Documentation for appchat04rel64.dll

The appchat04rel64.dll plugin extends the Squirrel scripting environment by adding a function and a callback for web communication. It includes WebSocket server functionality and integrates with Squirrel scripts to handle web messages.

Plugin Features


SendWebMessage(string message)

Description: Sends a text message to the WebSocket server.


Returns: Always returns 1, indicating successful execution.

Example Usage:

local result = SendWebMessage("Hello, WebSocket!");

WebSocket Server

Include these to your cfg

rcon_password password
wsport 8080
wsannounce 1


  1. Place appchat04rel64.dll in the appropriate plugin directory for your Squirrel environment.
  2. Ensure that the WebSocket server port (8080) is available and not blocked by firewall rules, else you can use a different port
  3. Make sure your wsport are also forwarded in order to connect with VCMP Forum App


Admin Game Commands Documentation

This document provides an overview of the available commands for administrators to control web clients in the game. These commands allow admins to manage and interact with connected clients by their client IDs.

Commands Overview

/kickc (client-id)

Description: Kicks the specified client from the server.

Usage: /kickc (client-id)



/kickc 23 - This command kicks the client with ID 23 from the server.

/banc (client-id)

Description: Bans the specified client, preventing them from rejoining the server.

Usage: /banc (client-id)



/banc 45 - This command bans the client with ID 45 from the server.

/fndc (client-id)

Description: Finds and displays the IP address and port number of the specified client.

Usage: /fndc (client-id)



/fndc 12 - This command retrieves and displays the IP and port of the client with ID 12.

Additional Notes

Documentation for rcon04rel64.dll

The rcon04rel64.dll plugin lets u login as server admin by adding it to server.cfg
