MMiDS 4.5: Self-Assessment Quiz

What is the goal of principal components analysis (PCA)?

In PCA, what is the relationship between the first principal component and the data points?

Formally, the first principal component is the linear combination of features \( t_{i1} = \sum_{j=1}^p \phi_{j1} x_{ij} \) that solves which optimization problem?

The second principal component is uncorrelated with the first principal component, which means that:

According to the lemma on uncorrelated principal components, the condition \( \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n t_{i1}t_{i2} = 0 \) is equivalent to:

What is the relationship between the loadings in PCA and the singular vectors of the data matrix?

What is the dimensionality of the matrix \( T \) in the principal component transformation \( T = XV^{(l)} \)?

If the data matrix \( X \) is \( n \times p \), what is the maximum number of principal components that can be computed?

In the numerical implementation of PCA, what is the purpose of the line ‘Y = X - mean’?

What is the purpose of centering the data in PCA?