for the same production (FAO 2005), while the two other production systems (low input and subsistence) were assigned a weight of zero as they do not require fertilizer use. The proportion of nutrient applied was calculated for each country, crop, production system, and fertilizer. We disaggregated national fertilizer application by multiplying national fertilizer with the proportions. We disaggregated national fertilizer input at the raster level by multiplying the cell-level proportion of harvested area in the country for each crop and production system with the national fertilizer use.

    Calculating excess nitrogen from synthetic fertilizer applied to crops

    Excess nutrients from crops were estimated using the proportion of N that is leached, and the proportion of N that is volatilised as NH3. We define excess nitrogen, \(N_{excess}\), as the tonnes of applied nitrogen that likely runsoffs/leaches, Nleach, or volatilizes as NH3, \(N_{{vol}_{NH3}}\), which is subsequently deposited on land and water:

    \(N_{excess} = N_{{vol}_{NH3}} + N_{leach}\)


    \(N_{leach} = N_{applied} – N_{withdrawal} – N_{nitrification/denitrification} – N_{{vol}_{NH3}}\)

    \(N_{withdrawal}\) = estimates of withdrawal of N by plants on both crops and grazed areas at supernational scale (NUE values from Bouwman et al. (2005)).

    \(N_{nitrification/denitrification}\) = estimate of N emissions through nitrification/denitrification processes (e.g., N20, NO, N2), with a global estimate of 10.2% used (Bouwman et al. 2002b; Scheer et al. 2020).

    \(N_{{vol}_{NH3}}\) = estimates of N volatilization as NH3 at supernational scale (Bouwman et al. (2002a), Table 5 summed grasslands, crops, wetland rice).

    Calculating excess nitrogen from livestock manure pathways

    We estimated for four general manure pathways (managed then spread, spread on soil, spread on pasture, left on pasture) the proportion of excreted N (United Nations 2021) that is removed by plants, volatilizes as NH3, is converted to NOx products during nitrification/denitrification, or, is lost through leaching or runoff (Fig. 7.2).

    Figure 7.2. Nitrogen leaching and volatilization from manure pathways. For manure applied to crop soils or pastures or left on pastures, we generally estimated the proportion of N that runs off or leaches, \(PN_{leach}\), as:

    \(PN_{leach} = 1 – PN_{withdrawal} – PN_{nitrification/denitrification} – PN_{vol_{NH3}}\)

    where the values vary according to the manure pathway (Table 7.9).

    Table 7.9. Values used to estimate proportion of N loss due to withdrawal, nitrification/denitrification, and NH3 volatilization for different manure systems

    Definition Applied to crops Applied or left on pastures
    \(PN_{withdrawal}\) Proportion of withdrawal of N by crops or grasses Proportion of N recovery, Table 5 in (Bouwman et al. 2005) 60% of inputs post NH3 volatilization (Bouwman et al. 2005)
    \(PN_{nitrification/denitrification}\) Proportion of N emissions through nitrification/denitrification processes (e.g., N20, NO, N2) Global value of 0.102; calculated as N2O emission factor of 0.01 of total N excretion (Bouwman et al. 2002b) multiplied by 10.2 based on the ratio of (N2O + N2)/N2O for “agricultural soils” (Scheer et al. 2020). Global value of 0.09125 used; calculated as N2O emission factor of 0.01 of total N excretion (Bouwman et al. 2002b) multiplied by 9.125 based on the ratio of (N2O + N2)/ N2O for “soils under natural vegetation” (Scheer et al. 2020)
    \(PN_{vol_{NH3}}\) Proportion of volatilization as NH3 Proportion of volatilization (Table 5 in Bouwman et al. (2002a) avg. of crops and rice values) Proportion of grassland volatilization, Table 5 in Bouwman et al. (2002a)

    In some cases, prior to being spread on soils, manure is collected and stored using a variety of management systems, s. The proportion of N leaching from manure management systems, \(PMMS_{leach}\), was calculated using a modified version of GLEAM equation 4.4.4 (FAO 2018):

    \(PMMS_{leach} = ∑_s (MS_s × F_{leach,s} × (1 - ex_{vol}))\)

    \(MMS_{leach}\) = proportion N leached for managed manure for animal system

    \(MS_s\) = Fraction of manure treated in each system, s (FAO 2018)

