This exercise will help you learn about the recent DiD literature on settings with multiple periods and staggered treatment timing. We will examine the effects of Medicaid expansions on insurance coverage using publicly-available data from the ACS. This analysis is similar in spirit to that in Carey, Miller, and Wherry (2020), although they use confidential data.
For R, you will need the following packages: did
, fixest
, bacondecomp
, and haven
. For Stata, you will need
, drdid
, reghdfe
, and
The provided datasets ehec_data.dta
(for Stata) and
(for R) contain a state-level panel dataset
on health insurance coverage and Medicaid expansion. The variable
shows the share of low-income childless adults with
health insurance in the state. The variable yexp2
gives the
year that a state expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care
Act, and is missing if the state never expanded. The variable
gives the year of the observation and the variable
is a state identifier. (The variable W
is the sum of person-weights for the state in the ACS; for simplicity,
we will treat all states equally and ignore the weights, although if
you’d like an additional challenge feel free to re-do everything
incorporating the population weights!)
Use the haven::read_dta()
in R or use
commands in Stata, respectively, to load the relevant dataset.
* ssc install csdid
* ssc install drdid
* ssc install reghdfe
* net install ddtiming, from(
use "", clear
Use the attgt
function in the did package (R) or the
function in the csdid package (Stata) to estimate the
group-time specific ATTs for the outcome dins
. In R, I
recommend using the control group option “notyettreated”, which uses as
a comparison group all units who are not-yet-treated at a given period
(including never-treated units). In Stata, use the option
, notyet
. [For fun, you’re welcome to also try out using
“nevertreated” units as the control]. Hint: replace missing values of
to some large number (say, 3000) for the the did
package to incorporate the never-treated units as controls.
For R users, apply the summary
command to the results
from the att_gt
command. For Stata users, this should
already be reported as a result of csdid
command (Note that
the result labels are a bit weird, not sure why. The first year reported
is the correct \(t\)). After applying
the correct command, you should have a table with estimates of the
ATT(g,t) – that is, average treatment effects for a given “cohort”
first-treated in period g at each time t. For example, ATT(2014,2015)
gives the treatment effect in 2015 for the cohort first treated in
replace yexp2 = 3000 if yexp2 == .
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
(192 real changes made)
csdid dins, ivar(stfips) time(year) gvar(yexp2) notyet
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
Program DRDID is outdated, or not installed.
Please install ssc install drdid
Difference-in-difference with Multiple Time Periods
Number of obs = 552
Outcome model : regression adjustment
Treatment model: none
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
g2014 |
t_2008_2009 | -.0065141 .0048645 -1.34 0.181 -.0160484 .0030202
t_2009_2010 | .0111278 .0062139 1.79 0.073 -.0010512 .0233067
t_2010_2011 | .0015099 .0053645 0.28 0.778 -.0090043 .012024
t_2011_2012 | .0016101 .0059844 0.27 0.788 -.0101191 .0133394
t_2012_2013 | .0009286 .0066609 0.14 0.889 -.0121266 .0139838
t_2013_2014 | .0467024 .0083971 5.56 0.000 .0302444 .0631604
t_2013_2015 | .0692062 .0100181 6.91 0.000 .0495711 .0888412
t_2013_2016 | .0785134 .0102957 7.63 0.000 .0583341 .0986926
