The MiniAPP UI component is the key to creating the MiniApp page. Each component builds an independent interactive function unit by simply encapsulating data and methods. This allows developers to reuse components in MiniApp to realize functions such as view containers, texts, and forms.

This document specifics a set of standard common UI components for MiniApp, that allows the developers to develop programs by combing these components. The standard MiniApp common UI component can help to improve the cross-platform capability of MiniApp and allows codes to easily migrate to different native apps and operating systems, improving developer work efficiency.


An Overview of MiniApp UI Components

MiniApp is a concept of light software application, that can be distributed through any digital means, and accessed through the Web. Normally, MiniApps are made of high-level building blocks called Components, which allow developers to quickly construct the UI for a MiniApp.

MiniApp common UI components are usually stored in the common directory of the MiniApp package. Each component contains the following files:

.html files describe the page layout.
.css files describe the page style.
.js files process the interactions between pages and users.

Summarize of MiniApp UI Components

MiniApp UI components can be classified into the following types: basic component, container component, and Meida component.

Basic Components
Basic components provide the minimum interactive blocks that can be reused for the MiniApp. Developers can define the user interface of the MiniApp by combining these basic components. It may include the following components such as 'Image', 'Progress', 'Text', 'Input', 'Button', 'Label', 'Select', 'Slider', 'Switch', 'Picker', 'Video', and 'Canvas'.
Container Components
Container components provide the structure of a MiniApp page. It may inculdes the following components such as 'Div', 'List', 'Swiper', 'Tabs', and 'Refresh'.

Common Attributes

Common attributes are used to set component identities and appearance. Generally, all components support the following attributes:

Common Attributes
Attribute Type Mandatory Description
id string No Unique ID of a component.
style string No Style declaration of a component.
class string No Style class of a component, which is used to refer to a style table.

The following codes shown an example to introduce how to use above common attributes:

<!-- Associate this component with the style code in the .container block in example.css. -->		  
<div class="container"> 
    <text id="title" style="font-size: {{fontSize}}; color: {{fontColor}};"> 
        Hello World
/* Class selector. All components with the container class use this style. */
.container { 
    flex-direction: column;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    width: 454px;
    height: 454px;


Common Events

Common events can be bound to most components.

Common Events
Attribute Parameter Type Description
Click Triggered when a component is clicked.
Longpress Triggered when a component is long pressed.
Swipe Direction string Triggered when a user quickly slides on a component. Sliding direction. The value can be one of the following: 1) left: Slide from right to left; 2) right: Slide from left to right; 3) up: Slide upwards; 4) down: Slide downwards
Touchstart TouchEvent This event is triggered when a finger touches the screen.
Touchmove TouchEvent This event is triggered when a finger moves on the screen.
Touchcancel TouchEvent This event is triggered when the touch operation on the screen is interrupted.
Touchend TouchEvent This event is triggered when the touch ends.

The TouchEvent defined as an object to present different touch types. The attributes of the TouchEvent object are shown as following:

Attribute Type Description
Touches Array <Object> Attribute set of the touch event, including the information array of the touch points on the screen.
ChangedTouches Array <Object> Attribute set when a touch event occurs, including the information array of changed touch points on the screen. changedTouches has the same data format as touches and indicates touch point changes, such as from no touch point to newly generated touch points, from some touch points to no touch point, and location changes. For example, when the user's finger leaves the touchscreen, no data exists in the touches array, but changedTouches will save the generated data.

The parameters filled in Array<Object> of TouchEvent are shown as following:

Array <Object>
Attribute Type Description
globalX Number Horizontal distance from the upper left corner of the screen (excluding the status bar). The upper left corner of the screen acts as the coordinate origin.
globalY Number Vertical distance from the upper left corner of the screen (excluding the status bar). The upper left corner of the screen acts as the coordinate origin.
localX Number Horizontal distance from the upper left corner of the touched component. The upper left corner of the component acts as the coordinate origin.
localY Number Vertical distance from the upper left corner of the touched component. The upper left corner of the component acts as the coordinate origin.
size Number Touch area.

MiniApp UI Components Container Component


The 'div' component is a basic container that is used as the root node of the page structure or is used to group the content.

The 'div' component has no additional attributes except the common attributes.

The 'div' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'list' component has no additional attributes except the common attributes.

In addition to common events, the component supports the following private events as well:

Events for list component
Name Parameter Description
Scrollend Triggered when the list stops scrolling.


The 'list-item' is a child component of 'list' and is used to display items in a list.

The 'list-item' component has no additional attributes except the common attributes.

The 'list-item' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'swiper' component provides a swiper container that enables the switch of child components.

In addition to common attributes, the 'swiper' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for swiper component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
index Number 0 No Index of the child component currently displayed in the container.
loop Boolean True No Whether to enable looping.
vertical Boolean False No Style class of a component, which is used to refer to a style table.

In addition to common events, the 'swiper' component supports the following private events as well:

Events for swiper component
Name Parameter Description
change {index:currentIndex} Triggered when the index of the currently displayed component changes.