    \(F_{leach,s}\) = Fraction N leached in each manure management system (FAO 2018)

    \(ex_{vol}\) = Fraction N volatilized after excretion, used global value of 0.0075 (FAO 2018)

    To determine the proportion of N volatilizing as NH3 for manure treated in a manure management system, we determined the total proportion of all N lost during management (Table 10.23 in Gavrilova & et al. (2019)). Nitrogen loss includes runoff/leaching, volatilization of NH3, and NOx from denitrification/nitrification. We subtracted the proportion expected to leach in each manure management system (FAO 2018). The remaining loss included both NH3 volatilization and NOx from nitrification/denitrification, so we used an adjustment factor of 0.74 to account for only NH3 volatilization of N, based on the proportion of NH3/(NH3 + NOx) observed in directly applied manure.

    Eventually, the managed manure is typically applied to either crop soils or pasture soils. Using the same assumption as Bouwman et al. (2009), in industrialized countries we applied 50% of manure to pastures and 50% to crops, and in developing countries we applied 95% to crop land and 5% to pastures.

    Next, for each livestock system and country, we estimated the total proportion of N that runsoffs/leaches, \(PN_{leach}\), or volatilizes as NH3, \(PN_{NH3}\) based on the proportion of manure, \(P_{manure}\), that enters each manure pathway for a given livestock system and country (FAO (2018), Figure 7.2):

    \[PN_{leach} = P_{manure} \times PMMS_{leach} + \\ P_{manure} \times PAppliedCrops_{leach} + \\ P_{manure} \times PAppliedPastures_{leach} + \\ P_{manure} \times PLeftPastures_{leach}\]

    We estimated \(PN_{NH3}\) similarly.

    For each livestock system, we then mapped the yearly tonnes of N that leaches or runsoff from manure, \(rastTN_{leach}\):

    \(rastTN_{leach} = rastPN_{leach} \times rastN_{ex} \times rastN_{animals}\)


    \(rastPN_{leach}\) = rasterized data describing total proportion of N runoff/leaching for a specific animal system and country

    \(rastN_{ex}\) = raster describing annual N excretion, tonnes N animal-1 year-1 (country and animal specific values from United Nations (2021))

    \(rastN_{animals}\) = raster data describing number of animals for an animal system (FAO 2018)

    We similarly mapped the total tonnes of N that volatilizes as NH3.

    N leaching and N volatilization from synthetic fertilizers applied to grassland

    We calculated national agricultural grassland fertilizer input by multiplying the national agricultural fertilizer input with the percentage of fertilizer allocated to grasslands nationally in 2014/15 (Heffer et al. 2017). We assumed all agricultural grassland fertilizer input was used on grass fed to livestock. To spatially disaggregate national fertilizer input, we multiplied national fertilizer input by the proportion of livestock units (LSU) for each country, animal and product (milk, meat, etc.) at the cell-level.

    To calculate excess nutrients from synthetic fertilizers applied to grasslands, we estimated the proportion of N that is leached, and the proportion of N that is volatilized as NH3 (Figure 7.2). Methods are the same as manure pathways, with the exception of using grassland-specific proportions to calculate \(N_{{vol}_{NH3}}\) (Bouwman et al. 2002a).

    Pluming excess nitrogen to coastal areas

    Final excess nitrogen layers from crop fertilizer and livestock manure were then combined together to create rasters describing excess nitrogen leaching at 0.5 degree gridded resolution and excess nitrogen volatilization at 0.5 degree gridded resolution. To estimate the amount of leached nitrogen which reaches coastal systems we assumed that any nitrogen which was more than 1km away from surface waters and coastlines would not contribute to effluent totals. To estimate the amount of volatilized nitrogen which reaches coastal systems, we multiplied yearly volatilized raster by a raster describing proportion of area within cells that are surface waters and cells that are 1km away from the coast. This was done under the assumption that all leaching and volatilization would not reach coastal areas due to uptake from soils and other processes. Surface water rasters were provided upon request from Tuholske (2021). Following this, we combined the coastal leaching and coastal volatilization rasters into single, yearly pollution rasters.

    These yearly pollution rasters were then aggregated by ~140,000 global basins, and diffusive plumes were modeled from each basin’s pourpoint. The final non-zero plumes (about ~95,000 were aggregated into 0.5 degree gridded Mollweide (wgs84) projection rasters to produce a single plume-aggregated pollution raster for each year from 2005 to 2020.