t_2013_2017 | .0725053 .0105766 6.86 0.000 .0517755 .093235
t_2013_2018 | .0738091 .0122118 6.04 0.000 .0498744 .0977438
t_2013_2019 | .0803199 .0102929 7.80 0.000 .0601461 .1004937
g2015 |
t_2008_2009 | .0040167 .0118351 0.34 0.734 -.0191797 .0272132
t_2009_2010 | -.0200514 .0109962 -1.82 0.068 -.0416036 .0015008
t_2010_2011 | -.0020254 .0069027 -0.29 0.769 -.0155544 .0115037
t_2011_2012 | .0011908 .0058021 0.21 0.837 -.0101812 .0125627
t_2012_2013 | -.0101459 .0110218 -0.92 0.357 -.0317481 .0114564
t_2013_2014 | -.0020446 .0066545 -0.31 0.759 -.0150871 .0109979
t_2014_2015 | .0490817 .0204309 2.40 0.016 .0090378 .0891256
t_2014_2016 | .0526184 .0137521 3.83 0.000 .0256647 .0795721
t_2014_2017 | .0681601 .0094088 7.24 0.000 .0497193 .0866009
t_2014_2018 | .0663169 .011487 5.77 0.000 .0438028 .0888311
t_2014_2019 | .0737712 .0111886 6.59 0.000 .0518419 .0957005
g2016 |
t_2008_2009 | -.0005613 .0066876 -0.08 0.933 -.0136688 .0125462
t_2009_2010 | .0570983 .0088296 6.47 0.000 .0397926 .0744039
t_2010_2011 | -.0271528 .0358967 -0.76 0.449 -.097509 .0432033
t_2011_2012 | -.0281349 .0416193 -0.68 0.499 -.1097072 .0534373
t_2012_2013 | .0456205 .0419522 1.09 0.277 -.0366042 .1278453
t_2013_2014 | -.0328754 .0446924 -0.74 0.462 -.120471 .0547202
t_2014_2015 | .0408757 .0169018 2.42 0.016 .0077488 .0740026
t_2015_2016 | .0316796 .0096854 3.27 0.001 .0126967 .0506625
t_2015_2017 | .0367972 .0083157 4.43 0.000 .0204987 .0530958
t_2015_2018 | .0645061 .0123882 5.21 0.000 .0402256 .0887866
t_2015_2019 | .082502 .0089256 9.24 0.000 .0650081 .0999958
g2017 |
t_2008_2009 | .0077524 .0044075 1.76 0.079 -.0008861 .016391
t_2009_2010 | -.0079563 .0057291 -1.39 0.165 -.019185 .0032725
t_2010_2011 | -.000317 .0040949 -0.08 0.938 -.008343 .0077089
t_2011_2012 | .0164156 .0042681 3.85 0.000 .0080504 .0247809
t_2012_2013 | .0049802 .00409 1.22 0.223 -.0030361 .0129965
t_2013_2014 | -.0099396 .0040498 -2.45 0.014 -.017877 -.0020021
t_2014_2015 | .0077381 .0061516 1.26 0.208 -.0043188 .0197951
t_2015_2016 | .0398369 .0052832 7.54 0.000 .0294821 .0501917
t_2016_2017 | .0471102 .0051327 9.18 0.000 .0370503 .05717
t_2016_2018 | .0680601 .0046726 14.57 0.000 .0589019 .0772182
t_2016_2019 | .0650109 .0037558 17.31 0.000 .0576496 .0723723
g2019 |
t_2008_2009 | .0177838 .0063595 2.80 0.005 .0053194 .0302483
t_2009_2010 | -.0201117 .009635 -2.09 0.037 -.0389961 -.0012274
t_2010_2011 | -.0286565 .0039841 -7.19 0.000 -.0364652 -.0208477
t_2011_2012 | .001542 .0164525 0.09 0.925 -.0307043 .0337882
t_2012_2013 | .0181727 .0072487 2.51 0.012 .0039655 .0323799
t_2013_2014 | -.0040733 .0061115 -0.67 0.505 -.0160517 .0079051
t_2014_2015 | -.0061766 .0088142 -0.70 0.483 -.0234521 .0110989
t_2015_2016 | -.0159999 .0210236 -0.76 0.447 -.0572054 .0252056
t_2016_2017 | .0092824 .0175495 0.53 0.597 -.025114 .0436787
t_2017_2018 | .0061906 .0061908 1.00 0.317 -.0059431 .0183242
t_2018_2019 | .0365442 .0051795 7.06 0.000 .0263925 .0466959
g3000 |
t_2008_2009 | 0 (omitted)
t_2009_2010 | 0 (omitted)
t_2010_2011 | 0 (omitted)
t_2011_2012 | 0 (omitted)
t_2012_2013 | 0 (omitted)
t_2013_2014 | 0 (omitted)
t_2014_2015 | 0 (omitted)
t_2015_2016 | 0 (omitted)
t_2016_2017 | 0 (omitted)
t_2017_2018 | 0 (omitted)
t_2018_2019 | 0 (omitted)
Control: Not yet Treated
See Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) for details
To understand how these ATT(g,t) estimates are constructed, we will
manually compute one of them by hand. For simplicity, let’s focus on
ATT(2014, 2014), the treatment effect for the first treated cohort