The 'tabs' component is a label that is used to classify a set of attributes.

In addition to common attributes, the 'tabs' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for tab component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
index Number 0 No Index of the child component currently displayed in the container.
vertical Boolean False No Whether the tab is vertical. Available values are as follows: 1- false: The 'tab-bar' and 'tab-content' are arranged vertically. 2- true: The 'tab-bar' and 'tab-content' are arranged horizontally.
disabled Boolean False No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'tabs' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'tab-bar' is a child component of and is used to provide the area to display tab labels. Its child components are horizontally arranged.

Attributes supported by 'tab-bar' are similar to those supported by 'tabs'. In addition to the attributes supported by 'tabs', 'tab-bar' supports the following attributes as well:

Attributes for tab-bar component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
mode String scrollable No Extensibility of the component width. Available values are as follows: 1- scrollable: The width of a child component is the configured width. When the total width of all child components is greater than the tab-bar width, the child component can scroll horizontally. -fixed: The width of a child component equals the tab-bar width divided by the number of child components.

The 'tab-bar' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'tab-content' is a child component of 'tabs' and is used to provide the area for displaying the tab content. By default, its height is such that all the remaining space of the 'tabs' component is filled. The child components are arranged horizontally. When 'tab-content' is used as a child element in a container, the length on the main axis direction must be specified. Otherwise, the child element cannot be displayed.

Attributes supported by 'tab-content' are similar to those supported by 'tabs'. In addition to the attributes supported by 'tabs', 'tab-content' supports the following attributes as well:

Attributes for tab-bar component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Scrollable Boolean Truth No Whether the tabs can be switched by swiping left or right. The default value is true. If this attribute is set to false, tab switching is implemented only through the association with tab-bar.

The 'tab-content' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'tab-content' is a child component of 'tabs' and is used to provide the area for displaying the tab content. By default, its height is such that all the remaining space of the 'tabs' component is filled. The child components are arranged horizontally. When 'tab-content' is used as a child element in a container, the length on the main axis direction must be specified. Otherwise, the child element cannot be displayed.

Attributes supported by 'tab-content' are similar to those supported by 'tabs'. In addition to the attributes supported by 'tabs', 'tab-content' supports the following attributes as well:

Attributes for tab-bar component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Scrollable Boolean Truth No Whether the tabs can be switched by swiping left or right. The default value is true. If this attribute is set to false, tab switching is implemented only through the association with tab-bar.

The 'tab-content' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'refresh' component is used to pull down to refresh the page.

In addition to common attributes, the 'refresh' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for refresh component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
offset <length> No Distance to the top of the parent component from the 'refresh' component that comes to rest after a successful swipe gesture.
type String auto No Dynamic effect when the component is refreshed. Two options are available and cannot be modified dynamically. 1-auto: default effect. When the list is pulled to the top, the list does not move. When the list is pulled to the bottom, a circle is displayed. 2- pulldown: When the list is pulled to the top, users can continue to pull down to trigger a refresh. The rebound effect will appear after the refresh. If the child component contains a list, set scrolleffect of the list to no to prevent drop-down effect conflicts.
Refreshing Boolean False No Whether the 'refresh' component is being refreshed.
Lasttime Boolean False No Whether to display the last update time. The character string format is last update time: XXXX, where XXXX is displayed based on the time and date display specifications and cannot be dynamically modified. (It is recommended that this attribute be used when type is set to pulldown. The fixed distance is at the bottom of the content drop-down area. Pay attention to the offset attribute setting to prevent overlapping.)
Friction Number No Pull-down friction coefficient. The value ranges from 0 to 100. A larger value indicates a more responsive component. For example, if a user pulls the component down 100 px, it will actually move 100 * friction% px.
discabled Boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'refresh' component not support additional events except the common events.

Basic Components


The 'image' component is used to render and display images.

In addition to common attributes, the 'image' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for image component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Src String No Image path, which supports both local and cloud paths. The supported image formats include PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, and GIF.
Alt String No Placeholder image displayed during image loading.
disabled Boolean False No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the component supports the following private events as well:

Events for image component
Name Parameter Description
complete {width: width, height: height} Triggered when an image is successfully loaded. The loaded image is returned.
Error {width: width, height: height} Triggered when an exception occurs during image loading. In this case, the width and height are 0.


The 'progress' component is used to provide a progress bar that displays the progress of content loading or operation processing.

In addition to common attributes, the 'progress' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for progress component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Type String horizontal No Type of the progress bar, which cannot be changed dynamically. Available values are as follows: horizontal: linear progress bar; circular: loading progress bar; ring: ring progress bar; scale-ring: ring progress bar with a scale; arc: arc progress bar.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'progress' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'text' component is used to display a piece of textual information.

In addition to common attributes, the 'text' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for text component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'text' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'input' component provides an interactive interface to receive user input. It can be a radio button, check box, button, single-line text box, and more.