    These raw values were then normalized to 0-1 by dividing by the 99th quantile of raster values across all years. The zonal mean was then calculated for each region.


    scaled 0-1

    7.78 Nutrient pollution trend


    See description for nutrient pollution layer Nutrient pollution.

    The inverse of the pressure data (1 - Coastal nutrient pollution) was used to estimate nutrient trends for the clean water goal. The proportional yearly change was estimated using a linear regression model of the most recent five years of data (i.e., slope divided by data from the earliest year included in the regression model). The slope was then multiplied by five to get the predicted change in 5 years.



    7.79 Ocean acidification



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: climate change

    This pressure layer models the difference in global distribution of the aragonite saturation state (\(\Omega_{arag}\)) of the ocean in the pre-industrial era and modern times. Global estimates through time (Feely et al. 2009) are modeled at 1-degree resolution. Changes in the saturation state can be attributed to changes in the concentration of CO2 and thus we use the difference between the pre-industrial and modern times as a proxy for ocean acidification due to human influences. Values are rescaled from 0 to 1 using the threshold at which seawater becomes undersaturated, where \(\Omega_{arag} = 1\).


    scaled 0-1

    7.80 Offshore 3nm area


    See Region areas based on EEZ boundaries layer for more information.

    Area (km2) located from each region’s land-sea interface to 3nm offshore.



    7.81 Offshore coastal protected areas


    This includes marine protected areas within 3nm offshore of the coastline.

    Data is from the United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre’s World Database on Protected Areas (2022) (http://www.protectedplanet.net). Data includes all nationally designated (e.g., National Parks, Nature Reserves) and internationally recognized protected areas (e.g., UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance) as an ESRI shapefile. We used only WDPA polygons (not points) with a status of “designated” (not “proposed”). These polygons were converted to a 500 m Mollweide raster by the value of the year in which the park was decreed “designated”. For cases in which polygons overlapped, priority was given first to the parks with the earliest year. The total amount of protected area (km2) was calculated for each year for: the entire eez, 3 nm offshore, and 1km inland (depending on the dimension being calculated).



    7.82 OHI region id


    OHI global region ID and name.



    7.83 Pathogen pollution



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: pollution

    The percentage of the population with access to improved sanitation facilities (WHO-UNICEF 2021) was used in combination with measurements of coastal population as a proxy for pathogens in coastal waters. Access to improved sanitation facilities is defined as the percentage of the population in a country with at least adequate access to disposal facilities that can effectively prevent human, animal, and insect contact with excreta. These data are a country-wide average (not specific to the coastal region). Percentages (0-100) for each country were rescaled to 0-1 based on a maximum target of 100% of the population with access to improved sanitation, and a minimum value of 0. Reference point was defined as the 99th quantile across year/region with no buffer and constrained to the first 10 years of data (vs. all available years of data).


    scaled 0-1

    7.84 Pathogen pollution trend


    See description of data and methods in Pathogen pollution layer.

    The proportional yearly change in pathogen pressure values were estimated using a linear regression model of the most recent five years of data (i.e., slope divided by data from the earliest year included in the regression model). The slope was then multiplied by five to get the predicted change in 5 years.



    7.85 Percent direct employment in tourism


    The Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) includes data describing the percent employment in 2020 in the travel and tourism sectors (such as hotels, airlines, airports, travel agents and leisure & recreation services that deal directly with tourists). These data are originally from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). We used the percent employment in “direct” tourism jobs as an indicator of the number of tourists visiting the coast.

    For regions not included in the TTDI (primarily territories) and to calculate 2021 percent employment estimates for all regions, we used data from the WTTC Economic Impact Reports . These data describe percent change in tourism employment between 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The values were extracted from PDFs downloaded from the WTTC’s Economic Impact page. 2019-2020 percent change values were applied to 2019 employment values from last year’s assessment (directly from the WTTC) to gapfill regions missing 2020 values, and then 2020-2021 percent change values were applied to all 2020 employment values to calculate those for 2021.

    Regions still lacking data were gapfilled using the average values of UN geopolitical regions.