(2014) in the year that they’re treated (2014). Create an indicator
variable D for whether a unit is first-treated in 2014. Calculate the
conditional mean of dins
for the years 2013 and 2014 for
units with D=1 and units with D=0 (i.e. calculate 4 means, for each
combination of year and D). Manually compute the 2x2 DiD between D=1 and
D=0 and 2013 and 2014. If you did it right, this should line up exactly
with the ATT(g,t) estimate you got from the CS package! (Bonus: If
you’re feeling ambitious, you can verify by hand that the other ATT(g,t)
estimates from the CS package also correspond with simple 2x2 DiDs that
you can compute by hand)
keep if year == 2013 | year == 2014
gen treated = (yexp2 == 2014)
// calculate means
sum dins if year == 2013 & treated == 0
loc dins_00 = r(mean)
sum dins if year == 2014 & treated == 0
loc dins_01 = r(mean)
sum dins if year == 2013 & treated == 1
loc dins_10 = r(mean)
sum dins if year == 2014 & treated == 1
loc dins_11 = r(mean)
loc att_2014_2014 = (`dins_11' - `dins_10') - (`dins_01' - `dins_00')
disp "ATT(2014, 2014): `att_2014_2014'"
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
(460 observations deleted)
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
dins | 24 .6284768 .0463048 .5408732 .7232717
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
dins | 24 .6730668 .0541 .531309 .7623242
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
dins | 22 .6624221 .0584509 .5640745 .7820048
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
dins | 22 .7537145 .0541891 .6353181 .8518662
ATT(2014, 2014): .0467024296522141
We are often interested in a summary of the ATT(g,t)’s.
In R, use the aggte
command with option
type = "dynamic"
to compute “event-study” parameters. These
are averages of the ATT(g,t) for cohorts at a given lag from treatment —
for example, the estimate for event-time 3 gives an average of
parameters of the form ATT(g,g+3), i.e. treatment effects 3 periods
after units were first treated. You can use the ggdid
command to plot the relevant event-study.
In Stata, use the commands qui: estat event
followed by
You can also calculate overall summary parameters. E.g, in R, using
with the option type = "simple"
takes a
simple weighted average of the ATT(g,t), weighting proportional to
cohort sizes. In Stata, you can use estat simple
csdid dins, ivar(stfips) time(year) gvar(yexp2) notyet
qui: estat event
estat simple
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
Program DRDID is outdated, or not installed.
Please install ssc install drdid
Difference-in-difference with Multiple Time Periods
Number of obs = 552
Outcome model : regression adjustment
Treatment model: none
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
g2014 |
t_2008_2009 | -.0065141 .0048645 -1.34 0.181 -.0160484 .0030202
t_2009_2010 | .0111278 .0062139 1.79 0.073 -.0010512 .0233067
t_2010_2011 | .0015099 .0053645 0.28 0.778 -.0090043 .012024
t_2011_2012 | .0016101 .0059844 0.27 0.788 -.0101191 .0133394
t_2012_2013 | .0009286 .0066609 0.14 0.889 -.0121266 .0139838
t_2013_2014 | .0467024 .0083971 5.56 0.000 .0302444 .0631604
t_2013_2015 | .0692062 .0100181 6.91 0.000 .0495711 .0888412
t_2013_2016 | .0785134 .0102957 7.63 0.000 .0583341 .0986926
t_2013_2017 | .0725053 .0105766 6.86 0.000 .0517755 .093235
t_2013_2018 | .0738091 .0122118 6.04 0.000 .0498744 .0977438
t_2013_2019 | .0803199 .0102929 7.80 0.000 .0601461 .1004937
g2015 |
t_2008_2009 | .0040167 .0118351 0.34 0.734 -.0191797 .0272132
t_2009_2010 | -.0200514 .0109962 -1.82 0.068 -.0416036 .0015008
