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Vitaly Friedman wrote

Make honest design work for digital business, with ethical design handbook Leave a comment

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Vitaly Friedman wrote

Make honest design work for digital business, with ethical design handbook Leave a comment

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  • #Smashing books 37

Vitaly Friedman wrote

Make honest design work for digital business, with ethical design handbook Leave a comment

  • #Privacy 13
  • #UX 1
  • #Smashing books 37

Vitaly Friedman wrote

Make honest design work for digital business, with ethical design handbook Leave a comment

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  • #UX 1
  • #Smashing books 37

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

5 days ago

Avoid keyboard event-related box in browser-based transliteration

By Sandamal Siripathi

Transliteration is a popular way to input non-English characters using an English keyboard. This article explains a new method to eliminate such browser-related problems when developing web apps that use transliteration.

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March 2020 • Shipping now

Ethical Design Handbook:

Leaving Dark Patterns Behind.

With practical techniques & strategies to make honest design work for digital products. Help your business grow sustainably — without dark patterns — and comply with GDPR and CCPA.

Learn more about the book →


Vasilis van Gemert is a lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Amsterdam where he teaches the next generation of digital designers how to design for the web — technically, aesthetically, and with accessibility in mind. Vasilis recently completed a Design Research Master program and, to raise awareness for creating truly inclusive websites, he designed tailor-made sites for and with people with real disabilities for his thesis. He shares his knowledge about web design and development on his blog, in workshops, at conferences, and giving lectures at schools and meetups. Thank you for everything you do for the community, dear Vasilis!

Mark Robbins wrote

Good Email Code

March 12, 2020 — On his site Good Email Code, Mark Robbins shares email code that you can copy and paste. He also gives insights into the theory behind it.

Mathias Bynens wrote

Vision Deficiencies in DevTools

March 11, 2020 — A new accessibility feature has found its way into Chrome DevTools: it simulates vision deficiencies, including blurred vision and various types of color blindness, to help you resolve contrast issues you didn’t even know you had.

Rik Schennink wrote


March 10, 2020 — Whether you want to count down to an event, visualize a fundraising campaign, show a clock or a sales counter, Rik Schennink’s open-source flip counter plugin has got you covered.

Braid wrote

Vue Formulate

March 09, 2020 — Forms are often rather tedious to author. Vue Formulate provides a powerful and flexible API that helps developers handling forms with Vue.

Mark Boulton wrote

Leading A Remote Design Team

March 6, 2020 — Leading a remote design team can be a bit daunting at first. Mark Boulton shares some simple principles that help you get into the swing of things quickly, so that you can start to become more productive and effective.

Jason Pamental wrote

A Variable Fonts Primer

March 5, 2020 — With variable fonts, we can accomplish what used to require several files with a single file and some CSS. The “A Variable Fonts Primer” teaches you how variable fonts tick and how they can benefit UI design, accessibility, and long-form reading.

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New frontend challenges to master


New frontend challenges to master


New frontend challenges to master

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