    7.87 Potential tonnes of mariculture harvest


    Mariculture capacity/potential was determined for each region using Mapping the global potential for marine aquaculture (Gentry et al. 2017). Global data were provided at 0.0083 degree resolution. The total mariculture capacity count data was calculated for each region by extracting the relevant cell data using the OHI regions shapefile.



    7.88 Region areas based on EEZ boundaries


    Area (km2) for each region’s EEZ-based boundary.

    OHI offshore regions are based on exclusive economic zones (EEZ, VLIZ 2012). Unique country EEZs were typically used to define a region, except territorial regions were split from the administrative country. Many borders have been redrawn, such as the removal of UK claims around Cyprus. Gaps and extensions between this EEZ file and our land-sea mask were resolved through GIS operations (buffer, erase, and polygon neighbor analysis). Ocean area per region was calculated using geodesic area calculations on the region polygons in geographic coordinates. We exclude from regions the inland EEZs of the Caspian Sea and any disputed areas.



    7.89 Regions


    OHI region ids for eez (1-250) and fao high seas regions (260-278).



    7.90 Relative natural product harvest value


    Within each region and year, the 5 year average value (USD) of harvest of each commodity (ornamental fish, seaweeds, and fish oil/fish meal) relative to 5 year average total harvest value of three marine commodities. This layer is used to weight contribution of each product to final natural product status score. The FAO Global Commodities database was used for this layer (UN-FAO 2022).

    If a country was missing tonnes or dollar values (but had one of the values), the missing data were estimated. FAO provides yearly data for the tonnes and dollar value generated for each natural product, however, countries often provide only one of these variables (and the data provided varies across years). To estimate these missing data, we used country-specific linear models to predict tonnes based on the dollar value of a product (or, vice versa). For the countries that did not have enough data to develop an adequate model, our models included the data for all the countries within a UN geopolitical region. When there was not enough data at the geopolitical region scale, we used all the global data to predict missing values.

    Table 7.10. FAO categories included in each natural product commodity

    commodity subcategory
    corals Coral and the like
    fish oil Alaska pollack oil, nei, Anchoveta oil, Capelin oil, Clupeoid oils, nei, Cod liver oil, Fish body oils, nei, Fish liver oils, nei, Gadoid liver oils, nei, Hake liver oil, Halibuts, liver oils, Herring oil, Jack mackerel oil, Menhaden oil, Pilchard oil, Redfish oil, Sardine oil, Shark liver oil, Shark oil, Squid oil, Pelagic fish oils, nei, Gadiformes, oil, nei, Demersal fish oils, nei, Alaska pollock, oil, nei
    ornamentals Ornamental saltwater fish, Ornamental fish nei
    seaweeds Agar agar in powder, Agar agar in strips, Agar agar nei, Carrageen (Chondrus crispus), Green laver, Hizikia fusiforme (brown algae), Kelp, Kelp meal, Laver, dry, Laver, nei, Other brown algae (laminaria, eisenia/ecklonia), Other edible seaweeds, Other inedible seaweeds, Seaweeds and other algae, unfit for human consumption, nei, Seaweeds and other algae, fit for human consumption, nei, Other red algae, Other seaweeds and aquatic plants and products thereof, Undaria pinnafitida (brown algae)
    shells Abalone shells, Miscellaneous corals and shells, Mother of pearl shells, Oyster shells, Sea snail shells, Shells nei, Trochus shells
    sponges Natural sponges nei, Natural sponges other than raw, Natural sponges raw



    7.91 Relative ornamental natural product harvest tonnes


    The total tonnes of ornamental fish were determined for each region using export data from the FAO Global Commodities database (UN-FAO 2022). For each group the sum of the subcategories was calculated. For ornamental fish we excluded the subcategory ‘Fish for culture including ova, fingerlings, etc.’ because it is not specific to ornamental fish, and the subcategory ‘Ornamental freshwater fish’ because it is not from marine systems. Following this, within each region, the harvest of ornamental fishing was scaled relative to its maximum value across all years. The tonnes of ornamental fishing is divided by the maximum value observed for the commodity in each region.

    If a country was missing tonnes or dollar values (but had one of the values), the missing data were estimated. FAO provides yearly data for the tonnes and dollar value generated for each natural product, however, countries often provide only one of these variables (and the data provided vary across years). To estimate these missing data, we used country-specific linear models to predict tonnes based on the dollar value of ornamental fish (or, vice versa). For the countries that did not have enough data to develop an adequate model, our models included the data for all the countries within a UN geopolitical region. When there wasn’t enough data at the geopolitical region scale, we used all the global data to predict missing values.