t_2010_2011 | -.0020254 .0069027 -0.29 0.769 -.0155544 .0115037
t_2011_2012 | .0011908 .0058021 0.21 0.837 -.0101812 .0125627
t_2012_2013 | -.0101459 .0110218 -0.92 0.357 -.0317481 .0114564
t_2013_2014 | -.0020446 .0066545 -0.31 0.759 -.0150871 .0109979
t_2014_2015 | .0490817 .0204309 2.40 0.016 .0090378 .0891256
t_2014_2016 | .0526184 .0137521 3.83 0.000 .0256647 .0795721
t_2014_2017 | .0681601 .0094088 7.24 0.000 .0497193 .0866009
t_2014_2018 | .0663169 .011487 5.77 0.000 .0438028 .0888311
t_2014_2019 | .0737712 .0111886 6.59 0.000 .0518419 .0957005
g2016 |
t_2008_2009 | -.0005613 .0066876 -0.08 0.933 -.0136688 .0125462
t_2009_2010 | .0570983 .0088296 6.47 0.000 .0397926 .0744039
t_2010_2011 | -.0271528 .0358967 -0.76 0.449 -.097509 .0432033
t_2011_2012 | -.0281349 .0416193 -0.68 0.499 -.1097072 .0534373
t_2012_2013 | .0456205 .0419522 1.09 0.277 -.0366042 .1278453
t_2013_2014 | -.0328754 .0446924 -0.74 0.462 -.120471 .0547202
t_2014_2015 | .0408757 .0169018 2.42 0.016 .0077488 .0740026
t_2015_2016 | .0316796 .0096854 3.27 0.001 .0126967 .0506625
t_2015_2017 | .0367972 .0083157 4.43 0.000 .0204987 .0530958
t_2015_2018 | .0645061 .0123882 5.21 0.000 .0402256 .0887866
t_2015_2019 | .082502 .0089256 9.24 0.000 .0650081 .0999958
g2017 |
t_2008_2009 | .0077524 .0044075 1.76 0.079 -.0008861 .016391
t_2009_2010 | -.0079563 .0057291 -1.39 0.165 -.019185 .0032725
t_2010_2011 | -.000317 .0040949 -0.08 0.938 -.008343 .0077089
t_2011_2012 | .0164156 .0042681 3.85 0.000 .0080504 .0247809
t_2012_2013 | .0049802 .00409 1.22 0.223 -.0030361 .0129965
t_2013_2014 | -.0099396 .0040498 -2.45 0.014 -.017877 -.0020021
t_2014_2015 | .0077381 .0061516 1.26 0.208 -.0043188 .0197951
t_2015_2016 | .0398369 .0052832 7.54 0.000 .0294821 .0501917
t_2016_2017 | .0471102 .0051327 9.18 0.000 .0370503 .05717
t_2016_2018 | .0680601 .0046726 14.57 0.000 .0589019 .0772182
t_2016_2019 | .0650109 .0037558 17.31 0.000 .0576496 .0723723
g2019 |
t_2008_2009 | .0177838 .0063595 2.80 0.005 .0053194 .0302483
t_2009_2010 | -.0201117 .009635 -2.09 0.037 -.0389961 -.0012274
t_2010_2011 | -.0286565 .0039841 -7.19 0.000 -.0364652 -.0208477
t_2011_2012 | .001542 .0164525 0.09 0.925 -.0307043 .0337882
t_2012_2013 | .0181727 .0072487 2.51 0.012 .0039655 .0323799
t_2013_2014 | -.0040733 .0061115 -0.67 0.505 -.0160517 .0079051
t_2014_2015 | -.0061766 .0088142 -0.70 0.483 -.0234521 .0110989
t_2015_2016 | -.0159999 .0210236 -0.76 0.447 -.0572054 .0252056
t_2016_2017 | .0092824 .0175495 0.53 0.597 -.025114 .0436787
t_2017_2018 | .0061906 .0061908 1.00 0.317 -.0059431 .0183242
t_2018_2019 | .0365442 .0051795 7.06 0.000 .0263925 .0466959
g3000 |
t_2008_2009 | 0 (omitted)
t_2009_2010 | 0 (omitted)
t_2010_2011 | 0 (omitted)
t_2011_2012 | 0 (omitted)
t_2012_2013 | 0 (omitted)
t_2013_2014 | 0 (omitted)
t_2014_2015 | 0 (omitted)
t_2015_2016 | 0 (omitted)
t_2016_2017 | 0 (omitted)
t_2017_2018 | 0 (omitted)
t_2018_2019 | 0 (omitted)
Control: Not yet Treated
See Callaway and Sant'Anna (2021) for details
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(file es_plot.png written in PNG format)
Average Treatment Effect on Treated
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
ATT | .0679833 .0078313 8.68 0.000 .0526342 .0833323
Estimate the OLS regression specification
\[ Y_{it} = \alpha_i + \lambda_t + D_{it} \beta +\epsilon_{it}, \]
where \(D_{it}\) is an indicator for whether unit \(i\) was treated in period \(t\). How does the estimate for \(\hat{\beta}\) compare to the simple weighted average you got from Callaway and Sant’Anna? (Don’t forget to cluster your SEs at the state level!)
