In [102]:
# tools for handling files
import sys
import os

# pandas/numpy for handling data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# seaborn/matplotlib for graphing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# statistics
from statistics import mean 
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
from scipy import stats

# regex
import re

# for reading individual telomere length data from files
from ast import literal_eval

# for grabbing individual cells
import more_itertools

# my module containing functions for handling/visualizing/analyzing telomere length/chr rearrangement data
import telomere_methods_rad_patient as trp

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from scipy.stats import zscore
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import MultiComparison

# incase reloading modules is required
import importlib
%load_ext autoreload

# setting darkgrid style for seaborn figures
sns.set_style(style="darkgrid",rc= {'patch.edgecolor': 'black'})
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload




Analyzing Telomere Length Data from TeloFISH

Mean Telomere Length analyses


In [82]:
all_patients_df = pd.read_csv('../data/compiled patient data csv files/all_patients_df.csv')
all_patients_df['telo data'] = all_patients_df['telo data'].map(literal_eval)
In [39]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax = sns.set(font_scale = 1.5)
ax = sns.boxenplot(x='timepoint',y='telo means', data=all_patients_df,
ax = sns.swarmplot(x='timepoint',y='telo means', data=all_patients_df, size=8,

# ax.set_title("Mean Telomere Length (TeloFISH) per timepoint") 
ax.set_ylabel('Mean Telomere Length')
plt.savefig('../graphs/paper figures/main figs/all patient Mean telomere length means teloFISH.png', 

Correlations, Linear Regressions

In [4]:
lin_reg_df = all_patients_df.pivot(index='patient id', columns='timepoint', values='telo means')
lin_reg_df = lin_reg_df.drop(13)
lin_reg_df['constant'] = 1
In [5]:
timepoint 1 non irrad 2 irrad @ 4 Gy 3 B 4 C constant
1 non irrad 1.000000 0.947341 0.509322 0.401291 NaN
2 irrad @ 4 Gy 0.947341 1.000000 0.620616 0.400194 NaN
3 B 0.509322 0.620616 1.000000 0.534244 NaN
4 C 0.401291 0.400194 0.534244 1.000000 NaN
constant NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
In [6]:
x_names = [['1 non irrad'], ['1 non irrad', '2 irrad @ 4 Gy'], ['1 non irrad', '2 irrad @ 4 Gy', '3 B']]   
y_name = '4 C'

for x_name in x_names:
    x = lin_reg_df[x_name].values.reshape(-1, len(x_name))
    y = lin_reg_df['4 C'].values.reshape(-1, 1)
    regression = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
    print(f"Linear regression for {x_name} vs. {y_name}:\nR2 is {regression.score(x, y):.4f}")
Linear regression for ['1 non irrad'] vs. 4 C:
R2 is 0.1610
Linear regression for ['1 non irrad', '2 irrad @ 4 Gy'] vs. 4 C:
R2 is 0.1649
Linear regression for ['1 non irrad', '2 irrad @ 4 Gy', '3 B'] vs. 4 C:
R2 is 0.3304
In [7]:
# more indepth stats

# target = lin_reg_df['4 C']
# linear_m = sm.OLS(endog=target, exog=lin_reg_df[['1 non irrad', '2 irrad @ 4 Gy', 'constant']], missing='drop')
# results =
# results.summary()

Individual Telomere Length analyses

In [83]:
exploded_telos_all_patients_df = pd.read_csv('../data/compiled patient data csv files/exploded_telos_all_patients_df.csv')


In [108]:
# graphing individual telomeres per individual per timepoint, personal telomere length dynamics as fxn of radiotherapy
patient_ids = list(exploded_telos_all_patients_df['patient id'].unique())
trp.histogram_plot_groups(x='individual telomeres', 
                          groupby='patient id', 
#                           iterable=patient_ids,