    7.92 Risk of harvest practices for ornamental fish


    The risk layer is based on whether ornamental fishing has unsustainable harvest practices. Specifically, the intensity of cyanide fishing was used as a proxy. Risk for ornamental fish was set based on assessments of cyanide or dynamite fishing by Reefs at Risk Revisited (Burke et al. 2011) under the assumption that most ornamental fishes are harvested from coral reefs.


    scaled 0-1

    7.93 Sea level rise



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: climate change

    The sea level rise pressure layer is derived from satellite altimetry data (http://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/en/data/products/sea-surface-height-products/global/msla-mean-climatology.html) (AVISO 2022). Monthly mean sea level anomalies since 1993 track changes in sea level (mm) compared to a reference period from 1993-2012. Raw monthly data are provided on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid. These data were clipped to within 3 nautical miles of the coast, and monthly data layers were aggregated and averaged across pixels to compute mean sea level anomalies. The 99.99th quantile of raster values from all years was used as the reference point to rescale the layer from 0 to 1. All negative values were set to zero (i.e., no negative pressure), such that only positive sea level rise values mattered. The mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.94 Sea surface temperature



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: climate change

    Sea surface temperature (SST) data were obtained from the Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database (CoRTAD) (Saha et al. 2018), which is produced by the NOAA National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI) using 4.6 km (nominally 21 km2 at the equator) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Pathfinder Version 6 SST data. Weekly SST data are used to compute the standard deviation (SD) of SST’s per pixel across all years. We define an anomaly as exceeding the standard deviation of SSTs from the climatology for that location (i.e., grid cell) and week of the year. The frequency of weekly anomalies was calculated for each year in the dataset. We then quantified the difference between the number of anomalies in the 5 most recent years and the 5 oldest years in the dataset. The 99.99th quantile of raster values from all years was used as the reference point to rescale the layer from 0 to 1, and the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.

    Because SST measurements are less reliable where there is persistent ice, we created an ice mask to identify places near the poles that were almost always covered by significant sea ice. The ice mask was generated primarily from the OSI/SAF Global Daily Sea Ice Concentration Reprocessing Data Set, which was regridded and made available in the Pathfinder V5.2 dataset. In Pathfinder, when the OSI/SAF data are unavailable, the sea ice concentrations from the NCDC Daily OI SST data (Reynolds et al. 2007) are included. For each day of the climatological year (1 through 366), we read in the daily sea ice fraction for that day from all of the years and averaged them to create a daily, sea-ice fraction climatology. We then identified grid cells that always contained a sea ice fraction of greater than 0.15 and masked them out of the analysis.


    scaled 0-1

    7.95 Seaweed mariculture sustainability score


    The seaweed sustainability layer is derived from the Mariculture sustainability score. Here, we take the mariculture sustainability scores, and subset them for our the seaweed species included in Seaweed natural product harvest.


    scaled 0-1

    7.96 Seaweed natural product harvest


    Seaweed mariculture production from the FAO Global Aquaculture Production Quantity dataset (United Nations 2022a). Only production classified in the “Marine” and “Brackishwater” environments was included in the analysis (all “Freshwater” production was excluded). All non edible seaweed species produced within a country were summed to give a single production value for each country in each year that production took place. For the three EEZs that fall within the China region (China, Macau, and Hong Kong), we combined the values by summing across these EEZs.



    7.97 Sectors in each region


    Describes which livelihood and economy sectors are present in each region.



    7.98 Social Progress Index



    Category: social

    The Social Progress Index (http://www.socialprogressimperative.org/global-index/) (Social Progress Index 2021) includes several quality of life measures. The SPI score is the average of 3 dimensions, and each dimension is the average of 4 components. Each component includes several indicators that are scaled from 0 to 100. When a region was missing 1 or more component, but not all of them, we used the aregImpute function from the Hmisc package to estimate the dimension value based on the available component values. Regions with no dimension/component data were estimated using a linear regression model with UN geopolitical region and WGI data as predictor variables. Uninhabited regions received no score.


    scaled 0-1

    7.99 Strength of governance



    Category: social

    The Worldwide Governance Indicator (2021) is composed of six dimensions of governance: voice and accountability, political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, control of corruption. These 6 aggregate indicators combine data from a variety of survey institutes, think tanks, NGOs, and international organizations to report on the relative governance of 213 economies worldwide. The WGI combines individual indicators through an Unobserved Components Model to produce the 6 dimensions of governance that range in value from approximately -2.5 to 2.5, have a normal distribution, a mean of zero, and a standard deviation of 1. We take an average of the six dimension scores to produce a single governance score for each country. Social pressure is then calculated as one minus this average WGI score.