gen postTreated = year >= yexp2 & (yexp2 != 3000)
reghdfe dins i.postTreated, absorb(stfips year) vce(cluster stfips)
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
(MWFE estimator converged in 2 iterations)
HDFE Linear regression Number of obs = 552
Absorbing 2 HDFE groups F( 1, 45) = 90.28
Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.9447
Adj R-squared = 0.9382
Within R-sq. = 0.4267
Number of clusters (stfips) = 46 Root MSE = 0.0223
(Std. Err. adjusted for 46 clusters in stfips)
| Robust
dins | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
1.postTreated | .0703207 .007401 9.50 0.000 .0554143 .085227
_cons | .6794409 .0021452 316.72 0.000 .6751202 .6837616
Absorbed degrees of freedom:
Absorbed FE | Categories - Redundant = Num. Coefs |
stfips | 46 46 0 *|
year | 12 0 12 |
* = FE nested within cluster; treated as redundant for DoF computation
You probably noticed that the static TWFE estimate and the
simple-weighted average from C&S were fairly similar. The reason for
that is that in this example, there are a fairly large number of
never-treated units, and so TWFE mainly puts weight on “clean
comparisons”. We can see this by using the
Bacon decomposition
, which shows how much weight static
TWFE is putting on clean versus forbidden comparisons. In R, use the
command to estimate the weights that TWFE puts on
each of the types of comparisons. The first data-frame returned by the
command shows how much weight OLS put on the three types of comparisons.
In Stata, use the command ddtiming
. How much weight is put
on forbidden comparisons here (i.e. comparisons of ‘Later vs
xtset stfips year
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
panel variable: stfips (strongly balanced)
time variable: year, 2008 to 2019
delta: 1 unit
ddtiming dins postTreated, i(stfips) t(year)
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
Calculating treatment times...
Calculating weights...
Estimating 2x2 diff-in-diff regressions...
Diff-in-diff estimate: 0.070
DD Comparison Weight Avg DD Est
Earlier T vs. Later C 0.149 0.070
Later T vs. Earlier C 0.058 0.045
T vs. Never treated 0.793 0.072
T = Treatment; C = Comparison
(file bacon_decomp.png written in PNG format)
To see a situation where negative weights can matter (somewhat) more, drop from your dataset all the observations that are never-treated. Re-run the Callaway and Sant’Anna and TWFE estimates like you did before on this modified data-set. How does the TWFE estimate compare to the simple weighted average (or the average of the event-study coefficients) now?
drop if yexp2 == 3000
qui: csdid dins, ivar(stfips) time(year) gvar(yexp2) notyet
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
(192 observations deleted)
Program DRDID is outdated, or not installed.
Please install ssc install drdid
qui: estat event
running /Users/kylebutts/Documents/Mixtape-Sessions/Advanced-DID/Exercises/Exercise-1/Solutions/> ...
Program DRDID is outdated, or not installed.
Please install ssc install drdid
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(note: named style % 40 not found in class color, default attributes used)
(file es_plot_no_nevertreated.png written in PNG format)