In [44]:
# one way ANOVA between individual telos .. change to repeated measures ANOVA
ONE WAY ANOVA for telomere length: 0.0
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  8.297    7.7796  8.8144  True 
 1 non irrad        3 B       14.4682  13.9509 14.9856  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        8.7314   8.2049  9.258   True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B        6.1713   5.6539  6.6886  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C        0.4344  -0.0921  0.961  False 
     3 B            4 C       -5.7368  -6.2633 -5.2103  True 
In [65]:
test_df = exploded_telos_all_patients_df.copy()
for col in test_df.columns:
    test_df.rename({col: col.replace(' ', '_')}, axis=1, inplace=True)
test_df = test_df[test_df['patient_id'] != 13].copy()
In [75]:
timepoint patient_id telo_means individual_telomeres
0 1 non irrad 8.5 91.324114 91.324114
1 2 irrad @ 4 Gy 8.5 99.232057 99.232057
2 3 B 8.5 106.101398 106.101398
3 4 C 8.5 98.960073 98.960073
In [68]:
from statsmodels.stats.anova import AnovaRM
RM_ANOVA_results =     AnovaRM(test_df, 
          Num DF  Den DF F Value Pr > F
timepoint 3.0000 39.0000  2.6975 0.0590

In [89]:
# graphing individual telomeres per timepoint, overall cohort telomere length dynamics as fxn of radiotherapy
patient_ids = list(exploded_telos_all_patients_df['patient id'].unique())
trp.histogram_plot_groups(x='individual telomeres', 
In [90]:
z_norm = trp.z_norm_individual_telos(exploded_telos_df=exploded_telos_all_patients_df)
In [91]:
# z-norming distributions of individual telomeres per timepoint to enable statistical analysis between
# shapes of overall cohort telomere length dynamics
time_points = list(z_norm['timepoint'].unique())
In [14]:
# we see a diff. in shape between all timepoints, as well we see a sig diff between irrad @ 4 Gy & 4 C shapes,
# though mean was the same (ANOVA)

test = ks_2samp
test_name = 'Kolmogorov-Smirnov'
timept_pairs, row = trp.eval_make_test_comparisons(df=z_norm, target='z-norm_individual_telos',
                                                   test=test, test_name=test_name,)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 1 non irrad vs 2 irrad @ 4 Gy 0.006420699103012419
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 1 non irrad vs 3 B 1.5359690901005914e-06
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 1 non irrad vs 4 C 3.472138802175814e-21
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 2 irrad @ 4 Gy vs 3 B 6.714318030868901e-08
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 2 irrad @ 4 Gy vs 4 C 3.98074303744773e-21
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | 3 B vs 4 C 1.2359717694415352e-35
In [15]:
# iterate for between patients as well? would just be loop using above fxn, passing df per patient
In [16]:
KS_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(row, columns=[test_name, 'timepoint 1', 'timepoint 2', 'p value'])
trp.df_to_png(df=KS_stats_df, path='../graphs/paper figures/supp figs/KS test between overall shapes of individ telo dist.png')
Loading page (1/2)
Rendering (2/2)                                                    

Feature Engineering Short/Long Individual Telomeres

In [17]:
melted_all_patients_df = pd.melt(
    id_vars = [col for col in all_patients_df.columns if col != 'Q1' and col != 'Q2-3' and col != 'Q4'],
    var_name='relative Q',
    value_name='Q freq counts')

melted_all_patients_df['Q freq counts'] = melted_all_patients_df['Q freq counts'].astype('float64')
In [107]:
# ax = sns.set(font_scale=1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
sns.set_style(style="darkgrid",rc= {'patch.edgecolor': 'black'})
palette ={"Q1":"#fdff38","Q2-3":"#d0fefe","Q4":"#ffbacd"}

ax = sns.boxenplot(x='timepoint', y='Q freq counts', hue='relative Q', data=melted_all_patients_df, palette=palette,
             linewidth=2, saturation=5, color="black", )
ax = sns.stripplot(x='timepoint', y='Q freq counts', hue='relative Q', data=melted_all_patients_df, palette=palette,
             linewidth=1, color="black", dodge=True, )