    WGI scores are provided for China/Hong Kong/Macao and Puerto Rico/Virgin Island, which are combined OHI regions. These scores were averaged, weighted by population.


    scaled 0-1

    7.100 Subtidal hardbottom habitat destruction



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: habitat destruction

    Reefs at Risk Revisited (Burke et al. 2011) recorded the global presence of destructive artisanal blast fishing based on survey observations and expert opinion. We reclassified the log-scale scoring system for the blast rasters, so 0 = 0, 100 = 1, 1000 = 2. The mean raster score was then determined for each OHI region. The blast values for each region were then summed to get the total.


    scaled 0-1

    7.101 Subtidal soft bottom habitat destruction



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: habitat destruction

    See Habitat condition of softbottom layer to get more information about this layer.

    The Pressure score was calculated as one minus soft-bottom habitat condition.


    scaled 0-1

    7.102 Targeted harvest of cetaceans and marine turtles



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: fishing pressure

    This data layer describes the pressure on cetaceans and marine turtles for each country calculated using the FAO Global Capture Production Quantity dataset (United Nations 2022b). We extracted all catch records from the FAO data for cetaceans or marine turtles and aggregated to create a total reported catch count for each region. The summed catch was rescaled from 0-1, using the 95th quantile across all years (including and prior to the assessment year) and regions (values > 1 were capped at 1).


    scaled 0-1

    7.103 Tourism sustainability index


    The Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) (WEF) — successor to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index — is produced by the World Economic Forum and measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of the Travel and Tourism (T&T) sector, which in turn contributes to the development of a country.” The index is comprised of five subindexes 17 pillars and 112 individual indicators, distributed among the different pillars. The 2021 report included scores ranging from 1-6 for 117 countries.

    To calculate this layer we used scores from the Travel and Tourism Sustainability Subindex which encompasses three pillars: Environmental Sustainability, Socioeconomic Resilience and Conditions, and Travel and Tourism Demand Pressure and Impact.

    For countries not assessed, values were estimated using a linear regression model specific to each UN geopolitical region using per-capita GDP as a predictor variable.


    scaled 0-1

    7.104 Uninhabited regions


    This layer is a list of low and zero population regions based on Wikipedia.



    7.105 UV radiation



    Category: ecological

    Subcategory: climate change

    The ultraviolet radiation (UV) pressure layer is derived from daily Local Noon Erythemal UV Irradiance (mW/m2) data. The Aura/OMI satellite provides data at 1x1 degree resolution from September 2004 through present, spanning 180 degrees latitude and 360 degrees longitude. Raster data are provided in HDF5 format by the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GESDISC, (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/Aura/data-holdings/OMI/omuvbd_v003.shtml) (Jari Hovila 2013). Raw data was downloaded, translated to GeoTIFFs using R and aggregated to weekly means.

    This pressure measures the number of times the weekly average of each 1 degree cell exceeds the climatological mean + 1 standard deviation, defined as an anomalous value. The frequency of weekly anomalies was calculated for each year in the dataset. We then quantified the difference between the number of anomalies in the 5 most recent years and the 5 oldest years in the dataset. The 99.99th quantile of raster values from all years was used as the reference point to rescale the layer from 0 to 1, and the mean value of the raster cells within each OHI region was calculated.


    scaled 0-1

    7.106 Weakness of governance



    Category: social

    See Strength of governance for description of this layer.

    When used as a social pressure, 1 minus the Worldwide Governance Indicator (2021) is used.


    scaled 0-1

    7.107 Weakness of social progress



    Category: social

    See Social Progress Index for description of this layer.

    When used as a social pressure, 1 minus the SPI (Social Progress Index) is used.


    scaled 0-1


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