Consider a random walk on the following graph:
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)])
What is the transition matrix for this random walk?
In the context of random walks on graphs, what does the out-degree \(\delta^+(i)\) of a vertex \(i\) represent?
In a random walk on a directed graph, the transition probability from vertex \(i\) to vertex \(j\) is given by:
The transition matrix \(P\) of a random walk on a directed graph can be expressed in terms of the adjacency matrix \(A\) as:
In a random walk on an undirected graph, the stationary distribution \(\pi\) satisfies:
A transition matrix \(P\) is reversible with respect to a probability distribution \(\pi\) if:
Which of the following conditions guarantees the irreducibility of a random walk on an undirected graph \(G\)?
What is the primary goal of the PageRank algorithm?
The PageRank algorithm models the behavior of a random surfer who:
In the PageRank algorithm, what is the purpose of the damping factor \(\alpha\)?
How is the transition matrix \(Q\) for the modified random walk in the PageRank algorithm defined?
Personalized PageRank differs from standard PageRank in that:
In the MathWorld dataset example, the Personalized PageRank vector focused on the "Normal Distribution" page primarily includes:
In the context of the MathWorld graph example, what does a high PageRank value for a node (representing a mathematical concept) indicate?