# ax.set_title('Changes in Distribution Individual Telos Relative to Pre-Rad Therapy Time point', fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlabel('timepoint', fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Counts of Individual Telomeres', fontsize=14)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0, fontsize='small')

# plt.savefig('../graphs/telomere length/examining changes in individual telomere lengths per quartile.png', dpi=400)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x12c2ce290>

Analyzing Telomere Length Data from qPCR (Aidan/Lynn)

In [19]:
all_qPCR_df = pd.read_csv('../data/qPCR telo data/all_qPCR_df.csv')
In [43]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
ax = sns.set(font_scale = 1.5)

ax= sns.boxenplot(x='timepoint', y='telo means qPCR', data=all_qPCR_df,
ax= sns.swarmplot(x='timepoint', y='telo means qPCR', data=all_qPCR_df,
             linewidth=1, size=8)

# ax.set_title("Mean Telomere Length (qPCR) Per Timepoint") 
ax.set_ylabel('Mean Telomere Length')
# plt.savefig('../graphs/telomere length/all patient telomere length means qPCR.png', dpi=400)
Text(0.5, 0, 'timepoint')

Correlations and Linear Regressions

In [21]:
pivot_qPCR_df = all_qPCR_df.pivot(index='patient id', columns='timepoint', values='telo means qPCR')
pivot_qPCR_df['constant'] = 1
timepoint 1 non irrad 3 B 4 C constant
1 non irrad 1.000000 0.765298 0.769699 NaN
3 B 0.765298 1.000000 0.880080 NaN
4 C 0.769699 0.880080 1.000000 NaN
constant NaN NaN NaN NaN
In [22]:
x_names = [['1 non irrad'], ['1 non irrad', '3 B']]
y_name = '4 C'

for x_name in x_names:
    x = pivot_qPCR_df[x_name].values.reshape(-1, len(x_name))
    y = pivot_qPCR_df['4 C'].values.reshape(-1, 1)
    regression = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
    print(f"Linear regression for {x_name} vs. {y_name}:\nR2 is {regression.score(x, y):.4f}")
Linear regression for ['1 non irrad'] vs. 4 C:
R2 is 0.5924
Linear regression for ['1 non irrad', '3 B'] vs. 4 C:
R2 is 0.7969
In [23]:
# more indepth stats
# target = pivot_qPCR_df['4 C']
# linear_m = sm.OLS(endog=target, exog=pivot_qPCR_df[['1 non irrad', 'constant']], missing='drop')
# results =
# print(results.summary())
In [24]:
# linear_m2 = sm.OLS(endog=target, exog=pivot_qPCR_df[['1 non irrad', '3 B', 'constant']], missing='drop')
# results2 =
# print(results2.summary())
In [25]:
sns.lmplot(x='1 non irrad', y='4 C', data=pivot_qPCR_df, fit_reg=True)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1223ec710>


In [26]:
# conducting one-way ANOVA for mean telomere length
# need change to repeated measures 

df = all_qPCR_df
g_1 = df[df['timepoint'] == '1 non irrad']['telo means qPCR']
g_2 = df[df['timepoint'] == '3 B']['telo means qPCR']
g_3 = df[df['timepoint'] == '4 C']['telo means qPCR']
stats.f_oneway(g_1, g_2, g_3)
F_onewayResult(statistic=0.33940643369655527, pvalue=0.714128148014912)

