pipeline package
Module contents
- class pipeline.Pipeline(model_type: str, modality: int, num_of_labels: int, model_path: str = '', debug: bool = False)[source]
Class for managing machine learning pipeline for medical image semantic segmentation. It assists with loading models and data for training, and it automatically records metrics and save check points.
- debug_mode
Whether the pipeline is in debug mode or not
- Type:
- model
The neural network used for training or inference.
- model_type
Neural network architecture of model. Currently supports UNETR and SWINUNETR
- Type:
- train_transforms
Transformations applied on the training dataset
- val_transforms
Transformations applied on the validation dataset
- modality
Input dimension of the loaded dataset
- Type:
- num_of_labels
Number of output classes of the dataset
- Type:
- dataset_name
Name of the dataset
- Type:
- num_train_images
Number of training images in the dataset
- Type:
- num_val_images
Number of validation images in the dataset
- Type:
- train_batch_size
Batchsize for training
- Type:
- create_model(model_type: str, modality: int, num_of_labels: int, model_path: str = '') None [source]
Creates a new model for the pipeline
- Parameters:
model_type (str) – Type of model the pipeline uses, takes value “UNETR” or “SWINUNETR” for their respective model types.
modality (int) – Modality of the dataset. Determines the input dimension of the model.
num_of_labels (int) – Number of labels to the dataset.
model_path (str) – File path to the saved model of the same type as model_type.
- inference(data_folder, output_folder, transforms) None [source]
Runs the prediction on the files located under self.data_folder, will save the files as Nifti (.nii.gz) format under output_folder. If output_folder is not specified, then it will be saved to the folder where the data was originally taken from.
- Parameters:
data_folder (str) – The folder where the data is located as string. All files in this folder should be medical images.
output_folder – The folder path to save the nifti images as a string. If None, then it will save to the folder where the data files are located. (self.data_folder)
transforms – Transformations to apply onto images before inferece. Should be similar to transformation done on validation dataset
- load_data(dataset_path: str, train_transforms, val_transforms, cache_num_train: int = 24, train_batch_size: int = 1, cache_num_val: int = 6, val_batch_size: int = 1, workers: int = 4) None [source]
Load the training and validation data from the json file for the dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset_path (str) – File path to the json file of the dataset.
train_transforms – Transformation done on the dataset during training.
val_transforms – Transformation done on the dataset during validation.
cache_num_train (int) – Number of cached data for training dataset.
train_batch_size (int) – Batch size for training.
cache_num_val (int) – Number of cached data for validation dataset.
val_batch_size (int) – Batch size for validation.
workers (int) – Number of workers working in parallel.
- load_model(model_path: str) None [source]
Load the saved model.
- Parameters:
model_path (str) – File path to the saved model of the same type as model_type.
- train(max_epoch: int, epoch_val: int, learning_rate: float = 0.0001, weight_decay: float = 1e-05) None [source]
Initiate training for the loaded model on the loaded dataset.
- Parameters:
max_epoch – Total number of epoch to train.
epoch_val – Number of epochs between every validation and saving the model
learning_rate – learning rate of the training process with AdamW optimizer
weight_decay – Weight decay for the AdamW optimizer