- phosphate buffered saline solution (PBS): mix one PBS tablet (Sigma; product number P-4417) with 200ml water (use gloves, if you touch the tablet)
- eppies with 100µl of 5% formalin
- pipette tips (use a new pipet tip for each bird/wash) - KIM WILL ADD SIZE
- microscope slides
- dissecting tools (forceps, scalpel, dissecting microscope)
- microscope and camera set up for sample inspection and photographing (see Microscope, camera, software specifications)
- to distinguish sperm parts, fluorescent stains may be useful
- Mitotracker Green FM (Invitrogen Corporation, Carlsbad, California) identifies mitochondria, i.e. midpiece
- Hoechst 33342 (Molecular Probes) identifies the sperm nucleus.
Sperm collection
Abdominal massage
- pipette 10-20 µl (bird size dependent) of PBS into the lid of an eppi with formalin
- massage the cloaca