Analyzing Chromosome Aberration Data from dGH

In [27]:
all_chr_aberr_df = pd.read_csv('../data/compiled patient data csv files/all_chr_aberr_df.csv')
general_cleaner = Pipeline([('cleaner', trp.general_chr_aberr_cleaner(drop_what_timepoint=False, adjust_clonality=True))])
cleaned_chr_df = general_cleaner.fit_transform(all_chr_aberr_df)
In [28]:
melt_aberrations = pd.melt(cleaned_chr_df, id_vars=['patient id', 'timepoint'],
                           var_name='aberration type', value_name='count per cell')

melt_aberrations['count per cell'] = melt_aberrations['count per cell'].astype('int64')
melt_aberrations['aberration type'] = melt_aberrations['aberration type'].astype('str')

Visualizing Chromosome Rearrangements

In [29]:
# melt_aberrations_chr_only = melt_aberrations[~melt_aberrations['aberration type'].isin(['# sub-telo SCEs', 'tricentrics',
#                                                                                         '# dicentrics', '# translocations',
#                                                                                         '# sat associations', 'cell number'])].copy()

# ax = sns.set(font_scale=2)
# ax = sns.catplot(y='aberration type', x='count per cell', hue='chromosome', 
#                  col='timepoint', col_wrap=2, 
#                  data=melt_aberrations_chr_only, kind='bar', height=7, aspect=1.5, orient="h",)

# ax.set_ylabels('')
# ax.set_xlabels('average count per cell')
In [30]:
ax = sns.set_style(style="darkgrid",rc= {'patch.edgecolor': 'black'})
ax = sns.set(font_scale=1.35)
ax = sns.catplot(y='aberration type', x='count per cell',
                 col='timepoint', col_wrap=2,  
                 data=melt_aberrations[melt_aberrations['aberration type'] != '# terminal SCEs'], 
                 kind='bar', height=3.75, aspect=1.5, orient="h",)

ax.set_xlabels('average count per patient')

# ax.savefig('../graphs/chromosome aberr/all patients rearrangements.png', dpi=400)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x120cb8f10>
In [31]:
ax = sns.lineplot(x='timepoint', y='count per cell', data=melt_aberrations[melt_aberrations['aberration type'] != '# terminal SCEs'],
                  hue='aberration type', 
#                   palette=sns.color_palette("terrain", melt_aberrations['aberration type'].nunique()),
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x120e63c50>

Statistics Chromosome Rearrangements

In [32]:
trp.chr_scipy_anova_post_hoc_tests(df=melt_aberrations[melt_aberrations['aberration type'] != '# terminal SCEs'],
# inversions 8.463178205140987e-22
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  0.2667   0.1365  0.3969  True 
 1 non irrad        3 B        0.5167   0.3865  0.6469  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.2762   0.146   0.4064  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B         0.25    0.1198  0.3802  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C        0.0095  -0.1207  0.1397 False 
     3 B            4 C       -0.2405  -0.3707 -0.1103  True 

# terminal inversions 0.0025119885979506588
     Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower  upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  0.0929   0.0127 0.173   True 
 1 non irrad        3 B        0.1095   0.0294 0.1896  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.0643  -0.0158 0.1444 False 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B        0.0167  -0.0635 0.0968 False 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C       -0.0286  -0.1087 0.0515 False 
     3 B            4 C       -0.0452  -0.1254 0.0349 False 

# sister chromatid exchanges 0.09228359104764577

# dicentrics 6.281341006480331e-60
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  0.669    0.5682  0.7699  True 
 1 non irrad        3 B         0.35    0.2492  0.4508  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.2357   0.1349  0.3365  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B        -0.319  -0.4199 -0.2182  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C       -0.4333  -0.5341 -0.3325  True 
     3 B            4 C       -0.1143  -0.2151 -0.0135  True 

excess chr fragments 7.540597187851028e-27
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy   0.45    0.3478  0.5522  True 
 1 non irrad        3 B        0.2095   0.1073  0.3117  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.1881   0.0859  0.2903  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B       -0.2405  -0.3427 -0.1383  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C       -0.2619  -0.3641 -0.1597  True 
     3 B            4 C       -0.0214  -0.1236  0.0808 False 