In addition to common attributes, the 'input' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for input component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
type String Text No Type of the 'input' component. Available values include text, email, date, time, number, password, button, checkbox, and radio.
checked boolean false No Whether the 'input' component is selected. This attribute is valid only when type is set to checkbox or radio.
name string No Name of the 'input' component.
value string No Value of the 'input' component. When type is radio, this attribute is mandatory and the value must be unique for radio buttons with the same name.
placeholder string No Content of the hint text. This attribute is available only when the component type is set to text, email, date, time, number, or password.
maxlength number No Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the input box. If no value is specified, the number of characters is not limited.
headericon string No Icon resource path before text input. This icon does not support click events and is unavailable for button, checkbox, and radio types. The supported icon image formats are JPG, PNG, and SVG.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the 'input' component supports the following private events as well:

Attributes for text component
Name Parameter Description
change {value:inputValue} Triggered when the content entered in the text box changes. The most recent text entered by the user is returned.


The 'button' component includes capsule, circle, text, arc, and download buttons.

In addition to common attributes, the 'button' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for button component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
type string Text No Dynamic modification is not supported. If this attribute is not set, capsule-like buttons are displayed. Different from the capsule button, the four rounded corners of a capsule-like button can be configured using border-radius. Available button types are as follows, 1) capsule: a capsule button with fillets, background color, and text; 2) circle: a circle button which can be used to place icons; 3) text: a text button which displays the text only; 4) arc: an arc button. This value is applicable to wearables only. 5) download: a download button. The download progress bar is added. This value is applicable to smart TVs and smartphones.
value string No Text value of the button. This attribute is unavailable for circle buttons.
icon string No Path of the button icon. This parameter is valid only for the circle button. The supported icon formats are JPG, PNG, and SVG.
waiting boolean No Waiting status. When waiting is set to true, the waiting transition is displayed on the left of the text.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'button' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'label' component defines labels for the 'input', 'button', and 'text' components. When a label is clicked, the click effect of the component associated with the label will be triggered.

In addition to common attributes, the 'label' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for label component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
target string No Attribute ID of the target component.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'label' component do not support any event.


The 'select' component provides a drop-down list that allows users to select among multiple options.

In addition to common attributes, the 'select' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for select component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the 'select' component supports the following private events as well:

Events for select component
Name Parameter Description
change {newValue: newValue} Triggered after a value is selected from the drop-down list.


The 'slider' component is used to quickly adjust settings, such as volume and brightness.

In addition to common attributes, the 'slider' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for slider component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Min Number No Minimum value of the slider.
Max Number No Maximum value of the slider.
Value Number No Initial value of the slider.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the 'slider' component supports the following private events as well:

Events for slider component
Name Parameter Description
change {newValue: newValue} Triggered when the value changes.


The 'switch' component is used to enable or disable a function.

In addition to common attributes, the 'switch' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for switch component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
checked boolean false No Whether the component is checked or not.
showtext boolean false No Whether the component displays text.
texton string on No Text displayed when the component is checked.
textoff string off No Text displayed when the component is not checked.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the 'switch' component supports the following private events as well:

Events for switch component
Name Parameter Description
change {checked: checkedValue} Triggered when the checked state changes.


The 'picker' component supports common, date, time, data and time, and multi-column text selectors.

In addition to common attributes, the 'picker' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for picker component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
type string No Dynamic modification is not supported. Available values include: 1) text: text selector; 2) data: date selector; 3) time: time selector; 4) datetime: date and time selector; 5) multi-text: multi-column text selector.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'picker' component not support additional events except the common events.


The 'video' component provides a video player.

In addition to common attributes, the 'video' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for text component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
Muted Boolean false No Whether a video is muted.
Src String No Path of the video content to play.
Autoplay Boolean False No Whether a video is played automatically after being rendered.
poster string No Preview poster of a video.
controls boolean True No Whether the control bar is displayed during video playback. If the value is set to false, the control bar is not displayed. The default value is true, indicating that the platform can either show or hide the control bar.
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

In addition to common events, the 'video' component supports the following private events as well:

Events for video component
Name Parameter Description
prepared Triggered when a video preparation is complete.
start Triggered when a video is played.
pause Triggered when a video is paused.
Finish Triggered when the video playback is finished.
error Triggered when the playback fails.
seeking {currenttime: value (second)} Triggered to report the time when the progress bar is being dragged.
seeked {currenttime: value (second)} Triggered to report the playback time when the user finishes dragging the progress bar.
timeupdate {currenttime: value (second)} Triggered once per 250 ms when the playback progress changes.
fullscreenchange {fullscreen: fullscreenValue } Triggered when a video enters or exits the full screen mode.


The 'canvas' component is used for customizing drawings.

In addition to common attributes, the 'canvas' component supports the following attributes:

Attributes for canvas component
Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
disable boolean false No Whether the component is disabled. If it is disabled, it cannot respond to user interaction.
focusable Boolean Truth No Whether the component can gain focus. When focusable is set to true, the component can gain focus if there is a focusable child component. If this attribute is set to false, the component and its child components cannot gain focus.
data String No Attribute set for components to facilitate data storage and reading.

The 'canvas' component not support additional events except the common events.