MMiDS 6.4: Self-Assessment Quiz

In the mixture of multivariate Bernoullis model, the joint distribution is given by:

The majorization-minimization principle states that:

In the EM algorithm for mixtures of multivariate Bernoullis, the E-step involves:

In the EM algorithm for mixtures of multivariate Bernoullis, the M-step involves:

The mixture of multivariate Bernoullis model is represented by the following graphical model:

In the context of the EM algorithm, what is the purpose of the majorization-minimization principle?

In a mixture of multivariate Bernoullis, what do the parameters \(p_{k,m}\) represent?

In the context of clustering, what is the interpretation of the responsibilities computed in the E-step of the EM algorithm?

What is the main difference between the Naive Bayes model and the mixture of multivariate Bernoullis model?