# sat associations 7.394220370605072e-07
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  0.0595  -0.0419  0.161  False 
 1 non irrad        3 B        0.2143   0.1128  0.3157  True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.1024   0.0009  0.2038  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B        0.1548   0.0533  0.2562  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C        0.0429  -0.0586  0.1443 False 
     3 B            4 C       -0.1119  -0.2133 -0.0105  True 

# translocations 9.597161804580784e-18
      Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05     
    group1         group2     meandiff  lower   upper  reject
 1 non irrad   2 irrad @ 4 Gy  0.2071   0.148   0.2663  True 
 1 non irrad        3 B        0.0738   0.0146  0.133   True 
 1 non irrad        4 C        0.0738   0.0146  0.133   True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      3 B       -0.1333  -0.1925 -0.0742  True 
2 irrad @ 4 Gy      4 C       -0.1333  -0.1925 -0.0742  True 
     3 B            4 C         0.0    -0.0592  0.0592 False 

In [33]:
# pivoting out aberrations for linear regression

group_chr = cleaned_chr_df.groupby(['patient id', 'timepoint']).agg('mean').reset_index()
pivot_chr = group_chr.pivot(index='patient id', columns='timepoint', values='# inversions')
In [34]:
row = []
aberr_types = [col for col in group_chr.columns if col != 'patient id' and col != 'timepoint']

for aberr in aberr_types:
    pivot_chr = group_chr.pivot(index='patient id', columns='timepoint', values=aberr)
    x_name2 = ['1 non irrad']
    x_name3 = ['2 irrad @ 4 Gy', '1 non irrad']
    y_name = '4 C'

#     print(f'ABERRATION TYPE | {aberr}')
    for x_name in [x_name2, x_name3]:
        x = pivot_chr[x_name].values.reshape(-1, len(x_name))
        y = pivot_chr['4 C'].values.reshape(-1, 1)

        regression = LinearRegression().fit(x, y)
#         print(f"Linear regression for {x_name} vs. {y_name}:\nR2 is {regression.score(x, y):.4f}")
#         print('\n')
        row.append(['Linear Regression', aberr, x_name, y_name, f'{regression.score(x, y):.4f}'])
LM_aberr_r2 = pd.DataFrame(data=row, columns=['Model', 'Aberration type', 'Variables', 'Target', 'R2 score'])
In [35]:
Model Aberration type Variables Target R2 score
0 Linear Regression # inversions [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.2348
1 Linear Regression # inversions [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.2875
2 Linear Regression # terminal inversions [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0002
3 Linear Regression # terminal inversions [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0020
4 Linear Regression # sister chromatid exchanges [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.4492
5 Linear Regression # sister chromatid exchanges [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.5054
6 Linear Regression # dicentrics [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0000
7 Linear Regression # dicentrics [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.5138
8 Linear Regression excess chr fragments [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0904
9 Linear Regression excess chr fragments [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.1771
10 Linear Regression # sat associations [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0512
11 Linear Regression # sat associations [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.2102
12 Linear Regression # terminal SCEs [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0168
13 Linear Regression # terminal SCEs [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0572
14 Linear Regression # translocations [1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0099
15 Linear Regression # translocations [2 irrad @ 4 Gy, 1 non irrad] 4 C 0.0105

Merge Telomere Length by TeloFISH & qPCR with Chromosome Aberrations from dGH

In [36]:
group_cleaned_chr_abber_df = group_chr[group_chr['timepoint'] != '2 irrad @ 4 Gy']
all_qPCR_chr_aberr = all_qPCR_df.merge(group_chr, on=['patient id', 'timepoint'])

df = (all_patients_df[all_patients_df['timepoint'] != '2 irrad @ 4 Gy']
      [['patient id', 'timepoint', 'telo means', 'Q1', 'Q2-3', 'Q4']])

all_merge = all_qPCR_chr_aberr.merge(df, on=['patient id', 'timepoint'])
In [37]:
patient id telo means qPCR SEM # inversions # terminal inversions # sister chromatid exchanges # dicentrics excess chr fragments # sat associations # terminal SCEs # translocations telo means Q1 Q2-3 Q4
patient id 1.000000 -0.727371 -0.274298 0.028363 0.098589 -0.663084 -0.116706 -0.120282 -0.262275 0.290432 -0.103807 -0.462299 0.079277 -0.228650 0.057960
telo means qPCR -0.727371 1.000000 0.496472 -0.070538 -0.149533 0.567774 -0.016668 0.048083 0.007022 -0.328996 -0.077618 0.393114 -0.111205 0.267469 -0.054226
SEM -0.274298 0.496472 1.000000 -0.159086 -0.089996 0.042752 -0.268538 -0.243959 -0.054022 -0.140112 -0.139271 0.182625 0.012111 0.127554 -0.073739
# inversions 0.028363 -0.070538 -0.159086 1.000000 0.507592 0.039416 0.833096 0.720784 0.630637 -0.192776 0.547644 0.121941 -0.179119 -0.332343 0.300583
# terminal inversions 0.098589 -0.149533 -0.089996 0.507592 1.000000 0.063008 0.448356 0.377576 0.289249 -0.055367 0.231698 -0.012494 -0.217142 -0.384351 0.354966
# sister chromatid exchanges -0.663084 0.567774 0.042752 0.039416 0.063008 1.000000 0.122808 0.252332 0.264843 -0.147548 0.044061 0.338439 -0.127603 0.180065 0.002254
# dicentrics -0.116706 -0.016668 -0.268538 0.833096 0.448356 0.122808 1.000000 0.746255 0.510109 -0.243493 0.619436 0.255790 -0.148669 -0.480602 0.353566
excess chr fragments -0.120282 0.048083 -0.243959 0.720784 0.377576 0.252332 0.746255 1.000000 0.434505 -0.139473 0.600181 0.183183 -0.284509 -0.325255 0.374440
# sat associations -0.262275 0.007022 -0.054022 0.630637 0.289249 0.264843 0.510109 0.434505 1.000000 -0.003654 0.518489 0.282730 -0.183212 -0.218097 0.245518
# terminal SCEs 0.290432 -0.328996 -0.140112 -0.192776 -0.055367 -0.147548 -0.243493 -0.139473 -0.003654 1.000000 -0.169591 -0.060600 0.075603 0.076753 -0.094581
# translocations -0.103807 -0.077618 -0.139271 0.547644 0.231698 0.044061 0.619436 0.600181 0.518489 -0.169591 1.000000 0.056056 -0.228223 -0.406966 0.374606
telo means -0.462299 0.393114 0.182625 0.121941 -0.012494 0.338439 0.255790 0.183183 0.282730 -0.060600 0.056056 1.000000 -0.389739 -0.166469 0.371067
Q1 0.079277 -0.111205 0.012111 -0.179119 -0.217142 -0.127603 -0.148669 -0.284509 -0.183212 0.075603 -0.228223 -0.389739 1.000000 0.269576 -0.872004
Q2-3 -0.228650 0.267469 0.127554 -0.332343 -0.384351 0.180065 -0.480602 -0.325255 -0.218097 0.076753 -0.406966 -0.166469 0.269576 1.000000 -0.706449
Q4 0.057960 -0.054226 -0.073739 0.300583 0.354966 0.002254 0.353566 0.374440 0.245518 -0.094581 0.374606 0.371067 -0.872004 -0.706449 1.000000
In [38]:
sns.lineplot(x='timepoint', y='count per cell', hue='aberration type', 
             data=melt_aberrations[melt_aberrations['aberration type'].isin(['# inversions', '# dicentrics', 'excess chr fragments'])])

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0, fontsize='small')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x12491ea10>
In [ ]: